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乔彦 《神州》2011,(12):224-224
10月13日,“2011稻盛和夫经营哲学上海论坛”在上海国际会议中心如期举行。众多中国企业家不仅分享了“日本经营之圣”关于企业经营和人生的精彩演讲,而且聆听到了南柏先生关于中国式经营哲学的阐述,领略到了“南柏经营哲学”的独特魅力。在中国经济和中国企业家面临转型的关键时刻,“南柏经营哲学”的强势登场必将为中国企业家们提供及时、高效的经营方向和经营智慧。  相似文献   

在企业经营活动中,经济行为与伦理道德可以并存,还是难以两立,一直是学术界争议的话题。日本著名企业家稻盛和夫强调说,企业经营者必须有可以作为判断基准的哲学。坚持把“为人何谓正确”作为判断基准,不断追求正义、公正,是稻盛和夫经营哲学的核心,也是他的道德观和伦理观的充分体现。但是,做人的道德准则和企业经营的原则,特别是“利他”的道德观和企业追求利润的经营目标是否真的存在矛盾、冲突?应该如何协调、处理二者之间的关系?本文将通过对稻盛和夫经营实践中若干实例的分析,尝试对此做出回答。  相似文献   

东北师范大学日本研究所每学年都要开设“稻盛和夫经营哲学研究”的课程,讲述世界知名企业家稻盛和夫的人文理念和经营哲学。该课程以讲授为主,同时.结合课堂讨论、企业经营录像等形式,力求理论联系实际,给学生以全新的感受。  相似文献   

试论稻盛和夫经营哲学的传播及影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
日本著名企业家稻盛和夫先生始终遵循“以做为人什么是正确的为出发点,在任何情况下都不失去对正义、公正的追求,把奋斗和勇气、谦逊和为他人的精神做为价值去推崇、去实践”。并以此为基点,确立了“以心为本”的经营哲学。正如他所说的一:“我到现在所搞的经营,是‘以心为本’的经营,换句话说,我的经营就是围绕着怎样在企业内去建立一种牢固的相互信任的人与人之间的关系这样一个中心点进行的”。① 在稻盛和夫经营哲学的指导下,京都制陶由一个小小的街道企业发展成为在世界上闻名遐迩的大企业。随着京陶集团发展壮大,稻盛和夫的…  相似文献   

尽管在许多教科书和相关的专论中,都把江户时代的商家经营,作为日本型企业经营的起源,但事实上自绳文时代就开始形成的集落共同体形态,以及在弥生时代逐步培养起来的“家”的观念,还有在大和时代展开的“家”的经营,可能是日本型经营更为久远的原型所在。在仔细研读了有关日本经营史的多种著作和有关稻盛和夫经营哲学一些重要理念的资料之后,我确信:“家”的观念及其从远古时代形成的人们在共同体内的行为模式,对现代日本企业经营的影响,至今仍清晰可寻。  相似文献   

日本民族善于吸收外来文化,同时又执着地固守本国的传统文化。稻盛和夫作为知名的日本企业家,具备典型的日本式思维。稻盛和夫经营哲学与日本传统文化的关系尤其值得研究。本文将从“和魂洋才”的思维模式、日本传统的商业文化、鹿儿岛地方文化三个方面,说明稻盛哲学与日本传统文化的关系。  相似文献   

钟放 《日本学论坛》2004,3(3):55-59
稻盛和夫的哲学立足于企业经营,但又不局限于此。他的哲学还涉及到环境保护、技术开发、发达国家与发展中国家的关系等。稻盛和夫的共生循环思想回答了企业发展与环境保护的关系问题。这一思想付诸实践,就形成了京瓷公司的环保战略和日本的循环经济。  相似文献   

东北师范大学日本研究所每学年都要开设“稻盛和夫经营哲学研究”的课程,讲述世界知名企业家稻盛和夫的人文理念、经营哲学和宗教精神。该课程以讲授为主,同时结合课堂讨论、企业经营录像等形式,力求理论联系实际,给学生以全新的感受。除世界经济专业外,国际政治、世界历史、日语语言文学专业的同学也都选择这门课程。为活跃学术气氛,从学术的高度探讨稻盛和夫经营哲学,主讲教师钟放在2007年12月23日的课堂上组织了一次小型的学习讨论会,参加人有日本所的硕士研究生丁飞、蔡晓陶、李晓舟、李波、李淑芬等。本文由钟放根据记录整理。  相似文献   

日本著名企业家稻盛和夫已经从经营第一线退出多年。然而,2010年1月,日本首相鸠山由纪夫做出决断,77岁的稻盛和夫出任日航的首席执行官。此举在日本社会引起强烈反响,虽然有反对和质疑的声音,但更多的人对稻盛和夫的重新出山持乐观态度。本文分析了日航重组的背景、鸠山首相请稻盛担此重任的原因。本文认为,稻盛和夫经营哲学作为改变企业人心的“良方”,结合成本管理等有效的经营手段,有望使日航走出低谷。  相似文献   

乔彦 《神州》2011,(29):224
10月13日,"2011稻盛和夫经营哲学上海论坛"在上海国际会议中心如期举行。众多中国企业家不仅分享了"日本经营之圣"关于企业经营和人生的精彩演讲,而且聆听到了南柏先生关于中国式经营哲学的阐述,领略到了"南柏经营哲学"的独特魅力。在中国经济和中国企业家面临转型的关键时刻,"南柏经营哲学"的强势登场必将为中国企业家们提供及时、高效的经营方向和经营智慧。  相似文献   

庄子《大宗师》集中出现了四则有关"真人"的论述。"真人"思想具有丰富的内涵。作为庄子自身理想人格的画像,"真人"等同于"至人"。真人一旦上升到"道"的层面,又等同于"神人"。真人思想的矛盾性源自《庄子》一书内容的复杂性。作为天道哲学的真人,其思想源自《道德经》、《山海经》等典籍;作为生命哲学的真人,源自《黄帝内经》、《周易》等。由后者形成一种"葆真"的生命哲学观,产生了积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

夏同龢为贵州历史上两个状元之一,其《状元策论答卷》与光绪帝当时维新变法的思想相近,从“求才”、“经武”、“绥远”、“理财”四个方面阐述了执政及变法之要,通篇洋溢着爱国、务实、变革、维新的思想,有较深刻的政治哲学思想。  相似文献   


What liberal arts and science faculty's regalia must and must not represent, and why liberal education should endure.  相似文献   

刘志洪 《攀登》2010,29(4):78-81
认识论哲学观是西方传统哲学的主流哲学观。认识论哲学观主张,哲学是人类以理性对全部世界的总体图景、基本性质、内在本质和运动规律进行认识,获取系统化的理性知识并做出科学说明的活动,是系统性的理性知识和真理的体系。本文在论述认识论哲学观的基础上,指出认识论哲学观隐藏着深沉的生存论关切,现代生存论哲学观是对传统认识论哲学观的超越。  相似文献   

孙洋 《攀登》2008,27(2):70-73
康德哲学在西方哲学史上起着“承前启后”的作用。康德在近代哲学史上恰似一个处于贮水池地位的人:以前的哲学皆流向康德,以后的哲学又是从康德这里流出。作为德国古典哲学的开创者,康德哲学的地位和意义是显而易见的。马克思主义哲学中关于“人的主观能动性的原理”和“实践观点”就直接受到了康德哲学的启示,康德哲学在西方哲学史和德国古典哲学中的地位非常重要,其对马克思主义哲学的影响意义更应给予重视。  相似文献   

In this article I argue that Hegel has become analytic philosophy’s “pharmakon”—both its “poison” and its “cure.” Traditionally, Hegel’s philosophy has been attacked by Anglo-American analytical philosophers for its alleged charlatanism and irrelevance. Yet starting from the 1970s there has been a revival of interest in Hegel’s philosophical work, which, I suggest, may be explained by three developments: (1) the revival of interest in Aristotelianism following Saul Kripke’s and Hilary Putnam’s work on natural kinds, and Elizabeth Anscombe’s, Philippa Foot’s, and Putnam’s opposition to the fact-value distinction; (2) the rehabilitation of Hegel’s theories by various philosophers, including Robert Pippin, Terry Pinkard, Fred Beiser, Robert Stern, and Stephen Houlgate; and (3) the Sellars-inspired philosophy of mind of John McDowell and of Robert Brandom. The first and third of these reasons, I argue, have led several analytic theorists to cast Hegel in a more positive light as the “cure” for analytic philosophy. The combined outcome of these changes, both ironic and fitting, is that the Hegelian principle of internal critique has played a significant role not only in analytic philosophy’s rapprochement with Hegel’s philosophy but also in overcoming the Analytic-Continental philosophical divide.  相似文献   

This paper sets out an agenda for the study of the history of analytic and post-analytic political philosophy. It builds on a growing literature on the history of analytic philosophy to make three main suggestions. First, analytic philosophy arose as part of a wider shift from the developmental historicism of the nineteenth century to more modernist modes of knowledge. Second, analytic philosophy included a wide range of approaches to moral and political issues, many of which reflected distinctive concepts of analysis, logic, and science. Third, analytic philosophy only became widespread when the work of Quine and Wittgenstein moved it in a more post-analytic direction. Crucially, the move toward post-analytic philosophy inspired people to rediscover and reinvent other traditions, including liberal humanism, democratic republicanism, virtue ethics, and historicism. The resulting history provides a fluid and diverse understanding of arguably the most powerful philosophical movement of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

This paper sets out an agenda for the study of the history of analytic and post-analytic political philosophy. It builds on a growing literature on the history of analytic philosophy to make three main suggestions. First, analytic philosophy arose as part of a wider shift from the developmental historicism of the nineteenth century to more modernist modes of knowledge. Second, analytic philosophy included a wide range of approaches to moral and political issues, many of which reflected distinctive concepts of analysis, logic, and science. Third, analytic philosophy only became widespread when the work of Quine and Wittgenstein moved it in a more post-analytic direction. Crucially, the move toward post-analytic philosophy inspired people to rediscover and reinvent other traditions, including liberal humanism, democratic republicanism, virtue ethics, and historicism. The resulting history provides a fluid and diverse understanding of arguably the most powerful philosophical movement of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Political philosophy must be pursued phenomenologically. When pursued phenomenologically, political philosophy is in fact proto or first philosophy itself rather than a subsection of philosophy. As first philosophy, political philosophy must be seen as architectonic, the queen of the sciences.  相似文献   


Leo Strauss's “On Classical Political Philosophy” contrasts classical political philosophy with modern political philosophy and present-day political science. Strauss stresses two seemingly contrary features of classical political philosophy: its direct relation to political life and its transcendence of political life. Its direct relation to political life prevented it from taking for granted the necessity and possibility of political philosophy. The classical political philosopher appears as good citizen, umpire among the parties, or ultimately teacher of lawgivers. He was compelled to transcend political life when he realized its ultimate aim can be reached only by the philosophic life. Philosophy must concern itself with political life, yet political philosophy's highest subject must be the philosophic life.  相似文献   

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