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司马迁规划的由碣石至于龙门的农牧分界线,是适合于生态环境的。当时如此,后世亦然。在农耕操作尚稽留在粗放经营的时期,为农为牧都不能过分超越这条分界线。过分超越就会促成这条分界线的移动,从而影响到生态环境的平衡发展,引起不良的后果。这条分界线绝大段落经过黄土高原,黄土高原沟壑纵横,甚至于黄河的溃决泛滥,都与这条分界线的移动有关,是不应稍事忽视的。  相似文献   

华丽 《丝绸之路》2007,(8):15-16
滚滚黄河,从内蒙古托克托县的河口镇掉头南下,像一把利剑,将黄土高原劈为两半,开出一条深邃的峡谷。东岸的山西省同西岸的陕西省隔河相望,这条峡谷便成为两省的天然分界线,因此被称为晋陕峡谷。在这700多公里的晋陕峡谷漫游,犹如走进了一个长长的画廊。[编者按]  相似文献   

位于青藏高原、黄土高原与西秦岭交汇地带的甘肃陇南山地,区域内地形地貌复杂多样,为具有不同地域背景的民族、部落入居提供了基本的地理环境。而不同地理单元之间由于自然分界线与人文分界线之间相互依托、强化,使陇南山地历史发展呈现出"时间""空间"的双重分异和"内地化"与"边疆化"的双重趋势。在白龙江、洮河、岷峨山地、西秦岭、边墙、关隘、堡寨等大大小小自然、人文分界线中,由岷县、临潭、夏河连线所构成的"汉藏分界线"对陇南山地历史发展产生了根本性的影响。这条地理的、生态的分界线在约束人类活动的同时,又为人类最大限度的利用自然环境提供了可能。  相似文献   

从巨大的地理沙盘上看,连绵的太行山像一堵突如其来的墙,屹立在一马平川的华北大平原西边.这是中国最著名的山脉之一:它既是中国地理的第三级阶梯和第二级阶梯的分界线,也是中国半湿润区和半干旱区的分界线,同时还是华北平原和黄土高原的分界线.正如河南省科学院地理所所长冯德显说的:“太行山,把最美的一段留给了河南”在我随后的考察中,所见所闻印证了冯所长说的话.  相似文献   

徐晓光 《神州》2010,(10):52-55
从包头到陕西要经过鄂尔多斯高原向黄土高原的过渡地带,这里真是地理上一个美妙的景观,站在鄂尔多斯与黄土高原的分界线上,陡然下沉的大地伸向遥远的地平线,金色的草原逐渐稀疏,渐渐的消失在夕阳如金的黄土高原。  相似文献   

何谓中国南北分界线?窃以为,去一趟秦岭自会明白。关于这条分界线,地理学界有位前辈说过这样一句谣模模糊糊,但又清清楚楚。模模糊糊,是指南北分界并非一条直线,而是一个区域,在一定范围的区域内有固定的植物组成、气候特征,它像一个过渡带,里面有着自成一体的精彩世界。  相似文献   

这是一篇考察黄土高原的回忆录。由于一些机缘 ,得遍历黄土高原各处。在考察过程中 ,得以确定若干故城关隘的遗址 ,辩明几条交通大道的通塞 ,从而论证前哲时彦的讹误不实之处。黄土高原早在远古时期即已辉煌昌盛 ,其后历久不坠。可是现在却已残破不堪 ,许多地区沟壑纵横 ,难有平坦之地。这是长期侵蚀有以致之。积疚既明 ,或有助于黄土高原的治理  相似文献   

本文通过对黄土高原生态环境与经济社会发展现状及存在问题的分析 ,从自然因素和人文因素两方面分析了黄土高原生态环境恶化的原因 ,并针对生态环境重建及经济社会发展中存在的种种问题提出了生态环境重建与经济社会可持续发展的对策 ,最后就生态环境重建与经济社会发展之间的关系进行了总结。  相似文献   

最近出版的由史念海先生主编的《汉唐长安和黄土高原》一书读后,视野顿觉开阔,耳目为之一新。该书不只是把西安城市历史地理和黄土高原历史地理研究推向一个新的阶段,而且,对历史地理学的发展也作出了有益的探索和开拓。该文集作为中日历史地理学家合作研究的课题《中国黄土高原的都城与生态环境变迁》的第一部成果,首先,这一合作研究方式的本身就是一个创举。有关西安城市历史地理和黄土高原历史地理问题,中国和日本学者都作了大量的研究。在中国方面,以史念海先生为首的陕西师范大学历史地理研究所和西安地区的历史地理学家们长期…  相似文献   

天荣 《旅游》1996,(11)
母亲是扬州人,小时候她带着我回过几次家乡。每当火车从长江大桥上轰隆隆驶过时,母亲总是对我说:“瞧,这就是江南了,你嗅嗅这风都是湿润润的。”从那时起我便朦胧地把长江当成中国的南北分界线了。这个错误直到学地理时才得以纠正。老师在地图上画了一条黑杠杠,指着说:“这是秦岭,它才是我国南北分界线。” 想亲眼看看这道分界线的念头,几十载后才实现了。今年四月初我乘火车翻越秦岭进入四川时,才真正的走近它。不知为什么,心里生出一种急切的企盼。  相似文献   

Chestnuts and walnuts, both sun-loving plants, were the most important food resources for sedentary villagers in Japan throughout the Jomon (Neolithic) period. Though morphologically these nuts were wild types, ecologically they were symbiotic with man. Given this ecological relationship, the following interrelation of Jomon period subsistence may be proposed: lowland, waterside villages, a generalized subsistence tradition comprising fishing, hunting, gathering, and farming lasted until the end of the Jomon period (ca. 2300 B.P.). In the Central Honshu Highland, specialized farming villages dependent on chestnuts and walnuts appeared in the late stage of the Early Jomon period (ca. 5500 B.P.) as an adaptation of the former tradition to this highland environment which lacks significant fish resources.  相似文献   

Climate change and Zhou relocations in early Chinese history   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Chinese history, the development of the Zhou tribes and the dynasties that succeeded them between 3550 and 2200 BP in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is known as the period of ‘Five Relocations’. Most of these relocations appear to have been forced by the pressure of nomadic invasions and occupations from the northern steppe. Historians simply attributed these relocations to political and military causes. However, palaeoclimatic studies show that the Zhou tribes and their successor dynasties developed at the demise of the Holocene Climatic Optimum when regional climate became highly variable and unstable. An integrated analysis of environmental change over the Loess Plateau and the Mongolian steppe facilitates a credible understanding of the linkage between climatic events and these relocations. It indicates that the relocations caused an expansion or contraction of the settled regions over the drought-prone semi-arid lands. During climatic amelioration, dry farming societies pushed upward to the Loess Plateau where increased precipitation and soil moisture allowed cereals to be cultivated. When hit by droughts and the associated disasters, both the dry farming societies and the nomadic tribes had to move southward to find an environment suitable for their food production. Migration and relocation were, therefore, basic strategies to secure the resources necessary to sustain an agricultural economy. The settled frontier was pulled back as dry farming societies from the upland plateau retreated to the lowland riverbanks of the Guanzhong Basin. Even though there were political and military intentions, climatic events played an essential role in the relocations of the Zhou tribes and the successive dynasties.  相似文献   

The exploitation of natural populations of red deer forms an important land use in large areas of the Scottish Highlands, especially the highest and most rugged parts of the region. Despite its areal significance red deer land use has been the subject of very little geographical investigation.

The ecology of red deer is an important factor in the Highland land use situation, and environmental controls on the characteristics of the red deer resource are strong. Wide spatial variations exist both in deer population densities and in stag weights. Considerable difficulties arise in regard to the availability of comprehensive population and weight data, but despite these difficulties certain areas, particularly in the borderlands between Inverness‐shire and Ross‐shire, stand out as the most productive deer areas.  相似文献   

宋元时期,随着藏区农牧业、手工业的发展及藏区对外贸易的发展,藏区内部已经出现比较成熟完善的民族市场,个别地区的商业集市繁荣,商品种类相当丰富,在市场的分布、从商人员等方面都极具特色。  相似文献   

If the overall expansion of the farming system was determined by the Neolithic Demographic Transition (NDT), i.e. by demographic pressure, what determined the rate of expansion? What is the link between the rate of expansion, the farming system and demographic density? In a first approach, the issue of the different rates of expansion of the farming system on the map is addressed in terms of 21 geo-ecological, climatic and cultural factors and forager populations, via an ordinary least square regression technique (OLS). In a second approach, the variability of the rate of expansion is analyzed in terms of specific patterns identified for the ceramic culture areas, via a cluster analysis. The expansion rate is negatively correlated with the intensification of the agricultural system, as well as with demographic density. Expansion is slow in ecosystems with an intensive farming system with relatively high demographic density, and vice-versa.  相似文献   

The languages of the genetically based South Sulawesi (SSul.) group share many specific substantial and structural features with other languages of Southern and Central Sulawesi. Among the non‐SSul. languages of the area, it is the so‐called Highland Toraja languages that bear the strongest resemblance to the SSul. group. Within the last‐named group, the northern languages show more numerous Toraja (esp. Highland Toraja) characteristics than the southern ones. This pattern of isoglosses must be explained as due to areal contacts. In all likelihoo'd, during the greatest part of the history of the SSul. group its languages have been subject to deep influence of old local languages (which were probably similar to present‐day Highland Toraja idioms).  相似文献   

乡村地域系统及其组成要素之间的协调性决定了乡村可持续发展能力.基于黄土高原县域乡村数据,以人口、土地、产业为研究对象,采用耦合协调度模型及地理探测器探究1990-2015年乡村地域人—地—业协调发展时空格局及驱动机制.结果发现:①乡村地域人口和耕地不断减少、产业发展缓慢,人—地—业系统整体发展水平较低;自然资源本底较好...  相似文献   

Renewed examination of an enigmatic settlement site perched atop a cliff above Murlough Bay in Goodland Townland, County Antrim, Northern Ireland calls into question long held ideas about Gaelic rural economy on the eve of the Ulster Plantation by reintroducing the complex cultural and political relationships between the north of Ireland and the Scottish isles. Long interpreted as temporary post-medieval booley huts associated with seasonal transhumance, recent re-evaluation of the site suggests instead that Goodland represents a permanent seventeenth-century Highland Scottish village. Although the medieval linkages between the north of Ireland and the Scottish isles have long been acknowledged, twentieth-century sectarianism has subjugated awareness of the Highland (Roman Catholic) Scots focusing upon the legacy of the in-migration of Protestant Lowland Scots during the Ulster Plantation. Material evidence at Goodland re-introduces the Highland Scot to the contested landscape of contemporary Ulster identity, while also facilitating analysis of continuity, change, and cultural complexity in the rural economy of early modern Ireland.  相似文献   

From about 1700 onwards, several maps were produced showing the supposed position of the “Highland Line” — the boundary between Highland and Lowland Scotland. The paper assesses the cartographic evidence for the relative positioning of this division within Scotland apparent in a number of maps dating from 1700 to 1895. Several other sources are used to determine the accuracy of these mapped lines in relation to the actual extent of the Gaelic language in that period.  相似文献   

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