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Summary. Analytical and contextual details are given for a piece of silver sheet recovered by dry-sieving from a fourth millennium B.C. deposit at Tell esh-Shuna in the north Jordan Valley. Analysis proved that the fragment was composed of a silver-gold-copper alloy. The possible origin of such aurian silver artefacts is considered in the light of current geological evidence, and alternative mechanisms for their appearance reviewed, taking into consideration recent data pertaining to the use of 'non-utilitarian' metals in the southern Levant during the fifth and fourth millennia B.C. Reasons are given for believing that silver artefacts are under-represented in the archaeological record, and the imitation of silver vessels is suggested as a possible explanation for the appearance in Palestine of the distinctive Grey Burnished ceramics at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Both large‐ and small‐scale ceremonial monuments are a well‐known feature of the third and second millennia cal BC. However, from the middle of the second millennium cal BC the character of the evidence changes, firstly with the appearance of widespread settlement remains, and then in the earlier first millennium cal BC with the appearance of hillforts. This paper considers the evidence from a number of newly discovered enclosures in Cornwall, which, given their similarity to much older ceremonial monument forms, have unexpectedly been found to date from the first millennium cal BC. The implications of these discoveries are discussed as well as the evidence for possible Atlantic Connections across the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

以中国东北三省和俄罗斯远东联邦区为研究对象,运用区域经济等级、经济联系强度、地缘经济匹配等研究中俄跨国地区空间经济联系与格局特征,研究表明:2010—2019年,(1)俄远东繁荣的经济区与停滞的落后区两极分化现象显著。一级经济区位于滨海边疆区、哈巴罗夫斯克(伯力)边疆区、萨哈(雅库特)共和国、萨哈林(库页)州,二级经济区分布在阿穆尔州、外贝加尔边疆区、布里亚特共和国,三级经济区包含堪察加边疆区、马加丹州、犹太自治州、楚科奇自治区。(2)中国东北三省与俄远东区的经济联系强度不断增强,同其毗邻东向的滨海边疆区,北向的阿穆尔州和哈巴罗夫斯克(伯力)边疆区的经济联系量最多。空间上,中国东北三省与俄远东不同地区(南部>西部>东北部)经济联系差异较大,呈“南高北低、西高东低”的格局特征。(3)中国东北三省与俄远东多数联邦主体隶属于地缘经济互补型,表现出距离越近的联邦主体、竞争关系较强,距离越远的联邦主体、互补关系较强的态势。  相似文献   

A recent analytical study by SEM–WDS was carried out on 226 glasses from the Late Bronze Age, analysing each of the glasses for a total of at least 22 elements, the largest such analytical study conducted on these glasses. The aim of the analysis was first to identify which elements were brought in with each of the raw materials and, second, to accurately characterize those raw materials. Since different glassmaking sites in Egypt and the Near East would probably use at least some local raw materials and these raw materials will vary slightly from site to site, this has potential for provenancing the glass. Analysis showed new patterns in the compositions of glass from the various sites and led to new conclusions about the supply of raw materials and personnel for the glass workshops. This forms the basis for further work by LA–ICPMS to be presented in part 2 of this paper.  相似文献   

The recent discovery in St John's College of a mass burial of mostly young adult males with severe perimortem blade trauma has prompted the suggestion that these may be related to the St Brice's Day Massacre in Oxford on 13th November AD 1002. Three radiocarbon determinations suggest that a date in the tenth century is more likely. We have nevertheless undertaken an isotopic study of the bone collagen (δ13C and δ15N) and dental enamel (δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr) in an attempt to answer the question ‘were these individuals of Danish descent?’ Our conclusion is somewhat ambiguous, but the bone collagen suggests a diet more like other Scandinavian populations than that of local groups, and the enamel isotopes point towards a Scandinavian rather than a lowland English origin. Comparison with Oxford Archaeology's recently excavated Weymouth Ridgeway mass burial suggests, however, that the execution of a captured raiding party is more likely than the slaughter of Oxford inhabitants of Danish descent.  相似文献   

Summary. Skeletal material from the Romano-British cemetery at Poundbury Camp on the outskirts of Dorchester is remarkable for the high concentration of lead detected in the bones. In an attempt to discover whether this lead was local in origin or had been introduced in imported commodities lead isotope ratios were determined for a selection of bones. The isotope ratios indicated at least two sources for the lead. Three of the individuals tested appear to have acquired lead derived from local, British, ores while the bone from the fourth individual, a child, had a lead isotope ratio identical to ore from Laurion in Greece. The isotope ratios are so close as to indicate immigration of the child rather than importation of lead in food or wine.  相似文献   

Here we show the results of a study concerning a small group of shaft‐hole axes found in northeastern Italy, made from amphibole‐rich metabasites, fine‐grained and free of phenoblasts. The main mineral phases are amphibole, ranging from actinolite to hornblende, and plagioclase (An10–15 and An70–77). The amphiboles generally show a needle shape and are often radially arranged. Quartz is present in thin veinlets, while ilmenite is widespread in small patches. The petrographic and geochemical features suggest that the axes originate from the southern thermal aureole of Tanvald granite in northern Bohemia. In accordance with this provenance, the typology of the tools shows similarities with the perforated shoe‐last axes spread across Central Europe during the fifth millennium bc and made from similar raw material. For the first time, these axes give evidence of long‐distance (about 800 km) contacts between northeastern Italy and Central Europe during the Neolithic.  相似文献   

疏解非首都功能背景下,北京市的城乡结合部面临调整经济结构与改善人居环境的机遇和挑战。本文以朝阳区为例,结合定量分析与定性讨论,聚焦人居环境与经济系统的协调性问题,剖析协调水平变化的时空间特征及原因。研究发现:2010—2019年期间,朝阳区城乡结合部人居环境与经济系统的协调水平上升明显,空间均衡性有所提升,协调状态呈现出从人居环境滞后过渡到经济系统滞后的演变过程。疏解非首都功能及相关政策是影响协调状态演变的重要因素,它提高了人居环境质量,引发了经济系统的动态调整,短期内使协调水平发生了较大波动,随着人居环境改善幅度逐渐超过经济系统,协调水平出现了下降趋势。提高城乡结合部的可持续发展能力,应重点关注人居环境与经济系统的协调性问题,兼顾地区人居环境改善与经济发展的需求。  相似文献   

A recent restoration of late 16th‐century mosaics in one of the vaults beneath the dome of St Peter's Basilica in Rome allowed sampling and analysis of a group of glass tesserae. The aim of this work is the characterization of opaque coloured glasses possibly produced in Rome. The characteristics of the glass from St Peter's were compared with those of Venetian and Tuscan production, in order to assess possible common origins. Chemical analysis of 30 samples was carried out by electron microprobe, while the nature and morphology of opacifiers were determined by X‐ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Almost all the opaque samples were characterized by the presence of SnO2 crystals. In addition, depending on the colour of the glass, other crystalline phases were identified: lead‐tin oxide (PbSnO3) in yellow glass, cuprite (Cu2O) in orange glass and two calcium‐tin silicates with different stoichiometry (CaSnSiO5 and Ca3SnSi2O9) in the green‐yellow variety. A frame of reference for identifying raw materials and glass‐making techniques is provided by textual sources, here examined in comparison with the compositional characteristics of the tesserae from St Peter's.  相似文献   

This paper presents 21 new radiocarbon dates for Iron Age burials excavated at Wetwang Slack, East Yorkshire, including three chariot burials. The dates are analysed using a Bayesian approach, along with previous dates from the cemetery and from other chariot burials in the region. The model suggests that regular burial at Wetwang spanned the third and earlier second centuries cal BC, a shorter period than once thought, whilst the chariot burials all belong to a short‐lived horizon centred on 200 cal BC. The dating of brooch types present in the burials is also reassessed. Our results imply that brooches of La Tène D form appeared in Britain in the later second century cal BC, in line with Continental evidence, but reinforcing the void in the later Iron Age sequence revealed in a recent study of decorated metalwork. Both this apparent gap and the end of the classic East Yorkshire mortuary tradition may well be manifestations of the more general changes that swept across Europe at this period, ushering in the new forms of political organization and social practices that define the Late Iron Age.  相似文献   

Summary.   The analysis of charred plant material from Castelo Velho (north-eastern Portugal) yields information about the environmental background of a long-term architectural project. Work focuses on the physical characteristics of this sui generis site and on the interrelationships between human communities and their vegetal environment. Important vegetation changes are recorded despite the fact that site 'occupation' is considered to be sporadic and therefore causing only minor anthropogenic impact. Evergreen oaks (Quercus, evergreen) dominate during the first two stratigraphic layers but are replaced by the tree-strawberry (Arbutus unedo) during a third layer. This change may result from a premeditated woodland management, ensuring that the site remained visible in the distance. Special attention is given to the plant assemblage and broken pottery found in a sealed structure (layer 3) and thought to have served a 'ritual' purpose. Seeds of Triticum aestivum/compactum are largely predominant.  相似文献   

During the early the Roman Empire, large quantities of olive oil and wine were exchanged between Rome and its provinces of Spain and Gaul. The majority was transported aboard ships in amphoras. There was also a short-lived type of vessel, known as a cistern-boat, that held large, globular jars, referred to as dolia . The jars were presumably placed in the hold as the ship was being built and were intended for bulk transport. About 10 dolia shipwrecks have been found in the western Mediterranean, including the La Giraglia wreck, located at the northernmost point of Corsica near the small island of La Giraglia, which lends its name to the wreck. The ship was carrying at least eight dolia and possibly four smaller doliola probably manufactured near Rome, several Spanish amphoras, and a lead anchor stock. This type of vessel was an innovation in ship construction, intended to respond to changes in the production and transportation of wine brought about by Roman expansion. The relatively short period of production for this ship-type suggests that there were problems with its design which caused it to be abandoned. The excavation of the La Giraglia wreck provided answers to some questions about their build and how they contributed to new patterns of trade in the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the spatial dimensions of trust in two Southeast Asian cities using data from both household surveys and field experiments conducted in low‐income communities. The results suggest that space and location are important to understanding communal action and trust in developing countries. Not surprisingly, space matters in different ways depending on culture, history and the political‐economy of a particular country or city.  相似文献   

R.A. Drake in Oceania (59:269–79) analyzed rumor panics in Borneo about the purported need for children's heads in concrete construction initiated by the state, as a form of ideological warfare. These rumors are ways of dealing with ambiguous situations and expressions of anxiety. The plausibility of these rumors, he argues, lies in the experience that tribal Borneo has had with state governments, most particularly during colonial times when head-hunting activities were suppressed. The present article looks at a similar rumor complex found in the district of Manggarai in Western Flores within a different cultural and historical context. Manggarai rumor panics center on European missionaries who have been in their region since the beginning of the century and who have been responsible for most of the concrete construction there. This rumor expresses the Manggarai's ambivalence towards foreigners which may be particularly understood, also, in light of their experience with slave-raiders up to the beginning of this century.  相似文献   

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