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阿布辛拜勒至菲莱的努比亚遗址,位于埃及东南部尼罗河上游河畔。早在古埃及法老时期,法老们在努比亚建造了城市、宫殿和寺庙,还修筑了通往沙漠矿区的道路。  相似文献   

炜炜 《旅游》2012,(4):32-35,3
阿斯旺,这座埃及最美丽的城市。宏伟的阿斯旺大坝,狂野的沙漠,柔情的尼罗河,还有独特的努比亚文化,这一切共同构成了一幅阿斯旺全景画。阿斯旺附近保留着众多文物古迹,从古王国时代的阿布辛拜大神庙、菲莱神庙,到尼罗河西岸的努比亚石窟、科普教会的修道院等。这些建筑和阿斯旺高坝一同见证了埃及人从古到今的智慧。  相似文献   

正《与时同辉——改革开放40年来的中国古代史研究》,凤凰出版社,2018年12月。本书是《中国史研究动态》编辑部策划的"纪念改革开放四十年"专刊和专题文章的结集。约请名家撰文,分先秦、秦汉魏晋南北朝、隋唐五代、辽宋夏金、元、明清六个时期,以及社会史、思想史、史学史、历史地理、经济史五个专题,回顾40年中国古代史各个学科方向发展的历程,展现史学与时代的密切联系。  相似文献   

陈英 《安徽史学》2000,6(3):44-48
聂士成为晚清军界一颇为重要的人物。对于他在中日甲午战争中的表现,以前史学界有所论及,但大多是一带而过,缺乏整体的认识与研究。下面笔者从四个方面就聂士成在甲午战争中的表现作一简单的论述。……  相似文献   

胡适与鲁迅,是显题。  相似文献   

正《与时同辉——改革开放40年来的中国古代史研究》,凤凰出版社,2018年12月。本书是《中国史研究动态》编辑部策划的"纪念改革开放四十年"专刊和专题文章的结集。约请名家撰文,分先秦、秦汉魏晋南北朝、隋唐五代、辽宋夏金、元、明清六个时期,以及社会史、思想史、史学史、历史地理、经济史五个专题,回顾40年中国古代史各个学科方向发展的历程,展现史学与时代的密切联系。  相似文献   

正《与时同辉——改革开放40年来的中国古代史研究》,凤凰出版社,2018年12月。本书是《中国史研究动态》编辑部策划的"纪念改革开放四十年"专刊和专题文章的结集。约请名家撰文,分先秦、秦汉魏晋南北朝、隋唐五代、辽宋夏金、元、明清六个时期,以及社会史、思想史、史学史、历史地理、经济史五个专题,回顾40年中国古代史各个  相似文献   

在世纪之交和两届修志工作交替的关键时刻,如何把新编地方志事业推向2l世纪,是每个修志工作者都应认真思索和回答的问题。笔者认为,要回答好这个问题,首要的一点是对首届修志工作进行认真的回顾和总结,理出经验教训,并以此为基础,对续志工作进行理性的思考与大胆的实践,坚持继承与创新相结合,从而推动续志工作达到“新起点、新水平”的要求。基于这个认识,本文试就哈尔滨市首届修志工作的得与失,对续志  相似文献   

在世纪之交和两届修志工作交替的关键时刻 ,如何把新编地方志事业推向 2 1世纪 ,是每个修志工作者都应认真思索和回答的问题。笔者认为 ,要回答好这个问题 ,首要的一点是对首届修志工作进行认真的回顾和总结 ,理出经验教训 ,并以此为基础 ,对续志工作进行理性的思考与大胆的实践 ,坚持继承与创新相结合 ,从而推动续志工作达到“新起点、新水平”的要求。基于这个认识 ,本文试就哈尔滨市首届修志工作的得与失 ,对续志工作的点滴思考与实践 ,求教于修志同仁。一、首届修志工作的总结与回顾哈尔滨市首届社会主义新方志的编写工作是从 80年代初…  相似文献   

<正>认识第一把壶,是从父亲那里开始的。父亲喜欢喝茶,虽然不知茶叶的许多繁冗讲究,但知道哪种茶叶是最适合自己的,也知道用什么样的壶泡茶会有好的味道。手持一把壶,游走在宿舍大院中,这是父亲留给我的一个记忆,也是我对壶的记忆。长大以后,做过六年茶叶生意,也渐渐接触了不少器型的壶,但它们大多数产自宜兴和景德镇。偶然的机会,走进平定,结识了平定的张宏亮,才知道了山西的砂壶。  相似文献   

The preservation of the legacy of mankind is no less important than the construction of dams, the erection of factories and the greater prosperity of peoples (President Gamal Abdel-Nasser, cited in Säve-Söderberg 1987, 90). The Nubia Campaign mounted with the aim of salvaging the archaeological sites threatened by the construction of the Aswan High Dam (1960–1971) was the first collaborative international rescue effort involving UNESCO. One of the main outcomes of this campaign was the valorization of what came to be known as “world heritage” and the establishment of a UNESCO World Heritage Center entrusted with the mission to safeguard the cultural heritage of humankind. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Nubia Campaign and as more sites are increasingly in need of international drives to rescue them from dams and other threats, this contribution provides a critical assessment of this historical event highlighting the role of foreign scholars and institutions, governments, organizational infrastructures, sources of funding, activities undertaken, as well as the impact of the dam on Nubians. In retrospect and in light of what happened to the preservation of Egyptian and Sudanese heritage as work of the foreign missions united by a single cause came to end, and considering the ongoing projects in Egypt and the Sudan that require urgent international efforts, I canvass the shortcomings of the Nubia Campaign in order to come up with recommendations for immediate action.  相似文献   

African Archaeological Review - This study employs ceramic petrography to establish if the existing typology-based divisions for the so-called Middle Nubian cultures can be related to variations in...  相似文献   

Sections of human hair from naturally desiccated Sudanese Nubian mummies representing X-Group (AD 350-550) and Christian (AD 550-1300) periods in the Wadi Halfa area have been analysed for their isotope ratios. Because the carbon in hair represents food intake over the growth period of this tissue, analysis comparing segments taken next to the scalp with those further along the shaft can indicate diet just prior to death as well as any recent shift in food consumption. Modern populations in this area practise seasonal crop scheduling which involves the cultivation of C3 plants (wheat, barley and most fruits and vegetables) in the winter and the hardier C4 plants (sorghum and millet) in the summer. Shifting isotopic values along the length of hair strands of the ancient inhabitants of this area demonstrate that this practice has its roots at least as far back as the Initial Phase of Intensive Agriculture. The most common season of death appears to have been summer, the time of greatest climatic, nutritional and physiological stress for both ancient and modern inhabitants.  相似文献   

The results of this study reveal significantly greater frequencies of caries, periapical abscesses and ante-mortem tooth loss in the Lower Nubian C-Group (ca. 2000–1500 BC) compared with the preceding Classic/Terminal A-Group (ca. 3100–2500 BC). More severe tooth wear in the C-Group, which traditionally would be interpreted as consistent with a hunting-gathering subsistence base, can instead be attributed to grit in the diet resulting from the processing of agricultural produce with sandstone and quartzite mortars and grinding stones, and perhaps also to the intentional addition of grit to grain in order to facilitate grinding. The results of this study, when evaluated in the context of complementary archaeological and osteological evidence, indicate that both groups practised a mixed economy but that the C-Group relied more heavily on cereal cultivation.  相似文献   

For almost two hundred years Nubian Studies was treated as a sub-discipline of Egyptology. Not surpisingingly, histories of Kush written in this tradition were strongly Egyptocentric in their emphases. During the last quarter of a century, however, Nubian Studies has emerged as a distinct discipline in its own right. The three books reviewed in this article reflect this transformation.  相似文献   

Evidence of trauma was investigated in a well-preserved skeletal sample from the Medieval Sudanese Nubian site of Kulubnarti. The skeletal materials derive from two temporally over-lapping Christian cemeteries, dating from the sixth to circa the sixteenth century. The available sample consisted of the skeletons of 146 adults which were investigated for fractures of the long bones, crania and the hands and feet, as well as for dislocations and muscle pulls. Results showed a high incidence of long bone fractures, seen especially in the forearm, and involving 33.5 per cent of individuals. Many of these lesions indicated quite severe injury, and an unusually high number of affected individuals (27 per cent) showed multiple long bone involvement. Conversely, only one possible cranial fracture was apparent. Fractures were also found in 13 hand and seven foot elements. In addition, one hip dislocation and evidence of pulled tendons in 11 individuals were also observed. Compared to other similarly controlled samples, the Kulubnarti population stands out for its high prevalence of healed fractures, the high proportion of multiple involvement and the severity of numerous lesions. The forbiddingly harsh and uneven terrain of this region of Nubia was most likely a major influence on the unusually high prevalence and pattern of traumatic lesions in this group. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol., 7 : 103–114 (1997) No. of Figures: 5. No. of Tables: 5. No. of References: 25.  相似文献   

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