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Georges Didi-Huberman's study is concerned with epistemological and ethical questions that arise from visual representations of the Shoah, while Michael Fried's is concerned with the ontological possibilities explored by contemporary art photography. The books have two things in common: an argument against postmodern skepticism, and an insistence that photography has become a field in which questions of history, truth, and authenticity are being explored with particular acuity. Rather than reject even the possibility that photographs have something to tell us about the Shoah, Didi-Huberman shows that they can offer important insights into the difficulties and the possibilities of apprehending some aspects of the past.
Fried shows that contemporary photographic work has taken on the ambitions of high modernism by accepting the challenge of "to-be-seenness." Photography as a "historical practice" does not escape from the difficulties of evidence and of the "constructed" nature of historical understanding; photography functions neither as a pure trace of the past, nor as a mere invitation to spectacle.  相似文献   

布尔迪厄的文化资本理论在旅游规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴启焰  王兆杰 《人文地理》2011,26(1):113-117
伴随着后现代主义的到来,以符号和影像为主的消费文化成为了社会消费的主导。因此,旅游业的发展与规划既需要满足消费需求,又要尊重消费文化。本文中我们试图从布迪厄的文化资本理论的三个方面:文化能力、文化产品、文化制度的角度分析旅游文化资本,希望以此推动旅游文化资本在旅游规划中的运用。  相似文献   

Negotiations in international relations must be analyzed not only in terms of the substance of policy which is of relevance to the negotiating process, but also with regard to the negotiating process itself. This paper focuses on the negotiating process leading up to the SALT I agreements of 1972. Through the insights of game theory we can better understand the difficulties inherent in reaching accords in nuclear arms negotiations.  相似文献   

细胞自动机及在南京城市演化预测中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王红  闾国年  陈干 《人文地理》2002,17(1):47-50
细胞自动机(Cellular Automata)是一种具有时空计算特征的动力学模型,其最主要的特点是复杂的系统可以由一些很简单的局部规则来产生,特别适合城市等空间复杂系统的时空动态模拟研究。本文利用地理信息系统(GIS)和细胞自动机的有机集成而构筑的CA-Urban模型模拟南京市的土地利用的动态演化过程。对南京三个开发区的发展以及南京能否跨江发展等存在争议的问题作了预测和评估。通过设置不同的转换规则、参数,从一个侧面为我们展示了城市系统的宏观演化的可能模式,为城市规划等提供了辅助决策。最后提出了模型的缺点及其展望。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It has long been an article of faith amongst regional economists that increasing returns to scale are necessary to explain the punctiform location of economic activity and population. However, there is no consensus in the empirical literature over whether returns to scale are constant or increasing. A notable example of this lack of agreement is provided by the static‐dynamic Verdoorn law paradox. While the dynamic Verdoorn law (specified using growth rates) yields estimates of substantial increasing returns to scale, the static Verdoorn law (specified using log‐levels) indicates only the presence of constant returns to scale. In this paper, we explain the static‐dynamic Verdoorn law paradox by showing that estimates of returns to scale obtained using the static law are subject to a spatial aggregation bias, which biases the estimates towards constant returns to scale. We illustrate our arguments by means of simulation exercises. The results obtained hold general lessons for applied economic analysis using spatial data.  相似文献   

唐蜜  罗小龙  王绍博 《人文地理》2022,37(2):103-111
本文结合中央—地方政府管治特征,以临沪地区为实证案例,提出大都市区跨界地区在中央政府和地方政府协调治理下经历了三个阶段的发展。现阶段发展目标和治理主体均呈现出不同于以往的新特征:在区县级地方政府和省市级地方政府以提升地区竞争力为目标的企业型治理下,跨界地区逐渐兴起并实现社会经济的快速发展;在中央政府运动型治理下,跨界地区进入以协调区域功能为主的发展阶段。随着跨界发展不断深入,跨界地区空间结构由散点式分布转为以开发区为核心的产城融合空间,最终转型为融入中心城市网络的重要节点。研究总结了大都市区跨界地区各阶段发展的时空格局,提出跨界地区发展的治理逻辑及其动力机制,对区域协同治理提供了经验借鉴。  相似文献   

出口导向型经济是日本制造、亚洲四小龙和中国之崛起这些亚洲经济奇迹的共同特色。中国加入世界贸易组织之后,出口贸易的带动作用更加重要。本文采用1985-2005年中国、日本和亚洲其他区域的贸易数据,以亚洲金融危机为分界点,利用模型分析中国与日本、中国与亚洲其他地区在世界出口市场中的关系,并最终得出结论:中国与亚洲各地区在出口贸易上的关系相互依赖,各方在贸易上的继续深化将会为这个国际分工体系建立一个各为有利的环境。  相似文献   

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