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林世田  张志清 《文献》2005,(3):54-69
2005年1月22日至29日,我们应大英图书馆国际敦煌项目的邀请赴英访学.其间访问了大英图书馆、大英博物馆、伦敦大学亚非学院图书馆、牛津大学鲍德利图书馆以及Sam Fogg文物商店,重点考察了中国古籍善本、老照片、西文书修复、敦煌文书修复等情况,收获良多.现以考察时间为序,将这次访学的过程及心得介绍给国内同行.  相似文献   

漆永祥 《文献》2005,(3):189-199
清人著述繁多,刻本之外,手稿本、钞稿本、钞本以及民国以来油印本为数亦复不少,此类书籍,多深纳于各大图书馆中,极为稀见,甚有不见于诸家书目者,故世人睹之不易.今以笔者南北往还访书所得清江永、惠栋、钱大昕、焦循、江藩、胡培系诸人著述十五种,撰为提要,发踪于此,或与好事者能有略微之助焉.  相似文献   

大连图书馆藏古旧满文文献十分丰富,有图书、内府档案、舆图、碑刻拓片等.其中的满语、满学图书既有1911年前出版的线装古籍,又有1949年以前国内外出版的各种版式书籍.这部分藏书为"满铁资料"的一部分,是满铁大连图书馆和满铁奉天图书馆的旧藏,满铁的藏书印,清楚地标明每部书的人藏时间.<全国满文图书资料联合目录>①收录大连馆藏满文图书280馀种,2520馀册;<大连图书馆藏少数民族古籍图书综录>②录满文图书411种,3179册等.但从目前情况看,以往整理还不够全面,特别是以日文编著的满语、满学图书就不包括在内.现在经过整理,统计出满语、满学图书共440馀种,3300馀册.其中满汉文合璧256种,满文125种,满蒙汉文合璧35种,满蒙文合璧5种,满朝文1种,满藏汉文2种,满蒙藏文1种,梵藏满汉文1种,汉满蒙日文1种,汉女真日文1种,满蒙藏汉文4种,满蒙藏维汉文1种,日汉满文3种,满日文2种,日文5种等.  相似文献   

河南省图书馆曾经参与了《中国古籍善本书目》的编纂,其馆藏古籍善本有相当一部分被收入了《中国古籍善本书目》。笔者在将《中国古籍善本书目》收录的河南省馆藏书的部分书目与书籍进行核对时,发现了《中国古籍善本书目》在著录和标示上存在着一定的失误并进行了正补。  相似文献   

本文从中国古代奇石鉴赏的著述中,选取名篇要籍六种,考订其作者、内容、价值及版本诸项,为探讨赏石美学和赏石文化的学人提供求书问道之便。  相似文献   

朱赛虹 《文献》2000,(2):165-177
说到清宫刻书机构武英殿,几乎无人不晓,然而,它还是皇室主要藏书处所之一,这段史实却已近乎隐没.  相似文献   

崔富章 《文献》2004,(2):232-243
应秋田大学教育文化学部石川三佐男教授的邀请,我于2002年12月1日赴日本讲学并合作研究,研究题目是《西村时彦对楚辞学的贡献》.为此,我先到大阪,休整一晚,第二天一早直奔大阪大学,文学部怀德堂中心的井上了君已在图书馆前厅等候,很快办妥入库手续,进入贵重资料书库--原大阪市怀德堂文库旧藏,一排排高大的书架,一部部经函套包装直立架上的线装汉籍,琳琅满目,我感觉似乎回到了浙江图书馆古籍部的书库.  相似文献   

国画大师董寿平离开我们已整整三年了,但先生的艺术,先生的精神,先生的音容笑貌,却永远留存在人间。他是位被日本各界称之为“人间国宝”的书画大师,他是一位被祖国人民、家乡人民所深深爱戴的人民艺术家,他也是一位物收藏家与鉴赏家。他的祖先从明代中叶起从平阳迁洪洞县杜戍村,繁衍滋长,由盐业起家,遂成为洪赵一带之望族;至祖父辈兄弟三人更以“三珠之目”、“三凤之目”蜚声京华(以诗、书法、金石、书画收藏鉴赏,与朝鲜使臣友人交游)。  相似文献   


Catalogue of Watermarks in Italian Printed Maps ca. 1540–1600. By David Woodward. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1996. ISBN 0 226 90727 9. Pp. 206, illus. US$65.00 (cloth).

Editing of Early Historical Atlases: Papers Given at the Twenty‐Ninth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems. University of Toronto, 5–6 November 1993. Edited by Joan Winearls. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. ISBN 0 8020 0623 X Pp. xvii, 199. US$39.95 (cloth). [University of Toronto Press, 10 Mary Street, Suite 7000, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2W8.]

The Mapping of the Heavens. By Peter Whitfield. London: The British Library, 1995. ISBN 0 7123 04029. Pp. x, 134, illus. STG£20.00 (cloth).

Mappa Mundi: The Hereford World Map. By Paul D. A. Harvey. London: Hereford Cathedral and the British Library, 1996. ISBN 0 7123 0440 1 (cloth), 0 7123 0441 X (paper). Pp. 58, illus., 36 colour plates. STG£25.00 (cloth).

Rural Images: Estate Maps in the Old and New Worlds. Edited by David Buisseret. The Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr., Lectures in the History of Cartography. Chicago and London: Chicago University Press for the Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography, 1996. ISBN 0 226 07990 2. Pp. xii, 184, illus, 8 colour plates. US$55.00 (cloth).

Teaching Concepts in the History of Cartography. Proceedings of the Seminar on Teaching the History of Cartography III, Held at the Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria, September 10, 1995. Edited by Ferjan Ormeling and Barend Köbben. Utrecht: ICA, 1996. Pp. 41. US$10.00 (paper). [Ferjan Ormeling, Geography Department, Utrecht University, PO Box 80115, 3582 CS Utrecht, Netherlands.]

Pedro Reinel me Fez: A volta de um mapa dos Descobrimentos. By Joaquim Ferreira do Amaral. Lisbon: Quetzal Editores, 1995. ISBN 972 564 238 4. Pp. 184, illus, colour plates.

Le Terrain des Ingénieurs; La cartographie routière en Wallonie au XVIlIe siècle. By Marcel Watelet, with Berthold Neefs, Anne Cherton, Sandra Lago, Olga Manin, Guy Franchi‐mont and Guy Thewes. Monumenta Cartographica Walloniae, II. Racine: Mer, 1995. ISBN 2 87386 047 2. Pp. 231, illus., coloured plates (cloth). [Ministère Wallon de l'Equipement et des Transports, Topographie et Cartographie, W.T.C. Tour 3, Bd Simon Bolivar 30, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.]

The Printed Maps of Devon: County Maps 1575–1837. By Kit Batten and Francis Bennett. Tiverton: Devon Books, 1996. ISBN 0 86114 900 9. Pp. xxviii, 248, illus., coloured plates. STG£45.00 (cloth). [Halsgrove, Halsgrove House, Lower Moor Way, Tiverton Business Park, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6SS, England.]

Civil War Newspaper Maps: A Historical Atlas. By David Bosse. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. ISBN 0 8018 4553 X. Pp. x, 162, illus. US$42.00 (cloth). [The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2713 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218–4319, USA.]

A particular discourse concerninge the greate necessitie and manifolde commodyties that are likely to grow to this realme of Englande by the westerne discoueries lately attempted, written in the yere 1584., by Richarde Hackluyt of Oxforde, known as discourse of western planting. Edited by David B. Quinn and Alison M. Quinn. Hakluyt Society extra ser. no 45. London: Hakluyt Society, 1993. ISBN 0 904180 35 2. Pp. xxxi, 229, illus. STG£95.00 (cloth). [The Hakluyt Society, c/o Map Library, The British Library, Great Russell St, London WC1B 3DG, England.]

A Study in Depth of 143 Maps Representing the Great Siege of Malta of 1565. By Albert Ganado and Maurice Agius‐Vadalà. Malta: Publishers Enterprises Group, 1994. ISBN 99909 0 050 7. Volume I, pp. xxiii, 502, and Volume n, pp. ix, 369, 156 illus, coloured plates (cloth). [Publishers Enterprises Group, PEG Building, UB7 Industrial Estate, San Gwann SGN 09, Malta.]

Chizu No Bunkashi, a Cultural History of Maps and Charts in the World and Japan. By Kazutaka Unno. Tokyo: Yasaka Shobo, 1996 (in Japanese). ISBN 4 89694 673 1. Pp. xxiv, 175, illus., 8 colour plates. YEN 3,708 (cloth). [Yasaka Shobo, 1–5‐3 Sarugaku‐cho, Chiyoda‐ku, Tokyo 101.]

The Accuracy of Ethnoscience: A Study of Inuit Cartography and Cross‐cultural Commensurability. By Michael T. Bravo. Manchester Papers in Social Anthropology No. 2. Manchester: Department of Anthropology, University of Manchester, 1996 (paper). ISSN 1362 3559. Pp. 36, illus. [Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.]

Atlantes Austriaci: Kommentierter Katalog der Österreichischen Atlanten von 1561 bis 1994. Edited by Ingrid Kretschmer and Johannes Dörflinger. 2 vols.: Vol. 1: 1561–1918. By Johannes Dörflinger and Helga Hühnel in co‐operation with Ludvík Mucha (in 2 parts); Vol. 2: 1919–1994. By Ingrid Kretschmer. Wien [etc.]: Böhlau Verlag, 1995. ISBN 3 205 98369 6 (3 parts.). Pp. lviii, 852, illus. (Vol. 1 in 2 parts.); pp. xlv, 405, 32 colour plates (Vol. 2). ÖS 2,534, DM362 (doth). [Böhlau Verlag, Sachsenplatz 4–6, A‐1201 Wien.]

Japanese Maps of the Edo Era. By Kazumasa Yamashita. Tokyo: Around the World Library, NTT Shuppan Kabushiki Kaisha, 1996. ISBN 4 87188 614 X. Pp. 220, 95 illus. YEN 1700 (paper).

La cartographie au Québec 1760–1840. By Claude Boudreau. Sainte‐Foy: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1994. ISBN 2 7637 7350 8. Pp. xi, 270, illus. (paper). [Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Cité Universitaire, Sainte‐Foy, Québec, Canada G1K 7PA.]

The Mapping of North America: A List of Printed Maps 1511–1670. By Philip D. Burden. Rickmansworth, Herts; Stamford, Connecticut: Raleigh Publications, 1996. ISBN 0 9527733 0 9. Pp. xxxiv, 568, 418 illus., 11 colour plates. US$195 (cloth). [Raleigh Publications, PO Box 16910, Stamford, CT 06905.]

Changing Tides: Twilight and Dawn in the Spanish Sea 1763–1803. By Robert S. Weddle. College Station: Texas A &; M University Press, 1995. ISBN 0 89096 661 3. Pp. xv, 352, illus. US$49.50 (cloth).

The French Thorn: Rival Explorers in the Spanish Sea, 1682–1762. By Robert S. Weddle. College Station: Texas A &; M University Press, 1991. ISBN 0 89096 480 7. Pp. xii, 435, 26 illus. US$49.50 (cloth). [Texas A &; M University Press, Drawer C, College Station, Texas 77843–4354.]

Maps as Prints in the Italian Renaissance: Makers, Distributors &; Consumers. By David Woodward. Panizzi Lectures 1995. London: The British Library, 1996. ISBN 0 7123 4502 7. Pp. 127, illus. STG£16.00 (paper).

El mapa de España. Siglos XV‐XVIII. By Agustín Hernando. [Madrid]: Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, 1995. ISBN 84 7819 067 8. Pp. viii, 255, illus., colour plates (doth).

Terra Cognita. Studien zur römischen Raumerfassung. By Kai Brodersen. Spudasmata Band 59. Hildesheim, Zürich and New York: George Olms, 1995. ISBN 3 487 10008 8. Pp. 354, illus. DM 74.00 (paper). [George Olms, Hagentorwall, D‐31134 Hildesheim, Germany.]

The Furthest Shore: Images of Terra Australis from the Middle Ages to Captain Cook. By William Eisler. Cambridge: Cambridge Press, 1995. ISBN 0 521 39268 3. Pp. xii, 180, illus., colour plates.

The Mapping of New Spain: Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones geográficas. By Barbara E. Mundy. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996. ISBN 0 226 55096 6. Pp. xxii, 281, illus., 8 colour plates. US$40.00, STG£31.95 (cloth).

L'abrogation des privilèges fiscaux et ses antécédents. La lente maturation du cadastre thérésien au duché de Luxembourg (1684–1774). By Claude de Moreau de Gerbehaye. Collection histoire in‐8. No. 90. Bruxelles: Crédit Communal, 1994. ISBN 2 87193 199 2. Pp. viii, 609. [Crédit Communal, Boulevard Pacheco 44, 1000 Bruxelles.]

La Gallería delle Carte geografiche in Vaticano. By Lucio Gambi, Marica Milanesi and Antonio Pinelli. Modena: Franco Cosimo Panini, 1996. ISBN 88 7686 653 1. Pp. 156, 63 illus. IL. 38,000 (paper). [Franco Cosimo Panini, 41100 Modena, Viale Corassori 24, Italy.]

Marinai, mercanti, cartografi, pittori. Ricerche sulla cartografía nautica a Venena (sec. XIV‐XV). By Piero Falchetta. Offprint from Ateneo Venety 182 (1995), 7–109.

Battista Agnese, Atlante (1554–1556). Ms.Marc.It.IV, 62 (=5067). L'immagine del mondo ai tempi di Magellano. Compiled by Piero Falchetta. Palinsesti. Collana di facsimili della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana di Venezia 1. Venezia: Canal Multimedia, 1996. (CD‐Rom and book, Italian and English.) ISBN 88 86936 00 1. Pp. 199 (paper). [Canal Multimedia, Santa Croce 2180, Venezia 30135, Italy. E‐mail: mulmedia@mbox.vol.it.]

Ortelius Atlas Maps: An Illustrated Guide. By Marcel P. R. van den Broecke. ‘t Goy: HES Publishers, 1996. ISBN 90 6194 308 6. Pp. 308, illus. Hfl 125.00 (cloth). [HES Publishers, Westrenen, Tuurdijk 16, 3997 MS ‘t Goy, The Netherlands.]

Cartes et plans imprimés de 1564 à 1815: Collections des bibliothèques municipales de la région Centre; Notices de la base BN‐OPALINE. By Béatrice Pacha et Ludovic Miran. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France/Agence interprofessionnelle régionale pour le livre et les médias, 1996. ISBN 2 7177 1962 8 (BNF); ISBN 2 908180 18 9 (AGIR). Pp. 330, illus., colour plates. FF 345.00 (paper).

Carte marine et portulan au XIIe siercle: le ‘Liber de existencia riveriarum et forma maris nostri Mediterranei’ (Pise, circa 1200). By Patrick Gautier Dalché. Collection de l'École Franaise de Rome 203. Rome: École Française de Rome, 1995. ISSN 0223 5099, ISBN 2 7283 0335 5. Pp. xi, 308 (paper).

Des chiffres et des cartes: naissance et développment de la cartographie française au XIXe siècle. By Gilles Palsky. Mémoires de la section de géographie 19. Paris: Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1996. ISBN 2–7355–0336–4. Pp. 331, illus., colour plates. FF200 (paper). [Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1 rue Descartes, 75005 Paris.]  相似文献   

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Turjanmeren maa, Petsamon historia 1920–1944, ed. Jouko Vahtola, Samuli Onnela, photo editor Veikko Aitamurto, Petsamo‐Seura r.y., Rovaniemi 1999.  相似文献   

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Baedeker's Central Italy and Rome. With 11 Maps, 46 Plans, a Panorama of Rome, etc. Thirteenth Revised Edition. London : Dulan and Co., 1900. Pp. 454. M. 7.50.

Baedeker's Southern Italy, Sicily, etc. With 28 Maps and 19 Plans. Thirteenth Revised Edition. London : Dulan and Co., 1900. Pp. 431. M. 6.

The Baces of Man: An Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography. By J. Deniker, Sc.D. (Paris). With 176 Illustrations and 2 Maps. London : Walter Scott, Ltd., 1900. Pp. 576. Three Appendices and Index. Price 6s.

The Story of West Africa. By Mart H. Kingsley. ("The Story of the Empire Series.”) London : Horace Marshall and Son, N.D. Price 1s. 6d. Pp. 165 and Index.

The Story of West Africa is of extreme interest, and from Miss Kingsley's previous work one was led to expect that it would be well told, nor are we disappointed, for she has managed, with great ability, to give the history of the West

The Races of Europe: A Sociological Study. (Lowell Institute Lectures.) By William Z. Ripley, Ph.D. Accompanied by a Supplementary Bibliography of the Anthropology and Ethnology of Europe. Published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. London : Kegan Paul, 1900. Pp. 608 and Index, and 160. 222 Portrait Types, and 87 Maps and Diagrams. Price 18s. net.

Natal, the Land and its Story. A Geography and History, with Maps. By Robert Russell, Superintendent of Education, Natal. London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1899. Pp. 280 + Index ix. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Journals and Papers of Ghauncy Maples, D.D., F.R.G.S., late Bishop of Likoma, Lake Nyasa, Africa. Edited by Ellen Maples. Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899.

Twelve Pioneer Missionaries. By George Smith, C.I.E., LL.D. With Portraits. Pp. 304. London, Edinburgh, and New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1900. Price 7s. 6d.

Bougie, die Perle Nord‐Afrikas. Prag : Heinr. Mercy Sohn, 1899. Folio. Pp 122.  相似文献   

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The Yangtze Valley and Beyond. By Mrs. J. F. Bishop, F.R.G.S. London : John Murray, 1899. Pp. xii + 557. Price 21s. net.

Pictures of Travel, Sport, and Adventure. By George Lacy ("The Old Pioneer"). London: C. Arthur Pearson, Limited, 1899. Price 15s. Pp.420.

The Chronology of India from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. By C. Mabel Duff (Mrs. W. R. Rickmers). Westminster : Archibald Constable and Co., 1899. Price 15s. net.

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A White Woman in Central Africa. By Helen Caddick. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 242. Price 6s.

Historical Geography of the Holy Land. By S. R. Macphail, M.A. With 42 Illustrations, Views, and Sketches. Edinburgh : T. and T. Clark, 1899. Pp. 188. Price 6d.

The Madeira Islands. By Anthony J. Drexel Biddle. London : Hurst and Blackett, Ltd., 1900. Vol. i. pp. 324. Vol. ii. pp. 207. Price 20s. net.

Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland. A Complete Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom. With numerous Illustrations and sixty Maps. Vols. v. and vi. London : Cassell and Co., Ltd.

Modern Spain, 1788–1898. By Martin A. S. Hume. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Pp.374. Price 5s. ("The Story of the Nations Series.”)

Neu‐Guinea. Von Dr. Maximilian Krieger. Mit Beiträgen von Professor Dr. A. Freiiierrn von Danckelmann, Professor Dr. F. von Luschan, Kustos Paul Matshie, und Professor Dr. Otto Warburg. Mit Unterstützung der Kolonial‐Abteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes, der Neu‐Guinea‐Kompagnie und der Deutschen Kolonial‐Gesellschaft. Berlin : Alfred Schall. Preis : brosch.—mk. 11.50, geb. mk. 13.50.

Journals and Papers of Chauncy Maples, D.D., F.R.G.S., late Bishop of Likoma, Lake Nyasa, Africa. Edited by Ellen Maples. Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899. Pp. 278. Price 6s. 6d.

Twelve Pioneer Missionaries. By George Smith, C.I.E., LL.D. With Portraits. London, Edinburgh, and New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1900. Pp. 304. Price 7s. 6d.

Whitaker's Naval and Military Directory and Indian Army List, 1900. London : J. Whitaker and Sons. Pp. 918. Price 5s.

Macdonald's Scottish Directory and Gazetteer, 1899–1900. Edinburgh. Pp. 1117. Edinburgh : Wm. Macdonald and Co., Ltd. Price, for Great Britain, 21s.

Vingt‐deux mois de campagne autour du monde. Journal d'un aspirant de marine. By Le Comte Henry de Menthon. Paris : E. Plon, 1900. Pp. 312 and Map.

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Das Meer als Quelle der Völkergrösse; eine politisch‐geographische Studie. By Friedrich Ratzel. Leipzig : E. Oldenbourg, 1900. Pp.85. M. 1.20.

Corfon et les Corfiotes. By Dr. Arthur de Claparède. Geneva : H. Kündig, 1900. Pp. 176.

Einundwanzig Jahre in IndienI. Theil : Borneo. By Dr. H. Breitenstein. Leipzig : Th. Grieben, 1899. Pp. 254. M. 5.50.

Assyrien und Babylonien nach den neuesten Entdeckungen. By Dr. Franz Kaulen. Fifth edition. Freiburg, i. B., 1899. Pp. 316. M. 5.

The Life of Alexander Duff, D.D., LL.D. By George Smith, C.I.E., LL.D. Fourth English edition. Eevised and abridged. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1900. Pp. xv + 383. Price 6s.

Historical Atlas of Modern Europe. Edited by Reginald Lane Poole, M.A., Ph.D. Oxford : Clarendon Press.  相似文献   

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La Traversée de l'Afrique du Zambèze au Congo Français. Par Edouard Foá. Paris: Librairie Plon. Pp. xii + 323.

Eaglehawk and Crow: A Study of the Australian Aborigines. By John Matiiew, M.A., B.D. London : David Nutt; and Melbourne : Melville, Mullen, and Slade, 1899. With Illustrations and a Linguistic Map. Pp. xvi. and 288. Price 18s. net.

Origin and Character of the British People. By Nottidge Charles Macnamara. London : Smith, Elder, and Co. 1900. Pp. 234. With 33 Illustrations. Price 6s.

La Rénovation de l'Asie. Par Pierre Leroy‐Beaulieu. Armand Colin et Cie, Editeurs. Paris, 5. Rue de Mézières, 1900.

Narrative of Cruises in the Mediterranean during the Greek War of Independence, 1822–26. By William Black, L.E.C.S.E., Surgeon H.M.S. Chanticleer. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Limited, 1900. Price 14s.

British America. ("The British Empire Series.”) London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, 1900.

Bilder aus dem Kaukasus. Neue Studien zur Kenntnis Kaukasiens. Von C. von Hahn, Professor am I. Gymnasium zu Tiflis. Leipzig : Dunckler und Humbolt, 1900. Pp. 335. Price 6 M.

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The Value of the Waters of the Great Rivers of India. By Major‐General F. C. Cotton.

Die Insel Giglio. Prague : Heinr. Mercy Sohn, 1900. Folio. Pp. 127.

Nelson's Supplementary ReaderThe Story of the North‐West and North‐East Passages. By C. G. Cash, F.R.S.G.S. London, Edinburgh, and New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1899.

La Spéléologie on Science des Cavernes. Par E. A. Martel (Scientia, Mars 1900). Paris : G. Carré et C. Naud. Pp.126. Price 2 frcs.

Dent's County Guides.I. Hampshire with the Isle of Wight. By George A. B. Dewar, John Vaughan, and others. II. Norfolk. By William A. Duff. London : J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Price 4s. 6d. net each.

Sir Stamford Raffles. England in the Far East. By Hugh E. Egerton, M.A. ("Builders of Greater Britain” Series.) London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 290. Price 5s.

Khaki in South Africa. China of To‐day: The Yellow Peril. London : George Newnes, Ltd., 1900. Price 5s. each.

How to read the War News from China. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 142. Price 1s.

The Dominion of Canada: With Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers. By Karl Baedeker. Second revised edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. 1900. Pp. lxii + 268. Price M. 5.  相似文献   

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En Afrique avec le Missionaire Coillard. Par Alfred Bertrand. Genève : Ch. Eggiman et Cie., Éditeurs.

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Instructions for the Prevention of Malarial Fever, for the use of Residents in Malarious Places. University Press of Liverpool. 1900. Second edition. Pp. 14.

Report of the Malarial Expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Medical Parisitology. By Drs. Ross, Annette, and Austen. With supplementary reports. The University Press of Liverpool. 1900. Pp. 47. Addenda, 5 plates and 4 maps. Eight illustrations in text. Price, 10s. 6d.  相似文献   

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The Australian Handbook, 1900. With Maps and Plans. Pp. 672. London, Melbourne, etc. : Gordon and Gotch.

Ralph Fitch, England's Pioneer to India and Burma. By J. Horton Ryley, London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1899. Price 10s. 6d.

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From Cape Town to Ladysmith. By G. W. Steevens. Edited by Vernon Blackburn. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1900. Price 3s. 6d.

La Géographie Militaire et les nouvelles Méthodes géographiques. La Fiance du Nord‐Est. By O. Barré. Paris : Berger‐Levrault et Cie., 1899. Pp. 122.

Field Testing for Gold and Silver : a Practical Manual for Prospectors and Miners. By W. Hamilton Merritt, F.G.S. London : Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1900. Pp. viii + 144. Price 5s. net.

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