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The chairman of the Department of Biogeography at Moscow University offers a classification of diseases based on the impact of environmental hazards. All diseases may be broken down into two basic groups: hereditary diseases, some of which may be related to environmental influences of the past, and so-called exogenous diseases, related to contemporary environmental hazards, both natural and technogenic (related to human activity). Diseases related to the impact of the natural environment may be further subdivided into diseases linked to geophysical factors (heatstroke, frostbite), geochemical factors (endemic goiter, urinary calculus), nutrition (kwashiorkor), poisonous plants and animals, living pathogens, and physical injuries due to natural hazards. The subgroup of diseases (infections and infestations) caused by living pathogens is further subdivided in terms of anthroponoses (diseases peculiar to man) and zoonoses (those common to man and animals) and in terms of the existence of intermediate hosts and carriers.  相似文献   

王西安 《人文地理》2005,20(4):114-118
针对地理学在人地关系理论研究上日益被其他学科挤向边缘的现实危险,本文剖析后认为,根本的症结在于地理学对这一问题始终缺乏一个最能切合地理学学理特征的基本抽象范式。本文将人-地关系对置双方置于地理系统等级序列的框架内,从"分形论"、"界壳论"和"耗散结构论"的理论高度进行深入的讨论和审视,从而得出人-地关系的对称抽象原理。  相似文献   

苏北地区可持续发展中的资源环境问题研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过苏北与苏南的对比分析、资源环境现状与开发利用潜力评价、以及资源环境与发展关系的定量分析评价,表明苏北资源有较大优势,开发利用潜力大,具有对区域发展的较强支撑能力;资源利用效率不高、承载能力下降过快,环境负荷过重,问题较多,已构成对区域可持续发展的约束与限制;区域发展中的经济增长速度不快,资源-环境-经济大系统不够协调。提出了资源环境系统调控与支撑能力建设的科学对策。  相似文献   

A large sample of human bones from a series of archaeological sites in the south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula was selected for δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analysis. Except for some contrast samples, the remains date from the first half of the second millennium cal BC and are ascribed to the Argar Culture, which developed during the Bronze Age in south‐eastern Iberia. Most authors have considered that this region reached a high degree of social hierarchical organization at this time, as demonstrated by the funerary record, both with regard to the grave goods and to the evidence of physical effort and diseases on the human remains. Results of the isotope analysis revealed the existence of differences among the settlements studied, as well as differences over time within every settlement and among the various individuals tested. Some variances can be assigned to social classes/status and others are linked to chronological factors. In particular, changes in δ13C can be explained by the increasing aridity of the first half of the second millennium cal BC, although other causes can be put forward too.  相似文献   

内蒙古生态环境建设与可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦树辉  海春兴 《人文地理》2000,15(5):65-67,71
可持续发展思想是当今新的人类生存文明观,她起自于人类对人地关系的反思和认识,也体现了人类对新世纪以及长远未来的展望。区域性可持续发展是全球性可持续发展的基础和保证,只有实现区域性可持续发展才使得全球性的可持续发展成为可能。内蒙古自治区是我国重要的能源、原材料生产基地和农牧业生产大区,同时又是我国重点的经济落后地区。以水土流失、水资源匮乏、植被退化、土地沙化、土壤盐碱化等为代表的生态环境问题已经成为制约内蒙古社会经济可持续发展的核心问题之一。本文将就内蒙古生态环境问题的由来、生态环境现状以及解决生态环境问题的途径加以分析,对西部大开发中的内蒙古生态环境建设提出建设性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

Among the various problems relating to the man-nature relationship, little work has been done on the mechanism by which extreme natural environments, such as those observed in the Arctic, in continental Siberia, in the tropics and in highlands, affect the human organism. A Moscow University anthropologist discusses the geographical distribution of some anthropologic traits and concludes that some physiologic and morphologic features inherent in members of different races and ethnic groups tend to adapt themselves to particular environments without posing an obstacle to existence in other ecological settings. It is found in particular that members of different races or ethnic groups will display similar adaptive characteristics in a given environment while members of a particular ethnic group will show different adaptive tendencies in different environments. [The article is based on the author's book Geograficheskaya sreda i biologiya cheloveka (Geographical Environment and Human Biology), published in Moscow in 1977.]  相似文献   

By using GIS (Geographical Information System) visibility analysis, the visual surveillance of, and ways in which people engaged and experienced, an Iberian landscape north of Barcelona during the third century BC are explored. The study of visual surveillance from the hillforts that dominated the area is understood as a means to address issues of social structure and hierarchy. How Iberian people might have viewed and rationalized their world, which is an issue that has so far not been addressed within the theoretical approaches that currently characterize this area of Mediterranean archaeology, is explored here for the first time. Emphasis is placed on people's sense of place and on hillforts' prominence. Visibility analysis indicates a highly structured society, where each hillfort might have primarily controlled given zones of the landscape and might have informed others about events taking place there through an integrated visibility network. Whilst hillforts appear to have been sited according to the view that they offered, they do not seem to have been intended to maximize their own visual impact. Social and experiential approaches compellingly coincide to suggest a subdivision of this society between mountain and coastal communities in both practical and perceptual terms.  相似文献   

试论人类身高的地域差异规律及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类身高高纬高于低纬,牧区高于农区、沿海高于内地、低海拔高于高海拔、城市高于农村、发达国家高于发展中国家。其主要原因是气温的高低、光照的多少和营养的差异。  相似文献   

An American urban and regional scholar familiar with the Soviet scene surveys changes in USSR and republic legislation on housing and land (both urban and rural) and outlines “grey” areas falling in the gap between extant Soviet law and yet-to-be-enacted republican legislation. He identifies changes in the land use pattern which can be expected as land begins to be transformed into a form of property where use decisions predominantly are made by private actors. A final section focuses upon the potential significance of these changes, to the extent they materialize, for urban theory in general.  相似文献   

本文的研究中,在内蒙古地区地质学、古地理学和环境演变方面已有研究成果以及考古与历史文献资料的基础上,修复和描述了内蒙古陆地形成以来的地质历史时期和人类历史时期内蒙古土地利用/覆盖时空演变过程,并探索其驱动机制与因素,从而为正确把握内蒙古地区近现代土地利用/覆盖变化时空轨迹提供科学依据。古代相当长的历史时期,内蒙古地区基本上被游牧民族所占据,达到了一种古代的可持续发展。清代中期以后,特别是进入20世纪以来,随着几次大规模的移民拓荒高潮,耕地面积急速扩展而草场面积日益退缩,内蒙古草原生态环境遭遇空前的破坏,沙漠化和草原退化急速加快,土地利用变化和土地利用方式成为了土地覆盖变化的最主要驱动因子。土地利用变化(开垦草原、毁林开荒)的驱动因子主要有人口因素、经济利益和政府决策等三个方面,而且每一次大规模开荒时期三者往往相辅相成,促成新一轮的开荒高潮。  相似文献   

A long-range regional planning forecast of economic development and settlement in the North Yenisey region of Siberia, up to the year 2000, envisages the formation of several territorial production complexes based on the development of mineral resources (the nickelcopper-platinum reserves of the Noril'sk district, aluminum raw materials, iron ore, oil and gas and graphite) and hydroelectric development (hydro stations at Osinovo, Stony Tunguska, Maygunna, Kureyka and Khantayka, and ultimately Igarka and Lower Tunguska). The basic urban centers, in addition to Noril'sk, would be Osinovo, Novoturukhansk and Igarka. Urban population is expected to increase from 220,000 in 1970 to 480,000, and rural population from 40,000 in 1970 to 300,000.  相似文献   

郭晨浩  李林霏  夏显力 《人文地理》2022,37(1):81-89,115
本文构建了劳动力流动—地方感—人居环境整治行为的理论分析框架,利用913户微观调研数据,采用有序Probit模型分析了劳动力流动对农户参与人居环境整治行为的影响,并进一步运用Boot-strap 方法验证了 地方感在劳动力流动影响农户参与人居环境整治过程中发挥的中介作用.研究结果表明:①家庭劳动力外流抑制了农户参与...  相似文献   

乡村生态环境治理是美丽乡村乃至美丽中国建设的重要任务,而农户主动参与是乡村生态环境实现根本性治理的关键。本文构建了农户参与生态环境治理行为发生机制研究框架,运用结构方程模型,对农户调查数据进行实证检验,分析了农户参与生态环境治理行为的驱动因素及影响路径。结果表明:(1)农户行为遵循“认知—感知—响应”的发生路径模式,生态环境治理认知是驱动农户行为的基础性变量,生态环境治理感知是认知正向驱动农户行为的中介变量;(2)环境社会资本、环境影响敏感度、农户行为自觉等因素分别是制约生态环境治理认知、生态环境治理感知及生态环境治理响应的主要因素;(3)在美丽乡村建设及生态环境治理过程中,政府发挥了主导性作用,多主体参与的社会监督、社会组织等社会资本建设尚待加强,以农户为中心的多主体参与模式和体制机制有待健全。  相似文献   

新疆脆弱生态区综合分类及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本结合新疆实际,对新疆15个地州进行了脆弱生态区的类型划分。首先建立指标体系,然后借助脆弱度模型和聚类分析方法分别对新疆15个地州的自然条件和经济状况进行分析。得出新疆脆弱生态区的分类结果,按照优劣等级排列为:一类,乌鲁木齐市、石河子市;二类,克拉玛依市、吐鲁番地区、巴州;三类,哈密地区;四类。伊犁地区;五类。塔城地区、博州、阿勒泰地区、昌吉州;六类,喀什地区、和田地区、阿克苏地区、克州。其中经济区位占优势,自然生态环境良好或自然资源丰富的地区是新疆脆弱生态区中极具发展潜力,应该优先发展的地区。  相似文献   

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