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This paper formulates a multiple discrete‐continuous probit (MDCP) land use model within a spatially explicit economic structural framework for land use change decisions. The spatial MDCP model is capable of predicting both the type and intensity of urban development patterns over large geographic areas, while also explicitly acknowledging geographic proximity‐based spatial dependencies in these patterns. At a methodological level, the paper focuses on specifying and estimating a spatial MDCP model that allows the dependent variable to exist in multiple discrete states with an intensity associated with each discrete state. The formulation also accommodates spatial dependencies, as well as spatial heterogeneity and heteroskedasticity, in the dependent variable, and should be applicable in a wide variety of fields where social and spatial dependencies between decision agents (or observation units) lead to spillover effects in multiple discrete‐continuous choices (or states). A simulation exercise is undertaken to evaluate the ability of the proposed maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood (MACML) approach to recover parameters from a cross‐sectional spatial MDCP model. The results show that the MACML approach does well in recovering parameters. An empirical demonstration of the approach is undertaken using the city of Austin parcel level land use data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper estimates land use conversion anticipation when zoning is the primary tool of land use regulation. Extending the Capozza and Helsey model (1989) to the case of uncertainty in future land use zoning, a spatialized hedonic model is proposed to estimate such anticipation phenomena at a fine level (cadastral unit). Estimations use Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) techniques with a two‐stage model that links agricultural and developable land markets. This allows for mapping varying spatial parameters that measure anticipation effects within the theoretical framework. Results confirm the influence of anticipation on agricultural land prices in the Provence region. Moreover, the level of data spatialization allows us to take into account intra‐municipalities' heterogeneity of land use conversion anticipation.  相似文献   

A recently resolved debate centred on the interpretation of a major set of INAA data that was based on Olmec ceramics from Mexico. In an attempt to answer questions arising from the debate, this paper discusses the effect of numbers of samples chosen for data interpretation. It also presents interpretations of the ceramic data set based on a bivariate data‐splitting approach and compares the results of this with the multivariate analysis approaches employed by the initial publishers of the data.  相似文献   

John A. Gardiner and Theodore R. Lyman. Decisions for Sale: Corruption and Reform in Land-Use and Building Regulolion
Robert G. Healy. Land use and the Status
NOreen Lyday, The Low of the Land: Debating National Land Use Legisiation 1970–75  相似文献   

南京城市轨道交通建设潜在影响下的土地利用分异研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取南京轨道交通沿线土地利用状态作为研究对象,针对南京轨道交通建设的发展背景和特点,通过GIS和RS技术,建立南京市中心城区的土地利用、交通等综合数据库,运用"廊道效应"方法,研究轨道交通沿线的土地利用分异情况,探讨轨道交通建设对城市土地利用空间分异的潜在影响。结果表明:居住用地已经表现出明显的廊道效应,从轨道交通线中心圈层向外逐步递减;而公共设施用地和工业用地则表现不明显。基于以上结果,从空间角度研究轨道交通线路与沿线土地利用的相互关系,提出有利于南京轨道交通建设与高强度土地开发相结合的联合开发模式。  相似文献   

Landsat imagery is a valuable source of information about the land use and land cover of inaccessible areas. In this study, the objective was to compile a map of eastern China, with particular emphasis on agricultural activity, from enhanced Landsat imagery using the diazo and density slicing techniques. Area measurement of major land uses was based on the land-use interpretation map, but because of the lack of ground verification it was necessary to turn to other sources of published and unpublished information as a control.
L'objectif de cette étude est la compilation d'une carte géographique de l'Est de la Chine, avec accentuation particulière des activités agricoles. Comme les images Landsat sont souvent la source unique d'information sur la végétation et l'utilisation de terrains inaccessibles, cette carte a éte cornpilée à l'aide d'images Landsat agrandies par les techniques diazo et density slicer. Les mesures des surfaces des régions principales sont celles de la carte d'interprétation de l'utilisation des terres. Faute d'une méthode de calibrage, il a fallu accepter les données de sources secondaires publiées et nonpubliées comme base de contrôle.  相似文献   


A non-parametric multidimensional regression method is proposed for the prediction of seismic ground motion parameters. The main features which distinguish the method from standard regression procedures are: (1) The relationship between the input and output variables is not selected a priori by a prediction law, (2) an arbitrary number of input variables Can be taken into account, provided that an appropriate data base exists, and (3) the computational procedure is very simple. The results can be easily updated when new information becomes available. The method has been applied for the derivation of attenuation relations by using a combination of databases compiled by other researchers. In the majority of the cases discussed in this paper, the method was used for the prediction of horizontal peak ground acceleration as a function of magnitude and distance. In some cases, ground conditions were also taken into account. Some results on the attenuation relations of peak ground velocity and displacement, as well as Arias intensity, are also presented.  相似文献   

A chronic feature of Caribbean agriculture is the extent to which potential arable land lies idle. Some of this region's densely populated islands have more than one-third of their farmland in such a condition. Yet their populations have relied increasingly upon imported food for sustenance. During the 1970s this paradoxical situation was exemplified by Grenada, where possibly as much as 45 per cent of its farmland lay abandoned and imported food accounted for one-third of the national import bill. This paper first surveys the underlying factors accounting for idle land in this nation and then outlines the programs pursued by the People's Revolutionary Government (PRG) to reduce waste of this basic resource and, thereby, to effect a more stable economy.
Dans la scène agraire caraibe on trouve constamment des terres dormantes qui pourraient ětre cultivées. Quelques les, des plus fortement peuplées de la région, ont plus du tiers de leurs terres ambles dans une telle condition. Toutefois, leurs habitants se fient de plus en plus sur la nourriture importée pour se soutenir. Cette situation paradoxale s'illustre par la Grenade, des années soixante-dix, où jusqu'a 45 pour-cent du terroir aurait été abandonné, en méme que la nourriture importée se payait du tiers du budget disponible pour défrayer toutes les importations requises dans ľle. Cette communication souligne ďabord les facteurs qui ont Créé cette situation en Grenade, et présente ensuite les grandes lignes des programmes adoptés, par le gouvernement révolutionnaire du peuple, pour couiger cette situation et pour diriger ľle vers une économie plus stable qu'au paravant.  相似文献   

国外土地利用规划发展与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玉波  唐莹 《人文地理》2010,25(3):24-28
世界各国在社会制度、土地资源禀赋、经济水平和发展历史等方面都存在着差异,土地利用规划并没有统一的模式。所以学习国外经验,了解国外模式是非常重要的。通过大量文献综述,阐述了联合国粮农组织(FAO)、俄罗斯、美国、德国、英国、日本等国家土地利用规划体系、内容概况,对这些国家土地利用规划编制和实施的新理念、技术、方法的共同特点及发展趋势进行了分析比较和归纳总结。在此基础上,指出国外土地利用规划经验对我国规划借鉴的七个方面,以期为我国新一轮土地利用规划的修编提供积极的借鉴。  相似文献   

《世界》按照购物的地点及购买的主题,将本文中的购物分为5大部分,分别是百货公司、购物街区、市集、购物村和机场。每个部分,都有鲜明的特征:百货公司位于市区中心,通常是此城市的物质地标,这里汇聚各门类的顶级品牌、最流行的本季商品集中于此;购物街区代表着城市气质,百年老字号和新锐品牌店比肩而立;市集适合淘宝,能找到带有鲜明特征的当地商品;购物村里名牌集中,并且能用最低价格买到最好的商品;机场是你旅行购物的最后一站……  相似文献   

Spatial data sets pose challenges for discrete choice models because the data are unlikely to be independently and identically distributed. A conditionally parametric spatial probit model is amenable to very large data sets while imposing far less structure on the data than conventional parametric models. We illustrate the approach using data on 474,170 individual lots in the City of Chicago. The results suggest that simple functional forms are not appropriate for explaining the spatial variation in residential land use across the entire city.  相似文献   

土地的本质是一定范围的空间,土地利用是在一定范围的空间内安排土地用途和土地功能的活动集合。解构土地利用空间维度,构建土地利用从低维到高维转变的土地利用思想,有利于拓展现代土地利用创新理念。基于主题分析法的研究表明:①土地利用存在八个维度的拓展方向,分别是聚点发展、轴线开发、平面发展、立体发展、分时利用、混合用途、功能叠加和空间共享;②土地利用维度可归纳为空间、时间和功能三个层面,并且各维度之间存在较强的关联性;③依据土地利用维度从低到高,以聚点发展为初始维,构建土地利用的八维空间理念。土地利用八维空间理念的明晰,有利于增益人们对土地用途和土地功能空间配置和组合的认知,从而有利于现代土地利用的创新实践。  相似文献   

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