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EDITOR'SNOTE:DibaopublishedunderreignofTangDynasty(618-907)EmperorXuanzong(713-741)shouldbeconsideredtobetheearliestoficialne...  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: As World War II was about to end in the 1940s, the KMT Government built the Xikang-Tibet Highway and dispatched troops into the region, and Chiang Kai-shek appointed Shen Zonglian Director of the Tibet Office. The KMT Tibet Office remained in operation until in 1949, when the Tibetan government reacted to "drive the Hans out of Tibet." The author of the following story was secretary general of the KMT Tibet Office at that time. The following is the second part o…  相似文献   

<正>It is a sunny,early-spring morning,and three foreign students from different countries have just arrived at the new Tibet University campus.Linda I Am Pema Metok from Northern TibetFrom the very end of the foreign student dormitory building comes one student in front of the others,and that is Linda from Indonesia.On the classroom's blackboard,  相似文献   

Spacious lawns andblossoming flowers;shady trees;zigzaggingfootpaths;small bridgesspanning streams......In the face of such a beautifulview,who can imagine the pastdesolation of this site?  相似文献   

Simply for Touching this Piece of Pure Land Mayu Hot Spring is the third we have passed on our way. It is located in Mayu Township 4.539 meters above sea level.  相似文献   

Reviewofthe3-RiverProject(Ⅱ)Thisisthefollow-upreviewofthecomprehensivedevelopmentofthevalleydrainedbytheLhasa,NyangQuandYarlu...  相似文献   

Tibet─HomeofWildCreatures¥byLiuKaijiInrecentyears,thankstoaseriesofgovernmentpoliciesandlawsonwildlifeprotection,greatscienti...  相似文献   

TidbitsofSocio-EcononmicDevelopmentinTibetSOINAMTibet,tuckedawayontheRoofoftheWorld,isstillmysterioustotheworld.Whatdoesitloo...  相似文献   

During the period from 1950 toearly in 1951,Chairman Mao Zedong sent a cable to Peng Dehuai, saying:“it is said that the road extending from Qinghai to Tibet is smooth and good”. On December 9, 1950, the PLA Southwest Military Area sent cable to the Central Military Commission: “It is easier to build highways from Yushu to Lhasa by way of Naqu and Qamdo than from Qamdo to Lhasa by way of the 39-Tribe and Taizhao,  相似文献   

In the seven years from 1993 to 1999, the Tibetanmountaineers dwarfed 11 peaks each of more than8,000 meters, including the Qomolangmo,Kanchenjunga, Lho Tse, Makalu, Cho Oyu,Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna,Gasherbrum II, and Xixabangma. This is rare in the human history of mountaineering.SANGZHU: Head of theMountaineering TeamBorn in Gyamco Township,Xigaze in June 1953, Sangzhubegan to receive training inmountaineering in 1974, andjoined the team to climb theQomolangm…  相似文献   

FollowingtheLivingBuddhaXaricangIntoTibetforthePeacefulLiberationofTibetBeginningwiththisissue,wecreateanewcolumncalledPastMe...  相似文献   

Zhangzhung Culture and Guge Culture wereancient civilizations shining over the vast land ofTibet.Classic documents show Zhangzhung usedto be the cradle of the Bon religion.Masters ofthe primitive religion were powerful enough tofly into the sky on an animal hide drum and usebird feather to cut iron objects.Believe suchclaims or not,the fact is that Zhangzhung has itsown language system,its own philosophy aboutthe movement of the stars,and its science ofmedicine.It was unified into the Tubo Kingdom.  相似文献   

Have you ever been in Tibet? Do you want to enjoy your holiday? Why not go to Tibet, where you can see the blue Sky with flaky clouds, green hills with blossoming flowers, snowcapped mountain peaks, great rivers and beautiful lakes, dense virgin forests, Tibetan antelopes and wild yaks running in the vast grassland, picturesque villages and age-old Tibetan monasteries. All of these are just part of the beauty that can be found in Tibet. Tibet is really a lively and lovely place where one can calm down one's vexation and impulsiveness being transported in a whirl of clouds to a world truly apart. So don't hesitate about going to Tibet for a visit. There are several ways of getting to Tibet: either by air or by going overland. Many highways connect Tibet and other parts of China.  相似文献   

Perhaps in response to the Tibet People's Congress Delegation's visitto the European Parliament in March 2002, the China Relations Committee of the European Parliament sent a delegation to visit China upon invitation from the Sino-European Friendship Group of the NPC. They stayed in China for seven days and left with a good impression on Tibet.The delegation, led by Mrs. Elly Plooij-Van Gorsel, was composed of 21 members. They reached Lhasa at noon on July 9. They visited the Potala  相似文献   

The year 2001 marks the first year of China's 10th Five-Year Plan.It is also a year in which the development of China's westernregion development programs is being strongly promoted. Howshould Tibet react to this situation? With this question in mind,China's Tibet reporters recently interviewed Leqoi, Chairman ofthe Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region.QUESTION:Mr. Chairman,could you please tell us whatmeasures Tibet will under thenational western region development program duri…  相似文献   

Among the collections of the Tibet Museum is a cloth tangka painting produced in the 51st year of the reign of Qing Dynasty Emperor Qian-long. Measuring 82.5 cm long and 53.5 cm wide, it depicts Rahula. As one of the 10 major disciples of Sakyamuni and one of the 16 Arhats, Rahula was a son of Sakyamuni before he entered Buddhism. When Sakyamuni became a Buddha, Rahula was asked to take in charge of Buddhist affairs at Qinglanyuan.  相似文献   

As both the economic pillar of the manor estates of feudal lords and the financial mainstay of the old local government of Tibet, Khral-Ula corvee reflected the political and economic relationship between feudal lords, serfs and herdsmen, the economic relations within the ruling regime, and the political and economic relationship between the local government and the Central Government in old Tibet. This paper intends to discuss the formation and basic features of  相似文献   

The year 2004 marks the 15^th birthday of our magazine. In that time,we have worked for the goal of showing our readers throughout the world the real Tibet. During the period, we have published 212 issues (Chinese, Tibetan and English editions), containing stories running to hundreds of thousands of words and thousands of photographs. They have told of the  相似文献   

The exhibition hall of pre-his-toric culture in the TibetMuseum displays exhibitsfrom stoneware of the Pale-olithic Age to bronze andcliff paintings of the early Metal Age,which is a vivid epitome of the develop-ing history of pre-historic human culturein Tibet.Archaeologists have demonstratedthat the distribution of Neolithic Age pot-tery in China covers the whole country,but especially in five major areas: YellowRiver Valley, Yangtze River Valley, south-east China, southwest China and …  相似文献   

Happy40thBirthAnniversaryofTibetDaily!¥LIJIAJUNSpring1996marksthe40thbirthdayofTibetDaily.Thedaily,publishedintheTibetanandHa...  相似文献   

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