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Teeth are the basis for the best methods for estimating the age-at-death of archaeological and paleontological faunal remains, because they change by eruption and wear throughout an individual's life and because they preserve well. However, age-at-death can be difficult to estimate when teeth are isolated or when no known-age reference sample is available. For these reasons, researchers developed the Quadratic Crown Height Method (QCHM), a set of quadratic formulae that can be used to predict age-at-death from tooth crown height, when unworn crown height and the ages when the tooth erupts and when its crown height should reach zero can be estimated. Previous tests of the QCHM suggest that modified equations could improve the method. Here, we use crown height measurements on a sample of 226 known-age Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) to perform such modifications. We adjust the age at which each tooth type's crown height reaches zero from the species' potential ecological longevity or average maximum life span to an age that we empirically estimate for each tooth type. We also empirically assess whether for different elk teeth the exponent in the QCHM formula is actually equal to 2; it is for M1, but for P4 it is about 1, indicating a roughly linear relationship. The exponents for M2 and M3 are intermediate, being closer to 1.5. Because different teeth wear at different rates and wear completely away at different ages, we recommend that researchers use the modified equations provided here to estimate age-at-death for samples of Cervus elaphus.  相似文献   

The value and limitations of mammalian fossils as biostratigraphic indicators in the Pleistocene are discussed. Aspects of a species' history which are of potential biostratigraphic value are its overall stratigraphic range, shifts in geographical distribution, evolutionary transitions, and changing abundance in the fauna. These form a complex pattern which must be established in some detail before a species can be used in dating a “new” locality. The major features of stratigraphic range, distributional history, and evolution of each of the nine species of cervid from Britain and mainland Europe during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene are outlined, with notes on their possible biostratigraphic value. Some new results on the deer remains from Swanscombe are presented. Fallow deer can be referred to subspecies Dama dama clactoniana only in the Basal and Lower Gravels and Lower Loam. There is no evidence of change in its body size within the sequence. An idiosyncrasy in the lower dentition of Swanscombe fallow is described. The red deer was the “coronate” form, and was of small body size. The giant deer was of small body size, and may have shared the broad brow tines of the Steinheim population. Roe is rare and elk is absent. The Swanscombe deer suggest a post-Cromerian, interglacial dating of all faunal levels at the site. They are consistent with a wholly Hoxnian age, but precise contemporaneity with Hoxne Bed 1 is unlikely, and the possibility of additional stages being represented cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

In this study, I examine three methods that are currently used for comparing mortality profiles from zooarchaeological and palaeontological samples: (1) histograms with 10% of life‐span age classes; (2) boxplots showing tooth crown height medians; and (3) triangular plots of the proportions of young, prime and old animals. I assess the advantages and disadvantages of each method using data collected on two samples of Northern Yellowstone elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) with known, or cementum annuli‐determined, ages at death. One sample was hunted by wolves (n = 96), and the other was hunted by recent humans using rifles (n = 226). I tested each method with the known or cementum annuli age distributions and with age estimation techniques appropriate for archaeological assemblages. Histograms are best used when the relationship between dental eruption/attrition and age is well established so that individuals can be confidently assigned into 10% of life‐span groups, and when more than 30 or 40 individuals are present in the assemblage. Boxplots employ raw crown heights, thus removing the error introduced by assigning specimens to age classes, and therefore they allow the analysis of species where the relationship between dental eruption/attrition and age is unknown. Confidence intervals around the medians allow samples to be statistically compared. Triangular plots are easy to use and allow multiple samples and species to be considered simultaneously, but samples cannot be statistically compared. Modified triangular plots bootstrap samples to provide 95% confidence ellipses, allowing for statistical comparisons between samples. When possible, samples should be examined using multiple methods to increase confidence in the results. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Winds in the upper atmosphere, and their effect on the ionosphere, are reviewed with an emphasis on information useful to ionospheric studies. The winds are driven by pressure gradients from solar and auroral heating, with some forcing by tidal energy from below. Simple calculations which balance the pressure gradient by ion drag and Coriolis forces are generally unreliable, so large-scale numerical models of the coupled atmosphere and ionosphere are required. The accuracy of these global models is limited by uncertainties in the energy inputs at high latitudes and at the lower boundary (about 90 km). The best current wind data come from incoherent scatter radar or airglow installations, at a few sites and for only a few nights per month. Satellite data are also available for several years, and results to 1989 are incorporated in the global HWM90 model. This seems acceptable for determining mean winds at night, less good during the day, and least good in the southern hemisphere where few data were available. Plots are given to show the mean winds at different latitudes and longitudes, for use in ionospheric calculations.Meridional winds alter the height of the mid-latitude F layer, causing large changes in the effective loss rate. This is the major cause of observed seasonal changes, of differences between the hemispheres, and of changes at different longitudes. An increased knowledge of the winds is essential for further progress in F region studies. Ionospheric data provide the most promising route, using routinely scaled parameters. The simplest calculations compare observed peak heights, obtained from M (3000)F2, with the value ho predicted by simplified “servo” equations. Errors occurring for some hours after sunrise can be overcome using model results to define ho this allows rapid and accurate wind calculations at dip latitudes of 23–62°. Winds can also be obtained from full model calculations, designed to match observed values of peak height or density.  相似文献   

Isolated and usually undated human crania from riverine deposits in the British Isles present something of an archaeological mystery. The large numbers sometimes involved—several hundred from the River Thames alone—together with the recovery of unassociated metal artefacts have been taken to imply some or other “ritual” activity. We offer a taphonomic investigation of human crania and ungulate remains obtained from dock excavations during the 1880s at Preston in Lancashire in northwestern England. Although apparently recovered in close spatial proximity, a series of AMS determinations on crania of humans, aurochsen (Bos primigenius) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) has established at least a Neolithic to Saxon age range for the sample. Such a chronological span for a diverse assemblage when considered against modern forensic studies of the taphonomy of bodies in water strongly implies that the human crania need represent no more than an accumulation of elements that normally separate quite naturally from the rest of the body. While the reasons for initial entry to the water may well have included “ritual” activity in one or more case there is simply no reason to infer such behaviour for the human sample as a whole in the absence of direct evidence.  相似文献   


This article argues that The Lives of Others contains a particularly powerful portrait of what the Czech dissident–philosopher Václav Havel called “post-totalitarianism.” I will explore Havel's understanding of this concept and the film's evocation of its key features. In Havel's view, these regimes preserve themselves through the principle of “social auto-totality.” They make every person, every citizen, an accomplice in their own oppression. Even more troubling for Havel is that these regimes do not continue to exist because of the evil will and historical misunderstandings of their originators. He suggests these horrors “can happen and did happen only because there is obviously in modern humanity a certain tendency toward the creation, or at least the toleration, of such a system.” Donnersmarck's brilliant film explores how it is that people are capable of living within a lie. This leads to a consideration of an important but heretofore unexplored question: What is the meaning of the movement of a totalitarian regime to a post-totalitarian regime? Was what seemed for many in the West to be a sign of Communism's ability to moderate itself actually the emblem of its true evil?  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotope values reveal resource partitioning among the large mammal fauna from three contemporaneous Middle Pleistocene hominid-bearing localities within the Sierra de Atapuerca (northern Spain). Carbon isotope values sampled from the tooth enamel of fauna present during Atapuerca Faunal Unit 6 show that a C3-dominated ecosystem surrounded the area where fossils were preserved during this time. For the herbivores, Fallow deer isotope values are significantly different from Red deer and horses and show that this species did not forage in open environments at this locality. Red deer and horses show similar feeding strategies with less negative carbon values implying use of more open environments for these taxa. For the carnivores, carbon isotope values for Ursus deningeri are significantly different from either lions (Panthera leo) or foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and support the contention that this species is herbivorous. Special metabolic mechanisms involved in hibernation in U. deningeri might also have influenced its isotope values. The carbon isotope values of remaining carnivores were similar and suggest that each was typically a generalist carnivore, eating a wide variety of prey items. While the isotopic results generally correspond to ecology indicated by previous techniques, this study shows that isotope analyses can provide further insights that alternate techniques do not provide. Isotope analyses can help elucidate the ancient ecology of taxa present in the Sierra de Atapuerca during the Middle Pleistocene allowing for an accurate portrayal of the setting in which humans lived.  相似文献   

The development of permanent premolar and molar teeth was examined in mandibular radiographs from wild sika deer (Cervus nippon) of known ages (74 males, 66 females, 4 unknown; age range 1–54 months) from Hyogo Prefecture. Tooth development was scored according to the method described by Brown & Chapman (1991a, b). Stage‐specific scores for all molar and premolar teeth were summed, and simple cubic regression analysis was used to analyse the relationship between the total score and age in months. Our analysis showed a strong cubic correlation between the total score and chronological age in months. The equation obtained from this analysis was used to estimate age within a 95% prediction interval in seven archaeological specimens from the Asahi archaeological site in central Japan. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


It is common to view Laos as a political culture prone to “consensus”, yet it is also true that policy is constantly changing there, often radically. If everyone is always “in consensus”, what can explain this change? I suggest that the answer is found in the particular kind of consensus at play: it is informed by a wider “experimentarian” ethic evident in rural Laos, where ideas (including the latest policies) are put to the test through practical implementation. The results of these experiments are used to validate policy change and reversal. This allows rural residents a degree of manoeuvrability in their engagements with the state that is striking given the “authoritarian” status of the current regime. It can explain and is used to justify, for instance, the oft-observed gap between policy and actual practice. This room for manoeuvre comes at the price of “playing the game”, at least for a while, of the latest policy fad, sometimes with disastrous consequences for rural livelihoods. I use the example of an irrigation project that was implemented in the south of Laos from 1999–2002 to examine “experimental consensus” at work as policy was received, engaged and eventually relinquished.  相似文献   

The author seeks to establish possible reasons for differences in the rates of growth of towns within urban systems with rank-size regularities. It is shown that a system follows Zipf s law if the growth of population N i of the towns of the system follows the regularity MN i )/N i ~ (In N i - c) where M is the mathematical expectation, ΔN i is an increment of Ni over a short period of time, ~ stands for “directly proportional,” and c is a constant.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the semantics associated with the statistical analysis of spatial data. It takes the simplest case of the prediction of variable y as a function of covariate(s) x, in which predicted y is always an approximation of y and only ever a function of x, thus, inheriting many of the spatial characteristics of x, and illustrates several core issues using “synthetic” remote sensing and “real” soils case studies. The outputs of regression models and, therefore, the meaning of predicted y, are shown to vary due to (1) choices about data: the specification of x (which covariates to include), the support of x (measurement scales and granularity), the measurement of x and the error of x, and (2) choices about the model including its functional form and the method of model identification. Some of these issues are more widely recognized than others. Thus, the study provides definition to the multiple ways in which regression prediction and inference are affected by data and model choices. The article invites researchers to pause and consider the semantic meaning of predicted y, which is often nothing more than a scaled version of covariate(s) x, and argues that it is naïve to ignore this.  相似文献   

Augustine holds that each society needs to be oriented to “God and the good.” He invidiously compares the earthly city as receptive to the true God with the earthly city as opposed to the true God, and he resolutely holds that only an earthly city oriented to the true God can be genuinely described as just and legitimate. At first glance this “political Augustinianism” hardly seems very attractive to non-believers or defensible in the eyes of modern secular liberals, and yet in this article I wish to defend it and commend it universally, that is, to promote its benefits and critical insights beyond religious circles. I commend an emphasis on “the divine” (to theion), rather than on God (ho theos), as a bridge to God for believers but also, and more importantly in the West's present liberal pluralist context, as a common halting place where believers and non-believers alike can sense “the beyond” (Augustine's “God and the good”) in their midst. I develop my argument that the “divine,” thus understood, can provide us with a common conceptual space where we can abide, converse, and even agree: (i) by engaging with Jacob Taubes who powerfully criticises such an emphasis on the “divine,” (ii) by considering “divine” natural law as a bridge and halting place between immanence and transcendence, and (iii) by reflecting upon the work of Rémi Brague who has recently given powerful support to the importance and utility in the present intellectual climate of the divine (to theion) as a bridge to God (ho theos).  相似文献   

Procedures are described for use in the real height analysis of ionogram data using the ordinary ray only, to allow for the presence of underlying (low density) ionisation. A controlled extrapolation of the virtual heights, with upper and lower limits, gives some useful correction under most conditions. For more accurate and consistent results a synoptic model is used to give a mean starting height at a fixed frequency of 0.5 MHz. Constraints are placed on the profile shape between 0.5 MHz and the lowest observed frequency 1, to minimise the variations with different methods of analysis and different values of 1. Suitable model starting heights are described for day and night conditions, and presented in tabular and graphical form. Equations are also given from which the model starting height can be calculated directly as a function of the local time, the month and the station latitude.  相似文献   

Proponents and critics of numerically modelling early Christian growth have missed many complexities of this approach. This study re‐examines quantitative modelling by conducting “thought experiments,” built from initial assumptions to population projections. First, an “apostolic mission” model assumes that Christianity grew via persuasive leaders; it projects a cubic growth curve. Second, a “values reproduction” model ties higher reproduction and conversion to certain Christian values; it projects an exponential curve. Next, a “social reaction” model links growth to interconfessional interactions; it projects a logistic curve. Such formal models reveal numerical parameters of conversion and the impact of various assumptions. Together, they illustrate the variability of early Christian population projections. They also showcase limitations of traditional quantitative modelling, which tends to oversimplify social conditions, to mischaracterise ancient religion, and to inspire teleological reasoning. Newer “network” models can overcome only some of these limitations. Used carefully, however, quantitative methods supplement familiar socio‐cultural approaches.  相似文献   

Gender archaeology has made significant strides toward deconstructing the hegemony of binary categorizations. Challenging dichotomies such as man/woman, sex/gender, and biology/culture, approaches informed by poststructuralist, feminist, and queer theories have moved beyond essentialist and universalist identity constructs to more nuanced configurations. Despite the theoretical emphasis on context, multiplicity, and fluidity, binary starting points continue to streamline the spectrum of variability that is recognized, often reproducing normative assumptions in the evidence. The contributors to this special issue confront how sex, gender, and sexuality categories condition analytical visibility, aiming to develop approaches that respond to the complexity of theory in archaeological practice. The papers push the ontological and epistemological boundaries of bodies, personhood, and archaeological possibility, challenging a priori assumptions that contain how sex, gender, and sexuality categories are constituted and related to each other. Foregrounding intersectional approaches that engage with ambiguity, variability, and difference, this special issue seeks to “de-contain” categories, assumptions, and practices from “binding” our analytical gaze toward only certain kinds of persons and knowledges, in interpretations of the past and practices in the present.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an investigation of the height variations of dynamic processes in the 80–110 km height region, carried out in Kazan, U.S.S.R. (56°N, 49°E) by the radiometeor method during the MAC/EPSILON campaign. Experimental results show that the largest values of vertical wind gradients, as well as zonal and meridional temperature gradients can be found at heights of ~ 83 km. At heights of 80 ⩽ h ⩽ 100 km, we can observe energy absorption of IGW and tides which are the major sources of turbulent energy in the above-mentioned height interval. Using the effects of IGW energy absorption, values of the turbulent eddy diffusion coefficient Kl ranging from 1600 to 4400 m2/s were calculated for October 1987. The energy dissipation rate ϵ was estimated to be from 0.1 to 0.4 W/kg.  相似文献   


Mainstream geographical information systems techniques and packaged geographical information systems software are often inappropriate in historical contexts because they use geographical coordinates as a framework around which all other information is organized as “attribute data,” whereas in history locations are often the least certain part of our knowledge. A new and general architecture for documenting administrative units and organizing historical statistics is detailed, which prioritizes named entities and explicit semantic relationships such as “IsPartOf,” while holding coordinate data where available. This architecture is easily aligned with the recent development of geo-semantics by information scientists, meeting the formal requirements for a geo-spatial ontology, but was originally developed to enable the systematic computerization of traditional historical reference works, notably Frederick Youngs’ Guide to the Local Administrative Units of England.  相似文献   

The MF/HF partial-reflection technique of observing the mesosphere and lower thermosphere has been employed for more than two decades to measure motions, but there has never been complete agreement as to what motions were being detected. This paper reports on observations made during a major international campaign—AIDA '89—that was initiated with the objective of resolving this question.The partial-reflection system employed was an Imaging Doppler Interferometer operating at 3.175 MHz, but it stands here as a prototype for all MF/HF partial-reflection radar systems: its raw data were analyzed both in its own basic mode, derived on the assumption that it sees wind-borne multiple scattering centers and in modes adopted by other interferometric and ‘spaced antenna’ systems. The motions thus revealed are compared here with those found by what we consider to be more certain measurers of winds: an incoherent-scatteer radar at heights of 65–95 km, a meteor-wind radar at heights of 80–100 km and a Fabry-Perot interferometer measuring 0(1S) emissions near a height of 97 km.Comparisons of the different sets of observations oblige us to conclude that
  • 1.(1) MF/HF partial-reflection systems may be expected to give a good representation of ambient winds up to a height of about 80 km;
  • 2.(2) they fail to give a consistently reliable measurement of the ambient winds above a height of about 80 km
  • 3.(3) they yield, at the greater heights, what appears in our data to be some convolution of the horizontal phase velocities of atmospheric gravity waves, with the wave spectrum having been modified by passage through the underlying wind system and containing, on occasion, locally generated Kelvin-Helmholtz waves; and
  • 4.(4) when the underlying winds change, the local wave spectrum will change in response and, in MF/HF partial-reflection measurements, will give the appearance of a changing local wind: if the underlying winds undergo tidal changes, the wave spectrum will undergo tide-like changes that will masquerade as true tidal winds.
These results are, of course, limited to a single site over a limited period of observation. Nevertheless, taken at face value they suggest that current methods of data reduction are inappropriate for partial-reflection velocities at heights above 80 km and that new methods of data reduction, perhaps extending certain older methods that have been applied successfully in the past to total-reflection measurements, should be employed in their place if the full potential of the MF/HF partial-reflecton technique is to be realized.  相似文献   

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