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霍不思 《世界》2007,(1):72-72
菜园里有自然的生长与生机起真正的人生场景。所以在菜园里就有“戏”就有人生的烦恼和遭际,有悲欢离合,快意恩仇。一农业电视台的节目。蓬勃生长出来的好东西——肥硕的茄子、冬瓜。浑圆的番茄、蘑菇。艳丽的苹果、枣子、西瓜。游鱼、鸡鸭、山羊。蠕动的虫子、蝎子。丰丰富富,应有尽有,要什么有什么。还有操劳的手,朴素的脸。闪着劳动的愉快的眼睛。育苗、施肥、除虫、收获、储藏。荸荠、萝卜。南瓜、豆角。牛蒡和山药。  相似文献   

方志向有图、表、录、考体,图是指用线条颜色描绘的事物的形象。如方志的地图、示意图、画图等。照片是人、事、物的影像的图片。如方志的彩色、黑白照片。郑玄云:“表,明也,谓事物微而不著,须表明也”。如方志的统计表、人物表等。录是记载言行事物的册籍,附录是指附在图书正文后面的有关文体、布告、文章、图表、索引、资料等,便于读者查考,或有助于读者理解正文。方志的考是查核、稽考、研考,如县名考、县治考、地名考等。方志的图、表、录、考体是在方志发展过程中逐渐形成和目臻完善的。1985年4月19日中国地方志指导小组《新编地方志工作暂行规定》第九条指出:“新方志的体裁,一般应有记、志、传、图、表、录等”。  相似文献   

汉画中有比较丰富的男女服装和头饰。女子的服装分为两类:一是作为礼服的深衣;二是日常生活所穿的襦裙。其发饰有帼、笄、胜、耳、步摇、长。这些女子的服饰体现出其阶级性和审美特性。男子的服饰包括头饰、配饰和服装三个部分。头饰包括笠、帻、冠帽、冕、弁。配饰有绶和佩剑。其服装包括、深衣、袍、衫、襦、裙、徽。男子服饰也体现出其等级性和审美性。汉代服饰主要是受到社会环境、手工业特别纺织业的发展和新品种的传入的影响。  相似文献   

晚清吏治腐败。1875至1884年的10年间,曾出现过一个言官清议的高潮。当时言官奏折中披露的吏治问题,主要涉及捐纳、保举、科举、冗员、书吏、讼案、属员、调员、弄权等。捐纳、保举、科举都关系到官的任用,冗员也是这三者带来的一个官场病。书吏、讼案反映出吏的违法行为。属员、调员、弄权反映出官的腐败劣迹。  相似文献   

第二轮地方志的性质:一、由中国共产党各级组织领导。二、县级以上地方人民政府主持编修、同级地方志工作机构组织编纂的“信史”。三、继往开来,核心本质是社会主义。四、断限一般在党的十一届三中全会以后20年左右。五、全面系统地记述本行政区域自然、政治、经济、文化和社会的历史与现状。六、思想性、科学性、时代性、学术性、著述性、资料性相统一。  相似文献   

陈坚 《钱币博览》2006,(2):F0003-F0003
绍兴。古越化的发祥地.一个千年城址未变的古城。一座没有围墙的博物馆。如一条悠悠历史长河.流淌在我们的心间。在这里,民俗风情浓郁,自然风光秀丽,化底蕴深厚。历史名人辈出。大禹、勾践、王羲之、陆游、王冕、徐渭、蔡元培、秋瑾、徐锡麟、鲁迅及兰亭、东湖、沈园、鉴湖、吼山等等……真是人杰地灵.群星灿烂。去年。我应邀来到这座江南名城.设计一组绍兴化名人、历史古迹的纪念大铜章。  相似文献   

喻战勇 《钱币博览》2010,(2):44-44,41
1265年6月。但丁诞生在佛罗伦萨的一个没落小贵族家庭。但丁在少年时代就勤奋好学。他对拉丁文、诗学、修辞学、古典文学、伦理学、哲学、神学、历史、天文、地理、音乐、绘画无不研究,使他在青年时就成为一个多才多艺、学识渊博的人。他是意大利最伟大的诗人,也是西欧文学巨擎之一。他以其不朽的叙事诗《喜剧》,后改名《神曲》而享有盛誉。  相似文献   

近年来,我国民间兴起的收藏热一浪高一浪。藏品之丰、类别之杂、范围之广、人数之多、影响之大,均达到前所未有的地步。 旧时,收藏讲究地位层次。文化素质及经济实力,一般属于文人墨客和达官贵人的雅兴与“专利”。如今,收藏活动已进入平民百姓家。古字画、古瓷器、古铜器、古玉器、古钱币、鼻烟壶、木雕竹雕、金银珠宝等传统藏品仍受人们青睐。邮票、火花、烟标、酒标、粮票、布票、肉票、车票、船票、飞机票、请柬、菜单、挂历、钟表、钥匙、锁头、筷子、报纸、杂志。连环画、钢笔、名片、蝴蝶、奇石。纪念章、明信片、雨花石、照相…  相似文献   

明代华南民族众多,人口分布亦不平衡。从文献记载来看,广州、建宁、潮州、肇庆、福州、琼州、桂林等府是人口较多的地方,南雄、太平、平乐、廉州、高州、韶州等府则是人口较少的地方。由于各地人口数量不同,加之地域面积有所差异,人口密度呈现出较大的差距。大体说来,人口较多的地方人口密度较大,福州、漳州、建宁、邵武、广州、潮州、肇庆、桂林等府即是如此。但是,有些人口较少的地方人烟也相当稠密,兴化、南雄即是如此。这种情况的出现,主要是由于这些地方面积较小的缘故。从民族成份来看,瑶、壮、黎等少数民族分布广泛,在华南人口中占有相当大的比重。汉族和其它民族大部分都从事农业生产,都对当时华南地区的开发做出过贡献。  相似文献   

赵雁平 《收藏家》2006,(8):10-16
中国玉器的发展历程,萌芽于距今一万年前的新石器时代。经历了孕育、成长、嬗变、发展、繁荣、兴盛六个历史时期,为社会物质和精神文化的发展作出了贡献。中国玉器,从新石器时代开始,历经商、周、春秋、战国、秦、汉发展到唐代达到了鼎盛时期。在商代,有属于生产工具、礼器和装饰玉器,如玉刀、玉斧、玉铲、玉璧、玉璜、玉琮、玉圭、玉璋、玉瑗以及单体动物的玉鱼、玉鸟、玉兽。商代礼玉是新石器时代玉礼器的传承和延续,它具有代表神灵的功用。工具类玉器大多并非实用,仅作象征之物。常见纹饰有饕餮纹、斜方格纹、弦纹、云雷纹。到了西周,大…  相似文献   

补正《全宋词》周颉小传:周颉约生于宣和五年后;号适庵;绍兴十五年中进士后至孝宗乾道年间尝为州郡教授之类学官;乾道八年在四川宣抚使王炎幕府;淳熙三年知德安府,五年犹在任;曾官左司郎中,不晚于淳熙十一年,十二年仍在任;淳熙十三年初秋,出为荆湖北路转运司判官,贴职为直显谟阁,十四年十月后解任;淳熙十六年正月,以朝议大夫、直显谟阁提点浙东路刑狱公事,而非“两浙提刑”;光宗绍熙元年二月,除福建路转运使,贴职晋为直龙图阁;绍熙元年至三年间,曾提举福建路常平茶盐公事;至迟绍熙三年已致仕;约卒于宁宗庆元六年前后;著有《适庵集》。  相似文献   

辑补<全宋词>崔敦诗小传:敦诗,通州静海县人;移居建康府溧阳县;约孝宗乾道元年至四年间,高邮军高邮县主簿;约乾道四年至八年,两浙路转运使司干办公事;至迟八年八月犹在此任,阶官已至左文林郎;九年二月至淳熙元年十一月,秘书省正字;九年十二月,阶官已至左宣教郎,兼翰林权直;又兼崇政殿说书;淳熙五年九月,除枢密院编修官、兼学士院权直;六年正月至七年七月,秘书省著作郎、兼学士院权直、兼崇正殿说书,阶官已至朝奉郎;七年七月至八年九月,国子司业、兼权直学士院;八年九月,拜中书舍人;加侍讲、直学士院;九年五月卒.阶官至朝奉大夫;著有<文集>、<内外制稿>、<奏议总要>、<通鉴要览>、<制海>、<鉴韵>等;今存<玉堂类稿>、<西垣类稿>,殆即所谓<内外制稿>.  相似文献   

瓦当上雕刻的篆体文字是极富研究意义的中华文化元素,为中华文字的研究提供了研究对象。本研究提出一种以曲率为基础,通过粗细两次分割实现瓦当三维文字分割的方法,解决了瓦当上雕刻文字的提取问题。首先通过计算模型表面曲率进行粗分割,并利用聚类修复方法进行细分割。由顶点曲率值衍生出的平面点集进行多平面拟合,实现瓦当表面文字的精确分割。最后应用平行细化子迭代方法进行骨架线提取,实现瓦当文字的提取。实验结果证明,文中方法可以有效地实现瓦当三维文字提取。  相似文献   

This article analyses the career paths of Swedish and Finnish sailors from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. The article shows that, for the most of the men, the seaman’s occupation was just a passing phase before taking up a job on shore, but many of them also created a long-lasting and advancing career by going to sea. There was not necessarily, however, a clear distinction between job opportunities at sea and those on shore in those days: men worked both at sea and on shore. We therefore argue that an individual’s advancement in a maritime career was a context-specific socio-economic phenomenon. In Scandinavia, work on board ships was dependent on features that characterized the division of labour in a predominantly agricultural domestic economy on land and emerging industrialization during the turn of the century. Here we present an analysis of the career paths of almost 60,000 men recruited to serve on Swedish and Finnish merchant vessels from the 1840s to late 1940s.  相似文献   

At the end of the war in Europe in 1945, an alliance-loyalty attitude was predominant among the Scandinavian public voices on the Soviet Union. This attitude incorporated a favourable image of the Soviet war effort and implied that the Soviet system had undergone changes during the war. Another significant group supported the Soviet system more unequivocally. These attitudes were dominant in the Scandinavian media and public debate until late 1945 or early 1946, when opposition to and fear of the Soviet Union began to be openly expressed in conservative and social-democratic newspapers. A bipartisan attitude to the Soviet Union had not developed at this stage, as the alliance-loyalty attitude was transformed into a clearer third-voice attitude that saw the Soviet Union on the one hand as a power which was not worthy of imitation, but which on the other hand accepted that the Soviet Union was seeking international peace and cooperation. Third-voice supporters in the Scandinavian media sought investigative reports on conditions in the Soviet Union, as they claimed that the growing anti-Soviet attitudes were based on a lack of accurate knowledge. Considering that Denmark, Norway and Sweden had experienced different conditions during the war, the differences in public attitudes to the Soviet Union were comparatively small. The public third voice on the Soviet Union was clearly weakened in 1948 by the reception of more critical information on the Soviet system and the perception of news on international developments.  相似文献   

井上毅作为明治时期最著名的法制官僚,对明治国家的法制建设起到了不可估量的作用。不仅如此,对地方制度问题也不断提出建言,对明治地方制度的建设以很重要的影响。井上早年留学欧洲,倾向于日本学习法国的地方制度,主张在日本的町村一级实行地方自治制度,在府县一级实行行政制度,与主张完全照搬德国,在府县、郡和町村三级都实行地方自治的山县有朋形成了对立。最后井上虽然没有掌握制定地方自治制度的主导权,但对日本近代地方制度的影响还是不容忽视的。而且值得强调的是,二者的地方自治观虽不相同,但在维护天皇制这一目标上却殊途同归。  相似文献   

This work was aimed at developing a practical and simple settlement estimation of shallow foundation on liquefiable deposits. The study conducted a centrifuge test, a series of comprehensive numerical analysis, back analysis, equation calibration, and verification with data from not only centrifuge test but also the literature. It finally proposed a quick calculation method based on Meyerhof’s settlement equation (1965). A two-dimensional numerical analysis, named ALID, (Analysis for Liquefaction-induced Deformation), was employed for obtaining settlement of shallow foundations on liquefiable soils with different relative densities under various seismic conditions. Its performance was first verified through a centrifuge test conducted in this study. Then, the developed method based on Meyerhof’s settlement equation was employed, and a new parameter, NLR, was proposed to present the strength of liquefied soils by replacing N value in the original equation. The NLR was obtained through back analysis of the numerical results and modified accordingly after comparison with the data from the literature. This paper, finally, demonstrated the practical use of the proposed method involving NLR by predicting 199 sets of liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundation reported in the past, including a latest most liquefaction-induced settlement of a house in 0206 earthquake on February 6, 2016, in Taiwan.  相似文献   

刘敏 《史学月刊》2003,(7):20-25
刘歆为西汉王朝宗室,又为王莽新朝功臣,是学术造诣高深的经学家,又是将儒家理想制度付诸实践的改革家。汉新之际名儒贤达党附王莽者甚众,刘歆不幸被过多地关注和指责,应与此多重身份有关。其与父刘向在政治上非真正对立,二人的基本倾向应是一致的;其与王莽之关系,于汉新禅代之作用,于王莽改制之影响,也远不像传统认识的那样密切、那样重要、那样深广。用“不忠”、“不孝”指责他有失公道。  相似文献   

明代的茶果银是一种重要的历史现象,有礼仪、贿赂和赋税三种性质。茶果在人际交往和祭祀神灵的过程中起着重要作用,有时用银钱代替实际的茶果,于是产生了礼仪性质的茶果银。明朝制度虽然禁止征收茶果银,但贿赂性质的茶果银实际上广泛存在,并造成严重危害。赋税性质的茶果银由礼仪和贿赂性质的茶果银演变而来,到清代成了正规的赋税。  相似文献   

The studies on the finishing technique of the stone monuments in Persepolis (Iran) are part of the archaeological project jointly launched in 2008 by Iran and Italy, named ‘From Palace to Town’. The first experimental results, obtained on a very limited number of samples, revealed that the Achaemenid builders and sculptors used a white pigment, a kind of bone white, calcium fluorapatite, obtained by burning animal bones, to hide the dark grey colour of the stone. In order to verify these unexpected results, a new campaign was implemented to analyse a much larger number of samples. XRF spectrometry, a non‐destructive technique, was used and the experimental results were further elaborated by PCA. The presence of a white superficial layer was confirmed, and the use of fluorapatite was confirmed as well, but only on monuments attributed to the Xerxes period or later, while in the earlier monuments the white layer was obtained using gypsum.  相似文献   

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