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薄荷  阿珅 《旅游纵览》2010,(4):22-26
<正>喜欢喝茶,因为喝茶时能品味到那种极令人神往的幽香淡然。其实对于喝茶中的茶道,我知之甚少,只是每当工作有些疲劳时,为了寻求一点淡淡的刺激,提神助兴就喝上一杯。茶道中实则是浸透着悠久的文化的,我还不能悟出太多高深的含义,仅是喜欢它的清淡恬  相似文献   

正Since 2002, I have developed a strong affinity towards Tibet.By now, I have made 20 trips to Tibet, the shortest being 12 days,the longest 16 months. On my fifth trip, I decided to leave behind my comfortable life as a documentary filmmaker in Beijing and live semipermanently for a while in Lhasa, so  相似文献   

文科  村长 《旅游纵览》2011,(4):72-79
<正>第一次去西藏,第一次到高原拍鸟,第一次感受高原反应,然而,很值,因为西藏有大美!西藏海拔较高,沿途上的风光有着另一番的神韵!到西藏去,感受这里的山,感受这里的水,感受这里的人文,感受这里的鸟类。只要一踏上这片神奇的土地,一定会让你忘乎所以。  相似文献   

文云朝 《人文地理》1997,12(4):25-30
福建是我国重点侨乡省。改革开放以来,福建社会经济发展的成就,与海外华族尤其是众多的闽籍台胞的作用有密切关系。福建侨乡的这种优势既建筑在地缘经济的基础上,深层次原因更与地缘文化有关。由此出发,作者力图通过对福建地缘文化特征的分析,深化对侨乡优势的认识,进而对开发地缘文化资源,培育侨乡优势的一些认识问题和实际问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

<正>Since Tibet Autonomous Region was founded in 1965,the Tibetan people have been in charge of their own affairs under the system of regional ethnic autonomy and religious freedom,with normal religious activities being respected and guaranteed.Taking Namseling Village in Chanang County,Lhoka Prefecture,and Lepu Village in Lhatse County,Shigatse,two common villages in Tibet,as examples,  相似文献   

正"I come from the town of Zari, one of the six towns in the Luntse County of Lhoka City that line the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region, not too far away from the nationally famous town of Yulmed."  相似文献   

<正>On December 23rd,2009,Ngabo Ngawang Jigme passed away with his glorious one hundred years old. In Feb.1910,he was born in a manor of Horkhang family in Gyama Valley in Maizhokunggar County which was 100 kilometers from Lhasa City.He was instructed by Sherab Gyatso,the famous scholar from Qinghai Province.In 1934,he formally became the heir of the Ngabo  相似文献   

正In Chamchen Village,when hosts propose toasts,guests must follow the local rules by taking three mouthfuls and then downing the whole thing.Afterward,guests may decide whether or not to keep on drinking.The hosts by that point will no longer expect them to do anything,and they believe that this is an  相似文献   

<正>The townships of Karma and Tserwed upstream the Zachu River in the northern part of Karub(former Chamdo County)of Chamdo City is the birthplace of the Karma Gazhi School of Tibetan Buddhist Statuary Art.To this day,there are over 1,000 artisans here working on Thangka paintings and the making of Buddha statues.  相似文献   

<正>I am someone who is full of happiness.In this world,the people who surround me look after me and treat me very well.The environment I live in is absolutely beautiful,and the best part of my life is most certainly these most recent years,allowing me to live in full confidence with each passing day.You young ones,I  相似文献   

正Originating in China,tea is one of the symbols of Chinese culture.The impact of tea culture has reached all the corners of the world:it has become one of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages,consumed by over two-thirds of the world's population for its refreshing taste,aroma,and medicinal and mildly stimulating qualities.It is the second most widely consumed drink in the world after water.In history,tea was among the commodities which  相似文献   

The first rays of a new dawn have been cast upon the earth.Tibetan families all across the"roof of the world"are now beginning their normal routines.The first step is to brew a fresh batch of buttered tea,a warm welcome to the day ahead.Tea houses are ubiquitous throughout all of Tibet’s avenues,streets,and lanes.These only serve to solidify the popular proverb,"Three days without food is one thing,but life cannot go on without a single bowl of tea."Buttered tea,of course,is an impeccable necessity for Tibetans.Indeed,tea absolutely enjoys unrivalled status in the daily lives of the people inhabiting the plateau.  相似文献   

The first rays of a new dawn have been cast upon the earth.Tibetan families all across the"roof of the world"are now beginning their normal routines.The first step is to brew a fresh batch of buttered tea,a warm welcome to the day ahead.Tea houses are ubiquitous throughout all of Tibet’s avenues,streets,and lanes.These only serve to solidify the popular proverb,"Three days without food is one thing,but life cannot go on without a single bowl of tea."Buttered tea,of course,is an impeccable necessity for Tibetans.Indeed,tea absolutely enjoys unrivalled status in the daily lives of the people inhabiting the plateau.  相似文献   

This is a short presentation drawn from a Belgian experience by Philippe Paquet,reporter at La Libre Belgique,Brussels,Beijing,October 2006.  相似文献   

1. Origins The search tot the means to maintain health is as ancient as the civilization of man. There is a Tibetan saying that: "the first ailment was indigestion; and boiled water,the first medicine," There are many such expressions through which we can deduce the knowledge of ancient times. For example, the application of melted butter to cauterize a wound, or the drinking of boiled water to cure indigestion, tell us something of traditional household treatments. Such experiential knowledge, gathered and passed on for many generations, gradually was collected and became a written tradition.  相似文献   

Shalu Monastery is one of the most famous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and is seated in Gyatso Shong Township of Shigatse Municipality in the Tibet Autonomous Region.The monastery is rich in murals that total over a thousand square meters in wall space,putting on display a fine example of Tibetan Buddhist mural art from the Yuan dynasty.  相似文献   

This is a short presentation drawn from a Belgian experience by Philippe Paquet,reporter at La Libre Belgique,Brussels,Beijing,October 2006.  相似文献   

<正>马一鸣出生于辽宁省丹东市,中国铁路文工团青年歌唱演员,中国保护野生动物爱心大使。主要经历1993年7月以东北三省第一名的优异成绩考入沈阳音乐学院附中,师从于王燕、王洪利老师1996年7月以全国第一名的优异成绩考入中国音乐学院声乐系,师从于著名声乐教育家金铁霖教授2000年7月考入中国铁路文工团歌舞团担任独唱演员曾获奖项2002年11月在由国家广播电影电视总局主办的全国听众最喜爱的歌手"金号杯"大赛中获"十佳歌手"奖  相似文献   

<正>4.洞庭湖中有君山翠竹斑斑湘妃泪君山的早晨是被鸟儿吵醒的。窗外婉转的鸟鸣使人置身于一个清丽的世界,面对大自然的诱惑,再也无法安睡了。于  相似文献   

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