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Previous researches have examined the zooarchaeological record to understand changes in human diet in central western Argentina through time. This research has focused on variations in the relative abundance of large prey in archaeofaunal contexts. The observed changes were explained by a decrease in residential mobility, forced by both the intensification in the use of resources and the introduction of the first domesticated plants ca. 2000 years bp . In this paper, we revised archaeofaunal interpretations by taking into account zooarchaeological assemblages and human isotope records within the biogeographical distributions of prey in the region. Our results demonstrate that faunal diversity in zooarchaeological assemblages has a stronger correlation with the natural distribution of resources (especially with altitude) than with chronology, as was proposed previously. However, archaeofaunal information, including human isotopic data, suggests that a decrease in residential mobility, postulated in a previous paper, took place, modifying the expected diversity distribution throughout the landscape. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

<正>我国的大西北,有许多雄浑壮美的山川和沃野田畴。千百年来,在这片浩荡的舞台上,曾上演过无数波澜壮阔的历史活剧,也留下了许多令人感叹的历史遗迹。不管是行走在戈壁荒漠还是草原绿洲,不经意间也许就会踏进一座千年故城,与古人进行一次穿越时空的交流。从河西走廊到天山南北,那些裸露于地表之上和沙埋土掩的故城看上去残破而又荒凉,但却蕴含着厚重的历史文化信息,静待今人的解读。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of two deep-water archaeological surveys recently conducted in the Aegean Sea, and the advantages of using conventional marine geological techniques in deep-water archaeology. Two Hellenistic wrecks were discovered: one in the Chios-Oinousses strait at 70 m, was a concentration of over 400 amphoras in a 1.5-m-high, high-backscattering, morphological high; the second, west of Kythnos island, at 495 m, consisted of a few amphoras scattered in a 20 × 20-m-wide area. Side-scan sonar was integrated with high-resolution sub-bottom profiling, and the integration of the two data-sets proved to contribute significantly to realistic interpretation of the sonar targets.
© 2007 The Authors  相似文献   

The practice of tooth evulsion was widespread in the Maghreb from the Iberomaurusian through to the Neolithic. We present an updated summary of the geographical and chronological distribution of different patterns of tooth evulsion during this period based on a site-by-site review. Tooth evulsion was almost universal during the Iberomaurusian but typically restricted to the upper central incisors. During the Transitional Epipalaeolithic, the practice was extended to include removal of a minimum of four central incisors in both males and females. During the Capsian the custom became less prevalent and more variable, suggesting regional difference and a possible change or diversification of social meaning. A markedly higher prevalence of tooth evulsion among females during the Capsian period supports this interpretation. The prevalence of tooth evulsion was further reduced in the Neolithic.  相似文献   

从"民族文化节"看方志资源在西部开发中的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
贵州黔西南自治州民族文化遗存古朴而丰富,纯真又自然,而这些民族文化资源的全面搜集整理是从《黔西南州志·民族志》的编修开始的.在西部开发形势的促动下,这些民族文化资源得以开发利用.本文阐述的是从《民族志》资料的搜集到西部开发对这些方志资源的应用,从而论述了方志资源在西部开发中的作用.  相似文献   

Sutton and Lawless review a selection of the prolific literature on the Maghreb's human geography published from the late 1970s onward. The pedigree of the discipline in Maghreb was established by several notable geographers who lived, researched, and wrote there. Augustin Bernard's writings on rural settlement, his atlas, and study of Algeria are still cited. Jean Despois's regional study with Raynal and his work on Tunisia, together with the detailed rural research of Jean Poncet, provides a particularly rich coverage for that country. Jean Dresch's early work on Morocco exemplified an early critique of the contemporaneous uncritical colonial human geography. The Sahara's fascination also inspired pioneering studies by Robert Capot-Rey. The work of these notables and others provided a solid background of geographical literature on the Maghreb to be supplemented, criticized, and challenged by more recent researchers, sometimes pupils of the above individuals, and increasingly North African by birth. The tradition of general texts on the Maghreb has continued, though increasingly with systematic approaches replacing regional appraisals. The geography of the decolonization of the Maghreb by Isnard has been replaced by a study summarizing recent collaborative work by a team of French geographers. The Saharan extensions of the Maghreb states have often been linked in general works, sometimes being juxtaposed against the Maghreb as in the essays offered to Jean Despois. Lawless and Findlay's collaborative study juxtaposes geographical studies of each country's economic development with political scientists' evaluations of their sociopolitical development. This review limits itself largely to geographers and geographical journals, only occasionally including significant works from other subject areas, and to 1977-1978 publications, with a few notable exceptions. The spatial juxtaposition of contrasting approaches to economic development, liberal market economy approaches by Tunisia and Morocco arguably leading to dependency, and centrally-planned strategies by Algeria and Libya resulting in bureaucratic constraints serves to offer the Maghreb as a pertinent case-study region for the applied geographer of developing countries.  相似文献   

袁志柱  董昕 《华夏地理》2004,(7):100-117
那还是数十年前,我上小学的时候曾经看过一个铅笔从哪里来的科教电影,于是记忆里的东北到处充斥着阳光明媚的森林、高耸参天的大树、鼻子里冒着浓烟的拖拉机和伴着油锯的巨响轰然倒地的树木……  相似文献   

The Roman city of Baelo Claudia (Baetica, Hispania) is one of the best known halieutic sites of the Mare Nostrum, dating from between the 2nd century BC and the 5th century AD. Recent archaeological investigations have included the discovery, excavation and interdisciplinary study of two new fish-salting factories (so-called “Conjuntos Industriales” XI and XII), providing valuable new information on the exploitation of marine resources. This paper provides the first synthesis of all of the available archaeological evidence for the first three phases of the fishing-product cycle (marine resources/fishing equipment/processing facilities and food products) at this unique site on the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

Marine Tourism in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine tourism is an important component of nature‐based tourism in the Kimberley Region of northern Western Australia. It offers a wide range of passive and active recreational activities in near‐pristine wilderness areas. Marine tourism in the region is recognised as a growth sector having expanded rapidly since 2000, and it is unusual in that growth has been limited by a lack of vehicular access points to the coast. This unplanned growth has been irregular. A marked downturn in visitation by yachts has coincided with an increase in visits by charter boats. Although only five bush camps are established along the coast, boat visits occur at approximately 216 locations that are all subject to potential environmental damage. The extent to which this unplanned industry can be sustained without jeopardising environmental, social and economic values remains open to question.  相似文献   

Whales have long been an important part of Pacific Northwest Coast human subsistence and lifeways. Native peoples on the Oregon Coast were not known to hunt whales, but a humpback whale phalange with an embedded bone harpoon at the Par-Tee site (35CLT20) and ethnographic accounts raised the possibility of opportunistic whale hunting. We analyzed a suite of whale remains from Par-Tee and performed ancient DNA-based species identifications on 30 specimens. The assemblage includes gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus, 60.7% of the assemblage), humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae, 32.1%), minkes (Balaenoptera acutorostrata, 3.6%), and orcas (Orcinus orca, 3.6%). While the species composition is similar to those found in archaeological deposits from systematic whaling areas in Washington and Vancouver Island, bone modification patterns and element representation reveal important differences. Our analysis demonstrates that whales were likely a supplementary part of human subsistence at Par-Tee and, while opportunistic whale hunting likely occurred, it may have been secondary to scavenging and utilization of beached and/or drift whales.  相似文献   


A review of the literature documenting faunal remains recovered from 16 archaeological sites attributed to the Virjin River Puebloan (VRP) tradition (ca. 300 B.C.–A.D. 1200) of the American Southwest was conducted to identify the importance of wild animal resources to the subsistence strategy. The Number of Individual Specimens (NISP) was counted (NISP = 16,386) and sorted by taxa and animal size categories to explore differences in the distributions of faunal remains by archaeological recovery strategy, site type, physiographic location, and chronology. The most significant factor in the differential use of animal resources among the VRPs was physiographic location. Desert lowland sites had greater species diversity. Sites in the intermediate St. George Basin had more large mammals such as deer, and sites located on the higher plateau had more small mammals such as lagomorphs. These results indicate that the subsistence strategy varied across diverse environmental conditions, but animal resources were always an integral part of the VRP adaptation until their abandonment of the region in the early 13th century A.D.  相似文献   

文章首先谈了年鉴资源的内涵及特点,认为只有深度开发,才能正确、有效地开发和利用年鉴的信息资源,这就要做到重视调查研究,有高度自觉的创新意识,提高信息把握能力。  相似文献   


The residents of the Canary Archipelago consumed limpets since the arrival of humans ~2500 yrs. ago, and these harvested gastropods were deposited in large coastal shell middens. This work preliminarily explores shell margin oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) and body size of the black limpet (Patella candei d’Orbigny, 1840) from archaeological sites in the Canary Islands to assess possible seasonal variability and intensity of shellfish collection throughout the late Holocene. The shell margin δ18O values of 100 shells (radiocarbon dated between ~500 and ~1800 cal. yr BP) were analysed to estimate sea surface temperature (SST) at time of death. Paleotemperature estimates suggest shellfish harvesting was not year-round, and was avoided in the cooler months (when SST?<?20°C). This pattern differs from most higher latitude Mesolithic and Neolithic human groups, which gathered shellfish year-round, targeting winter more heavily. Preliminary body-size measurements suggest shell sizes have experienced a decline from aboriginal times to the present, which possibly resulted from increasing anthropogenic pressures. During aboriginal inhabitation, maximum adult shell size remained stable, suggesting that present-day harvesting practices are more intense than harvesting from aboriginal human groups. This intensive collection has likely diminished the average adult size of limpet populations in the islands by ~27%.  相似文献   

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