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Ilkka Mäntylä, Suomalaisen juoppouden kasvu, Kustavilaisen kanden alkokolipolitiïkka [The Growth of Finnish Drunkenness, the Alcohol Policy of the Gustavian Era]. (Jyväskylä, 1995.)

Eeva‐Iüsa Lehtonen, Säätyläishuveista kansanhuveiksi, Kansanhuveista kansalaishuveiksi. Maaseudun yleishyödyllinen huvitoiminta 1800‐luvun alusta 1870‐luvun loppuun [From Upper‐Class to Popular Entertainments. From Popular to Public Entertainments. Fund‐raising Entertainments in Rural Finland During the 19th Century]. (Helsinki: Societas Historica Finlandiae, 1994).

Ilkka Liikanen, Fennomania ja kansa, Jonkkojärjestäytymisen läpimurto ja Suomalaisen puolueen synty [Fennomania and the People: The Breakthrough of Mass Organization and the Birth of the Finnish Party]. (Helsinki: SHS, 1995) Diss.

Mervi Kaarninen, Nykyajan tytöt, Koulutus, luokka ja sukupuoli 1920‐ja 1930‐ luvun Suomessa [Modern Girls. Education, Class and Gender in Finland in die 1920s and 1930s]. Bibliotheca historica 5 (Helsinki: Finnish Historical Society, 1995). 297 pp. ISBN 951–710–019–1.

Kerstin Smeds, Helsingfors‐Paris. Finländarna på vårldsutstallningama 1851–1900 [Helsinki‐Paris. Finland at die Universal Expositions 1851–1900]. Vammala. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, nr. 598. 397 pp. ISBN 951–583–024–9.

Pekka Mervola, Kttja, kirjavampi, saanomalehti. Ulkoasukierre ja suamalaisten sanomalehtien ulkoasu 1771–1994 [The Appearance Spiral and die Outward Appearance of Newspapers in Finland 1771–1994]. Suomen historiallinen seura, Biblioteca Historica 1 (Vammala, 1995). 429 pp. ISBN 951–710–013–2.

Antti Kujala, Venäjän hallitus ja Suomen tvöväenliike 1899–1905 [The Russian Government and the Finnish Workers’ Movement 1899–1905]. Hist, tutk, 94 (Helsinki: Societas Historica Finlandiae, 1996). 459 pp. ISBN 951–710–024–8.

Jussi M. Hanhimäki, Rinnakkaiseloa patomassa. Yhdysvallat ja Paasikiven linja 1948–1956 [Containing Coexistence]. Bibliotheca historica 10 (Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1996). 191 pp. [English summary].

Else Roesdahl and Preben Meulengracht S?renson, eds. The Waking of Angantyr. The Scandinavian past in European culture. Den nordiske fortid i europæisk kultur, Acta Jutlandica LXXI:l, Humanities Series 70 (Aarhus, 1996). 229 pp. ISBN 87–7288–435–5.

Nils Arne S?renson, ed. European Identities. Cultural Diversity and Integration in Europe Since 1700, (Odense University Press, 1995). 269 pp. ISBN 87–7492–976–3.

Atle Thowsen, Handelsflåten i krig 1939–1945. Nortraship: Profitt og patriotisme, vol. 1 (Gröndahl og Dreyers Forlag, Oslo, 1992). 494 pp., ISBN 82–404–1895–6.  相似文献   

Damsholt, Nanna, Kvindebilledet i dansk höjmiddelalder (København, 1985). ISBN 87–418–7425–0. 339 pp.

Kouri, E. I., Saksalaisen käyttökirjallisuuden vaikutus Suomessa 1600‐luvulla. Ericus Ericin postillan lähteet. (The influences of German Gebrauchsliteratur in 17th century Finland. The sources of the Book of Homilies by Ericus Erici). Suomen kirkkohistorial‐lisen seuran toimituksia 129. (Helsinki, 1984). ISBN 951–9021–52–4. 325 pp. German summary and appendix.

Hovi, Kalervo, Alliance de revers. Stabilization of Frances's Alliance Policies in East Central Europe 1919–1921 (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B, tom. 163, Turku, 1984) ISBN 951–642–437–6. 135 pp.

Hovi, Kalervo, Interssensphären im Baltikum. Finland im Rahmen der Ostpolitik Polens 1919–1922 (Spheres of interest in the Baltic. Finland's role in the Polish eastern policy 1919–1922). Studio historica 13. (Helsinki, 1984). ISBN 951–9254–51‐X. 180 pp.  相似文献   

Brccngaard, Carsten, Muren om Israels hus. Regnum og sacerdotium i Danmark 1050—1170 (The wall round the house of Israel. Regnum and sacerdotium in Denmark 1050‐1170). (København, 1982). ISBN 87‐12‐09300‐9.341 pp. English summary.

Næss, Hans Eyvind, Trolldomsprosessene i Norge pa 1500‐, 1600‐tallet (Trials of witches in Norway in the 16th and 17th centuries). (Oslo, 1982). ISBN 82‐00‐06386‐0 IX, 582 pp.

Seppo, Juha, Uskovien yhteisö vai valtionkirkko. Uskonnolliset vähemmistöyhteisöt ja evank‐elis‐luterilaisesta kirkosta eroaminen Suomessa vuosina 1923—1930 (A community of the faithful or the State Church. Religious minority communities and withdrawals from the Lutheran Church in Finland in 1923—1930). (Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran toimituksia, vol. 127, Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951‐9021‐50‐7. 492 pp. German summary.

Seppinen, Ilkka, Suomen ulkomaankaupan ehdot 1939—1944 (The terms of Finnish foreign trade in 1939—1944). (Societas Historica Fennica. Historiallisia tutkimuksia, vol. 14, Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951‐9254‐49‐8. 268 pp. German summary.  相似文献   

Yrjö Kaukiainen, A History of Finnish Shipping (Maritime History, series editor Lewis R. Fischer, London, Routledge, 1993). 231 pp. ISBN 0–415–00158–7.

Yrjö Kaukiainen, Sailing into Twilight. Finnish Shipping in an Age of Transport Revolution, 1860–1914. (Studia historica 39, Helsinki, Finnish Historical Society, 1991). 429 pp. ISBN 951–8915–41–5, ISSN 0081–6493.  相似文献   

Dansk socialhistorie 1‐7 (A social history of Denmark 1—7). København, (1979–82). ISBN 87–01–82331–0. Vol. 1: Jørgen Jensen, Oldtidens samfund. Tiden indtil år 800 (Prehistoric society, before 800 AD) 271 pp. Vol. 2: Niels Lund and Kai Hørby, Samfundet i vikingetid og middelalder 800–1500 (Society in the viking and middle ages 800–1500) 322 pp. Vol. 3: Ladewig Petersen, Fra standssamfund til rangssamfund 1500–1700 (From classes to ranks, 1500–1700). 447 pp. Vol. 4: Hans Chr. Johansen, En samfundsorganisation i opbrud 1700–1870 (A society on the move 1700–1780) 333 pp. Vol. 5: Vagn Dybdahl, Det nye samfund på vej 1871–1913 (The new society in the making 1871–1913) 310 pp. Vol. 6: Svend Aage Hansen and Ingrid Henriksen, Sociale brydninger 1914–39 (Social conflicts 1914–39) 424 pp. Vol. 7: Svend Aage Hansen and Ingrid Henriksen, Velfærdsstaten 1940–78 (The welfare state 1940–78) 399 pp. Register, ved Annegrete Dybdahl (Indices) 106 pp.

Fenger, Ole, Gammeldansk ret. Dansk rets historie i oldtid og middelalder (Old Danish law. The history of prehistoric and medieval Danish law). Århus, (1983). ISBN 87–583–0172–0. 156 pp.

Petersson, Birgit, Den farliga underklassen. Studier i fattigdom och brottslighet i 1800‐tale ts Sverige (The dangerous classes. Studies in poverty and crime in 19th century Sweden). Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 53. Umeå, (1983). ISBN 91–7174–133‐X. 306 pp. English summary.

Brändström, Anders, "De kärlekslösa mödrarna.” Spädbamsdödligheten i Sverige under 1800‐talet med särskild hänsyn till Nedertornea ("The loveless mothers.” Infant mortality in Sweden during the 19th century with special attention to the parish of Nedertorneå). Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 62. Umeå, (1984). ISBN 91–7174–162–3. ix+271 pp. English summary.

Hinkkanen‐Lievoncn, Merja‐Liisa, Britisk Trade and Enterprise in the Baltic States 1919–1925. Studia Historka, 14. Helsinki, (1984). ISBN 951–9254–54–4. 312 pp.

Kero, Reino, Neuvosto‐Karjalaa rakentamassa. Pohjois‐Amerikan suomalaiset tekniikan tuojina 1930‐luvun Neuuosto‐Karjalassa (Building Soviet Karelia. North American Finns as the introducers of new techniques to Soviet Karelia during the 1930's). Historiallisia tutkimuksia 122. (Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951–92544–44–7. 231 pp. English summary.

Ekholm, Curt, Balt‐ och tyskutlämningen 1945–46. Omståndigheter kring interneringen i läger i Sverige och utlämningen till Sovjetunionen av f.d. tyska krigsdeltagare (The deportation of Baltic and German military internees in 1945–46. Circumstances concerning the internment in camps in Sweden and the deportation of former German soldiers to the Soviet Union).

Part 1. Ankomsten och interneringen (The arrival and the internment). Studia historica upsaliensia 136. (Uppsala, 1984). ISBN 91–554–1533–4. 220 pp. English summary.

Part 2. Utlämningen och efterspelet (The deportation and the sequel). Studia historica Upsaliensia 137. (Uppsala, 1984). ISBN 91–554–1534–2. 440 pp. English summary.  相似文献   


Troels Fink, Estruptidens politiske historic 1875–1894, I‐II (The Political History of the Estrup Era 1875–1894, vol. 1: The Struggle Between the Two Chambers 1875–85; vol. 2: The Period of Decree Legislation 1885–94) (Odense, 1986), 621 pp., ISBN 87 7492 581 4.

Poul Thestrup, Nærbutik og Næringslov‐omgåelse. En unders?gelse of brugsforeningerne og deres placering i innovationsprocessen i Danmark mellem 1850 og 1919 (The Consumer Co‐operatives in the Innovation Process in Denmark 1850–1919), Odense University Studies in History and Social Sciences, vol. 95 (Odense Universitetsforlag), 549 pp., ISBN 87 7492 595 4, DKK 240+moms.

Tuomo Polvinen, Valtakunta ja raijamaa. N. I. Bobrikov Suomen kenraalikuvemöörind 1898–1904 (The Empire and a Borderland. N. I. Bobrikov as Governor General of Finland 1898–1904) (Helsinki, 1984), 432 pp., ISBN 951 0 12660 8.

Danske Handelskompagnier 1616–1843. Oktrojer og interne Ledelsesregler (Charters and By‐Laws of Danish Trading Companies, 1616–1843), edited by Ole Feldbæk, Selskabet for Udgivelse af Kilder til Dansk Historie (Copenhagen, 1986), 779 pp., ISBN 87 7500 159 4, DanKr 300.

Kalle Bäck, Harald Gustafsson, Jon Herstad, Jens Holmgaard, Markku Kuisma, Maud Molander, Illka Mäntylä, Øjstein Rian and Gustav Grunde Sætra. Skog och Brännvin. Studier i näringspolitiskt beslutsfattande i Norden på 1700‐talet (Wood and Spirits. Studies in Economic Policy‐Making in the Nordic Countries in the Eighteenth Century), Nordic Research Project on Central Power and Local Communities ‐ Decision‐making in the 1700s (Det nordiska forskningsprojektet Centralmakt och lokal‐samhalle ‐ beslutsprocess på 1700‐talet), publication 3 (Oslo University Press, 1984), ISBN 82 00 07053 0 (English summary).

Karl‐Gustaf Anderson, Inger Diibeck, Birgitta Ericsson, Gfsli Agust Gunnlaugsson, Per‐Arne Karlsson, Markku Kuisma, Anne‐Hilde Nagel, Oscar Nilula and Gustav Grunde Sa;tra, Industri og Bjergvarksdrift. Privilegering i Norden i det 18. arhundrede (Industry and Mining. Studies in the Granting of “Privilegia” to Industrial Enterprises in the Nordic Countries in the Eighteenth Century). Nordic Research Project on Central Power and Local Communities ‐ Decision‐making in the 1700s, publication 5 (Oslo University Press, 1985), ISBN 82 00 07694 6 (English summary).

Christian Wichmann Matthiesen, Danske Byers Vaekst (Urban Growth in Denmark). Det Kgl. Geografiske Selskab, Atlas over Denmark, Serie II, vol. 3 (C. A. Reitzels Forlag, K?benhavn, 1985), 142 pp., 245 Dkr. (English summary).

I?rn Pi?, Nye veje til Folkevisen (New Approaches to the Ballad) (Copenhagen, 1985), 344 pp., ISBN 87 00 93582 4 (English summary).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Robert Rinehart (ed.), Finland and the United States. Diplomatic Relations Through Seventy Years (Washington DC: 1993). Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, 141 pp. ISBN 0–934742–63–4. USD 12.00.

Karl Molin, Omstridd neutralitet. Experternas kritik av svensk utrikespolitik 1948–1950 (Disputed neutrality. The experts’ criticism of Swedish foreign policy, 1948— 1950). (Stockholm: Tiden, 1991). 109 pp. ISBN 91–550–3808–5. SKR 150.00

Anders Berge, Flyktingpolitik i stormakts skugga. Sverige og de sovjetryska flyktingarna under andra världskriget (Refugee policies in the shadow of a great power. Sweden and the Soviet Russian refugees during World War II). Uppsala Multiethnic Papers 26. (Centre for Multiethnic Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1992). III pp. ISBN 91–86624–07–5.

Már Jónsson, Blóoskömm á Íslandi 1270–1870 (Incest in Iceland, 1270–1870). (Reykjavík: Háskóli Íslands, Háskólaútgáfan, 1993). 311 pp. ISBN 9979–54–048–6.

Michael Bregnsbo, Gejstlighedens syn på sam fund og ?vrigked 1775–1800, belyst ved trykte pradikener og taler (The attitudes of the clergy to society and authorities 1775–1800, revealed by printed sermons and speeches). (Copenhagen: Den danske historiske Forening, 1992). 160+124 pp. ISBN 87–87462–31–1.

Pentti Laasonen &; Johannes Wallmann (eds), Der Pietismus in seiner europäischen und aussereuropäischen Ausstrahlung (Pietism in its European and extra‐european radiation) Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran, toimituksia 157/ Veröffentlichungen der finnischen Gesellschaft für Kirchengeschichte, 157 (Helsinki, 1992). 240 pp. ISBN 951–9021–87–6.

Ole Feldbaek (ed.), Dansk Identitetshistorie (History of the Danish national identity), vols 1–4. (Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel, 1991–92) 424 pp., 468 pp., 673 pp., 589 pp. ISBN 87–7421–696–1, DKR 1400 (all volumes). Summaries in English in vol. 4.

Conny Blom, Tiggare, tidstjuvar, lättingar och landstiykare. Studier αν attityder och vär‐deringar i skrån, stadgar,, ordningar och lagförslag gällande den of fentlia vården 1533–1664. (Lund: Lund University Press, 1992.) 271 pp.  相似文献   

Ingar Kaldahl, Arbeid og miljø ved Follafoss tresliperi og Ranheim papirfabrikk 1920–1970 [Work and work environment at Follafoss pulp‐mill and Ranheim paper mill 1920–1970]. (Trondheim, Norway: Department of History, University of Trondheim, 1994). 525 pp. ISBN 82–7765–002–7.

Britta Lövgren, Hemarbete som politik [Housework as politics. Discussions on housework in Sweden in the 1930s and the 1940s and the establishing of The Home Research Institute (Hemmenes Forskningsinstitut)]. (Stockholm: Almqvist &; Wiksell International, 1993). 232 pp. ISBN 91–22–01556–6.

Sidsel Eriksen, Sester Silfverbergs sorger [Sister Silfverberg's sorrows. A story about how a Sunday‐school teacher became a temperance agitator and a feminist]. (Copenhagen: Spektrum, 1993). ISBN 87–7763–088–2.

Alexandra Ramsay, Huvudstadens hjärta. Filantropi och social förändring i Helsingfors: två fruentimmers föreninger 1848–1865 [The heart of the capital. Philanthropy and social change in Helsingfors ‐ two ladies’ societies 1848–1865]. (Helsingfors: Finska Vetenskaps‐Societeten‐Suomen Tiedeseura, 1993.) 183 pp. ISBN 951–653–248–9.

Elina Katainen (ed.), Kotomaan koko kuva. Kirjoituksia elokuvasta ja 1930‐luvun sosiaalikistoriasta [Full Portrait of the Homeland. Studies in Cinema and the Social History of the 1930s]. (Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura. Historiallinen Arkisto 100. Helsingin yliopiston talous‐ ja sosiaalihistorian laitos. Talous‐ ja sosiaalihistoriallisia tutkimuksia 2, 1993. 232 pp. ISBN 951–8915–68–7, ISSN 0073–2540.

Erik Tudeer, Det åländska folkets historia V:1 1920–1990 [The History of the Åland Islanders]. (Ekenäs:Ekenäs Tryckeri Aktiebolag, 1993). 287 pp. ISBN 952–9848–02–1.  相似文献   


Mikael Venge, Fra åretold til toldetat. Middelalderen indtil 1660. Dansk Toldhistorie (From Our Toll to a Customs Service. The Middle Ages up to 1660. Danish Toll History), vol. 1 (The Society for Toll History, K?benhavn, 1987), 314 pp., ISBN 87 87796 08 2.

Birgit Bjerre Jensen, Udnævnelsesretten i enevældens magt bolitiske system 1660–1730 (The Right of Appointment in the Power Politics of Danish Absolutism 1660–1730) Administrative‐historical Studies no. 12, The Royal Archives (Gads Publishers, 1987), 376 pp., ISBN 87 7497 103 4.

Niels Finn Christiansen, Arbejderbevægelsens forhistorie (The Pre‐History of the Danish Labour Movement. Traits of the Early Danish Labour Movement's Political and Social Development 1848–1880). SFAH's publications series no. 18 (1986), 188 pp., ill., ISBN 87 87739 216, 120 Dkr. (member's rate 100 Dkr.).

Anders Berge, Sakkundskap och politisk rationalitet. Den svenska flottan och pansarfartygsfrågan 1918–1939 (Expertise and Political Rationality: The Swedish Navy and the Armoured Ship Issue 1918–1939), Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis 37 (Stockholm: Almqvist &; Wiksell, 1987), 246 pp., ISBN 91 22 00883 7.

Olav Riste, (ed.), Western Security: The Formative Years. European and Atlantic Defence 1947–1953 (Oslo; Norwegian University Press, 1985), 333 pp.  相似文献   


Ida Blom (ed.), Cappelens kvinnehistorie, vol. 1: urtid, oldtid, middelalder til ca. 1500, vol. 2: renessanse, reformasjon, revolusjon ca. 1500 til i dag, vol. 3: Asia og Afrika. Tredje verden (Women's history, vol. 1: prehistoric times, antiquity, the Middle Ages until 1500, vol. 2: renaissance, reformation, revolution from 1500 to now, vol. 3: Asia, Africa. The Third World). (Oslo: Cappelens forlag AS, 1992–1993), 448 pp., 638 pp., 351 pp. ISBN 82–02–14078–1.

Johan Söderberg, Civilisering, marknad och våld i Sverige 1750–1870. En regional analys (Civilization, market, and violence in Sweden 1750–1850. An analysis of regions). (Stockholm: Almqvist &; Wiksell International, 1993). 290 pp. ISBN 91–22–01543–4.

Jean‐Pierre Mousson‐Lestang, La Scandinavie et l'Europe de 1945 à nos jours (Presses universitaires de France 1990).  相似文献   

Agir ici—Survie France Cameroun. Croisement dangereux Dossiers noirs de la politique africaine de la France, no. 7 L'Harmattan, 1996 95 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 7384 4458 X

ALDRICH, R. and MERLE, I. (eds) France Abroad: Indochina, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte University of Sydney, 1997 168 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 1 86451 042 0

ALLEGRE, C. and JEAMBAR, D. Questions de France Fayard, 1996 355 pp., 120F., pbk, ISBN 2 213 59744 8

BADINTER, R. La Prison républicaine (1871–1914) Livre de poche, 1995 44F., ISBN 2 253 136 344

BARTRAM, G., SLAWINSKI, M. and STEEL, D. (eds) Reconstructing the Past Keele University Press, 1996 224 pp., £35, ISBN 1 85331 168 5

HARGREAVES, J. Decolonization in Africa Longman, 1996 298 pp., £14.99, ISBN 0 582 24917 1

Impression de la Convention Nationale, 1792 — an IV. Inventaire analytique des unarticles ADXVIIIe 208–357 Archives nationales, 1997 556 pp., 400F., ISBN 2 86000 255 3

LETERRIER, S.‐A. Le XIXe siècle historien, Anthologie raisonnée Belin, 1997 352 pp., 125 F., ISBN 2 7011 2252 X

School of European Studies, University of Wales Cardiff New readings, vol, 2, 1996 87 pp., no price indicated, ISSN 1359 7485

NORA, P. Les Lieux de mémoire Collection ‘Quarto’, Gallimard, 1997 vol. 1, 1642 pp., 180F., ISBN 2 07 074902 9; vol. 2, 1372 pp., 180F., ISBN 2 07 074903 7; vol. 3, 1756 pp., 180F., ISBN 2 07 074904 5.

WOLOCH, I. (ed.) Revolution and the Meanings of Freedom in the Nineteenth Century Stanford University Press, 1996 447 pp., £40, ISBN 08 047 2748 1  相似文献   

Valette, J., La France et l'Afrique: t.1 L'Afrique subsaharienne de 1914 à 1960 (SEDES, 1994), 316pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7181 3767 3

Valette, J., La France et l'Afrique: t.2 L'Afrique française du Nord, 1914–1962 (SEDES, 1994), 515pp., 130F., ISBN 2 7181 3607 3  相似文献   

Book review     

Folket: Studier i olika vetenskapers syn på begreppet folk, Derek Fewster (ed.), Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 2000. 2l6 pp. ISBN 951 583 059 1.  相似文献   

Short notices     
Bonnafous, A., Plassard, F., and Vulin, B., eds., Circuler Demain (DATAR/Éditions de l'Aube, 1993), 191pp., 95R, ISBN 2 87678 126 3

Dioudonnat, P.‐M., Les 700 rédacteurs de ‘Je suis partout’ 1930–1944 (Sedopolis, 1993), 107pp., 240F., ISBN 2 904177 16 7

Furet, F., Revolutionary France 1770–1880 (Blackwell, 1992), 630pp., £40.00, ISBN 0 631 17029 4

Hainsworth, P., ed., The Extreme Right in Europe and the USA (Pinter, 1992), 320pp., £45.00, ISBN 0 86187 790 X

Macchia, G., L'Ange de la nuit. Sur Proust, trans, from the Italian by Marie‐France Merger, Paul Bédarida and Mario Fusco (Gallimard, 1993), 269pp., 130F., ISBN 2 07 072885 4

McPhee, P., A Social History of France 1780–1880 (Routledge, 1993), 347pp., £12.99 pbk, ISBN 0 415 01616 9

Prost, A., ’Les Anciens Combattants’ and French Society 1914–1939 (Berg, 1992), 152pp., £29.95, ISBN 0 85496 672 2 (hbk), £9.95, ISBN 0 85496 337 5 (pbk)

Service d'Information et de Diffusion du Premier Ministre, La politique de la France, aoÛt 1991‐juillet 1992 (La Documentation française, 1993), 165pp., 70F., ISBN 2 11 002915 3

Teich, M., and Porter, R., eds., The National Question in Europe in Historical Context (CUP, 1993), 343pp., £40.00, ISBN 0 521 36441 8 (hbk), £13.95, ISBN 0 521 36713 1 (pbk)  相似文献   

Diego Garzia 《Modern Italy》2013,18(1):99-101

Tom Behan, The Camorra, Routledge, London, 1996, 225 pp., ISBN 0–415–09987–0 hbk, £25.00.

Gianluca Fiorentini and Sam Peltzman (eds), The Economics of Organized Crime, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 301 pp., ISBN 0–521–47248–2 hbk, £30.00.

T.C.W. Blanning and David Cannadine (eds), History and Biography: Essays in Honour of Derek Beales, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, ix + 298 pp, ISBN 0–521–47330–6 hbk, £35.00.

’La Terza Irlanda’. Gli scritti sulla Sardegna di Carlo Cattaneo e Giuseppe Mazzini, (ed.) Francesco Cheratzu, Condaghes, Cagliari, 1995, ISBN 88–86229–12–1.

Martin Clark, Modern Italy 1871–1995,2nd edn, Longman, London and New York, 1996, xiii + 474 pp., ISBN 0–582–05126–6 pbk, £19.99.

Spencer M. Di Scala, Italy: From Revolution to Republic: 1700 to the Present, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1995, xxiii + 416 pp, ISBN 0–8133–1342–2 hbk, £56.50, 0–8133–1343–0 pbk, £15.50.

Christopher Duggan and Christopher Wagstaff (eds), Italy in the Cold War: Politics, Culture and Society, 1948–58, Berg, Oxford, 1995, 228 pp., ISBN 1–85973–038–8 hbk, £34.95.

Douglas J. Forsyth, The Crisis of Liberal Italy. Monetary and Financial Policy, 1914–1922, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993, xii + 370 pp., ISBN 0–521–41682–5 hbk, £40.00.

Paul Furlong, Modern Italy: Representation and Reform, Routledge, London, 1994, 295 pp., ISBN 0–415–01565–0 pbk.

Maria Ida Gaeta (ed.), Giovanni Gentile: la filosofia, la politica, l'organizzazione della cultura, Marsilio, Venice, 1995, ISBN 88–317–6285–0, 30,000 Lire.

Giovanni Turi, Giovanni Gentile: una biografia, Giunti, Florence, 1995, ISBN 88–09–20755–6, 48,000 Lire.

Mark Gilbert, The Italian Revolution. The End of Politics, Italian Style?, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1995, 204 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8788–4 hbk, ISBN 0–8133–2685–0 pbk.

V.A. Goddard, Gender, Family and Work in Naples, Berg, Oxford, 1996, 264 pp., ISBN 1–85973–0345 hbk, 1–85973–039–6 pbk, £14.95.

Italo Pardo, Managing Existence in Naples: Morality, Action and Structure, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 232 pp., ISBN 0–521–562–279 hbk, 0–521–566–657 pbk.

Stephen Gundle, I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosca. La sfida della cultura di massa, Giunti, Florence, 1995, 572 pp., ISBN 88–09–20642–8 pbk, 42,000 Lire.

Walter Laqueur, Fascism: Past, Present, Future, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996, 263 pp., ISBN 0–19–509245–7 hbk, $27.50, 0–19–511793‐X pbk, $13.95.

Stanley G. Payne, A History of Fascism 1914–1945, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1995, 613 pp., ISBN 0–299–1487–0 hbk, $39.95 or £31.95, 0–299–14874–2 pbk, $19.95 or £14.95.

Renzo Martinelli, Storia del Partito comunista italiano: II ‘Partito nuovo’ dalla Liberazione al 18 Aprile, Einaudi, Turin, 1995, 382 pp, ISBN 88–06–13877–4, 65,000 Lire.

Patrick McCarthy and Gianfranco Pasquino (eds), The End of Post‐War Politics in Italy. The Landmark 1992 Elections, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1993, 187 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8628–4, £21.95.

Philip Morgan, Italian Fascism 1919–1945, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1995, vii + 209 pp., ISBN 03353–7793 pbk, £12.99

John Whittam, Fascist Italy, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1995, v + 179 pp., ISBN 07190–40043 pbk, £12.99.

Serge Noiret, La nascita del sistema dei partiti nell'ltalia contemporanea. La proportionate del 1919, Lacaita, Manduria, Bari and Rome, 1994, 313 pp., 30,1997 Lire.

Silvana Patriarca, Numbers and Nationhood. Writing Statistics in Nineteenth‐Century Italy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 280, ISBN 0–521–46296–7 hbk, £40.00.

Paolo Pombeni, La Costituente. Un problema storico‐politico, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995, 170 pp., ISBN 88–15–05192–9 pbk, 18,000 Lire.

Michele Sarfatti, Mussolini contro gli ebrei: Cronaca dell'elaborazione delle leggi del 1938, Silvio Zamorani editore, Turin, 1994, 199 pp., ISBN 88–7158–033–8, 30,000 Lire.  相似文献   

Thomas, E., Le Témoin compromis (Paris: Editions Viviane Hamy, 1995), 235pp., 129F..ISBN2 87858 062 1

Thomas, E., Pages de Journal 1939–1944 suivies de Journal intime de Monsieur Célestin Costedet (Paris: Viviane Hamy, 1995), 333pp., 159F., ISBN 2 87858 063 X  相似文献   

Jeffrey Alan Mazo 《Folklore》2013,124(1-2):107-108
A Northern Thanatology: A Comprehensive Review of Illness, Death and Dying in the North West of England from the 1500s to the Present Time. By Christine Kenny with contributions from Bill Flynn and Joan Miller. Dinton, Wiltshire: Quay Books, 1998. xxii + 158pp. Pbk £11.99. ISBN 1 85642 096 5 Reviewed by Tony Walter.

A Thanatology of Wan Gender, War, Bereavement and Loss. By Christine Kenny with contributions from Liz Foster and Margaret Moore. Dinton, Wutshire: Quay Books, 1998. xvi + 208pp. Pbk £11.99. ISBN 1 85642 098 1 Reviewed by Tony Walter.

A Thanatology of the Child: Children and Young People's Perceptions, Experiences and Understanding of Life, Death and Bereavement. By Christine Kenny. Dinton, Wiltshire: Quay Books, 1998. Pbk £10.99. ISBN 1 85642 097 3 Reviewed by Tony Walter.

Following Tradition: Folklore in the Discourse of American Culture By Simon J. Bronner. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1998. $49.95. xv + 599pp. Illus. ISBN 0 87421 239 1 Reviewed by Eddie Cass.

“Songs beyond the Kalevala”: Transformations of Oral Poetry. Edited by Anna-Lena Siikala and Sinikka Vakimo. Studia Fennica Folkloristica, no. 2. Helsinki: SKS, 1994. 399pp. B /w illus. ISBN 951 717694 5 Reviewed by Jonathan Roper.

Mind and Form in Folklore: Selected Articles. By Matti Kuusi. Edited by Henno Ilomaki. Studia Fennica Folkloristica, no. 3. Helsinki: SKS, 1994. 199pp.l6 plates. ISBN 951 717 7976 Reviewed by Jonathan Roper

Proverbs of Ancient Sumen The World's Earliest Proverb Collections. By Bendt Alster. 2 vols. 548pp. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press. ISBN 1883053 20 x Reviewed by Gwendolyn Leick

Playing on the Motherground: Cultural Routines for Children's Development. By David F. Lancy. New York and London: The Guilford Press, 1996. 240pp. £24.50. ISBN 157230142 2 Reviewed by Mavis Curtis.

Reimagining Culture: Histories, Identities, and the Gaelic Renaissance. By Sharon Macdonald. Oxford: Berg, 1997. 297pp. Illus. pbk. £14.99. ISBN 1 85973 985 7 (Paper); 1 85973 980 6 (Cloth) Reviewed by Amy Hale.

National Redeemer: Owain Glyndwr in Welsh Tradition. By Elissa R. Henken. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1996. pbk. £19.95 250pp. ISBN 0 7083 1290 X Reviewed by Amy Hale.

The End of the World as We Know It: Faith, Fatalism, and Apocalypse in America. By Daniel Wojcik. New York: New York University Press, 1997. 281pp. hdbk. $50.00/pbk. $18.95 Illus. ISBN O 8147 9283 9 Reviewed by Amy Hale.

Robin Hood: Die vielen Gesichter des edlen Raubers/The Many Faces of the Celebrated English Outlaw. Edited by Kevin Carpenter. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationsystem der Universität Oldenburg, 1995. 303pp. ISBN 3 8142 0528 6 Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

Words with Pictures: Welsh Images and Images of Wales in the Popular Press, 1640–1860. By Peter Lord. Aberystwyth: Plant, 1995. 167pp. £19.95. ISBN 0 9505188 2 4 Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

Murder and Vengeance Among the Gods: Baldr and Scandinavian Mythology. By John Lindow. F.F. Communications, no. 262. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1997. 210pp. ISSN 0014 5815/ISBN 95141 08094 Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

The Walled-Up Wife: A Casebook. Edited by Alan Dundes. Wisconsin and London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996. 210pp. £13.50. ISBN 0 299 15074 7 Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

Merkisdagar á; Mannsaevinni. By Árni Björnsson. Reykjavik: Mál og Menning, 1996. 487pp. Illus. ISBN 9979 31474 5 Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

Theories of Myth: An Annotated Bibliography. By Thomas J. Sienkewicz. Magill Bibliographies. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1997. xi + 225pp. £30.40. ISBN 08108 3388 3 Reviewed by Juliette Wood.

Scipio Storytelling: Talk in a Southern Indiana Community. By Margaret Read MacDonald. Lanham, New York and London: University Press of America, Inc. 1996. 233pp. Illus. $34.00. ISBN 0 7618 0349 1 Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales, Children, and the Culture Industry. By Jack Zipes. New York and London: Routledge, 1997.170pp. Pbk £13.99. ISBN 0 415 91850 2 Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

A Coven of Scholars: Margaret Murray and Her Working Methods. By Caroline Oates and Juliette Wood. Folklore Society Archive Series, no. 1, 1998. 101pp. £5.95. ISBN 0 903515 16 54 Reviewed by Ronald Hutton.

Sword Dancing in Europe: A History. By Stephen D. Corrsin. Tradition Series, no. 3. Enfield Lock: Hisarlik Press for the Folklore Society, 1997. xii + 290pp. Illus. ISBN 1 874312 25 7. £25. Distributed by the Folklore Society (enquiries to the FLS). Reviewed by Roy Judge.

The Celtic Cross: An Illustrated History and Celebration. By Nigel Pennick. London: Blandford, 1997. Hdbk £16.99. Reviewed by Rosemary Power.

Fairy Tales, Sexuality and Gender in France. By Lewis C. Seifert. Cambridge Studies in French. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. £37.50. ISBN 0 521 55005 Reviewed by Ruth Glass.

Folklore Fights the Nazis: Humor in Occupied Norway, 1940–1945. By Kathleen Stokker. 1st pbk edn. Madison, Wisconsin and London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1997. 273pp. ISBN 0 299 15444 0 Reviewed by Reimund Kvideland.

The Folklore of Tameside: Myths and Legends (inside, called The Folklore of Tameside: The Ashton and Longdendale Lordships). By John Walker and Michael Nevell. Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council with the Manchester University Archaeological Unit, 1998. ISBN 1871324211 Reviewed by Andrew F. Bennett.

Mortality. Edited by David Field, Glennys Howarth and Peter Jupp. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Carfax, three times a year. Institutions £108; individuals £38. ISSN 1357 6275 Reviewed by Valerie Clark.  相似文献   

Andrew, D., Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film (Princeton Paperbacks, 1995), xv + 409pp., £19.95, ISBN 0 691 00883 3

Barou, J., and Prado, P., Les Anglais dans nos campagnes (L'Harmattan, 1995), 238pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7384 3352 9

Blanchot, M., The Writing of the Disaster, trans. Ann Smock, new edn. (University of Nebraska Press, [1986] 1995), 153pp., £11.00, ISBN 0 8032 6120 9

Brami, J., Cottentenet‐Hage, M., and Verdaguer, P., eds., Regards sur la France des armies 1980 ‐ Le Roman (Anma Libri, 1994), 260pp., ISBN 0 915838 96 6

Brewer, M.M., Claude Simon: Narrativities Without Narrative (University of Nebraska Press, 1995), 183pp., $38.50, ISBN 0 8032 1261 5

Carroll, D., French Literary Fascism: Nationalism, Anti‐Semitism and the Ideology of Culture (Princeton University Press, 1995), 300pp., £24.95, ISBN 0 691 03723 X

Charle, C., A Social History of France in the Nineteenth Century trans. Mirian Kochan, (Berg, 1994), x + 314pp., hbk, ISBN 0 85496 906 2, pbk, ISBN 0 85496 913 6

Cordelier, S., Poisson, E. et al., L'État de la France 1995–96 (La Découverte, 1995), 635pp., 159F., ISBN 2 7071 2447 8

Crisp, C., The Classic French Cinema 1930–1960 (Indiana University Press, 1994), 485pp., £50.00, ISBN 0 2533 1550 6

Crozier, M., La Crise de l'Intelligence (Interéditions, 1995), 200pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7296 0567 3

Debré, M., Combattre Toujours: Mémoires, 1969–1993 (Albin Michel, 1994), 333pp., 150F., ISBN 2 226 07536 4

Dieudonné, P., ed., Villes reconstruites du dessin au iestin (L'Harmattan, 1994), vol. 1, 382pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2605 0, vol. 2, 384pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2606 9

Domenach, N., and Szarfan, M., De si bons amis (Plon, 1994), 454pp., 110F., ISBN 2 259 18018 3

Duchene, F.L., Jean Monnet: the First Statesman of Interdependence (W. W. Norton, 1994), 410pp., £22.00, ISBN 0 393 03497 6

Dutton, D., ed., Statecraft and Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century (Liverpool University Press, 1995), 180pp., £15.05, ISBN 0 85323 379 9

Eck, J.‐F., La France dans la nouvelle economic mondiale (PUF, 1994), 312pp., 150F., ISBN 2 13 046092 5

Forest, P., Histoire de Tel Quel, 1960–82 (Seuil, 1995), 655pp., 180F., ISBN 2 02 017346 8

Gardies, A., L'Espace au cinéma (Meridiens Klincksieck, 1993)

Gregg, J., Maurice Blanchot and the Literature of Transgression (Princeton University Press, 1994), 241pp., £25.00, ISBN 0 691 03329 3

Habert, P., Perrineau, P., and Ysmal, C., eds., Le Vote Sanction: Les élections législatives des 21 et 28 mars 1993 (Départment des études politiques du Figaro et Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1993), 347pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7246 0634 5

Kessler, M.‐C., Les Grands corps de l'état (Presses Universitaires de France, 1994), 128pp., 36F., ISBN 2 13 046502 1

Kramer, S.P., Does France Still Count? The French Role in the New Europe (Praeger, 1994), 113pp., £11.95, ‘Washington Papers’ series ISBN 0 275 95061 1.

Lallement, M., ed., Travail et emploi: le temps de métamorphoses (L'Harmattan, 1995), 283pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7384 2559 3

Le Crom, J.‐P., Syndicate nous voilal Vichy et le corporatisme (Les Editions Ouvrières, 1995), 410pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7082 3123 5

Lefait, P., Quatre Ministres etpuis s'en vont (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 310pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3105 7

Lepetit, B. et al., Atlas de la Révolution française, vol. 8, Population (Editions EHESS, 1995), 92pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7132 1189 1

Manent, P., An Intellectual History of Liberalism, trans. Rebecca Balinski (Princeton University Press, 1994), pp. 128, £16.95, ISBN 0 691 03437 0

Martelli, R., Le rouge et le bleu. Essai sur le communisme français (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 286pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3119 7

Mélenchon, J.‐L., Rocard, le rendezvous manqué (Ramsay, 1994), 237pp., 110F..ISBN2 84114 053 9

Minc, A., La France ie l'an 2000 (Odile Jacob/Documentation Française), 321pp., 60F., ISBN 2 7381 0281 6

Osen, J., Royalist Political Thought during the French Revolution (Greenwood Press, 1995), 154pp., £49.50, ISBN 0 313 29441 0

Outram, D., The Enlightenment (Cambridge University Press, 1995), 141pp., £27.95 hbk, ISBN 0 521 41522 5, £9.96 pbk, ISBN 0 521 42534

Phillips, P., Republican France: Divided Loyalties (Greenwood, 1993), xxiii + 168pp., $49.95, ISBN 0 313 27503 3

Platten, D., Djian: 37° 2 le matin (University of Glasgow French &; German Publications, 1995), 92pp., £3.95, ISBN 085261 368 7

Proudhon, P.‐J., What is Property? (CUP, 1994), 227pp., £55 hbk, £12.95 pbk.

Roberts, M., Civilization Without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar France 1917–1927 (University of Chicago Press, 1994), 337pp., £15.25, ISBN 0 226 72122 1

Rosanvallon, P., La nouvelle question sociale (Seuil, 1995), 223pp., 95F., ISBN 2 02 022030

Royal, S., Pays, paysans, pay sages. La reconciliation est‐elle possible? (Laffont, 1993), 228pp., 89F., ISBN 2 221 07046 1

Suleiman, E., Les Ressorts cachés de la réussite française (Seuil, 1995), 377pp., 130F., ISBN 2 02 021841 0

Tindall, G., Célestine. Voices from a French Village (Sinclair‐Stevenson, 1995), ix + 286pp., £17.99, ISBN 1 85619 534 1

Tricot, B., Mémoires (Quai Voltaire, 1994), 503pp., 148F., ISBN 2 87653 209 3

Veillon, D., Vivre et Survivre en France 1939–1947 (Editions Payot, 1995), 371pp., 145F., ISBN 2 228 88875 3

Vigato, J.‐C., L‘Architecture Régionalize. France 1890–1950 (Norma, 1994), 392pp., 160F., ISBN 2 9092832 11 9

Wagstaff, P., ed., Regionalism in Europe (Intellect, 1994), 120pp., £14.95, ISBN 1 871516 84 6

Walker, D.H., Outrage and Insight: Modern French Writers and the ’Fait Divers’ (Berg, 1995), 281pp., £39.95, ISBN 0 85946 780 X

Wilson, H.S., African Decolonisation (Edward Arnold, 1994), 222pp., £12.99, ISBN 0 340 55929 2  相似文献   


Emilio Sereni (1997) History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape, translated and Introduction by R. Burr Litchfield. Giovanni Agnelli Foundation in Italian History (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. i‐xliv, 1–369, ISBN 0–691012164 hardback; ISBN 0–691012156 paperback.

Peter Brand and Lino Pertile (eds) (1996) The Cambridge History of Italian Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1–701.

Bruno Bongiovanni and Nicola Tranfaglia (eds) (1996) Dizionario storico dell'Italia unita (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1–1031, 95,000 lire, ISBN 88–420–5081–4.

Giuseppe Maranini (1995) Storia del potere in Italia 1848–1967, prefazione di Angelo Panebianco, 2nd edn (Milan: Corbaccio), pp. 1–530; Mariuccia Salvati (1997) Riflessioni sul Leadership nella storia dell'Italia contemporoneo (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1–156.

Domenico Del Rio (1996) I Gesuiti e l'Italia. Storia di passioni, di trionfi e di amarezze (Milan: Corbaccio), pp. 1–522, ISBN 88–7972–111–9 hardback.

Anna Foa (1998) Giordano Bruno (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–107, 16,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06604–7.

Roland Sarti (1997) Mazzini. A Life for the Religion of Politics (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. 1–249, ISBN 0–275–95080–8 hardback.

Jonathan Dunnage (1997) The Italian Police and the Rise of Fascism: a Case Study of the Province of Bologna, 1897–1925 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. i‐xvi, 1–198, $57.95, ISBN 0–275–95286–1 hardback.

Jane Slaughter (1997) Women and the Italian Resistance, 1943–1945 (Denver, Colo: Arden Press) pp. i‐xx, 1–171, $32.00, ISBN 0–912869–13–5 hardback.

Gabriele Turi (ed.) (1997) Storia dell'editoria nell'ltalia contemporanea (Florence: Giunti Gruppo Editoriale), pp. 1–503, 48,000 lire, ISBN 88–09–21236–3.

Carlo Guarnieri and Patrizia Pederzoli (1997) La democrazia giudiziaria (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–186, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–05706–4 paperback.

Alessandro Brogi (1996) L'ltalia e l'egemonia americana nel Mediterraneo (Scandicci (Florence): La Nuova Italia. Editrice), pp. 1–425 pages (including appendix of documents, bibliography, and index of names), 40,000 lire, ISBN 88–221–1752–2.  相似文献   

Review article     
Oliver Logan 《Modern Italy》2013,18(1):101-105
Franklin Hugh Adler, Italian Industrialists from Liberalism to Fascism. The Political Development of the Industrial Bourgeoisie, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, xv + 458 pp., ISBN 0–521–433406–8 hbk, £40.00

Giuseppe Berta, Il governo degli interessi. Industriali, rappresentanza e politica nell'Italia del nord‐ovest 1906–1924, Marsilio, Venice, 1996, xv + 175 pp., ISBN 88–317–6342–3 pbk, 32,000 Lire

Giorgio Fiocca, Storia della Confindustria 1900–1914, Marsilio, Venice, 1994, 266 pp., ISBN 88–317–5850–0 hbk, 70,000 Lire  相似文献   

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