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夏虫 《旅游纵览》2017,(5):74-79
正“美国是个大熔炉。”这几乎是我从大学选修的“英美文化”课上唯一能记起的东西了。到如今,时隔多年,老师的解释清晰依然:熔炉在此是指不同文化与种族的人移居到美国,共同生活,融合在一起,创造了我们今天称作美国文化的奇妙文化。美国人以“大熔炉”的称号为荣,多元文化和景观吸引来自世界各地的年轻人来到美国追寻自己的“美国梦”。早在美国还不是美国的时候,奔腾的科罗拉多河就从堪帕布高原中切割出一条令人震撼的奇迹——科罗拉多大峡谷。登上玻璃栈道,就可以清楚看到平坦的  相似文献   

月月  方平 《旅游纵览》2009,(8):68-71
<正>峨眉山位于四川盆地西南,因两山对峙,形如女子蛾眉而得名。境内群峰竞秀,山色绮丽,素有"峨眉天下秀"的美誉。海拔3099米的金顶,是峨眉山的最高点,也是观赏云海、日出、佛光、圣灯"四大奇观"的最佳地点。  相似文献   

李萍  吴元康 《安徽史学》2005,43(3):118-121
1923年9月16日,<努力周报>发表署名S.C的文章<"大国民"的外交>.史学界认为该文是胡适所作,S,C是胡适笔名.实际上,从用语、思想观念及1923年9月前后胡适的居行及著述等方面考察,均可断定<"大国民"的外交>非胡适所作,S.C不是他的笔名.  相似文献   

A landmark, Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary tells us, is “an event or development that marks a turning point or a stage.” In my life, the case of Dennis v. United States 1 is a landmark, or perhaps more accurately, a series of landmarks. My 1973 doctoral dissertation was on Dennis. 2 Four years later that thesis became my first book. 3 My second book, a collection of articles on American political trials that appeared in 1981, contained an essay by me on Dennis. 4 By then, I assumed, I had said about everything I had to say on the case. In 1993, though, Mel Urofsky brought me back to it, asking me to write a retrospective article on Dennis for the Journal of Supreme Court History, of which he had just become the editor. 5 Now, fifteen years later, here we are together again. I am beginning to think that the “grave and probable danger” test that Dennis introduced into constitutional law will be inscribed on my tombstone.  相似文献   

The child's world has been left out of archaeological research. The subject's main contribution is in the field of social history. Special attention is given to cultural transference. A definition of the child's world together with methodological, historical, and ethno‐cultural aspects is presented. A review is given of Scandinavian research history on the subject. Classification and problems in distinguishing children in the material record are discussed. Archaeology's main obstacle is in its restricted knowledge of the ancient adult world. The study of human osteological material and tests on lithic material is looked upon as promising.  相似文献   

This paper arises from a dissatisfaction with the ‘Great Divides’ created between past and present, self and others, people and material culture in the context of ethnoarchaeology. While conducting ethnoarchaeological research in Spain, Ethiopia and Brazil, I have been faced with the theoretical and practical shortcomings of this field, which is too deeply rooted in modernist concerns and prejudices. I propose a reconsideration of ethnoarchaeology as archaeology tout court – an archaeology of the present – which has to be symmetrical in character. This means that present and past must not be hierarchically conceived – the former in the service of the latter or vice versa – nor strictly separated ontologically, and the relations between humans and things have to be properly problematized.  相似文献   

江苏因文化艺术资源丰富而被誉为文化大省,但江苏艺术品市场却相对疲软和欠发达,这已经成为江苏文化大省的一根“软肋”。艺术品产业作为文化产业的高端部分,需要江苏省全力去打造江苏艺术品市场,从北到南分区成立艺术品市场板块,然后系统有机地联合各板块市场共创江苏艺术品市场品牌,不仅具备深厚的文化艺术基础,而且具有江苏特色和切实可行性。  相似文献   

今年是习近平总书记《让历史说话用史实发言,深入开展中国人民抗日战争研究》重要讲话发表五周年。2015年7月30日,习近平总书记在这个讲话中充分肯定了抗日战争史学界的努力:“长期以来,对中国人民抗日战争的研究,党史部门、军史部门、高等院校、社科研究机构等单位做了大量工作,取得了许多重要成果。”  相似文献   

Randomized control trials (RCTs) have a narrow scope, restricted to basic intervention schemes. Experimental designs also display specific biases and political uses when implemented in the real world. Despite these limitations, the method has been advertised as the gold standard to evaluate development policies. This article adopts a political economy approach to explore this paradox. It argues that the success of RCTs is driven mainly by a new scientific business model based on a mix of simplicity and mathematical rigour, media and donor appeal, and academic and financial returns. This in turn meets current interests and preferences in the academic world and the donor community.  相似文献   

<正>海鸥,一种最常见的海鸟,甚至人们一提起海鸟就会很自然地最先想到海鸥。在海边,成群的海鸥欢腾雀跃,它们有的悠然自得地漂浮在水面上,有的自由自在地在低空飞翔,偶尔,还会见到两只海鸥突然如离弦之箭,在空中直矢海面,瞬即又腾空而起,互相奋力地争夺着一条小鱼……  相似文献   

Observers of the digital humanities often see them as shifting literary study away from close reading. However, the digital humanities also present opportunities to refine our capabilities for close reading. These digital reading tools, often useful to scholars, may be just as helpful in the classroom. Students working on long Victorian texts often resist close reading. Ideally, they will have multiple low-pressure opportunities to practice this skill. Open annotation provides a frequent, collegial assignment to help students gain the habit of turning to specific moments in the text for their examples. Hypothes.is is an open-source project facilitating group annotation of any online text; it requires users to anchor any comment in a specific text passage while enabling privacy, conversation threads, and easy grading. This essay offers a commentary on open annotation in the classroom, growing out of the particular challenges and rewards of the course where it was used. Students’ experiences of the text were indisputably enriched by their work with Hypothes.is, but the assignment works best with careful framing and support due to students’ unfamiliarity with the technology.  相似文献   

清代乾嘉年间 ,汉民的越界移垦及京旗回屯 ,使第二松花江中部平原出现了广大的农耕区 ,形成了西部蒙古族畜牧、东部女真族渔猎、中部农业经营为主的分布局面。清后期的大规模放垦使农耕区急剧扩展 ,至清末不仅包括了中西部广大的松嫩平原 ,而且开始向边远的三江平原及黑龙江、乌苏里江沿岸扩展 ,渔猎、畜牧地区大幅度减少。大量的汉族移民成为农业开发的决定因素 ,农耕区的形成与扩展和移民的趋向一致 ,进程同步。  相似文献   

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