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It was 28 years ago that I first wentBayi Town in Nyingchi. I stillremember the dense forest andhumid air, and mushrooms growingon the mountainside under the trees, andmoss covering the tree trunks. From December 30th, 2002 andthrough the first days of the new year, Iagain visited the town again, along theSichuan-Tibet Highway stopping atmany places, hearing many stories, andseeing many new scenes.Pailung Moinba Ethnic GroupTownshipThe local government of PailungMoinba Ethnic Group Township lies in a  相似文献   


An investigation covering the United States, Europe and Japan has been carried out since 1973 to determine the use of solar energy for heating and cooling the inside of buildings. This study, supported by and on behalf of more than 100 industrial companies was led by the author who here for the first time reports his findings to the general scientific public. A large interdisciplinary team of engineers, economists, planners and building experts was involved and their methodology their technical considerations, as well as costs, marketing and constraint are reported. Detailed data obtained from the project have only been communicated to the sponsors and are not publicly available.  相似文献   

陆安权 《民俗研究》2003,(3):184-187
久闻湘南通道侗族自治县有个别具一格、妙趣横生的体育比赛项目——抢鱼塘。因未曾见识,心里总是纳闷:鱼塘能被人抢走吗?真的不敢想像。  相似文献   

这是湟水谷地东部的一个村庄,也是生我养我的地方。在我少儿时代的记忆里,这是一个纯朴、自然、和谐而又富有独特情趣的地方。  相似文献   

魏晓霰 《民俗研究》2007,(2):121-128
黄巢村位于济南市与泰安市交界处、长城岭北麓,是济南市历城区柳埠镇最偏僻的小山村,距区政府驻地洪家楼55公里、镇政府15公里,海拔在450到837米之间。村中的耕地很少,土地贫瘠,村民们以果木林业为主要收入。在村里访谈时,村民们总是说:"俺们没文化,不懂啥艺术。"但是,在他们的生活中,我们却发现了很多具有浓厚地方民俗色彩的艺术元素,村民用朴实的生活智慧使他们的生活充  相似文献   

<正>闽北一行,印象深刻的不是武夷山的大川大河,花鸟怪石,也不是大红袍飘逸而出的醉人茶香,而是下梅村村落中祠堂、古井、旧巷那古香古色的老街,流水和风情,以及山护村屯,水养邑人,山环水抱相对封闭安宁的古村神韵。下梅是一座古村落,距离武夷山很近,但却常常被人忽略。下梅村位于一条名叫梅溪的河边,因为处于梅溪下游,故名下梅。据说,当年宋朝著名的理学家朱熹常往返于上梅、下梅,观村野农家、山冈田塍梅香飘逸,留下了"晓登初移屐,寒香欲满襟"赞美梅香的诗句。下梅村人按照阴阳五行,在村  相似文献   

李宝垒  张安生 《收藏家》2011,(10):73-75
山东省新泰市博物馆收藏有一件明代鱼龙变化花插(图1),造型上充分体现了鲤鱼跳龙门,鱼龙变化的瞬间故事。该花插玉质圆润,造型优美。早在宋代,大经学家陆佃在他的名物训诂书《埤雅·释鱼》中言道,“浴说鱼跃龙门,过而为龙,唯鲤或然”。  相似文献   

村庄把尘土交给我,迷乱了翻看荒老时光的眼睛;生活把五味交付给我,业已缺失的味蕾陷进亘古的丛莽,让咀嚼显得分外苍白……——题记一  相似文献   

Fish Symbolism     
S. H. Hooke 《Folklore》2013,124(3):535-538

白英 《旅游纵览》2011,(10):56-58
<正>"找不着北了吧?"是一句俗语,意为做事情没有头绪,迷失了方向。可见"北"在国人心中有着特殊的分量,找着了北就有了方向。北纬53度,中国大陆最北端,版图金鸡之冠,位于黑龙江省漠河县的中国最北村落——北极村(原名  相似文献   

<正>闽北一行,印象深刻的不是武夷山的大川大河,花鸟怪石,也不是大红袍飘逸而出的醉人茶香,而是下梅村村落中祠堂、古井、旧巷那古香古色的老街,流水和风情,以及山护村屯,水养邑人,山环水抱相对封闭安宁的古村神韵。下梅是一座古村落,距离武夷山很近,但却常常被人忽略。下梅村位于一条名叫梅溪的河边,因为处于梅溪下游,故名下梅。据说,当年宋朝著名的理学家朱熹常往返于上梅、下梅,观村野农家、山冈田塍梅香飘逸,留下了"晓登初移屐,寒香欲满襟"赞美梅香的诗句。下梅村人按照阴阳五行,在村  相似文献   

The coastal waters of Belize, in Central America, are well stocked with fish, but since early colonial limes the commercial development of marine resources, beginning with the exploitation of turtles in the 17th century, has depended more on foreign markets than domestic markets for fish. Today the bulk of the most popular fish (spiny lobster, conch and snappers) is collected by five fisherman cooperative societies for export to the United States, leaving some preferred specimens in short supply in the domestic market. Where marine resources are utilized for domestic consumption, the demand for fish is highly selective. Most species have a low consumer demand. This imbalance in the demand for fish is exacerbated by government supported price controls on different species that favor the purchase of the most popular fish. The degree to which fish are consumed in the Belizean households is culturally determined. Based on a survey, Black Caribs have the highest consumption of fish followed by Creoles and Spanish-speaking mestizos. Basic research on fish consumption habits is an important fisst step in developing marketing strategies to encourage people to eat more fish and to accept those species that are currently rejected.  相似文献   

杨秀 《民俗研究》2003,(3):93-110
2002年12月7日至9日和2003年1月2日至4日,我在北京市怀柔区渤海镇沙峪村做了两次田野调查。这两次调查都是以求雨仪式为切入点,主要探讨的问题是:民间求雨仪式与地表水资源之间的关系,村落民间活动与行政管理之间的关系。  相似文献   

Socio‐cultural and ecological literature about Australian Indigenous groups reveal that fishing is a vital part of everyday life for many groups who have customary and recreational fresh and salt‐water affiliations. This vitality exists and has meaning for families and communities in the Kimberley's Fitzroy Valley region of Northern Aboriginal Australia. Less well known, however, is the central part that fishing plays in jaminyjarti, a ritual that relies on close kin regularly catching, cooking and sharing fish for bereaved family members during the ‘sorry business’ time that emerges after the death of a loved one. What becomes evident is that while fishing is undoubtedly intertwined in the everydayness and sociality of life, it is also central to comforting the bereaved during and after the grieving process that accompanies death.  相似文献   

<正>去查济也是突然间的一个念头。皖南的古村落来来回回已经去过多次了,西递宏村的喧嚣已经让人疲倦,而查济始终让我有种"养在深闺未识"的神秘感。跟朋友提议说周末我们去查济避暑吧,一拍即合。后来觉得这个朋友将来一定是我的生死之交,因为去查济的那天,泾县的气温是42.7度,全国最高温。而合肥的温度稍微低那么点,避暑越避越热,或许这也是种独特的"避暑"方式。"十里查村九里烟,三  相似文献   

在距丽江古城西北面,有一片古老的村落.静悄悄地恪守着那从古时候就沿袭下来的一片古老和沉静.它是丽江古城明清建筑群的一个外延村落群,在1997年12月与丽江古城一起列入<世界文化遗产名录>.  相似文献   

小力  杨家荣 《旅游纵览》2012,(12):50-53
<正>身材高挑、鼻梁挺拔的俄罗斯后裔,是成吉思汗之子"窝阔台"大汗为我们在中国北边陲留下的一道历史印记。来到内蒙古临江屯风情小镇,感受俄罗斯族浓重的列巴、奶油、蓝莓,以及木头和桦树叶飘散的味道……  相似文献   

多布 《旅游纵览》2017,(8):88-93
<正>第一次知道彩虹眷村,是几年前刚开微博的时候看到的几张零星照片和只言片语的介绍,当时我就震惊了,赶紧把这个好听的名字记在我那早已存在的台湾必游清单里。等真正身临其境,已是4年之后,好在彩虹眷村和彩虹爷爷都还在那里,安之若素。来台中的第二天,我们一大早先去东海大学看完路思义教堂,就赶紧前往念念不忘的彩虹眷村朝觐这个色彩天堂。  相似文献   

王新同 《旅游纵览》2017,(3):96-101
距离贵州黄果树瀑布6公里处,有一个布依族世居的“石头寨”,层层叠叠依山而建的石屋,被600多年沧桑风雨磨得如铜镜般光滑明亮的石板路,以及用石头打造成的寨墙拱桥、桌凳盆钵……形成了一个童话般的石头世界。村寨山水秀丽,竹林、果树、飘香美食和成功申遗的民族乐器“勒尤”发出的天籁之音,令人流连忘返。  相似文献   

从《诗经·小雅·采薇》"昔我往矣,杨柳依依",到唐代白居易《杨柳枝词》"一树春风千万枝,嫩于金色软于丝。永丰西角荒园里,尽日无人属阿谁?"李商隐《赠柳》"章台从掩映,郢路更参差……忍放花如雪,青楼扑酒旗",再到宋代周邦彦《兰陵王·柳》"柳阴直,烟里丝丝弄碧……应折柔枝过千尺……沉思前事,似梦里,泪暗滴",再到现代毛泽东《送瘟神(其  相似文献   

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