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The current increase in socio-spatial inequalities in Europe has led to a revival of the terms “peripheralization” and “marginalization” in spatial research. In contrast to the geographical notion of a “periphery”, which is synonymous with distance to a centre and being situated on the fringes of a city, region or nation, research on “peripheralization” describes the production of peripheries through social relations and their spatial implications. The main part of the article provides a critical review of theoretical concepts which attempt to explain socio-spatial disparities between centralization and peripheralization processes. This includes theories of economic polarization, social inequality and political power. Building on this, a multidimensional concept of socio-spatial polarization is outlined, one which comprises processes of centralization and peripheralization in economic, social and political dimensions. Finally, implications are drawn for spatial planning regarding the polarization between metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions and areas for further research are highlighted.  相似文献   

周滔  张璞洁 《人文地理》2023,38(1):118-129+157
乡村振兴要求走乡村内生性发展道路,客观认知乡村发展能力的时空分异格局和交互关系对乡村振兴战略实施具有重要意义。本文从农业产业发展、农村基础建设和农民社会生活三个维度构建测度指标体系,并引入面板向量自回归模型识别影响乡村发展能力的敏感因素,以此测度乡村发展能力指数,进而采用探索性时空数据分析方法揭示乡村发展能力的时空交互特征。结果表明:(1)我国中部地区多维乡村发展能力提升,但呈明显的空间异质性,不同维度间差异化显著;(2)中部地区多维乡村发展能力局域空间格局呈现较强的动态性并整体表现出较强的空间依赖关系;(3)邻接地级市多维乡村发展能力的时空交互网络以正向关联为主,局部空间呈差异化的竞合态势。  相似文献   

本文利用人口普查数据,以街区尺度为研究单元,以arc GIS为技术支撑,运用空间隔离指数和信息熵模型,对转型期1982-2000年中部城市合肥社会空间分异与重构进行了探讨。结果表明:①转型期合肥城市社会空间分异与重构显著,呈以老城区为中心的同心圈状空间分布特征;②隔离指数值的变化表明,18年间合肥城市内部空间隔离程度显著减弱,混居性逐渐增强;③信息熵值变化表明,18年间合肥社会空间进行了幅度较小的有序重构。最后,对合肥社会空间分异与重构的机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国经济特区的设置具有明显的国家尺度重构特征。深圳经济特区在扩容过程中产生了行政区与功能区嵌套的地理空间。采用 TPSN 组合方法对深圳特区扩容不同阶段的社会空间特征进行比较,发现,不同阶段会形成不同类型的嵌套空间,并且 TPSN组合存在明显的差异。嵌套空间生产与重构的直接动因包括资源协同效应、政策协同效应和综合协同效应,以政治动员网络为主的网络维度在嵌套空间生产与重构过程中扮演着关键角色。研究结果表明,对我国嵌套空间的研究深化了国家尺度重构理论,而在行政区划调整的制度供给进一步收紧的背景下,嵌套空间可视为一种新型的行政区划改革与调整手段。  相似文献   

Distance is a key idea in contemporary literatures on geography and the government of risk, and it is central to the work presented in this paper, which focuses on Western media representations of an innovative ‘first-generation’ non-contraceptive microbicide, Carraguard. A preventive technology that has been developed under the auspices of the US Population Council and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Carraguard is represented in the media in ways that produce certain noteworthy cultural geographies of HIV/AIDS. Via an analysis of a selection of such media representations of Carraguard, and focusing on sexual citizenship, political subjectivity and three socio-spatial orderings of risk (displacement, replacement and reorientation), we posit that Carraguard has effected a feminization of the government of risk at a distance. Specifically, we contend that HIV/AIDS has been displaced from the marginalized spaces of metropolitan centres of the West and replaced at the world's under-developed margins, being reoriented from dangerousness/deviance and the masculine to risk and the feminine in that process. In this work, we have taken up Dean's (1999) call to use an analytics of government to highlight the effects of certain ways of thinking and acting, and have also sought to respond to observations by Craddock (2000) that the silences in geography about HIV/AIDS and the regional coordinates of risk and vulnerability need to be addressed. In the final analysis, it appears that media representations of Carraguard reproduce and intensify much older geopolitical and socio-spatial orderings and relations of power that give effect to conceptions and practices of political obligation and sexual citizenship.  相似文献   

This study analyses electronic service (e-service) adoption in regards to socio-spatial dynamics. Conceptually the paper focuses on the interrelations of both private and public e-services and on the influence that demographic variables have on e-service adoption. To empirically engage in this discussion the study uses segmented residential areas representing different socio-spatial characteristics; namely ‘city center’, ‘high-income suburban’ area, and ‘lower-income suburban’ area. With data from an extensive postal survey and standard statistical methods for analyzing survey data the paper shows the extent of existing differentiation in e-service use between genders and according to age, education and income, as well as spatial differences between the studied residential areas. The study results, thus, clearly indicate that the e-service use has still statistically differentiated user profiles, particularly if it is considered in a spatial setting. The paper concludes by addressing directions for the future research.  相似文献   

This study uses worker‐level data on industry, occupation, and place of work to explore differences in the spatial properties of production, administrative, and R&D occupation groups within industries. To measure differences, we calculate location quotients at the local labor market level and the Duranton and Overman (2005) agglomeration index for each group. We find appreciable differences in the spatial distribution of occupation groups within most manufacturing industries, with R&D occupations consistently exhibiting the highest degree of spatial concentration. Our results are consistent with the core theoretical and empirical results in the agglomeration literature.  相似文献   

Financial inclusion has become a prominent development policy objective. Its promotion rests on the understanding that poverty and underdevelopment mainly result from financial constraints that individuals face. Better access to financial services, in particular via the use of mobile money services, is supposed to lift these constraints and allow for growth and development. After outlining this dominant approach and detailing its theory of change, this article challenges it on the basis of the mesoeconomic study (at territorial level) of areas particularly targeted by financial inclusion policies: Kenyan informal settlements. The study of their geography of money shows how the socio-spatial flows of money shape people's economic constraints and opportunities. Based on this empirical account, it is argued that the poor are, first and foremost, in a situation of monetary exclusion, rather than being primarily financially constrained. The article conceptualizes monetary exclusion and highlights the theory and policy implications of this situation.  相似文献   

In Poland, similarly to other Central and Eastern European countries, the development of the biotech industry dates back to the late 1980s, when the first private companies were established. The political and economic transformation of 1989 enabled mass development of private enterprises, but over the course of 20 years of development, only a couple of dozens biotech firms have emerged in Poland. The spatial evolution of the industry shows a strong concentration in Poland's six largest urban centres, which are characterized by the best scientific base, access to financial capital, and a well-developed local entrepreneurial culture. Given that all biotech clusters are also important centres of the pharmaceutical industry, despite the fact that there are no strong direct relationships between Poland's biotech and pharmaceutical companies, the authors of this paper put forward the thesis that the institutional environment of the pharmaceutical sector also affects the development of the biotech industry.  相似文献   

生命历程理论试图通过时间维度来建构生命事件与社会环境和个体等制约间的互动关系。空间行为研究逐步由形态描述向过程和机制研究转变。生命历程理论为长期空间行为研究提供了较新的研究视角。本文试图将社会空间元素融入生命历程理论中,将长期空间行为自身及其社会空间影响作为事件状态的重要内容,从轨迹、转折点、持续期等角度来分析长期空间行为的发展演化及其社会空间后果,利用事件状态变化的恰当时间(timing)和转折点,把事件状态变化动态地置于当时的历史情境中,分析长期空间行为与社会路线、个体路线之间的内在联系。建议尽快合作开展长期空间行为纵贯调查,加强数据共享和团队合作,这是加强国内人文地理学的微观、动态和过程研究的现实需要。  相似文献   

Based on a case study of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) union in southern Ontario we argue for a critical reconstruction of both the labour geography and industrial cluster literature. The former stresses the active role of labour in the formation of economic landscapes, but has yet to explore labour's agency in production and how labour institutions shape technological change, firm innovation and industrial policy and strategy. Conversely, much of the industrial cluster and regional innovation systems literature is silent on the role of unions and industrial relations institutions in fostering innovation. We conclude with two main points. First, while some contend that positive union roles in innovation can only stem from partnerships with management and team working, we argue that innovation is more likely to emerge and worker interests are better protected when traditional collective bargaining structures and progressive employment legislation play a central role. Second, positive workplace and cluster level cooperation in the Canadian automotive parts industry are jeopardized by the broader and ongoing macro‐economic restructuring of OEM global production networks due to over‐capacity and intense cost‐cutting pressures reverberating down the supply chain.  相似文献   


Retaining the global mobile creative class has been considered a crucial strategy for driving creative economic development in inner cities. However, implementing the global creative city strategy overemphasizes the significance of amenity-based creative economic landscapes over institutional collaborations in contributing to the situated governance dynamics of creative clusters. Drawing on insights from an evolutionary perspective, this paper scrutinizes the extent to which creative city strategies foster the situated development of creative clusters based on a case study of Taipei. The paper argues that developing the urban creative economy requires a context-specific understanding of the urbanization process, and should involve an institutional collaboration to articulate the socio-spatial co-evolution between the diversified dynamics of creative clusters and urban form. This paper advocates reflexive thinking on neoliberal city strategies to develop a conjunctive, diverse and substantial creative policy to support alternative paths of creative city development.  相似文献   

This article explores how the use of digital communication in distributed education influences urban students' daily life movements and communication patterns. From this point the article also discusses how the structuration of urban life interplays with the socio-spatial organization of a given city. Time-geography is used as an analytical frame for analysing the time-space of the students, wherein the intersection between the social, technical, and spatial organization of the city is the main focus of interest. The discussion shows how the use of the Internet enabled the students to sustain the basic spatial organization of their life while attending higher education. At the same time, the meaning of places in their daily life was changed through the use of the Internet, especially with respect to the students' homes. It is argued that the use of communication technology contributes to the reproduction of the socio-spatial organization of the city.  相似文献   

全球化与快速城市化过程中,城市内部以不同种族、民族为代表的多元社会群体,因其社会文化背景、生活习惯等不同而存在诸多差异,群体间的空间分异与融合正成为城市发展中的重要科学问题。本研究梳理了基于居住空间的国内外种族/民族社会空间研究,指出,在城市研究移动性转向的背景下,社会空间分异的研究正在突破传统的静态居住空间研究的局限而出现移动性转向,且在群体间行为差异、活动空间的种族/民族分异测度、少数族裔可达性劣势和混合地理学方法等方面展开了研究。在此基础上,本研究进一步提出了民族视角的社会空间分异时空间行为研究框架,以期为理解中国城市社会空间分异、解读民族的日常生活与社会空间融合提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Traditionally, most of the pickers used in the crab processing industry of rural Eastern Carolina have been women from the local area, both black and white, while the managerial staff has comprised white women related through kinship to the white, male crab house owners. In recent years, however, this recruitment strategy has changed. Following the lead of the regional poultry industry, the crab houses are now bringing in Mexican workers under the H2-B visa program. Unlike many of the Mexican migrant workers coming into the USA, the crab labor force is made up of women, about half of whom are married with children. This article provides a case study of the ensuing dual labor structure within the crab processing industry. Utilizing in-depth interviews with the employers and employees of the Luther Lewis and Son crab house, the authors ask: What are the contours of inclusiveness and exclusiveness within and without the crab house?  相似文献   

Filipinos are by far the largest nationality represented on cruise ships despite the fact that cruise lines can hire from wherever they choose. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in a mélange of political, economic, and cultural factors, yet when polled, industry insiders repeatedly cite well-worn Filipino stereotypes as the primary cause. This reflects a system in which discourses surrounding workers become fixed in ways that ideologically frame Filipinos as docile and compliant yet industrious and inexpensive. Filipinos are thus constructed as readymade workers for subordinate positions rather than for roles as leaders on the ship. This case shows the subtle ways that labor becomes stratified along ethnic lines and how discourses become the fault lines that define and reproduce the great inequalities between different groups of workers. The task of this article is to understand the ways that discourses relate to the workplace positioning of Filipino seafarers and reinforce a reading of ‘Filipino-ness’ that marks them as the perfect sort of worker for the cruise lines. It is further suggested that such framings are subject to revision via worker agency and changing socioeconomic labor market conditions.  相似文献   

陈梓烽 《人文地理》2022,37(6):72-80
本文对基于时空行为大数据的社会空间分异研究进行了阶段性总结,梳理了主要的研究进展、并展望未来的研究方向。已有研究利用手机数据、社交媒体数据、交通运行数据三类时空行为大数据,在多个方面推动了社会空间分异研究的进展,包括揭示了社会空间分异的多尺度动态性、实现了时空共存下个体社会环境暴露的精细化测量、丰富了社会空间分异研究的社会网络与主观认知视角;但这些研究大多止步于现象层面的关联性分析,缺少对社会空间分异深层次机制以及理论、政策外延的剖析。未来研究需充分挖掘时空行为大数据解读社会空间的潜力,通过深入理解社会空间分异的时间性、再思社会空间分异与社会融合的关系,拓展研究的理论与政策外延。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen the Israeli state investing considerable efforts in the alleviation of unprecedentedly high inter-regional inequalities. Improved transportation networks intended to better connect peripheral residents to centrally located opportunities have been at the heart of this policy known as ‘periphery cancellation’. In this article, we study strategies deployed by young peripherals as they engage with the statist call for enhanced mobility between regions. Drawing on qualitative research conducted at ‘A Center for the Young’ in a small town in the predominantly rural Upper Galilee, we examine the extent to which young adults negotiate the recent state-led mobility turn. Taking a critical nobilities approach, we argue that statist aspirations of mobilizing peripherals to central hubs collide with socio-spatial constraints faced by many young residents. The official call for mobility is frequently met by a sense of spatial (im)mobility articulated by young agents who deploy instead alternative strategies to achieve socio-spatial mobility. Termed refusal, circulation, and refuge, these strategies draw on notions of peripheral stagnation, attributed to both state policies that have long marginalized the area as well as rooted conventions about the social and cultural inertia of peripheral residents. These strategies, we contend, widen existing inequalities between central haves and peripheral have nots while solidifying a sense of socio-spatial disenfranchisement among many of its young inhabitants.  相似文献   

Some firms within the conventional agri-food processing industry change their business strategy by trying to innovate towards alternative foods, like regional foods. For firms which are part of a larger organization or integrated in a group of companies this is a special challenge. The purpose of this paper is to explore what happens when a firm within a large and complex organization tries to turn from a productivist strategy to a differentiated strategy. This exploration uses a case study from the Norwegian dairy industry. The case shows that powerful industrial conventions and lack of suitable organizational conditions can be a hindrance for organizational change. Organizational capabilities to change routines and conventions have significant influence on the result of the innovation process.  相似文献   


Using a critical political economy approach and the concept of labour precarity, the international dive tourism industry in Sabah, Malaysia and its workers’ vulnerabilities are interrogated. Fieldwork data highlights dive tourism's socio-economic impacts and the precarity of labour within the international tourism sector and also critiques it as a development strategy for a peripheral region. The paper challenges the optimistic views of labour precarity found in the existing political economy literature. Rather than identifying labour empowerment, evidence demonstrates significant worker vulnerability, uncertainty, and contingency – especially among ethnic minorities – resulting from Malaysia's state-led rentier economy.  相似文献   

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