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<正>It was November in Changtang.Temperatures during the cold nights could reach as low as-20℃.Before brushing my teeth,I had to hold the toothpaste close to my chest to warm it up.Otherwise,it would not come out no matter how hard I squeezed the tube.During the day,the howling wind carrying sand and dust was so strong that I could lean directly into the wind and not fall to the ground.  相似文献   

正Though the Tibet boxing team might be rarely heard of,Sonam Norbu,a national master sportsman from the first Tibet boxing team with a weight of 52 kilograms,has won a gold medal for the 2011 National Youth Fight,a bronze medal for the 2012 National Championship,and another bronze medal for the 2013 National Championship.The Tibet boxing team is still young today.Asked why he chose to be a boxer,  相似文献   

正On an unforgiving land situated at an altitude of over 5,000 meters upon northern Tibet is a group of ethnic Tibetans who are keeping on with their nomadic traditions inherited from their ancestors.They are accompanied with yaks and sheep as they live on the land,but the tide of modernization has brought them  相似文献   

正In China,legend says that animals choose different trees to inhabit.In Nagqu,situated on the northern area of the Tibet Autonomous Region,trees are nowhere to be seen,and birds often share holes underground with mice and rabbits.Nagqu means"black river"in Tibetan.The place is situated  相似文献   

The new era has brought record-breaking miracle after record-breaking miracle for this snowy plateau.When electrical workers activated the powerline network stretching over a thousand kilometers via the Par 220 kV Power Transformation Station to the county seat of Ngari Prefecture,the Tibet Autonomous Region’s lack of power in its remotestregions was forever gone at the flip of a switch.  相似文献   

ROOFOFTHEWORLD:FormationandScenicWonders¥//YANGYICHOUQomolangmarisessome8,848.13metersabovesealevel,toweringovertheworldlikea...  相似文献   

Most Tibetan people regard Losar,the Tibetan New Year,as a time for families to come together,but Tsering Pedron instead spends her time treating patients at the Ngari People's Hospital in Ngari Prefecture."I recognize the importance of seeing one's family during the New Year and other key festivals,but if I purely give my time to my family,who else would be there for my patients should they need me?"said Tsering Pedron,who is the Ob-Gyn director of the hospital.She has only gone home to see her family and celebrate the holiday once since 1993.  相似文献   

Rocky 《世界》2009,(1):30-31
我为单板狂 。“无师自痛,有师自通”,这是赖刚的单板格言。身为北京“单板地带”的创始人,赖刚在圈中已是小有名气,“赖爷”的title便是他江湖地位的最高体现。“单板滑雪入门门槛较高,初学者想要单打独斗更是行不通,如果自己跑去雪场,  相似文献   

秘鲁,是野生动物的天堂,鸬鹚、火烈乌、鲣乌、鹈鹕、海鸥、仿佛是色彩魔方里的一块块拼图,用鲜艳的羽毛讲述着绚丽的自然之谜,而数以万计、不同种类的动物在这谜一般的土地上生息繁衍,谜一般地和睦共处了千万年。  相似文献   

世界遗产:现代人类中心主义的实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对全球性的生态危机,人类中心主义遭到种种质疑,现代人类中心主义应运而生。现代人类中心主义的产生与可持续发展战略的提出不仅具有时间上的相关性,而且具有相同的问题背景,二者的价值取向有着惊人的一致。只有自觉地坚持现代人类中心主义,人类才有可能有效地实施可持续发展战略,实现真正意义上的可持续发展。现代人类中心主义在实践上的全面落实是一个相当长的历史过程,在当前历史条件下,世界遗产为现代人类中心主义提供了实证,并可望成为实现现代人类中心主义的典范。  相似文献   

Kurt 《世界》2013,(6):114-119
几只傻乎乎的企鹅居然朝我走过来,但根据《南极条约》我只能选择退让,保持着“礼貌”的拜访距离。于是,你退我进,你进我退,外来者和“本地绅士”跳起南极探戈,虽然彼.此之间距离不够亲密,但对于来自南北半球最遥远距离的宾主双方来说,这已经是最“热情”的探戈了。  相似文献   

幽兰 《旅游纵览》2012,(2):78-80
<正>中国是龙的故乡,2012年又恰逢龙年,一时间,龙年看龙景成为热点。在中国,以龙命名的名胜多不胜数,但在离北京非常近的河北省丰宁满族自治县,有一棵非常奇特的千年古松树——九龙松,绝对值得一看。  相似文献   

<正>定州市是河北省保定市最南部的—个县级市,历史文化名城。该市西南距北京196公里,东北距石家庄68公里,西北距保定市区56公里。京深高速公路、京广铁路穿境而过。唐河、孟良河、沙河自西向东过境。定州拥有5000年的历史积淀,自古为华北重镇。商代在这里建立方国,春秋时期齐相管仲在此筑城。公元400年始称定州,后历代设州置府。如今,城内开元寺塔巍然矗  相似文献   

Tibetan culture reflects the unique geographical scenery and social history of Tibet and carries the fruit of interaction between Tibet and civilizations of other nationalities.  相似文献   

<正>The Tibetan plateau is usually referred to as the"Roof of the World".Naturally,the west part of Tibetan plateau,Ngari with high mountain ranges,is most suited to that name.  相似文献   

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