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Two new Tertiary species of Nothofagus from the Early Eocene-Oligocene deposit at Cethana represent the first reports of fossil species which are not closely related to the extant Australian species N. moorei and N. cunninghamii. N. cethanica sp. nov. is most closely related to the extant New Zealand species N. fusca and N. truncata and gives further evidence of the relatively slow evolution within this genus. The other specimen is indistinguishable from extant adult N. gunnii leaves, and has been assigned to that species. This fossil shows that the deciduous habit was probably already present in N. gunnii by the Oligocene, and this may have helped N. gunnii to survive the Late Tertiary/Quaternary glaciations. Juvenile N. gunnii foliage gives some insight into the possible origins of this species, which may have been from the same ancestral stock as N. fusca, N. truncata, and N. cethanica.  相似文献   

Leaves assignable to Nothofagus from two fossil deposits in Tasmania represent the first macrofossils of this genus from the Tertiary in southeastern Australia. One fossil species, N. johnstonii, is closely related to the extant Australian species N. cunninghamii while the other fossil species, N. tasmanica, has very close affinites with the extant Australian species N. moorei. All four of these species are closely interrelated. The pollen type produced by the fossil species is unknown, since all three types are present in the microfloras. However, both N. cunninghamii and N. moorei produce N. menziesii-type pollen. The macrofossils confirm the conclusion from pollen studies that evolution in Nothofagus has occurred very slowly.  相似文献   

The Cambrian acrotretid brachiopod Neotreta Sobolev 1976 is reviewed and re-illustrated, based on new material of the type species, N. tumida Sobolev 1976, from the lower Upper Cambrian of Siberia; Neotreta orbiculata Koneva 1990, originally described from the Middle Cambrian of Kazakhstan, has been obtained from roughly coeval beds in Shropshire, England; Neotreta pusilla Koneva 1986 was unavailable for study. Two new species, N. davidi and N. karagailensis, are described from Queensland, Australia, and Kirgizia, Central Asia respectively.  相似文献   

The Hunter Siltstone near Grenfell, New South Wales, contains a rich Upper Devonian fish fauna including the sinolepid Grenfellaspis and the new antiarchs Bothriolepis grenfellensis sp. nov. and Remigolepis redcliffensis sp. nov. Bothriolepis grenfellensis sp. nov. is the first bothriolepid species described from N.S.W., and R. redcliffensis sp. nov. is the first species of Remigolepis described from Australia. Traditionally, the Hunter Siltstone was considered to be uppermost Famennian or earliest Carboniferous in age based on the presence of Grenfellaspis, and the related taxon Sinolepis, which is known from the Wutung and Sanmentan formations of southeastern China. However, available data indicates the Hunter Siltstone may be early Famennian in age. Ongoing work suggests that all Famennian Bothriolepis from N.S.W., including B. grenfellensis, possess a trifid preorbital recess, but differ in other aspects of headshield morphology. In North China, the Famennian Zhongning Formation contains six species of Remigolepis and a species of Sinolepis. However, R. redcliffensis does not show any similarity to these species beyond those of Remigolepis as a whole.  相似文献   

The domesticated Red Jungle-fowl G. gallus is believed to have been dispersed by man from India during the Holocene. The distal end of a radius from the Ipswichian Interglacial deposits at Crayford, Kent, was indistinguishable from that of the wild form of Red Jungle-folw. A coracoid from the early Middle Pleistocene of N Norfolk was also very similar to that species but showed differences comparable with those found between different species of Gallus. At least one species referable to Gallus is known from the Pliocene of South-eastern Europe. Extrapolating from zoogeographical speciation patterns it would be possible for a Gallus species to have evolved through Pleistocene speciation in the European region. The species might have become extinct during a glaciation or have been exterminated by early man. A new species Gallus europaeus is described with the coracoid as a holotype, and the radius from Kent is tentatively referred to it.  相似文献   

Newly collected material of macropodines from the Otibanda Formation, P.N.G., includes previously unknown elements from described taxa, as well as material of a new and plesiomorphic macropodine, Watutia novaeguineae gen. et. sp. nov. Known only from adult upper and lower cheek tooth rows, this species shows a close similarity to undescribed macropodines of Tertiary age from northwestern Queensland and Hadronomas puckridgi from the Miocene of the Northern Territory, Australia. The upper molar row assigned to Dorcopsis sp. by Plane (1967), but regarded to be more closely related to Dendrolagus by Woodburne (1967), is here interpreted to be closer in morphology to species of Dorcopsis than Dendrolagus.  相似文献   

The new bryozoan genus Nudicella (Onychocellidae, Cheilostomata) is proposed to accommodate the common and widespread Australian Cainozoic cheilostome bryozoan Eschara clarkei Tenison Woods, which is redescribed and subdivided into four species: N. clarkei (Tenison Woods), N. cribriforma sp. nov., N. latiramosa sp. nov. and N. tenuis sp. nov. Cellaria gigantea Maplestone is also reassigned to Nudicella. Colonies of this genus display a wide variety of growth forms, including cribrate fenestrate, flat robust branching, foliose, delicate branching and encrusting; their occurrences correlate with changes in sedimentary facies and palaeoenvironments. The distinctive cribrate style of fenestrate growth form has evolved convergently in unrelated bryozoan groups at various geological intervals. It is found in a wide variety of sedimentary facies, as in other coexisting opportunistic genera such as Celleporaria, indicating a wide ecological tolerance. The oldest recorded occurrence of Nudicella is in the Paleocene of north western Australia. From there it appears to spread south in the Eocene and then east towards the Otway Basin in southeastern Australia, where it occurs in the Oligocene and Miocene; no post-Miocene representatives of this genus are yet known.  相似文献   

Well preserved lingulids from near the base of the Mandagery Sandstone in the Late Devonian Hervey Group, N.S.W. are described as Apsilingula parkesensis gen. et sp. nov. The internal structures are better preserved than those of any previously described Palaeozoic lingulid and it has been possible to reconstruct the muscle system and to demonstrate a close similarity to living species of Lingula.  相似文献   

The ischnacanthid acanthodian Grenfellacanthus zerinae gen. et sp. nov. is described on the basis of two large jaw bones from the Late Devonian (late Famennian) Hunter Formation, near Grenfell, N.S.W. The new species is the youngest known ischnacanthid, and the largest ischnacanthid from Gondwana. As for many ischnacanthids, the structure of the jaws and teeth indicate that Grenfellacanthus was probably an ambush predator.  相似文献   

The Oligocene vegetation at Pioneer was closed temperate rainforest dominated by Nothofagus johnstonii Hill, which probably produced N. menziesii-type pollen. However, other angiosperms (Quintinia, Cupaniae, Ilex, Cunoniaceae, Myrtaceae, Proteaceae and Winteraceae) were also present, as well as several conifers (Athrotaxis, Phyllocladus, Podocarpus, Dacrydium, Dacrycarpus and Araucariaceae). This rainforest was floristically more complex that the modern Tasmanian Nothofagus cunninghamii rainforests but contained many taxonomically related elements. One major difference was that a fern similar to extant Cyathea filled the riparian niche now largely occupied by the tree-fern Dicksonia antarctica. There is indirect evidence that species producing Nothofagus brassii-type pollen may have occurred upstream of the site of deposition, suggesting that the Nothofagus species were altitudinally zoned or edaphically restricted. The current absence of many of these Nothofagus species in Tasmania may be due to their inability to survive the low temperatures of the Quaternary glaciations. The high degree of similarity of the Pioneer palynoflora to that recorded in Oligocene sediments in onshore (Partridge, 1971) and offshore (Stover &; Partridge, 1973; Stover &; Evans, 1973) Gippsland Basin strongly suggests that there was little regional differentation in southeastern Australia at that time.  相似文献   

A new species of Tertiary lungfish, Neoceratodus djelleh, is based on two well-preserved upper tooth plates, from Duaringa, Queensland. Both specimens are elongate and have curved mediolingual faces and poorly defined ridges, with little trace of crests or clefts on the flat occlusal surface. Each ridge is supported by a bony base which extends into a peak. Enameloid is present, showing growth lines without associated cusps on the labial surface. Another specimen from Billeroo Creek, South Australia, is referred to Neoceratodus cf. N. djelleh.  相似文献   

Brachiopods of the Marginirugus barringtonensis and Levispustula levis Zones comprise the youngest of three major Carboniferous biostratigraphic units in eastern Australia. The remarkable change in the composition of marine invertebrates between the second and third of these units, a transition that only two brachiopod species are known to survive, has been attributed to the isolation of eastern Australia and to a drop in temperature. The Marginirugus barringtonensis and Levipustula levis Zones are redefined from reference sections in the Myall region, N.S.W.; the L. levis Zone now includes the Syringothyris bifida Zone of Campbell (1961). Faunal sequences show that these two zones are closely related and that there is no hiatus between them, as formerly proposed by McKellar (1965). Conodonts identified by Mr. D. Crane indicate a late Viséan to early Namurian age for the Marginirugus barringtonensis Zone, and an age of early Namurian for the base of the Levipustula levis Zone; brachiopod evidence indicates that the L. levis Zone extends into the Westphalian. The younger Auriculispina levis Zone from the Yarrol Basin may be coeval with the Trigonotreta campbelli Zone from N.S.W. Faunas from both the L. levis and A. levis Zones are present in Argentina and many species from the L. levis Zone have affinities with forms from the Baikal region, U.S.S.R. Correlations based on the zones have eliminated the need for a hiatus between the Branch Creek and Baywulla Formations in the Yarrol Basin.

Taxa described from the Marginirugus barringtonensis and Levipustula levis Zones in the Myall region include Yagonia gibberensis Roberts gen. et sp. nov., Bulahdelia myallensis Roberts gen. et sp. nov., Alispirifer yagonensis Thompson sp. nov., A. alatus Thompson sp. nov., Licharewia bootiensis Thompson sp. nov., Spirifer pristinus (Maxwell), Spiriferi sp., Neospirifer campbelli Maxwell and N. senilis Maxwell.  相似文献   

Diverse shallow water assemblages dominated by brachiopods, molluscs, sponges and stromatoporoids, and a tabulate coral, in the Wahringa Limestone Member (Darriwilian-Gisbornian), and Yuranigh Limestone Member (Gisbornian, or early Late Ordovician) of the Fairbridge Volcanics, are documented from the northern Molong Volcanic Belt in central N.S.W. New species described include Billingsaria spissa, Shlyginia printhiensis and Sowerbyites? wahringaensis. Elements of the Wahringa Limestone Member assemblage such as Labechia banksi, Labechiella regularis, and Maclurites cf. M. florentinensis are biogeographically significant in displaying strong similarities with contemporaneous Tasmanian faunas. The brachiopods Ishimia and Shlyginia from the Yuranigh Limestone Member are recognised for the first time outside Kazakhstan and Sibumasu. The presence of the brachiopod Anoptambonites in allochthonous limestone breccia within the lower Fairbridge Volcanics provides evidence of a regionally significant hiatus of 10–15 Ma duration separating this unit from the underlying Hensleigh Siltstone, of Early Ordovician (Bendigonian) age. The sponge Archaeoscyphia?, from allochthonous limestones in the latter formation, is the oldest macrofossil yet described from the Lachlan Fold Belt in central N.S.W.  相似文献   

Thirty ammonite taxa are recognised in the Wangarlu Mudstone of the Bathurst Island Group from the Cox Peninsula and Shoal Bay, Northern Territory, Australia. Included are a new heteromorph genus Notostreptites, type species N. exilis, and four additional new species and subspecies: Pseudhelicoceras gracilis, Labeceras (L.) tumidum, Labeceras (Appurdiceras) decorum, and Idiohamites dorsetensis laticostatus. The assemblage is best collectively correlated with the Mortoniceras (M.) inflatum Zone of the standard European Albian zonation but some of its members may represent the lower part of the Stoliczkaia dispar Zone. It is broadly correlative with faunas from the Eromanga Basin, which relate to an extensive eastern Australian Late Albian epicontinental sea, but is strikingly different in aspect. The Wangarlu Mudstone assemblage has relatively high diversity and an abundance of cosmopolitan heteromorph taxa well known from Europe and elsewhere, whereas Eromanga Basin assemblages are of relatively low diversity and dominated by Austral heteromorph genera known only from Australasia, southern Africa and Malagasy. The Austral character of Eromanga Basin assemblages is attributed to evolution in a restricted epicontinental sea environment and modest dispersal whereas the continental margin position of the Wangarlu Mudstone ensured an influx of pandemic elements drawn from the mid-Cretaceous world ocean.  相似文献   

Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios are commonly used to reconstruct palaeodiets and palaeoenvironments. The method is based on our knowledge of isotopic patterns in plants, which are subject to taxonomic and environmental variability. While previous researchers have addressed isotopic variability amongst plants, no studies have looked extensively at a broad suite of taxa over multiple temporal scales from within the savanna biome so as to provide baseline data for palaeodietary and palaeoenvironmental studies. Here we document variations in the isotopic compositions of plants collected over two years from the Kruger National Park, South Africa, with respect to species and anatomical differences, and the influences of geological substrate and spatio-temporal shifts in climate. Results show that environmentally-induced carbon isotopic variations in plants within this region are generally smaller than 2‰, which is lower than what has been previously reported for plants compared across multiple habitat-types. These data suggest that δ13C differences of 2‰ or more (or 1‰ if the diet is predominantly C4) between animals from a given area reliably indicate real dietary differences. Plant δ15N values vary greatly between different microhabitats (by up to 4‰), responding to a range of environmental influences that may, in turn, significantly influence variation in animal δ15N values.  相似文献   

Cantrill, D. J., & Drinnan, A. N., 1994:03:28. Late Triassic megaspores from the Amery Group, Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica. Alcheringa 18, 71–78. ISSN 0311-5518.

Megaspores referable to the genera Cabochonicus Batten & Ferguson 1987 and Minerisporites Potonié 1956 are a common component of the palaeoflora recovered from the Jetty Member within the Flagstone Bench Formation of the Amery Group. The known ranges of these two genera, in conjunction with the macrofloral remains, suggest a Late Triassic age. Two new species, Cabochonicus sinuosus and Minerisporites triangulatus, are described. Scanning electron microscopic examination of the spores indicates that standard palynological treatment of megaspores can result in sculptural degradation, possibly leading to incorrect generic assignment.  相似文献   


In this paper, we analyze the isotopic niche and resource use of the guanaco (Lama guanicoe), pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) and marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) on the temperate plain of the northern Pampa region in the southeast of South America. The measured stable isotope compositions in bone tissue are δ13C, δ15N and δ18O. All the analyzed samples were recovered from different archaeological sites from the late Holocene. According to the results, the guanaco was strictly confined to the Pampa plain environment, developing a broad niche based on C3 plants and a variable contribution of C4 grasses within a grazing trend. The pampas deer preferentially used the Pampa plain, but also the prairies on the borders of the wetland, showing eurioic characteristics and a narrower niche based on C3 plants. In turn, the marsh deer was strictly confined to wetland environments, developing a C3 diet–base, within a narrow isotopic niche and stenoic characteristics. The three mammals showed a wide range of intraspecific variability, which was a key factor in their adaptability to spatial and temporal changes in the vegetation coverage. In fact, the temporal trends of their isotopic values were concurrent with the major climatic variations of the Holocene. Differences in the correlations between the values of both carbon sources in both deer species compared with the guanaco suggest a distinct chemical composition of their diet and/or differences in the allocation of nutrients. The isotopic values of nitrogen and spacing of the carbon sources in guanaco (pseudoruminant) and both deer species (ruminants) show no significant differences between them, thus establishing the values for local large herbivores. Significant correlations between δ13C and δ15N were found in the guanaco and marsh deer. The regional and extra–regional variability in the guanaco's δ13Ccollagen and δ15N probably reflect the clinal variations in the vegetation coverage and the amount of rainfall. The collagen isotope values in the guanaco throughout the entire Holocene show that the humid Pampa would have shifted between being a more recurrent mesic and temperate plain with minor phases of dry–mesic conditions like during the Little Ice Age, and a humid and warm one at the peaks of the Holocene Thermal Maximum and the Medieval Climatic Anomaly. The guanaco and the pampas deer adapted to all the climatic changes that happened on the humid Pampa until the biological invasions of large European mammals changed the herbivores’ guild composition of this vast plain, pushing them into peripheral habitats due to competition. The within–species variability in isotopic signals through time and space make it necessary to carry out adequate sampling before reconstructing the diets of local past populations.  相似文献   

Zamorano, M. & Brandoni, D., 2013. Phylogenetic analysis of the Panochthini (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae), with remarks on their temporal distribution. Alcheringa 37, 1–10. ISSN 0311-5518.

To test the monophyly of Panochthini, a phylogenetic analysis including all the species traditionally referred to the tribe was conducted. The matrix included 16 species of Glyptodontidae and 35 characters, from which 14 correspond to the skull, four to the dentition, two to the cephalic armour, nine to the dorsal carapace and six to the caudal sheath. Propalaehoplophorus australis (Propalaehoplophorinae) was used to root the trees. Four most parsimonious trees were obtained (Tree Length = 75, CI = 0.65, RI = 0.70). The strict consensus tree (Tree Length = 77, CI = 0.64, RI = 0.68) has the following topology: Propalaehoplophorus australis (Glyptodon reticulatus (Hoplophorus euphractus (Panochthus jaguaribensis, P. intermedius (P. frenzelianus, P. tuberculatus (P. subintemedius, P. greslebini)))) ((Pseudoplohophorus absolutus, Plohophorus figuratus) (Nopachtus cabrerai, N. coagmentatus, Propanochthus bullifer, Stromaphorus compressidens, Phlyctaenopyga ameghini))). The results indicate that: 1, Panochthini is not a natural group but polyphyletic; 2, Panochthus is monophyletic and, concordant with recent proposals, Hoplophorus euphractus is its sister group; and 3, Nopachtus and Propanochthus are more closely related to species traditionally referred to ‘Plohophorini’ than to Panochthus. Nopachtus and Propanochthus, as the ‘Plohophorini’, are recorded from the latest part of the Neogene, whereas Panochthus and Hoplophorus euphractus are restricted to the Quaternary.

[Martín Zamorano [marzamorano@fcnym]unlp.edu.ar], Departamento Científico Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque, s/n, 1900, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. CONICET. Diego Brandoni [dbrandoni@cicyttp.org.ar], Laboratorio de Paleontología de Vertebrados, Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción (CICYTTP-CONICET), Matteri y España, E3105BWA Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Received 25.10.2012; revised 11.1.2013; accepted 18.1.2013.  相似文献   

Although a patchwork of projects shows a process of agriculture intensification in North China during the Neolithic, the impact of cereal farming on animal husbandry and their mutual interaction remain cloudy. This study reports bone collagen δ13C and δ15N of humans and animals from Wayaogou (ca 6.5–6.0 kyrs bp ) and Dongying (ca 5.9–5.6 kyrs bp , 4.6–4.0 kyrs bp ) to explore temporal trend of livestock raising and particularly the importance of millet fodder to stock raising practices in the Wei River valley, North China. The isotopic evidence overall shows that millet products increased in human and domestic animal diets during the mentioned chronological span. δ13C values of pigs and dogs at Dongying are higher than those at Wayaogou, implying that the importance of millet nutrients increased to animal husbandry diachronically. Interestingly, δ13C results of domestic cattle of Dongying late phase (−14.1 ± 1.1‰, N = 5) are more enriched than Wayaogou wild Bos (−17.8 ± 0.3‰, N = 3), indicating that millet fodder had taken a significant place in early cattle husbandry. Besides, differences between Bos species of the two periods also imply that δ13C values of bone collagen constitute a potential indicator for tracing the origin of cattle husbandry in North China. In addition, domestic sheep at Dongying produced similar isotope data to wild ovicaprid at Wayaogou, suggesting that they possibly had grazed for the most in grassland and therefore experienced a different lifestyle from cattle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fossil lycopod Pleuromeia longicaulis (Burges) comb. nov. and its supposed cone Cyclostrobus sydneyensis (Walkom) Helby &; Martin 1965 are common in the Scythian to Anisian Garie and Newport Formations north of Sydney, N.S.W. P. longicaulis probably lived in extensive monodominant stands in the interdistributary bays of the ‘Gosford delta’ system, bordering a large coastal lagoon or lake. C. sydneyensis was borne as a single erect terminal cone. It was shed intact and may have floated some distance before breaking up and releasing its heterospores.

Austrostrobus ornatum Morbelli and Petriella 1973 from southern Patagonia is now included as a further species of Cyclostrobus.

The Pleuromeiaceae appear to have been facultative coastal halophytes. They probably originated in Eurasia and migrated along early Triassic shorelines, reaching eastern Australia by the mid-Scythian. The coastal habitat of the Pleuromeiaceae and other Triassic lycopods explains the biostratigraphic usefulness of the spores Aratrisporites spp., Nathorstisporites hopliticus Jung 1958, and Banksisporites pinguis (Harris) Dettmann 1961 compared with coexisting fully terrestrial fossil floras. These opportunistic lycopods appear to have expanded in times of recovery from global life crises.  相似文献   

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