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朱军  李奇 《文物世界》2001,(5):8-11
粉彩描金开光山水高士图索耳八角花盆(以下简称花盆),是笔者因业务工作所需,在拣选库存文物时发现,经鉴定具有重要价值,现特撰文一考。  相似文献   

Public engagement is becoming increasingly common practice in archaeological projects, capitalizing on the interactions of field archaeologists with local communities as well as with the descendants of the people under study, in a variety of ways: from the use of social media to engaging the local public with onsite presentations and exhibitions. However, public engagement efforts are often less robust when archaeologists return to their home institutions, with most of the researchers’ time and energies spent fulfilling their academic duties. Interactions between archaeologists and their local communities — those closer to their home institutions — are often minimal, creating insular university departments. To secure a future as a vibrant, relevant field of research, archaeology must develop greater interest and skill in engaging with its neighbours both within and outside the academy. The study of past meals and foodways provides an exceptional avenue for public outreach, which in turn is further enhanced through fruitful collaboration among various university departments and museums. Here we present the results of the multidisciplinary outreach project ‘Eating Archaeology’, designed with the intention of building collaborations across disciplines and a new narrative with which to engage the public.  相似文献   

杨金平 《文博》2009,(2):57-63
本文首次从日本三角缘神兽镜和中国东汉三国时期画像镜、神人神兽镜的布局考证出发指出两国铜镜的相似及差异乃是源于历史上第一次中日文化交流的结果,它们诞生于不同的使用目的和方式,以此诠释日本三角缘神兽镜是两国工匠共同在日本本土设计制造。  相似文献   

宋人乐语和致语中的附诗被称为“口号”,它是宋人诗歌创作中的重要组成部分。《全宋诗》作为一部宋代诗歌全集,收入了大量宋人乐语和致语中的口号,然亦有疏漏之处。本文从宋人别集中辑录了59首口号,作为对《全宋诗》的补遗。  相似文献   

在战后马来西亚华人政治史上 ,马来西亚华人组织了不少政治组织 ,为马来西亚的政治历史做出了重要的贡献 ,但有的已经消失了 ,劳工党就是其中之一。劳工党不但消失了 ,而且有关劳工党的问题还变成“禁区”。如果说劳工党是一个不起眼的政治小组织 ,那么它被历史遗忘还有一点逻辑性 ,可是劳工党在 5 0— 6 0年代是马来西亚一个强势政党 ,其政治动员能力为其他政党所难以望其项背。忘记历史很容易又很难。劳工党虽然退出历史舞台 ,但它的历史印记却无法磨灭。忘却的历史与历史的发现二战结束后 ,马来亚各族人民掀起反对殖民统治争取独立的浪潮…  相似文献   

本主要通过唐、宋、元、明、清的历代目录以及外国目录中的录,探究《寒山诗》版本流传的详细情况。  相似文献   

东周时期青铜剑首同心圆的制作技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东周时期盛行佩剑之风,在剑上集中了多项杰出的装饰技术,其中位于青铜剑首端部的同心圆装饰以其精湛的制作技术引起了科技史界的关注。剑首同心圆由多圈高同心度、高凸起、薄壁状凸棱组成。对东周时期的多件剑首同心圆的考察表明剑首同心圆应用了类似轮制法成形工艺,预先单独铸造成形,后与剑茎铸接成一体。通过对车削法、石范铸造、失蜡铸造、陶范铸造等剑首同心圆可能的成形方法的分析,推测古人很可能不预制陶模,而是用轮制法直接车制出具有同心圆的剑首陶范,以陶范铸造法铸造剑首同心圆,此法是东周时期最可行的成形方法.其基础是新石器时代已采用的轮制法制陶技术及商周时期成熟的陶范处理技术。通过模板轮制法的模拟试验.成功地复制了青铜剑首同心圆。其过程为配制极细的泥料、制作带齿的模板、采用轮制法制作同心圆陶范并在相应的凸棱上刻下绳纹、焙烧陶范与浇注青铜液。  相似文献   

Maza, Sarah C. Servants and Masters in Eighteenth‐Century France. The Uses of Loyalty. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983. xiv + 368 pp. including illustrations, appendices, chapter references, sources and bibliography, and index. $32.50 cloth.

Dudden, Faye E. Serving Women. Household Service in Nineteenth‐Century America. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1983. viii + 344 pp. including chapter references and index. $19.95 cloth.

Rollins, Judith. Between Women. Domestics and Their Employers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1985. viii + 261 pp. including chapter references and index. $24.95 cloth.

Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. Issei, Nisei, War Bride. Three Generations of Japanese American Women in Domestic Service. Philadelphia: Temple Uni‐verity Press, 1986. xviii + 290 pp. including appendices, chapter references, and index. $29.95 cloth.

Stanley, Liz, ed. The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick. Victorian Maidservant London: Virago Press, 1984. vii + 327 pp. including illustrations, appendices, and notes. £5.95 paper ($25 available through Rutgers University Press).

Gordon, Suzanne. A Talent for Tomorrow. Life Stories of South African Servants. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1985. xxvii + 294 pp., including glossary, bibliography, index, and photographs by Ingrid Hudson. $16.95 paper (available through Ohio University Press).  相似文献   

The idea of a 'geography of reading' provides a potential point of conversation between the cultural and scientific wings of our profession. Here I explore some dimensions of the geography of reading scientific texts. Drawing on a number of theoretical pronouncements – Gadamer's 'fusion of horizons', Said's 'travelling theory', Secord's 'geographies of reading', Beer's 'miscegenation of texts', Fish's 'interpretive communities' and Rupke's 'geographies of reception'– I focus on the spaces where scientific theories are encountered. The argument is that where scientific texts are read has an important bearing on how they are read. This realization points to a fundamental instability in scientific meaning and to the crucial significance of what might be called located hermeneutics. As a case study in the development of a cartographics of scientific meaning, I explore the different ways in which Darwin's fundamentally biogeographical theory of evolution by natural selection was construed in a number of different settings. The sites I have chosen to illustrate this are the scientific communities which congregated around the Charleston Museum of Natural History in South Carolina, the Wellington Philosophical Society and New Zealand Institute, and the St Petersburg Society of Naturalists in Russia during the second half of the nineteenth century. In each case the encounter with evolution theory, and the ways it was interpreted, are shown to have been shaped by local cultural politics, thereby disclosing the critical role that space plays in the production of scientific meaning.  相似文献   

《Iranian studies》2012,45(2):229-242
This article discusses the use of food as a mode of differentiation and identification according to Zoroastrian Middle Persian and Persian texts of the late antique period. In these texts, the list of foods consumed by Arabs and Indians are juxtaposed with that of the Iranian diet, and each group is given anthropological treatment. The article contends that the Zoroastrian dietary law, based on the Middle Persian texts, provides a mode of purity and impurity vis-à-vis others. Finally, the article touches upon the idea of moderation and the consumption of wine as dealt with in some Middle Persian sources.  相似文献   

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