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The luster of economic growth, the existence of depressed regions, and the fear of competition from giveaway programs in other states have all resulted in state governments adopting a rash of programs designed to encourage a strong manufacturing base for their economy. Many economists feel uneasy about the rapid spread of such industrial incentive programs as tax breaks, government loans, and industrial revenue bonds.1 The literature of public finance, development, and regional economics contains many interesting studies examining the wisdom of these undertakings. This paper hopes to contribute by developing a method of benefit-cost analysis for appraisal of industrial incentive programs. Even though the model is constructed for and applied to the analysis of state government industrial development loans, the principles formulated should be easily adaptable to the assessment of other types of regional development programs. A secondary objective of the paper is to discuss the first empirical application of a model which accounts for possible differences between the social opportunity cost of foregone investment and that of foregone consumption.2  相似文献   

Malcolm C. Getz, The Economics of the Urban Fire Department
Robert K. Yin, Changing Urban Bureaucracies
Pietro S. Nivola, The Urban Service Problem  相似文献   

本研究尝试从地方性角度出发,分析城中村地方性的形成机制和体现方式,利用历史演进的分析方法考察城中村改造前后地方性解构与重构现状。从地方等核心概念出发,探讨地方性的社会建构体系及特征,并认为地方性从景观、文本、符号及感知四个维度进行持续的社会建构。结合广州猎德村整体改造为案例发现地方性的建构与时空元素紧密相关,镶嵌在地方的发展过程,并处于动态的变化之中。本文从理论上构建中国城市化中地方性研究框架;现实上为更深入理解城中村改造与地方性的关系,为更好地推进城市更新质量提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

黑龙江省东部城市密集区城市流强度分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文在对现有城市流理论进行疏理的基础上提出强化城市流模型,依据城市流强度值的计算,将黑龙江省东部城市密集区的城市分为三级:城市流强度值较高的佳木斯,是该区域的集聚辐射中心,为区域性中心城市;城市流强度值中等的牡丹江,是区域次级集聚辐射中心,为次级区域性中心城市;鹤岗、双鸭山、鸡西、伊春、七台河等市有较低的城市流强度值,城市的集聚与辐射功能微弱,初步形成地方集聚辐射中心,仅为行政区中心。通过各城市的城市流强度分析,指出黑龙江省东部城市密集区目前存在城市流强度低、城市流强度结构不合理等问题,并运用本文提出的强化城市流模型给出区域强化城市流的对策。  相似文献   

A senior Russian urban geographer describes current features of the Russian urban settlement system, recounts erroneous planning practices of the past, and prescribes changes for the improvement of settlement planning in the future. Of particular interest are tables, disaggregated to the economic regional level, showing spatial variations in the number of new cities registered over the period 1927–1989. In an interesting modification of conventional former Soviet thinking, a case is made in favor of such processes as polarization of space, agglomeration, spontaneous transformation of urban economic profiles, and place-based rather than norm-based planning.  相似文献   

城市广场:城市制约中的空间政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘海 《人文地理》2011,26(3):29-34
现代性的线性时间维度向后现代的空间转向,是一种典型的文化表征。城市广场,作为当代城市生活转向空间存在的"第二自然"。它开始成为一种超越空间二元对立模式划分的"异位空间",并具有了特定的空间文化意味与空间政治学色彩。即城市广场的空间狂欢、类民主化的自由集市和秩序失序后的再秩序化是其显著的特征。这些都使得城市广场成为一个具有后现代意味的文化空间。  相似文献   

南京市区就业空间布局研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王波  甄峰 《人文地理》2011,26(4):58-65
本文采取就业密度分析方法,对南京市区就业空间布局进行实证研究。在南京市区现有11个区的基础上将南京市区划分为159个研究单元。依据2005年南京市1%人口抽样调查资料中"区县层面"分行业就业数据,以及2006年南京市用地现状图,修正匹配得到各个研究单元制造业、服务业、商业金融业及总的就业密度值。并运用Arcgis软件对就业密度值进行核密度分析以及3D模拟,分析南京市区制造业、服务业以及总就业的空间布局特征及原因机制。  相似文献   

A graph-analytic technique is used to compare the public transport networks in Moscow and Leningrad. The technique makes it possible to identify gaps in the public transport systems of the two cities and to suggest remedial measures. In general, the public transport system of Leningrad is found to be better integrated than that of Moscow. The transport network of Moscow is more heavily dissected than that of Leningrad, lacks enough lateral connections between outlying city areas (as opposed to linkages between outlying areas and the city center), and generally lags in providing electric ground transportation (street cars and trolley buses) to newly developed residential areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this paper a gravity model is formulated to model a hospital patient flow system. Both spatial and nonspatial measures of separation are used to estimate the model. Travel time was found to provide improved fits over linear distance in modeling patient flow behavior. Transformations of travel time (square root and log) were found to improve model performance further. Model diagnostics suggested additional spatial separation measurw, separation measure parameters demonstrated stability over time. The model is used to forecast the effects of health care financing reform and hospital closure on patient flows in an urban hospital market. Universal health coverage was found to dramatically improve access to hospital services for lower income patient populations. Hospitals at risk for closure were forecast to receive increased patient flows. Medical school hospitals are expected to lose patients after implementation of health reform, with important implications for graduate medical education. Hospital closures were shown to have negative effects on access to services in poor neighborhoods, but relatively little effect on access in the system as a whole.  相似文献   

运用Arc GIS平均最近邻、核密度估计和波段集统计等方法,考察长春市中心城区银行网点空间特征和规律,以及银行网点与人口和主要经济活动的空间关系,发现:①银行网点呈明显集聚分布特征,这种集聚主要分布于商业和商务中心及新建中高档住宅小区密集地段;②银行网点核密度与其到CBD距离呈负相关,并随距离地增加呈对数衰减;③银行网点密度与人口-经济活动密度在街道甚至更小空间尺度上存在较显著的正相关;④银行网点核密度与大型商业网点和主要写字楼核密度均呈较强正相关,而与大型制造业企业核密度几乎不存在相关性,说明商业和楼宇经济空间特征对城市内部银行网点布局具有深刻影响,而制造业的微观区位对银行网点布局几乎无影响。  相似文献   

1932-1979年山东省城镇体系结节地域结构的变动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文利用1932年山东省进口洋货的流通数据和1979年36种大宗商品的流向计划数据,分析了两年度山东省城镇体系结节地域结构的变动,有以下发现:第一,1932-1979年山东省城市结节地域融合和裂解并存。第二,物资供销区划中二级站的供应范围在济南、青岛、济宁、潍县、烟台结节地域的扩展和回缩中发挥了重要作用。第三,1932-1979年结节地域的城市等级结合型式由简单的等级联系的克里斯泰勒型结构向复杂的等级联系、水平联系、上方联系并存的普雷德型结构转变。这一转变过程中城市工业职能的专门化分工发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

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