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This article is work‐in‐progress, an orientation of thought towards possibilities for individual human beings to diminish the distance between outer and inner landscapes imposed by cultural norms and happenstances such as exile. The dominance of visual landscapes and visual perceptions is seen as a pivotal problem, to be solved by the engagement of all the senses in landscape discourse and formation. All the senses are engaged in earliest childhood, as they have been in ‘primitive’ societies. While returning to either a state of childhood or primitivism is an impossible dream, it is possible to edge closer to human nature by engaging and honing all the senses, especially the ‘earth‐bound senses’ of feel, smell and taste. Cultivating those senses and developing discourse about them, and incorporating them into landscape formation and enjoyment, is much more difficult than having a discourse about sight and hearing, for which there is a rich and well‐developed symbolic language and which can be shared through various types of media. The way towards a deeper discourse about the earth‐bound senses, and the way out of the tyranny of the visual, is to be found in stories, as several thinkers suggest. The story told is autobiographical and literary – a mode of geographic writing that I developed in a 2004 book (Bunk?e 2004a), in which the complex dilemmas of home and road were explored. This article shows how in the early 1970s I defined the individual's landscape as ‘a unity in one's surroundings perceived through all the senses’, with imagination as the key human faculty. And I tell the story of how through complex circumstances, a visually and emotionally repugnant landscape became emotionally and intellectually attractive, with a scent, not a picture or image causing the initial attraction. The external and internal landscapes are thus unified, resulting in a sense of timelessness and placelessness of deep existential significance for the person.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Within the minority communities of large SMSAs, neither the black-owned business nor the small nonminority enterprises are flourishing. Facing limited access to financial capital as well as constrained markets, the ghetto firms that do persist are typically quite small in terms of sales and employment. Among black establishments, the least educated entrepreneurs are the ones who are most likely to remain in business. Unless greater financial capital is forthcoming and better educated owners are induced to remain in business, the business community that is located in minority neighborhoods of large urban areas may be destined to stagnate.  相似文献   

Vera Chouinard  Ali Grant 《对极》1995,27(2):137-166
This paper challenges current constructions of “the project” in radical geography by examining the phenomenon of “missing sisters.” We discuss the social construction of lesbians and disabled women as invisible “others” and how this is manifest in Geography. We argue that disabled women and lesbians have had their experiences and lives marginalized; both in the geographic literature and through practices of exclusion. We call for a reconstructed radical geography which includes lesbians and disabled women, on their own revolutionary terms, in the production of knowledge and in political practice. Such an inclusionary project will enrich our understanding of geographic processes and strengthen our efforts to build political strategies of resistance to contemporary forms of oppression and marginalization.  相似文献   

The chronically mentally disabled (CMD) are seriously disadvantaged in the housing market by reason of disability and low socio-economic status. In many North American cities, the CMD are among the groups most vulnerable to homeiessness. Little attention has been paid to the housing situation and residential history of the CMD despite their supposed effects on coping ability and community tenure. This analysis of the residential experience of CMD clients in Hamilton, Ontario, is part of a larger study examining the factors affecting coping and satisfaction among the CMD in the community. The ghettoization of clients into board and care homes in the inner city is replicated in Hamilton. Serious disadvantage in the housing market is confirmed; clients frequently have to accept unsatisfactory living conditions despite repeated efforts to achieve improvements. In terms of residential mobility, two groups of clients are identified: the highly mobile and the more stable. The strongest predictors of mobility, education, and preference for independent living imply the effects of housing expectations and the difficulties associated with congregate living situations. Strong association is shown between housing satisfaction and composite indices of client coping in the community. Les clients psychiatriques (CP) ont des problèmes sérieux de logement pour des raisons d'incapacité et de statut inférieur au rang socio-économique. Dans plusieurs cités Nord-américaines, les CP sont parmi fes groupes les plus vulnérables dêtres sans logis. ll y a un manque d'égards envers les CP vis-à-vis la crise du logement et du dossier résidential, malgré leurs efforts prétendus de se débrouiller et de demeurer dans la communauté. Cette analyse d'expérience résidentielle de CP à Hamilton, Ontario, fait partie d'une plus grande étude qui examine les raisons qui influent sur la qualité de la vie parmi les CP de la communauté. Le phénomene de l'amalgamation des clients dans des pensions de famille au centre-ville est reproduit à Hamilton. Les problèmes sérieux de logement sont confirmés; les clients doivent souvent accepter des conditions de vie peu satisfaisantes, malgré les efforts répétés pour les améliorer. Au point de vue de la mobilité résidentielle deux groupes sont identifiés: les plus mobiles et les plus stables. fa plus grande correspondance de mobilité, d'éucation et de préférence pour la vie indé-pendante, donne à entendre fes effets d'espérance de logement et les difficultés associees avec une vie en groupes. ll y a une forte association entre la satisfaction du logement et les indices composés du client qui se débrouille dans la communauté.  相似文献   

Studies of British peoples in Upper Canada have emphasized the Irish and Scots rather than the English despite the fact that in 1871 439,429 people - 27 per cent of Ontario residents - claimed English ancestry (Clarke and McLeod 1974; Houston and Smyth 1980; Akenson 1984). Those of English nativity constituted 28 per cent of foreign-born in the same year (Census of Canada 1871). Two decades earlier, in 1851, the English-born numbered 82,699, and they had increased to 124,062 by 1871. The overall proportion of those of English birth remained quite uniform, at approximately 8 per cent throughout the twenty-year period.  相似文献   

The early medieval weapons [of sixth to ninth centuries] which have been found in cemeteries in the northern Caucasus are given a preliminary classification. The implications for the contacts between peoples and for their changing mode of warfare are discussed.  相似文献   

Census data and Trimble's erosive land use (ELU) index are used to document changes in agricultural land use and potential erosion in the Lake Simcoe—Couchiching Basin during the past two centuries. The ELU index is represented by the cover-management factor in the universal soil loss equation and takes values between 0 (no erosion) and 1.0 (accelerated erosion). Basin-wide farmland ELU scores increased prior to 1901 due to intensification of agriculture, fell between 1911 and 1961 as yields and areas under grass increased, and then increased again from 1961 onward due to expansion in corn hectarage. The 0.152 index computed in 1981 is almost as large as the largest index (0.154)computed in 1891 and illustrates the huge environmental changes in the basin since early settlement without the beginnings of a permanent and more viable system of land use. Les changements d'utilisation des sols survenus au cours des deux derniers siècles dans le bassin du Lac Simco-Couchiching de même que I'érodibilité de ces sols, font I'objet d'une évaluation à I'aide des données de re-censements et de I'indice d'érosion particulier aux dif-férentes utilisation du sol (indice de Trimble). Le facteur de gestion de la couverture dans l'équation universelle de la partie de sol figure dans cet indice dont la valeur se range entre 0 (absence d'érosion) et 1.0 (érosion en accélération). Les scores pour les terres agricoles à I'éhelle du bassin ont augmenté avant 1901 quand l'agriculture s'est intensifiée, puis ont chuté entre 1911 et 1961 à mesure que les rendements et les superficies herbacées augmentaient, et enfin ont de nouveau re-monté depuis 1961 à la suite de l'expansion des superficies plantées en maïs. L'indice obtenu pour 1981 (0.1521 est presque aussi élevé que I'indice le plus fort atteinten 1891 (0.154). ll démontre les changements considérables survenus dans I'environnement du bassin depuis le tout début de son peuplement, alors qu'aucun système d'utilisation des sols permanent et plus viable n'a encore pu èmerger.  相似文献   

Although the elderly population is increasing rapidly in all parts of Canada, the pattern of change is far from uniform. A number of properties of the aging process are strongly differentiated at the county and township levels, variations which have considerable significance for the design and implementation of social service and health care systems. Using data from the 1976, 1981, and 1986 Censuses for Ontario, components of change in the elderly population are obtained by cohort survival methods. The significance of rapid metropolitan growth of the elderly compared with the slow growth of the rural elderly is highlighted, while intra-county distributional shifts in the elderly population raise important questions for the next decade.
Quoique l'âge de la population augmente rapidement à travers le Canada, ce changement nes'opèrepas de façon uniforme. Certaines caractéristiques du processus de vieillissement sont vraiment differentes à l'échelle des comtés et des municipalités. Ces différences sont d'une grande importance lors de la création etde l'implantation des services-santé et des services sociaux. À l'aide des statistiques de recensement pour les années 1976, 1981, et 1986 pour l'Ontario, les facteurs de changement des populations de personnes âgées sont obtenus au moyen des paramètres de 'survie des groupes.' La signification du taux d'accroissement rapide des personnes â gés en milieu urbain comparé au taux d'accroissement plus lent de ces mêmes personnes en milieu rural est mise en évidence. Les variations de la distribution de cette population d'un comtéà I'autre soulèvent d'importantes interrogations pour la prochaine décade .  相似文献   

In this study, systematic movements in the composition of the Federal budget are studied, using a simple statistical structure which distinguishes trend, cyclical, and price-indexing phenomena. Using NIA data on budget expenditures and receipts, it is found that share movements on both sides of the budget are dominated by trends. Among expenditure categories, the shares of transfer programs show strong upward trends while the defense purchases share has beentrending strongly downward. On the revenue side, the shares represented by social insurance contributions and personal income taxes have been trending upward at the expense of corporateincome taxes and indirect taxes. Significant cyclical and price-indexing responsiveness is shown by several expenditure and revenue categories. A noteworthy finding is that the estimates show little evidence of structural change over 1947-1978, suggesting that the trend and otherforces found to be significant are not of recent origin but have been at work over the whole period.  相似文献   

‘Brigadoon’ is an American musical comedy of the 1940s and early 1950s. The story centres on a village called Brigadoon, in the Scottish Highlands. Two hundred years ago Brigadoon was threatened with an influx of witches. The village priest, fearing the evil of the influx, prayed that God would so change Brigadoon that one night in the village would last one hundred years in the outside world. Thus, to outsiders, Brigadoon appears only one day each century. Brigadoon would thus survive, each centennial appearance being so brief, in the priest's opinion, that the outside world would not affect it. Brigadoon is a picture-postcard ‘traditional Highlands village’: Highland cattle, milk-maids, village fairs, kilts, tartans, clans and bagpipe music overwhelm the audience. In ‘The invention of tradition: the Highland tradition of Scotland’, Hugh Trevor-Roper (1983) demonstrates that the marks of Highlands culture so pronounced in Brigadoon were a late creation. The kilt was invented by a Quaker English ironmaster from Lancashire, Thomas Rawlinson, around 1730; the image of a distinctive Highlands culture was the creation of James McPherson and the Reverend John McPherson in the 1760s; the distinctive clan tartans were created and marketed by cloth merchants in the late 18th and early 19th century, especially the firm of William Wilson & Son, of Bannockburn, and especially in preparation for the visit of George IV to Edinburgh in 1822.  相似文献   

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