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甘青地区是我国最早开展田野考古工作的地区之一,在中国考古学发展历程中具有重要地位。20世纪40年代,裴文中远赴甘青地区开展田野考古调查与研究,这一承上启下的工作在中国史前考古学史上具有里程碑意义。  相似文献   

刘斌  张婷 《南方文物》2009,(1):99-107
1921年~1949年是中国考古学诞生和初步发展期。短短的二十多年里,虽然期间还经历了8年抗战和4年内战.但是考古学却从无到有,取得了长足的发展。笔者以为,推动这一时期考古学发展的,就国内而言,有一主一辅两支力量。主力军广为人知,是以李济、梁思永、裴文中等为主的学院派,他们受过良好的专业训练,供职于专门或与之相关的研究机构(主要是中研院史语所.也包括地质调查所、北平研究院史学研究会等),无论发掘还是研究,  相似文献   

<正>裴文中先生是中国旧石器考古学、第四纪哺乳动物学的奠基者,古人类学的主要创始人。因发现"北京猿人"头盖骨而蜚声中外。周口店北京人遗址和山西襄汾丁村遗址是裴文中先生研究最为深刻的两个旧石器时代遗址,在中国旧石器考古学的学科发展和建设上有着十分重要的昭示作用。  相似文献   

我国著名考古学家,新中国考古学的指导者、奠基人,考古教育主要创办者之一,中国考古学会理事长,国家文物委员会委员,北京大学教授,中国社会科学院考古研究所研究员苏秉琦先生,因病医治无效,于1997年6月30日1时30分在北京逝世,享年88岁。苏秉琦先生是河北省高阳县人,生于清宣统元年八月二十一日(公元1909年10月4日).1930-1934年,就学于北平师范大学历史系.1934年由北平师范大学毕业后,随即到北平研究院史学研究会(后改为所)考古组工作。新中国成立后,苏秉琦先生一直在中国科学院考古研究所工作(1977年起属中国社会科学院)…  相似文献   

论"西汉墓幽州分布区"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990年代初苏秉琦先生将史前诸考古学文化划分为六大区系,影响深远。历史时期考古学文化的区块划分问题自然也引起学者思考。徐萍芳先生认为历史时期考古学分区与史前考古学文化分区在内容和方法上均有不同,指出“在秦汉以后历史考古学文化分区中,墓葬(包括葬式和葬俗)的分区占有重要位置”,此点应当成为共识。  相似文献   

考古学文化与文化生态陈淳(复旦大学文博学院)一文化与文化类型在我国史前研究中,考古学文化是一个关键性分析概念。讨论这一概念所涉及的种种问题,自然涉及到史前学的一些关键问题。纵观史前考古学的发展,其理论和分析方法的变化大致可以分为:多元说——单元说——...  相似文献   

我国杰出的考古学家、我国考古学的奠基人和新中国考古学的指导者、考古教育的创办者之一,中国考古学会理事长、国家文物委员会委员、中国社会科学院考古研究所研究员、北京大学教授苏秉请,因病医治无效,于1997年6月3O日1时30分,在北京协和医院逝世,享年88岁。苏秉沈先生是河北省高阳县人,生于清宣统元年八月二十一日(公元19O9年IO月4日)。1934年北平师范大学历史系毕业后,至北平研究院史学研究会(所)考古组工作。新中国建立后,一直在中国科学院考古研究所(1977年起属中国社会科学院)工作,曾任考古所第—~第四届学术委员…  相似文献   

成功属于锲而不舍的奋斗者──纪念裴文中教授诞辰九十周年张森水(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所)裴文中教授是著名的考古学家,我国旧石器考古学的奠基人。他在这个领域中取得的杰出成就来之不易,是在考古学完全空白的基础上起步的,如他自述:“石器的发见,及...  相似文献   

巴尔-约瑟夫是以色列犹太人。毕业于特拉维夫著名的希伯莱大学.1963年获考古与地理学学士:1965年获史前考古学硕士;1970年获史前考古学博士学位(毕业论文:“巴勒斯坦的旧石器时代文化”)。1967—1970年在该校考古系任助教;1970年升任讲师;1973年升任副教授;1979年任教授。鉴于他的学术声望,1988年被美国哈佛大学人类学系一皮博迪博物馆聘为George G.and Janet G.B.MacCurdy史前考古学教授。  相似文献   

<正>今年是我国现代著名考古学家裴文中先生诞辰九十周年,也是第一个中国猿人头盖骨发现65周年.在纪念这位考古学界巨匠的今天,本刊重新发表了他在60年前撰写的《周口店洞穴层位采掘记》(1934)这部记载中国猿人发现、研究的记录,就更有特殊的意义.为了同样的目的,本刊同期还发表了裴文中先生的学生,我国著名考古学家张森水先生撰写的《裴文中传略与浅析》一文.此文全面、科学、细致地介绍了这位中国考古学的奠基人——裴文中先生襟怀坦白、刚直不阿、生活俭朴、平易近人的一生,以及刻苦勤奋、富于独创、严谨进取的治学精神.裴文中先生所走的做人治学之路.正是我们年青学者们应走的路.他对待科学的实事求是,大胆探索、勇于攀登的精神将永远是我们学习的楷模.  相似文献   

Journal of World Prehistory - This article re-examines the ‘neolithic revolution’—Gordon Childe’s great contribution to prehistoric archaeology. Childe first articulated his...  相似文献   

This article examines the main approaches to prehistoric environmental studies. The history of theories and concepts used in contemporary prehistory, archaeology, cultural and social anthropology, ecology, sociology, psychology, and demography is discussed. The author concludes with a plea for the concept of “living space” as a way to address certain problems in interdisciplinary studies of prehistoric societies.  相似文献   

The article starts with a discussion of the relation between feminist archaeology and gender archaeology followed by a short account of how androcentrism may influence on archaeological research. By exploring two representative examples I will argue that androcentric archaeology mainly reproduces stereotype images of men and do not provide much new or real knowledge about prehistoric men or understandings of masculinity. Consequently, there is a need to study prehistoric men as gendered and I will argue that to include studies in men and masculinity into a gender archaeology based on feminist theory might challenge androcentric archaeological studies just as much as to study women in prehistory.  相似文献   

唐启翠 《华夏考古》2012,(1):47-53,62
为了探索正在急剧消失的成都平原"林盘"聚落形态与史前聚落的关系,本文借由聚落考古与环境考古,比较集中地综览了平原上史前各聚落城址之间的历时性共性,对史前城址聚落群与成都平原的地貌、水系、文化习尚、宗教信仰等关系的研究,以及各聚落城址的内部特征予以研究述评,以求探究成都平原上这种"林盘"聚落形态与史前聚落城址及水的关系。  相似文献   

Between his graduation from the Department of Archaeology at Cambridge University in 1974 and his death in 1980, Keith Muckelroy’s work and ideology were crucial in promoting an alternative research methodology in maritime archaeology. Instead of a particularist or historiographic approach, methods prominent both then and now, Muckelroy’s methodology was grounded in the foundations of the prehistoric archaeology he learned under Grahame Clark and David Clarke at Cambridge, and the basic tenets of New Archaeology maturing in the United States during the 1970s. This paper, which elucidates Muckelroy’s methods and research, is neither a complete biography nor an exhaustive study of his ideas. Although unpublished letters, papers and notes were studied in archives at Cambridge University and the National Maritime Museum, there is still much more to be learned from many of his former colleagues and their memories—only a handful of those individuals were consulted during the creation of this work. Nevertheless, this paper was written in the hope that by understanding Muckelroy’s ideas, and placing them in the larger framework of the discipline of archaeology, maritime archaeologists who are attempting to pursue a variety of approaches may find inspirations, models and, perhaps, questions that still need to be answered.  相似文献   

Investigation of shallow‐marine environments for submerged prehistoric archaeology can be hampered in many localities by extensive bedrock exposure and thus limited preservation potential. Using the concept of ‘seamless archaeology’ where land‐based archaeology is integrated across the intertidal zone through to the offshore, a multi‐disciplinary approach is essential. This approach taken in the Bay of Firth, Orkney uses geophysics, historical archive and ethno‐archaeology, coastal geomorphology, palaeo‐environmental analyses and sea‐level science, and allows a clearer understanding of the landscape in which prehistoric settlers lived. While acknowledging the limitations of the preserved environment, we are successful in identifying areas of archaeological potential on the sea‐bed for both upstanding structural elements as well as sediment preservation that contains evidence for human occupation. This has wider implications beyond Orkney's World Heritage sites to provide a blueprint for similar studies elsewhere in the coastal zone. © 2012 The Authors  相似文献   

珠江流域稻作农业起源的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业起源一向被作为中石器时代的重要课题和新石器时代开始的标志而倍受考古学家的关注.在稻作起源的探索中,珠江流域被许多学者认为是中国乃至亚洲栽培稻的起源中心之一.借助于农业起源动力机制的理论探讨,认为稻作起源的"华南中心说"并不成立,无论是理论分析还是目前的考古材料,还不足以证明珠江流域是我国稻作农业起源的中心.  相似文献   

意识形态考古主要利用考古资料,研究古代社会的政治、法律、道德等观念。史前时期多数考古学文化没有正式法律,道德观念又从属于政治理念,意识形态考古的核心即为政治意识考古研究。实践中,可以通过宇宙观考古和原始宗教考古分析所得到的一些重要现象和线索,来透视社会政治意识的形态。  相似文献   

对哈民忙哈遗址进行的第二次发掘共清理出房址29座、灰坑10座、墓葬3座以及环壕1条,出土陶器、石器、骨角蚌器、玉器等1000余件。此次发掘,发现了房屋木质结构痕迹,这是我国第一次发现并清理出史前时期的房顶梁架结构。房址内发现众多的人骨遗骸也是史前时期考古中所罕见。  相似文献   

Of the “new archaeologists” who developed social models for prehistoric organization, William A. Longacre was a pioneer. Here, we review his contributions and the role he played in expanding archaeological method, theory, and practice. His innovative work in the American Southwest involving ceramic sociology was emulated, critiqued, and extended by several generations of archaeologists. Recognizing the concerns raised by this early work, Longacre developed one of the most successful ethnoarchaeological projects in the world among the Kalinga of northern Luzon in the Philippines. His work and that of his students and colleagues examined multiple, inter-connected aspects of ceramic variability linked to a variety of social, technological, functional, and economic processes. Kalinga data and analyses continue to inform archaeological practices and conclusions. Throughout his career, Longacre mentored archaeologists in both the USA and the Philippines, extending his influence geographically and establishing himself as one of the most important practitioners of processual archaeology.  相似文献   

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