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AstheYarLungZangboRiverthunderstowardsMainling,NyingchiandMedogineastTibet,itisconmountains,ofwhichNamjagbarwaMountainreignssupreme.TherivercutsthroughtheHimalayasandmakesanabruptturnaroundtheNamagbarwa,beforeflowingintotheGangeticPlaininthesouth.Highmoun…  相似文献   

Atotal of 28house founda-tions werefound in theKarub Ruins in Qamdo.They take the shape of acircle,half underground.They are dwelling housesbuilt as early as some 5,000years ago when Tibet wasexperiencing the New StoneAge.  相似文献   

John Tallis’s London Street Views (1838–1840) offers a striking and a distinctive account of the early Victorian metropolis. This introduction outlines its significance and contextualizes the essays included in this roundtable.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tens of thousands of people flocked to the Cultural Relics of Tibetan Buddhism Collected by the Palace Museum, an exhibition held in Beijing last May. Given the fact that many do not have a good understanding of Tibetan Bud-dhism, we hereby publish an introduction to these cultural relics written by Wang Jia-peng. a research fellow with the Palace Museum Research Institute.When thewholenation wascelebratingthe 50thanniversary of the peacefulliberation of Tibet Qn May…  相似文献   

Beginning after the peaceful liberation of Tibet, major towns and cities in Tibet moved toward a bilingual society while the farming and pastoral areas continue to follow the old linguistic tradition. Tibet's linguistic policies over the past 50 years, therefore, have been enacted to cope with the region's specific characteristics.  相似文献   

A small passage cutting through Hendu-an Mountains and the Himalayas in southwest China has been bustling with shuttling traders driving caravans of fully loaded beasts of burden for a millennium. Unlike the Silk Route that is known to all in the world, this route hidden away in high mountains and skirted by flowing streams is almost unknown to the outside world. Such a situation lasted until the 1990s when a number of young scholars surveyed its darkened byways and named it the Tea-Horse  相似文献   

Excavations at the Kraków Spadzista Street (B) site, Poland were conducted over 16 years in which approximately 150 m2 of the site was studied. The radiocarbon dates clustered around 23–24 ky BP, placing the site in the Gravettian cultural complex. In this paper, results from a detailed taphonomic study of faunal remains are discussed in conjunction with previous analyses of stone artefacts and site structure in order to address questions regarding site formation and Gravettian occupation. Up to 1994, ∼9000 bone remains were recovered and it was possible to identify the species and skeletal element for 5860 remains. The site contained bones of seven animal species associated with Pleistocene steppe–tundra habitats. At Kraków Spadzista Street (B), 99% of the faunal remains belong to the woolly mammoth, with other large mammal taxa represented by only isolated bones and teeth. This site yielded the largest number of mammoth bones and most individuals (MNI = 86) ever found in one place in Poland. Kraków Spadzista Street (B) represents a mammoth butchering locality and probably a mammoth hunting site as well. However, it is not yet possible to distinguish the mammoths killed by Gravettian hunters from those that died naturally and then were scavenged by people.  相似文献   

On August 22, 2004, we took the cross-country vehicle of Dorje and traveled around the roads of the Shannan region, cradle of Tibetan culture. Our car ran like the wind of the bituminous macadam surface.The broadleaf poplar and elm forests beside the roads were restful to our eyes.These new forests might have been planted when I first entered Tibet about 10 years ago. At that time, the Agricultural Ministry and UN Food and Agriculture Organization jointly invested in Tibet for Project 3357. In 1992, phase one of this project was completed and each investor came on an examination and acceptance visit. We also took the opportunity to carry out interviews.  相似文献   

On August 24, 2004, a fine day, my friends and I were on our way towards Xigaze after visits to Lhasa and Nyingchi. We didn‘t follow the way most people take. Instead, we took the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. When we got to Yangbajain, we turned onto a gravel road. ““We are building a new section of the Yangbajain-Majiang Highway,““ explained Director Zhan who accompanied us.  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note:Note:Dalai Lama has been changed so popular these years that it seems he becomes a logo to some extent.But who is the Dalai Lama?Most of people are puzzled.Not long before I read a couple of papers and enjoyed them very much.Maybe our readers are willing to share them and interested them.Here are excerpts from them. The one is from Michael Backman,who is an internationally renowned writer,columnist and speaker.He specializes in writing and speaking about Asia:its economies,politics,business...  相似文献   

The world knows China is building a railway from Qinghai to Tibet, a project that began in the early days of this new century. The Tibetans hail it as a golden bridge. How much progress has been made in this regard? Beginning with this issue, we will devote some space to this subject.  相似文献   

This essay examines how the London Street Views organize the city as a space of commercial interaction, one that is curiously at odds with an image of crowded Victorian streets full of shoppers, street-sellers, advertisements, and window displays. As a commercial directory, it is at once tightly self-referential and open ended, cross referring information between the lists of businesses, the advertisements, and the street elevations while also including advertisements for shops in other streets and neighbourhoods than that focused on in each issue. This essay considers the distinctiveness of Tallis’s project by contextualizing his Street Views within a range of forms of urban commercial information, including directories and advertisements.  相似文献   

正II,Archeological Survey on the Stormy Plateau On May 13,our team arrived in the Tuotiio River basin straddling the border between Tibet Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province.We started from Kaixin mountain which sits 4573 meters above sea level.This marked the beginning of the survey of the Golmud-Lhasa section(the  相似文献   

一这是一个古老的国都,人们叫它曼勐撒,意思是长乐的京城。今天正是赕佛的日子,城边那高耸入云的象牙塔、椰树簇拥着的奘房都装点得更加金碧辉煌。潮水一样的人流,跟随着象脚鼓声,从四而八方汇集到象牙塔下的草坪。在这虔诚而又欢乐的人群中,一个背着一捆七弦琴的穷苦青年,缓步来到象牙塔下,一看便知这是一个漂游天涯的卖人。他名叫宰西,他今天不是来卖场,而是和别人一样,怀着虔诚的心来赕佛,祈求佛祖赐予幸福和吉祥。当人们在象牙塔下一排排下跪合掌时,他也尾随在后,把包头放在地上,仰望着金塔,向佛祖表白自己纯洁的心  相似文献   

化学防护和化学加固是目前保护土、石、砖等材质的不可移动文物的常用方法.所用化学材料主要是有机硅等憎水性有机化合物.这些材料能起到一定的防水和加固作用,但也存在不少问题,有的导致了更严重的破坏.其中,憎水性保护层的起壳剥落是最常见的破坏现象,特别当环境干湿循环频繁,文物本体或地下可溶性盐含量较高的情况下,憎水性化学保护层很容易从文物本体上起壳剥落,造成文物的加速腐蚀破坏.为了减小此类破坏的危害程度,本工作探讨了化学保护剂在混合使用和多层配合使用条件下的防护和加固效果.结果发现,以憎水性较弱的化学材料做基底渗透,以憎水性较强的化学材料做表而保护,由此构成的多层保护措施可以降低化学保护层起壳剥落的危害.其主要原因是,多层保护形成的憎水梯度分散了吸湿膨胀形成的界面拉应力,也缓解了盐结晶析出产生的膨胀应力.  相似文献   


A largely accepted paradigm in African recent prehistory considers pastoralism to be the main subsistence source of food-producing communities along the Sudanese Nile valley from the 6th millennium cal BC onwards. This paradigm is constraining the development of a wider theoretical perspective that assumes, instead, a regionally differentiated picture of the economic and social organisation of local communities in northeastern Africa. This paradigm is thus the strongest impediment to achieving reliable and convincing syntheses of the transition from food collection to food production in this area. New data from Upper Nubia and central Sudan open the way for different and more complex scenarios and a new understanding of the local transition from agro-pastoral to agricultural practices. A more systematic data-based approach helps to change radically our perception of different Neolithic trajectories. Moreover, it helps to place in a different perspective—based on various levels of identity formation processes—change and continuity along the chrono-cultural sequence, as well as the different meanings that each local group confers on apparently similar acts in the context of the funerary ideology.


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