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明代天主教在中国的传播及其文化效应黄启臣天主教(Sacerdotes)、正教、新教并称为基督教(Christianty)的三大教派。而基督教传入中国共有三次。第一次是唐贞观九年(635年),由基督教聂斯脱里派(Nsetorian)主教、叙利亚人阿罗本...  相似文献   

近代西方医学最初主要是由外国传教士传人中国的,四川近代医院最早也主要是由西方教会——天主教和基督教这两大教派创办起来的。早在明代崇祯十三年(1640年),天主教耶稣会教士利类思(葡)、安文思(意)经剑门关人川。到成都传教,并以金鸡纳霜等药物为教徒治病,由此开创了在四川使用西药的历史。第一批基督教(新教)传教士于1877年前后进入四川,由内地会传教士侃莫(英)、马嘉礼(美)等人在四川阆中创办诊所、开设药房,成为基督教在四川创办医疗卫生事业的起点。后来先后有英、美、加、德、澳、  相似文献   

对英国近代汉学家伟烈亚力的回忆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对英国近代汉学家伟烈亚力的回忆①〔法〕高第也许会令许多人感到奇怪,一个外籍的法国天主教徒,怎么会来到文会讲述一个英国新教徒的生平事迹。我想,听一听我这位已故朋友的优秀业绩,绝不会浪费诸位的宝贵时间。实际上,伟烈亚力(AlexanderWylie)的图...  相似文献   

明末在华天主教士金尼阁事迹考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
明末在华天主教士金尼阁事迹考计翔翔天主教传教士金尼阁(NicolasTrigault,1577-1628)明末两度来华,在基督教赴华传教史及中西关系史上具有重要地位。他来华后不久,即受中国传教区特遣,返欧洲汇报在华教务。由于他对中国社会习俗以及儒家文...  相似文献   

相信很多读者都知道我喜爱研究政治领袖,除了他们的功过和领导课之外,也包括他们的起居饮食等生活习惯。所以当我知道《the butler》(港译《白宫管家》)这部电影在香港上映时,便第一时间先睹为快。故事根据在白宫工作长达34年、先后服务过7位美国总统的前白宫管家尤金艾伦(eugene allen)的真人真事改编。  相似文献   

魏静 《丝绸之路》2010,(16):46-47
本文通过对基督教(主要指天主教和新教)伦理道德内容的分析,探究在社会主义精神文明建设中,如何积极主动地运用基督教伦理思想体系及道德规范中有利于社会文明进步的成分为构建当代和谐社会服务。  相似文献   

明末 ,天主教再次传入中国 ,先后在肇庆、韶州、南昌、南京以及北京等地建立较为稳固的传教据点。其中在肇庆的传教活动是天主教再次入华后的摸索期 ,而在韶州、南昌、南京等地则是传教活动的发展期 ,在北京是鼎盛期。韶州(今广东韶关) ,是岭南与中原的交通枢纽 ,是广东著名的贸易重镇。明末 ,利玛窦等传教士来到韶州传教 ,是进入中原传教的重要一站。对于天主教在肇庆、南昌、南京、北京四个据点的传教活动 ,目前学术界已有比较详细的论述 ,但关于韶州在天主教传教活动中的地位 ,则少有论及 ,因此本文试图能够在这一方面稍作补充和评述。…  相似文献   

苗田(学生):老师,我的数学成绩很好,而且学得很轻松,可是语文成绩很差、我知道语文对将来的升学考试很重要,但我就是一点也不想碰它,我该怎么办啊?  相似文献   

(一) 知道武昌民族大道(即今民院路)这个名字,还是在大学录取通知书里。那时我人还未走出恩施山城,对民族大道没有丝毫的感性认识。只是由于1983年,我参加高考,被幸运地录取到中南民族学院(今中南民族大学),在学校录取通知书里,有一句很显眼的话,大意是说:从武昌火车站或司门口搭乘108路或15路公共汽车,  相似文献   

利马窦(MatteoRicci1552年-1610年),号泰西,又号西江,意大利马塞拉塔人,天主教耶稣会传教士。他在中国传播天主教福音二十多年,主张将孔孟之道和宗法敬祖思想同天主教相融合,使天主教东传的历史进入了一个新阶段,是世界宗教史上富有传奇色彩的人物之一,为明朝时期中西方相互间的文化交流作出了应有贡献。如果说北京最终成就了他“沟通中西文化第一人”的美誉,是他的名扬天下的宝地的话,那么,作为他传教的第一站——肇庆就是他的成名地。本文试图通过回顾利马窦在肇庆的传教经历,对其成名之因作初浅的探讨,以求教于史志界同仁。  相似文献   

历史古镇空间格局的解读与再生——以华阳古镇为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历史古镇经过几千年物质和文化的积淀,形成独特的空间结构,但随着城市功能的注入却使古镇的肌理受到颠覆性的破坏,城镇经济发展与历史文化保护之间的矛盾越来越突出。以陕西省洋县华阳古镇为例,运用"空间结构理论"对其空间体系进行解读,从而提出空间格局再生的思路,这对于保护与弘扬优秀传统文化,促进历史古镇的繁荣发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

论我国城市化过程中的城乡文化整合   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
兰勇  陈忠祥 《人文地理》2006,21(6):45-48,39
早期的城乡隔离制度造成了我国现存的城乡文化"二元结构",从而极大地影响了城乡文化的交流与发展。因此,必须进行城乡文化整合。本文就城市化过程中,影响城乡文化整合的因子进行了灰色关联度分析,得出了各因子对城乡文化整合进度的影响强弱排序;并且提出了通过加强小城镇的建设来推进我国的城乡文化整合,其中主要包括加快发展小城镇乡镇企业和发展小城镇文化产业。笔者认为,发展小城镇文化产业应该从四个方面入手:第一,增大小城镇文化教育及科技投入。第二,立足提高小城镇人口的文化素质,增加文化整合的底蕴。第三,建立城市帮扶小城镇的长效机制,加快推进城市文化的扩容和普及。第四,拓宽融资渠道,建设小城镇文化产业。  相似文献   


The “Bilbao effect” shows that major cultural investments can contribute to the regeneration of old industrial cities and regions. Four different contributions can be distinguished: the (1) direct economic effects of such an investment; (2) social functions of a cultural institution which often serves as a point of contact for local and regional elites; (3) symbolic functions as an expression of a new regional identity and (4) cognitive functions, for example, the contribution to regional diversity and the cross-fertilization of ideas. Taking the example of a major cultural investment in Germany, namely the renovation of Museum Folkwang prior to the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010, this article discusses the economic, social, symbolic and cognitive contributions of this investment to the economic transformation of the town and the Ruhr area, which is now one of the largest urban agglomerations in Europe. A Bilbao effect was not intended and did not take place. The museum, however, contributed to the incremental transformation of the town by creating a different image of the town, its role as a meeting place and point of identification for local elites and companies and its contribution to the emergence of an integrated cultural district.  相似文献   

This article analyzes Nanxun, a lower Yangzi delta town known for its silk products, as a case study of China’s development and underdevelopment. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a booming silk trade linked Nanxun to the global market and made it an extraordinarily wealthy town, yet little was achieved in terms of urban development. Scholars have attributed the underdevelopment of Nanxun to economic factors, and perceived it as entirely undesirable. This article argues that a largely overlooked cause of Nanxun’s underdevelopment was the conformist culture of Nanxun’s ruling elite. The merchants who created the wealth of the town by their very natures preferred to create a safe and secluded zone in which the familiarity of their living environment could be preserved and the comfort of a traditional lifestyle assured. The underdevelopment of Nanxun turned out, however, not to be completely negative. The town did not sustain its status as a trading center, nor develop into a major city, but its arrested development preserved much of its original layout and, moreover, its culture. From a cultural and environmental point of view, Nanxun’s underdevelopment may have proved to be more valuable than if the town had become an indistinguishable industrial site.  相似文献   

Our understanding of an eighteenth-century renaissance in English towns is based around the emergence of cultural infrastructures and organisations which formed the cultural capital of a polite society concerned with both sociability and differentiation. Urban improvements are seen as spreading to a wide variety of towns including a number of large commercial centres. This paper explores the experience of this urban renaissance in Liverpool, focusing in particular on the ways in which cultures and counter cultures were created around the changing social and economic infrastructure of the town. The changes occurring in Liverpool were characteristic of wider debates about the relationship between commerce and culture. The town had ambitions to cultural grandeur, a wealthy corporation and a growing number of middle-ranking professionals, merchants and tradesmen. And yet many of its social and leisure facilities were lost as Liverpool grew into the leading provincial port of late eighteenth-century England. Rather than see the fate of these spaces and societies as the triumph of commerce over polite culture, or as a reflection of an alternative culture, the paper argues that their demise can only be fully understood in the context of political and ideological conflict between elite groups, especially over the slave trade. The gradual resolution of these conflicts around the turn of the nineteenth century encouraged growing investment in cultural capital in the town.  相似文献   

A huge and continuously growing pit is about to divide the Swedish mining town of Malmberget into two halves. What once was the town centre is now a 200 metres deep hole, and private homes and key buildings like the old school and the church have had to be demolished or moved. The pit is a human imposed ‘landscape scar’ epitomising the town’s lost golden age of mining, its present situation of decline and uncertain future prospects – despite a recent recovery in the mining industry. Although the pit is decisively present in the local community, it is not articulated as significant, especially not from a heritage perspective. Why is this so? In this article, we examine the pit as a potential cultural tool for heritage processes, and find that it is indeed used by individuals in this respect, but not in collective memorialisation. We conclude that landscape scars definitely can constitute critical cultural tools, although they may not always need to be labelled as belonging to an ‘authorized heritage discourse’. Instead, the potential of the landscape scar is to enhance the amount and recognition of shared memories in the local community.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the dominant discourse on the global media and its impact on cultural diversity. The term cultural diversity suffers from the lack of good definition and criteria to assess its degree and change over time in specific markets. The paper also argues from an economic perspective that the distinctive economic features of the film business has led to market concentration, which, however, is ‘natural’ and does not trigger the application of competition law to rectify it. A particular problem is the assumed link between the market structure and its performance, which is not definitively supported by theory or empirical research. It is argued that the discussion in the media and entertainment studies literature is sometimes based on flawed reasoning and insufficient evidence. It is suggested that we start with the important discussion on what state of cultural diversity cultural policy should strive to achieve.  相似文献   

Despite the opportunities offered by developing and enhancing cultural heritage in the tourism sector, this article, based on a case study of a little town in the French Alps, shows that public policy of this type may also be subject to criticism and dispute. In the town of Abondance, a small ski resort being converted to cultural tourism site built around heritage, the demonstration observed involved both a desire to keep the skiing and a questioning of the political process, but also a rejection of the alternative solution involving the development of the cultural heritage of the Gothic Court of Savoy. During the qualitative survey of the social reactions, three types of arguments have been raised. (1) As summarised by one of the local leaders ‘the people do not believe in it’. Indeed, local shopkeepers are sceptical that cultural tourism will draw numerous visitors, and fear that is not economically viable. (2) In contrast to the ski resort, heritage tourism is only attached to the imagination of old age, immobility and even death, as if seniority of places necessarily corresponds to seniority of public and images. (3) For residents of the town, setting up a localised visit site has disadvantages because of the turnover of touristic traffic to which this type of tourism is exposed.  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which the town of Dunwich, Suffolk, once the capital of a Saxon kingdom and the sixth largest town in England, has constructed its identity from its long history of experiencing coastal erosion. Now as a small village, Dunwich has built a cultural heritage industry devoted to presenting absence to its visitors and residents, through many diverse forms: historiography, archaeology and the material culture displayed and commodified in the Dunwich Museum. Local pride in this history of disappearance runs strong, as was demonstrated when a proposed monument to the lost town was rejected by village residents. Connecting this sense of identity both to critical investigations into the nature of loss, transience and disappearance, as well as to the future of local and global environmental processes, this article considers whether a site whose construction of loss-as-identity should be allowed to survive past its natural lifespan – especially one that, given the process of erosion involved, can be measured. If the dominant cultural logic at a site tends towards absence rather than presence, I here ask what justifications exist for forestalling that identity in the name of conservation and preservation.  相似文献   

世界文化遗产丽江古城研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丽江古城是中国古城镇旅游的热点.本文对丽江古城的旅游资源特色和价值、文化遗产保护、旅游开发、丽江模式和丽江现象等进行了较为系统的梳理.本文认为,横向对比研究、旅游流、旅游承载力和游客消费行为规律研究、旅游发展与和谐社会构建研究是今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

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