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又是早春二月,春风已绿江南。记得去年4月18日,中国文化遗产保护论坛在无锡首次举办,我准备了一篇演讲——《珍惜百年工业遗产·铸造工商名城之魂》。可惜因公务出差,未能当面跟与会的专家学者一起商讨就教,错过了一次很好的学习机会。今年,我不能再留下遗憾了。  相似文献   

按照汉人的概念,八角街相当于拉萨的老城。拉萨的中心不是布达拉宫。也许它是整个西藏的中心,是喇嘛教(藏传佛教)世界的中心,但是它不是拉萨的中心。拉萨的中心是八角街。  相似文献   

A DETAILED RE-EXAMINATION of the Great Hall of Leicester Castle has confirmed its mid 12th-century date. It originally had a clerestoried form, decorated with semicircular transverse and longitudinal braces, and was closely comparable to the hall of the Bishop's Palace at Hereford. Both stand in the forefront, socially and architecturally, of 12th-century construction.  相似文献   

In daytime,the Barkor Street is bustling with tourists,pious pilgrims and merchants crowded together.Only when darkness falls does the street become tranquil.Nevertheless,the area surrounding the Barkor Street(from Tibetan Hospital compound extending to east Beijing Road)is then revived by various kinds of bars.  相似文献   

许思仿  穆林 《旅游》2007,(2):20-20
圣特菲是美国的新墨西哥州的首府,这是个非常独特的城市。它几乎看不到美国大多都市里那种灯红酒绿现代味十足的场面。它的房子全部是土黄色的.边缘走直线.棱角分明.层次感很强。新墨西哥州有不少印地安保留地.据说印地安人的建筑风格便是如此。圣特菲整个城市为了保持这种印地安建筑的文化.所有的房屋便只能以此风格为范本.不能玩出什么新的花招。为此.走遍全城.所见建筑都高不过三四层楼,清一色的黄土建造。其式样颇像我们西北地区农民们居住的那种土房。记得我第一印象有些讶然.心说隔山隔水隔了这么远.怎么住在黄土高原上的人盖出的房子竟如此相似。  相似文献   

In daytime,the Barkor Street is bustling with tourists,pious pilgrims and merchants crowded together.Only when darkness falls does the street become tranquil.Nevertheless,the area surrounding the Barkor Street(from Tibetan Hospital compound extending to east Beijing Road)is then revived by various kinds of bars.  相似文献   

This article investigates the street-children phenomenon and their view of street life as actor-networks in Pelotas, Brazil. Street children manipulate actor-networks to reach their life goals. They physically approach certain actors and withdraw from others. To explore this phenomenon, I acquired qualitative data about the lives of 19 street children over 7 years. Manifold methods were utilised: observation, interviews, poems, walkabouts and drawings. The most important actors from the children's perspective affecting street life, such as other street children, police, violence, trees offering safety, street knowledge, sunglasses, drugs and states of mind, were discovered. I analysed children's lives by combining actor-network theory and time-geography, which clarified why same actors may hold varying meanings depending on the other actors in the networks. Furthermore, the capacity of actors is influenced by the intensity of the connection between actors and the reasons why certain actors are enrolled in the networks.  相似文献   

北京国子监街为北京市文物保护单位,2003年3月、8月和2007年8月,北京市文物研究所分三次对国子监街进行了考古发掘,清理出牌楼月台、礓磋、石条、散水和铺砖路面等遗迹,出土有琉璃瓦当、旗杆石等遗物,基本上弄清了国子监街原路面和牌楼的结构,为古代国子监的研究提供了不可多得的实物资料,也为国子监街的复建提供了依据。  相似文献   

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