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In Bielefeld, Germany in April, 1997 an author conference was devoted to Arthur C. Danto's 1995 Mellon Lectures After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History (Princeton,1997). This essay provides an introduction to seven essays given at that conference and expanded for this Theme Issue of History and Theory . Danto presented his view of the nature of art in The Transfiguration of the Commonplace (1981). He then added in the Mellon lectures a sociological perspective on the current situation of the visual arts, and an Hegelian historiography. The history of art has ended, Danto claims, and we now live in a posthistorical era. Since in his well-known book on historiography, Analytical Philosophy of History (1965), Danto is unsympathetic to Hegel's speculative ways of thinking about history, his adaptation of this Hegelian framework is surprising. Danto's strategy in After the End of Art is best understood by grasping the way in which he transformed the purely philosophical account of The Transfiguration into a historical account. Recognizing that his philosophical analysis provided a good way of explaining the development of art in the modern period, Danto radically changed the context of his argument. In this process, he opened up discussion of some serious but as yet unanswered questions about his original thesis, and about the plausibility of Hegel's claim that the history of art has ended.
Hegel . . . did not declare that modern art had ended or would disintegrate. . . . his attitude towards future art was optimistic, not pessimistic. . . . According to his dialectic . . . art . . . has no end but will evolve forever with time.  相似文献   

The fiftieth anniversary of this journal offers an opportunity to reflect on both its history and that of the larger field of religious history. At its foundation, the journal drew inspiration from the approach to the history of religion taken by Lucien Febvre and other French Annalistes, with their emphasis on including religion as an integral part of the analysis of the past. Though the journal continued to publish a good deal of ecclesiastical history as more traditionally understood, these founding ideals have continued to shape the character of the journal. The increasing interest in the history of mentalities (partly due to the decline of Marxist historiography) has heightened an interest in the history of religion in ways which have proved increasingly congruent with the journal's founding ideals.  相似文献   

This article examines the urban development of Moscow from 1992 to 2015, arguing that the city's recent transformation from grey asphalt jungle to a “city comfortable for life” is driven by a process of neoliberal restructuring. In particular, the study finds that a set of multi‐scalar dynamics—namely, the global financial crisis, the rise of a local protest movement, and an intensified rivalry between federal and Muscovite elites—were the key driving forces behind Moscow's current evolution. The work advances a conceptual framework of neoliberal urbanisation that enhances the literature on post‐socialist cities and, more generally, the broader debate on actually existing neoliberalism.  相似文献   

This paper explores the connections between the architecture and materiality of houses and the social idiom of bayt (house, family). The ethnographic exploration is located in the Druze village of Jaramana, on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus. It traces the histories, genealogies, and politics of two families, bayt Abud-Haddad and bayt Ouward, through their houses. By exploring the two families and the architecture of their houses, this paper provides a detailed ethnographic account of historical change in modern Syria, internal diversity, and stratification within the intimate social fabric of the Druze neighbourhood at a time of war, and contributes a relational approach to the anthropological understanding of houses.  相似文献   

南京高校民国建筑是民国建筑中的一种特殊类型,其大多数为建筑艺术之精品,且蕴含着深厚的校园历史价值。随着南京高校校园更新改造规模的不断扩大,校内民国建筑的空间形态及历史风貌均遭到了不同程度的破坏。如何在保护民国建筑历史风貌的同时开展好校园更新活动,必须深入研究论证。《威尼斯宪章》界定了保护更新的内涵与外延,南京高校民国建筑的保护更新活动应在原真性与完整性理念的指导下,结合划分保护区、制定详细计划及引入城市设计理念等手段拓展保护工作的广度与深度。  相似文献   

孙志新 《东南文化》2011,(4):118-122,131,132
纽约大都会博物馆的中国艺术收藏已有130年的历程。其间收藏的器类始于制作精美、雅俗共赏的明清瓷器,继而扩展到玉器、金银器、珐琅器、牙雕等整个明清时代的装饰艺术,再进一步扩展到中国古代的青铜礼器、玉器、陶塑和佛教造像,并且随着西方对于中国艺术的研究的深入,观众和收藏家逐渐领略到中国书画艺术深邃的文化内涵,最终全面地了解绵延不断的中华五千年文明;其收藏历程则见证了美国,或是说西方对中国文化艺术的认知过程,收藏过程中所形成的收藏家、赞助人和博物馆业务主任成功的合作模式和经验或许可以给中国的博物馆提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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