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There are many component processes interacting simultaneously in the Earth's global electric circuit. The three main generators in the circuit are thunderstorms, the ionosphere wind dynamo, and the solar wind/magnetosphere dynamo. This paper reviews the progress made in recent years in modeling the various generators and their mutual interactions. The progress made in modeling various component processes that affect the distribution of electric fields and currents is also reviewed.  相似文献   

清朝末年,随着政治形势、城市社会环境、舆论宣传环境和治安状况的发展,原有的维护北京城市社会秩序的政府机构已不能应对当时复杂的局面。在各种背景下,北京警察应运而生。在清末十年短暂的发展中,北京警察机构和功能逐渐完善,对北京社会秩序和城市发展起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

关于精神明入志问题,单设思想道德志更具科学性,更能体现邓小平理论关于精神明建设的特定内涵,更能体现党中央和江泽民总书记“以德治国”的重要战略思想,更能全面、系统地记载实施“以德治国”战略的伟大实践,也有利于克服首届新方志“重经济、轻人”的缺陷。章提出了思想道德建设志篇目设计思路,并就编纂组织分工和资料搜集提出了看法。  相似文献   

The penetration of the quasi-DC electric fields, E due to electrified clouds, into the middle- and high-latitude ionosphere is theoretically studied during the initial stage of cloud charge separation. The electrification process is characterized by a source function S(t), whose variations are on the time scale of the relaxation process in the cloud. A first-order approximation solution for the time variation of E is obtained as an explicit function of the electric field in the steady-state case. Some features of the time variations of E at different altitudes (in the ionosphere and also in the atmosphere) are investigated, depending on the source function and the relaxation time constants. This result can also be applied for slowly electrifying clouds which do not produce lightning.  相似文献   

Simultaneous daytime observations of E region horizontal irregularity drift velocities in the equatorial electrojet and F region vertical plasma drifts were made on a few magnetically quiet days at the magnetic equatorial station of Trivandrum (dip 0.5°N). Measurements of the electrojet irregularity velocities by VHF backscatter radar and the F region vertical plasma drifts by HF Doppier radar are used to deduce the daytime East-West electric fields in the E and F regions, respectively. The fluctuating components of the electric fields are separated and subjected to power spectral analysis. The E and F region electric field fluctuations are found to be well correlated; the estimated correlation coefficient is in the range of 0.52–0.8. The fluctuation amplitudes are of the order of 15% over the background for the E region and 25% for the F region. The spectral analysis reveals dominant components in the range of 30–90 min with F region components stronger than those of the E region by a factor of about 1.5 on the average. The F region electric fields during daytime being coupled from the low latitude E region, the good correlation observed between the E and F region perturbations suggests that the electric fields in the E region at low and equatorial latitudes are coherent for the temporal scales of the order of few tens of minutes. The spectral characteristics are such that the commonly occurring medium scale gravity waves could possibly be the source for the observed fluctuations in the E and F region electric fields.  相似文献   

Byearly1996,therewere146,000disabledpersonsinTibet,accountthepopulation.Thisil1dicatesthatone-thirdoftlimiIieshavedisabledmembers.thehighestproportioninthecountry.Amongdisabled.66.000havelimbdisabilitv.24.000impairmentinhearinga11dspeaking,20.000sightprob…  相似文献   

Tourist Attractions in the Hinterlands of TibetTouristAttractionsintheHinterlandsofTibet¥byXiluAcarvingofSakyamuni,whichrises...  相似文献   

This study investigates how geographic representations and regional industrial identity in news media are used to mobilize local/regional actors and to attract inward and outward investments by mediating and narrating stories of the recovery and rebirth of a region in distress – that is, how media contribute to economic development in or of the region. The study targets media attention covering the dismantling and relocation of two regionally embedded life science and likewise anchor firms: the Pharmacia and Upjohn merger in Uppsala in 1995 and the closure of AstraZeneca's operations in Lund in 2010. By drawing on the method of framing and content analysis of news articles derived from a public media database, the analysis show that: (a) geographic representation and associations are intensified in times of media turbulence; (b) news coverage follows two subsequent phases (an initial ‘crisis’ phase and a following more optimistic ‘recovery’ phase) and (c) news media (as intermediary actors and arenas) by communicating ideas of a shared regional industrial identity contribute to the construction of a ‘perceived regional advantage’ (as understood and communicated by news media). Thus, regional industrial identity-building and how the region is perceived by internal and external audiences are important for regional development.  相似文献   

Winter Roundup in the Northern Tibet GrasslandsWinterRoundupintheNorthernTibetGrasslands¥byMiaoFanzhuCeringToinzhubboundtheya...  相似文献   

The magnetic field expressions from the current ribbon and thick current versions of the continuous distribution of current density model and their merits have been presented. For the first time both the latitudinal and vertical parameters of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) have been derived from the same set of data. The local noon and daytime means of certain key parameters of the EEJ are shown to be in good agreement with those from other sources. Selected local noon means include: peak current density jo, 10.58 ± 0.34 A/km2; peak current intensity jo, 224 ± 9 A/km; total eastward current I+, 74 ± 5 kA ; EEJ current focal distance w, 300 ± 5 km ; half thickness at half of peak current density p, 7.0 ± 0.1 km; peak westward current location xm, 5.13 ± 0.08° dip latitude; and EEJ latitudinal extent L1, 12 ± 1° dip latitude. The problem of model calculated landmark distances of EEJ being consistently shorter than observations, encountered by Onwumechiliet al. [J. geomagn. Geoelecl. 41, 443 (1989)] has been solved.  相似文献   

SkyOverTibetIstheBluestinChinaNinetypercentoftheindustrialwastegas,waterandsolidwastedischargesintheTibetAutonomousRegionoccu...  相似文献   

清末西藏新政述论   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
清末西藏新政是在英、俄等国加快侵略西藏的步伐、清政府统治西藏面临困难的情况下实施的。政治上调整行政体制和整肃吏治,经济上发展实业,军事上训练新军和加强兵备,化上兴办学堂和创办报纸,是清末西藏新政的主要内容。西藏实施新政后,政府机构的办事效率有所提高,农牧工矿和交通电信业得到发展,近代化军队产生,近代化得到传播,清政府加强了对西藏的统治,维护了对西藏的主权,有利于抵御外来势力的侵略。帝国主义国家的干涉和破坏,清政府的腐败,新政的某些措施脱离藏族地区的实际,最终使西藏新政归于失败。这一切给人们留下了深刻的启示和教训。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代美国的西藏政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国最新解密文件显示,20世纪70年代美国西藏政策发生了新变化:美国中央情报局虽然继续对西藏分裂势力进行援助,但是削减了援助资金的数额,尼克松政府对待达赖"访美"的立场经历了从拒绝到有条件支持的转变;福特政府时期,随着中美高层互访和交流的深入,西藏问题首次公开进入双边会谈议事议程,并就此拉开中美关于西藏问题对话的序幕。与此同时,美国国会也卷入西藏事务,其对西藏事务的干涉主要包括为达赖集团提供经济援助和政治支持,为日后国会以立法的形式干涉西藏事务埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   

From 1637 to 1642,Güshri Khan of the Qosod,which was a clan of the Oyirad Mongols,conquered Amdo,Kham,and Central Tibet with his Oyirad allied troops,then he united the Tibetan Plateau and established "the Qosod Khanate court"1 From then on,four descendants in Güshri Khan's lineage acted as Khans at Lhasa one after another,and Lha-bzang Khan (reigned 1703-1717) was the last of them.  相似文献   

Iknew nothing about birthday celebration in my childhood, nor even of the concept of "birthday" itself. Though I did hear that some aged people would hold a celebration for their 80th birthday, I was completely ignorant about the meaning behind this. Holding  相似文献   

清朝驻防西藏官兵的制度是清朝对西藏地方主权的标志之一,对于维护清朝驻藏大臣、达赖喇嘛为首的西藏地方政府的权力,以及西藏社会的安定、保卫边防等方面起了重要的作用.  相似文献   

新中国成立之初,中共中央和中央人民政府根据西藏的特殊情况,作出了和平解放西藏的战略决策,并与西藏地方政府签订了十七条协议。协议的根本任务是:维护国家主权,和平解放西藏,实现民族团结,解放军进驻西藏,驱逐帝国主义势力,在中央人民政府领导下实行民族区域自治;同时在处理西藏内部问题和旧制度问题上采取宽大让步、耐心等待的灵活政策。十七条协议体现出中央处理西藏问题的高超艺术,闪耀着把马克思主义基本原理与西藏具体情况相结合的光辉思想。回顾60年前十七条协议签订及其实施的历史,以及西藏社会从旧制度向新制度的巨变,留给我们诸多有益的思考。  相似文献   

hotosandTextbyCHENZONGLIEibetremainsavirginlandfiledwithmysteryandromanticismintheeyesoftheoutsideworld.Itsuniquecustomsandha...  相似文献   

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