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袁博 《沧桑》2013,(2):22-24
从传统社会流传下来的水神崇拜在近代社会仍有顽强的生命力。晚清时期,广大民众在面对洪水、干旱时仍不忘祭祀以河神和龙王为主的水神,并举行各式各样的祈雨仪式,求得心理慰藉和精神依托。但由于近代社会各方面的冲击,晚清水神崇拜逐渐式微,反映出了传统与现代的融合与冲击,并在二者的影响下不断变化发展。  相似文献   

李峻杰 《民俗研究》2013,(2):87-100
山西地方史志资料表明清代山西水神祭祀地域分布广泛、数量较多,其类型大致分为人格水神和自然水神两大类。从山西水神祭祀类型和地域分布可以看出,山西的水神祭祀多受国家祭祀政策和地域历史环境因素的影响。同时山西民众又根据自身的现实需要,结合当地的历史文化和信仰传统,不断建构和丰富着属于自己的水神世界。  相似文献   

地名与河西的民族分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地名作为语言的活化石,是研究民族分布及其变迁的重要依据。历史上河西走廊为多民族、多部落分布之地域,民族变动极为频繁,不同民族都曾以自己的语言命名过地名。本文通过对河西走廊有关地名的追索研究,初步探索了河西走廊地区历史上民族演替及分布状况。  相似文献   

洞庭湖水神信仰的历史变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李琳 《民俗研究》2010,(4):154-164
洞庭湖水神作为一种超自然的力量在远古时代就应运而生了,并随着历史的变迁和时代的发展而不断变化,其信仰对象、信仰方式和信仰心理分别经历了由自然神向人神、由娱神到娱人、由神圣到世俗的嬗变。洞庭湖水神信仰是人类在不同的历史阶段中,为了满足生存与发展的需要,特别是心理需求而创造出来和不断传承的一种文化现象,在当今社会还有着深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

甘肃河西地区黑河流域民众的水神信仰由来已久,抛开信仰活动中的迷信成分不难发现,当地水神信仰一方面体现着人们对掩藏在水问题背后的水规律的敬畏,另一方面反映着民众在生产生活中对维护、遵守水利秩序的需要。  相似文献   

论述内蒙古地区岩画原始崇拜中的手印崇拜、生殖崇拜、人面像崇拜和天体崇拜,研究远古先民的生活状况,以及全面理解远古先民的原始崇拜思想具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人们对动植物崇拜、祖先崇拜和自然崇拜等,都是原始崇拜的延续,历史和文化内涵深邃,但对于各种崇拜,各地所展现出来的形式尽不相同,有的传统和意识随着年代的更迭,时光的流逝早已消失,有的则保持至近代甚至到今天,本期所刊登的江苏人体崇拜是流传至新中国成立前的一种人文现象,这一历史现象值得人们去思索与研究。  相似文献   

长久以来,对关羽崇拜的研究浩若烟海。是何等缘由将一个蜀国大将的地位拔高至此,到达一个无人能及的境界呢?本文拟通过研究对关公崇拜的形成过程,来阐述有关关羽的一些问题。  相似文献   

生活中的“崇拜”与“膜拜”是有区别的。“崇拜”是尊敬、钦佩之意。比如崇拜偶像、某伟人等,它属于生活化的、发自内心的敬重和钦佩;而“膜拜”则不同,它是宗教活动中的一种顶礼仪式,  相似文献   

原始崇拜体系与中国文化精神的起点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马新 《史学月刊》2006,(8):14-19
原始崇拜体系的形成是人类精神世界形成的标志。在中国原始崇拜体系的形成中,自然崇拜、灵魂崇拜以及祖先崇拜占据着主导地位。随着文明的进展,又演化为天、地、祖先崇拜。这直接影响了中国文化精神的构建。  相似文献   

历史时期河西走廊多民族文化的交流与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河西走廊是我国古代西北多民族多文化分布的重要地区,民族文化交流与整合持续发生。本文通过对河西走廊多民族文化发展过程、动因及机制的分析,认为异质文化因子的不断介入,使河西文化在变化中寻求发展,在发展中取得一致。多民族文化的交流与整合是形成河西走廊以汉族儒家文化为主体兼容其他少数民族文化的地域复合体的主要推动力。  相似文献   

绿洲城镇体系研究——以甘肃省河西走廊为例   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
绿洲城镇及其城镇体系有独特的发展规律。本文以具有国内代表性的干旱区河西地区绿洲城镇体系为例,从城镇的规模等级结构体系、职能类型结构体系、地域空间结构体系以及联系城镇的网络结构体系对绿洲城镇体系进行较为深入的研究,得出绿洲城镇体系的一般特征和发展规律。  相似文献   

This paper explores the possible provenance of ores employed for metallurgical production during the Early Bronze Age in the central Hexi Corridor of north-west China. In total, 78 pieces of copper (Cu) ore samples were collected from five Early Bronze Age sites and one Cu deposit site (the Beishantang Cu deposit) in the Heihe River region of the central corridor. These sites were dated to the late Machang (4100–4000 bp ), Xichengyi (4000–3700 bp ), Qijia (4000–3600 bp ) and Siba (3700–3400 bp ) cultures. After comparing with published lead (Pb) isotopic data from other possible Cu deposits in north-west China, the results show that the Cu ores collected from the Early Bronze Age sites were most likely derived from the adjacent Beishan Cu deposit. More intriguingly, for the first time in Hexi Corridor, a dozen Cu ores were discovered containing highly radiogenic Pb. Though fundamentally different from those in the Central Plains, they illustrate a possible new type of Cu used in Bronze Age western China, and the first-hand materials are significant for further understanding the provenance of raw metals for metallurgical production in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor.  相似文献   

Dietary patterns at two Bronze Age sites in the Hexi Corridor are investigated by the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in faunal bone collagen. The findings are compared with archaeobotanical remains from one of the sites which include high proportions of millet (Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica) as well as the western derived cereals wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and oat (Avena sativa). The isotopic data indicate domestic omnivores (Canis and Sus) had diets dominated by millet. Minimally offset δ15N values between herbivore and omnivore fauna suggest low consumption of animal protein by omnivores. Diets of herded animal (Bos and Caprinae) included only low proportions of C4 foods, suggesting that these animals were not regularly foddered with millet plants, and that their grazing areas were mostly beyond the agricultural zone. The wide range in δ15N values amongst herbivore fauna (4.1‰–11.8‰) suggests grazing occurred in a variety of ecological zones, and this would be consistent with the occurrence of long-distance transport of livestock in the region.  相似文献   

The Hexi Corridor is an important region of irrigated agriculture in an arid area of China. Prior to 1949, a large number of Dragon King Temples played a key role in irrigation activities in the Hexi Corridor. Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, these temples have undergone a three-stage process of evolution. They gradually evolved from sites of sacrifice and prayers for rain to become the sole embodiment of the regional hydraulic order. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, the symbolic role of the Dragon King Temples declined, and they degenerated into crucial spaces for violent contests over control of water resources in times of hydraulic crises. Finally, Dragon King Temples faded from the sociopolitical scene after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The unique natural environment of the Hexi Corridor reduced local people’s awe of the Dragon King, yet the social environment compelled them to identify with the state. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the state maintained its presence in local irrigation activities by introducing and promoting the cult of the Dragon King and the building of temples, which were revered as symbols of state power. With the decline of the state in modern times, local society’s worship of the Dragon King also dwindled. After the Communist regime began to exert all-around control of irrigation, Dragon King Temples were quickly replaced by the government at the grassroots level, and the cult finally disappeared as modern state power expanded.  相似文献   

本从西域贡使如何进出嘉峪关、入关贡使的起送与存留、存留使臣在河西走廊的活动等三个方面阐明了河西走廊是明代边境贸易和民族融合的重要场所之一,并指出,西域贡使为河西走廊的稳定与发展作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

It is widely known that the Hexi Corridor in North‐West China lies at a hub of trans‐Eurasian cultural exchange. Its role became increasingly important during the late prehistoric period, particularly as the ancient Silk Road began to be used. While the profound transformation of local cultural characteristics in the late Neolithic and the Bronze Age is well documented, the detailed economic dynamics of cultural evolution have not yet been clearly illustrated. In this paper, we report on significant new zooarchaeological and faunal isotopic data from the Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in the Hexi Corridor. The primary objective is to systematically reconstruct the prehistoric economic context of this area by combining these new data with previous archaeological studies and radiocarbon dates. We argue that the primary economic activities of local inhabitants changed dramatically in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor. This was marked by agricultural production at c.4800–4000 bp , agro‐pastoral production at c.4000–3000 bp and animal husbandry at c.3000–2200 bp , respectively. The major subsistence strategies of these three periods show considerable variation. It is very likely that these transformations of economic patterns in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor were primarily triggered by transcontinental cultural exchange and, to a lesser extent, by climate change.  相似文献   

黑水国汉代墓葬出土的农具、动物骨骼、农作物遗存和人骨为人们了解河西走廊张掖地区汉晋时期生业经济和农业发展等问题提供了重要证据。通过动物骨骼、农作物遗存鉴定结果和人骨碳氮同位素检测结果,可以揭示汉晋时期黑水国人群的食物结构和生业模式特点。墓葬出土的农作物有粟、黍、稻,随葬动物有鸡、猪、绵羊、黄牛、狗、马,人骨骨胶原碳稳定同位素主要呈现C3和C4混合信号,部分呈现C3信号和C4信号,氮稳定同位素值相较牛羊等家养食草动物较高。综合研究说明汉晋时期河西走廊形成麦类、粟黍和豆类的混合农业模式,所以黑水国汉代先民摄取的粮食作物来源呈多样化。同时,河西走廊畜牧业发达,使当时人群摄取了大量的肉食资源,导致蛋白质摄入量较高。  相似文献   

试论中国跪拜礼仪的废除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跪拜礼是封建社会中尊卑贵贱等级制的重要礼仪表现形式。 1873年外国使臣以鞠躬或作揖礼觐见同治帝的事实 ,如同一个强有力的楔子 ,严重动摇了传统跪拜礼仪的权威与根基 ;西方国家礼制、礼仪书籍的传入 ,清廷出使官员对外国政治与外交礼仪的感知 ,均使国人对跪拜礼仪进行深刻的反思 ;资产阶级革命派不但对跪拜等旧礼俗进行了猛烈抨击 ,而且身体力行 ,以握手、鞠躬代替跪拜与长揖之礼。跪拜礼已深深积淀于民族意识之中 ,因此废除跪拜礼需要借助政权的力量。 1912年 ,中华民国政府以法律的形式正式废除在中国实行了数千年之久的跪拜礼。这既是辛亥革命的结果 ,同时又是国人对中西礼制长期比较、反思后的自然选择  相似文献   

本文从川东南地名出发,运用统计学与文献学相结合的方法,论析土司制度在川东南的实行对这一地区地名命名所产生的影响,同时又以地名为导向探寻相关的土司文化遗存。  相似文献   

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