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L. T. RUNIA 《Archaeometry》1987,29(2):221-232
Bones from a Bronze Age settlement in a low-lying area in The Netherlands were analysed for their content of strontium and certain other elements. Low strontium concentrations in the human bones indicate that part of the diet consisted of animal products. Milk and dairy products were probably also incorporated in the diet. This would have had a marked effect on the Sr/Ca ratio of the total diet and on the strontium content of human bones. Anomalous mean strontium concentrations for the animal species are tentatively explained in relation to the specific environment of the settlement. Different pasturing practices for cattle and sheep/goat respectively are possibly reflected by the strontium content of their bones.  相似文献   

This study examines two urnfields, their development, burial rituals, grave goods and the cremated remains in a renewed analysis of the Danish Urnfield Tradition. The osteological investigation reveals a very high proportion of children's graves in these communal burial sites. Individual expression and demonstration of status are muted in burial rituals adhering to strict norms, although differences between age categories show through variations in the size of a burial monument. The use of CT scans and a detailed analysis of all artefacts provide evidence of the ritualized breaking of urns and the retrieval of bones from graves. Such retrieval of bones together with the layout and development of urnfields demonstrate the importance placed on the ancestors in the Early Pre-Roman Iron Age. The inconspicuous burials, together with the incorporation of all age categories, suggest that the focus of these burial communities is on a relational rather than individual identity.  相似文献   

The flame atomic absorption spectroscopy method of analysis of trace elements (Mn, Sr, and Cu) in a mammoth's bone and the method of estimation of the data using regression analysis are described. The concentration fields of the single elements in a cross-section through the bone are well described by a fourth degree polynomial. The minimum values and their coordinates have been determined. A method of determination of the original concentrations of trace elements in fossil bones is described further. The approximating features of the regression exponential equations and of the diffusion functions of various shapes were determined and a method for calculating the concentrations and diffusion properties of the bones once deposited in the soil is suggested. The original trace element concentration can be estimated by extrapolation of a suitable exponential or diffusion function.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is used to analyse soil residues from hearth sites in Swan Point, Alaska. An experimental hearth is also prepared by burning animal bones to study the characteristics of bone fires and the lipid residues that they leave embedded in soil. Hearth soil samples are derivatized with HCl in methanol to convert bound and unbound fatty acids into methyl esters. Concentrations of saturated fatty acid methyl esters in the samples are determined and their ratios analysed. The fatty acid patterns found in ancient campfires are consistent with burning bones of large ruminants as well as monogastric herbivores.  相似文献   

Although literally hundreds of houses have been excavated in the southern Levant, it is not easy to use them to study past spatial activities. While modern excavations allow high‐resolution reconstructions, due to the costs involved only a limited number of houses are excavated nowadays in their entirety; the recording of the hundreds of houses excavated until the 1960s was partial and much of the material (e.g. botanical remains, bones, charred material, etc.) was not even collected. Some of the older reports recorded the distribution of macro‐artefacts, mainly pottery, and a concentration of storage vessels, for example, may indicate that a room was used for storage. The products stored, however, cannot usually be determined. This article suggests that the volumes and forms of funnels may indicate whether they funnelled dry products, liquids or precious fluids, and can therefore be used to identify specialized activities even from reports of older excavations, when other lines of evidence are lacking.  相似文献   

Summary. Re-study of the fauna recovered in 1969 during excavations by John Campbell in front of the West Entrance to Robin Hood Cave, Creswell Crags, Derbyshire, England, shows it to include components of different ages. Arctic hare is the only species certainly exploited by humans and it is suggested that the position and character of cut-marks preserved on bone surfaces documents the processing and possible consumption of uncooked meat. It has not been possible to identify the time(s) of year when these hares died. Radiocarbon results for cut-marked bones are important for dating the Creswellian.  相似文献   

As a former part of the great Roman Empire, Slovenia has many archaeological sites featuring buildings and objects entirely or partly constructed from marble whose provenance is doubtful. In Slovenia, the most probable source of such marble is the Pohorje Mountains. For the purpose of supporting further provenance studies, these marbles are fully scientifically characterized. The techniques used are petrographic and geochemical analysis, stable isotope ratio analysis and EPR spectroscopy. The results show that the Pohorje marbles are highly heterogeneous in both their isotopic and geochemical parameters as well as grain sizes. The parameters of the different Pohorje marble outcrops are compared between themselves and with the parameters of known ancient quarries in the Mediterranean and Austria. The use of a multi‐technique approach with combined parameters allows the best possible discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a 3‐year project carried out in the Jordan Valley, Israel, in which the influence of specific local environmental conditions, such as scavenging, weathering and scattering of carcasses, were related to the rate of their bone survival. During the 3 year period, the taphonomy of 16 whole animal carcasses, deposited in a nature reserve and agricultural cultivated area were compared. The exact age, date of death and weight of all animals was known. Results of animal scavenging activities on the carcasses, such as disappearance of bones and damage, such as tooth marks, breakage, gnawing to the leftover bones, were recorded at the end of the initial, intensive scavenging period (Phase I), and at later dates. Bone scattering maps were drawn at the end of Phase I and 2.5 and 3 years later. Weathering of surviving bones at the sites is described. Results show that in the Jordan Valley Nature Reserve, scavenging is the most important taphonomic agent causing total disappearance of all bones of young dairy calves, and reducing amount of bones remaining of more mature animals to a minimum. These small number of leftover bones, after only 2–3 years are the only candidates for eventual burial and fossilization. The loss of most of the bones through scavenging in the nature reserve might cause serious bias to conclusions about subsistence behaviour of prehistoric man. This is a taphonomic actualistic analogue to eventual conditions in prehistoric times. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 1999, renovation work in the 16th century crypt in Saint Peter's Cathedral, Bologna (Italy), uncovered a capuchin‐type grave probably from the Early Middle Ages, containing commingled bones belonging to several individuals. A study of the osteoarchaeological material by the Laboratory of Bioarchaeology and Forensic Osteology of the University of Bologna identified two skulls of young males, both presenting signs of direct traumatic lesions produced peri mortem: one on the frontal, the other on the left parietal. The aim of the present study was to examine the lesions in relation to possible aetiological factors. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

金沙遗址出土的卜甲虽不像象牙一样令世人瞩目,但因其特有的文化特色,同样是考古研究的重要实物资料。出土的卜甲破碎变形十分严重,而且卜甲都十分酥脆,强度很差。由于卜甲出土时已经严重腐朽,质地脆弱,硬度极低,这些都导致修复保护的难度增加。对此运用现代修复理念,结合传统修复技术对这批卜甲进行修复。这次成功的尝试,可为类似的文物的保护修复工作提供经验。  相似文献   

This article contains an analysis of metaphysics in historical narrative, especially as it pertains to the study of authoritarianism and populism, and a brief exploration of the political implications of metaphysical narratives. The article engages closely with twentieth-century accounts of the origins of authoritarianism and populism and related topics insofar as they are relevant today. Some present-day authors continue to adopt some of the tropes of twentieth-century accounts, though they do so without acknowledging the uncertainties and doubts expressed by twentieth-century historians and social scientists with regard to their own paradigms. The analysis proceeds through an immanent critique, examining the internal contradictions of complex notions. The focus is on teleology and transcendentalism. Teleology occludes short-term causality, contexts, and conjunctures. It entails anachronism, or the retrospective attribution of meaning, and ontological fatalism, which renders historical explanation irrelevant. Eschewing fatalism means allowing for the causal efficiency of intervening conditions, which contradicts the premises of the teleological approach. The reification of stages (or eras) in teleological successions leads to asynchronies, or the coexistence of elements belonging to different totalities. The formulation of origins as predispositions and potentialities entails a transcendental approach. Immanently, there are no potentialities but actual existents immersed in their historical context; these can only be potentialities with respect to a transcendental being or essence. But this approach leads to irresoluble contradictions and an alienated form of history in which human agency and actors themselves are only manifestations of a beyond. The neglect of social antagonisms as immediate causes of authoritarianism entails a specific political position. The postulation of populism as transcendentally equivalent to authoritarianism carries a negative valuation of challenges to liberal democracy. With a less deterministic approach to history, analytical and normative assessments become less predetermined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper considers the bias of the matrix of multipliers when the underlying data are random. The traditional approach is to specify the stochastic nature of the input coefficients directly. It is shown that this approach implies a transactions table which is biased in a most unbalanced way. Next the practitioner's point of view, i.e., taking the transactions table as the source of random errors, is adopted. One of the results states that, within each row of the multiplier matrix, either the biases are zero, or positive biases are canceled out by negative biases in the sense that their weighted average is zero. The conditions are based on the idea that information on aggregates is more exact than information on their details. The usual asumptions of independence and unbiasedness of the individual errors are avoided. The results are shown to have a direct interpretation in connection with the RAS-updating procedure.  相似文献   

This article examines how Richard Bernard’s commentary on the Book of Ruth, Ruths Recompence (1628), was constructed so as to deliver its messages, specifically those reflecting Bernard’s concern with living well. Attention is drawn to certain parts of the exposition which exemplify Bernard’s views and one part, especially, which caused him perplexity. This last pertains to a central element of Ruth which challenges Bernard and his early modern predecessors, in particular, in expounding the book. This is Ruth’s approach in Chapter 3, following the advice of her mother-in-law, Naomi, to their kinsman, Boaz, on the threshing floor, alone by night to request marriage according to the levirate law. Such an approach is contrary to the voluminous literature in the early modern period setting out how women should conduct themselves. Regarding other parts of the exposition, the article shows how Bernard taught such lessons as desirable relations between masters and servants.  相似文献   

城市生活质量与生活空间质量研究评介与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今的社会-文化进程阶段,新人本主义强调人与社会(文化)和谐的可持续发展观,其目标体现在人们的生活质量上,其焦点是城市(社会)生活质量构成与城市(社会)生活质量空间耦合的建构。从新人本主义理念出发探讨城市(社会)生活质量与其对应(社会)生活空间质量对政府部门和学术界都是全新的课题。二者在不同领域,不同学科之间的研究并行不悖。对前者的研究是人文社会与管理学科聚焦的方向,对后者的探讨是区域与城市诸学科聚焦的方向。它们充分体现学科融合的新理念/原理及其前沿性。本文从研究源起、研究意义、研究阶段以及评价指标体系的构建等不同角度对二者的国内外研究动态及方向进行了评介与展望,目的在于明晰二者的研究方法,理论框架与研究趋势,为社会与城市发展及其规划指明方向,提供理论基础与科学依据。  相似文献   

T ime - distance is defined as the time required to travel a specific distance. Consider the time-distances among n places. They are tabulated in an n by n matrix and it is assumed that each element of the square array represents the minimum travel time to go from one place to another. Usually the matrix will be non-symmetrical with all diagonal elements equal to zero. Imagine a graphic representation of those places in a two-dimensional space. Theoretically it is possible to determine two configurations, one arising from trip i to j , the other from trip j to i , such that the locations of all n points approximate the n ( n -1)/2 time-distance relations.1 In practice, however, the geographer will not be satisfied with a solution that does not preserve geographic neighbourliness. He will argue that geographical order is a necessary ingredient to the understanding of place relations. In most cases, a total solution that reconciles the geography with the metric is unattainable and only segments of the time-distance matrix are mapped. On polar isochronic maps, for instance, places are located according to their geographic azimuth and their time-distance with respect to one single origin. Therefore only one row or one column of the original matrix is plotted. The number of maps required for representing the entire data would be twice as large as the number of observations.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of stable isotopic analyses conducted upon animal and human bones recovered from Yarnton, Oxfordshire. Spanning the Neolithic to Saxon periods, it is in many ways a typical site, but is unusual in that a small Middle Iron Age cemetery was discovered.
All of the data presented here lie within the expected isotopic ranges for the European Holocene, although both faunal and animal δ15N values are higher than is commonly found. The faunal data show the expected pattern for the animals studied (horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and dog), with pigs being more omnivorous than ruminants, and dogs eating an isotopically similar diet to humans. The animals' diets had higher δ15N values during the Roman period as compared to the Iron Age, although it is unclear if this reflects an environmental change or alteration in animal management practices. Despite the site's riverine location, there is no isotopic evidence for fish consumption. No distinctions were found based on gender or burial position within the Iron Age cemetery. Age-based distinctions were found in δ13C values, although these cannot be fully explained. As expected, infants have a higher nitrogen isotopic value than other individuals, reflecting the consumption of their mother's milk.  相似文献   

Archaeological experiments that use modern bones to replicate past animal bone assemblages have often failed to consider the effects of environment, storage and preparation on modern bones. Often, these experiments make little mention of the conditions to which bones were subject during their storage and preparation for use in experiments. In other instances, these variables are reported but not considered as factors that contribute to the nature of the results obtained. This study considers previously reported data concerning the degradation of frozen bones (−20°C), and bones exposed to hot, dry conditions (40°C), and presents new data for bones exposed to room temperature environments (22°C) and refrigerated environments (2°C), and bones that are frozen (−20°C) and then thawed (22°C). These conditions are all relevant to understanding the nature of bone degradation and the use of bones in modern archaeological experimentation. This article also surveys a range of previously reported experiments that utilise modern bones to create analogies to the past and considers different methodological approaches and their relationship to the condition of bones at the time of their fracture and fragmentation. The longitudinal data presented in this study demonstrate differential rates of bone degradation over time in various environmental conditions. This degradation results in dramatic changes in bone fracture morphology, bone strength and utility for bone tool production. These observations have significant implications for experiments that utilise modern bones, especially when experimental data are used to create analogies to the archaeological past. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions were measured on human and faunal bones, sampled from the Neolithic chambered tomb of Hazleton North, Gloucestershire, UK. The values were used to characterize the diet of the burial community as a whole. Humans were higher in δ15N by 4.5–5.0‰ relative to animal δ15N, from which we conclude that, based on currently accepted interpretations of isotopic data, the humans consumed a diet that was very high in meat or animal products (75% by weight of protein). Comparison was also possible between cortical and cancellous femoral collagen, with the results showing no significant difference for the adult humans. The sample of human isotopic values showed little variability, in contrast to that found in the domestic and wild animals from the site (including cattle, pigs, sheep and deer). We suggest that this is due to local environmental differences, rather than to environmental change over time or physiological differences between individual animals, and that this pattern is likely to hold for many other archaeological sites when analysed with sufficient statistical weight.  相似文献   

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