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Summary. For almost a hundred years the find of the silver phiale mesomphalos in a burial-mound in the Kuban has attracted the attention of scholars, but has never been the subject of a special study. The phiale was made and inscribed in the last quarter of the fifth century BC. The cup belonged to the temple of Apollo in Phasis, in Colchis, and it was seized in the first century BC and taken to the Northern Caucasus after the temple had been plundered. It was probably made by a local craftsman in Phasis and its decoration reflects both Greek traditions connected with the cult of Apollo and also local, Colchian ones.  相似文献   

Data from cadasters and censuses indicate that farmstead abandonment in Pomor'ye was slight before the middle of the 16th century, with migrants going from the European Center and Novgorod Land to western Pomor'ye, from western to eastern Pomor'ye, and later from eastern Pomor'ye to Siberia, attracted by the absence of manorial serfdom, the presence of the landsharing village, and the availability of arable land. From the late 16th century this process was intensified by the development of the White Sea route to Europe, the annexation of Siberia, and improvements in agricultural methods and implements. At the same time, farmstead abandonment increased in response to the economic crisis of Ivan IV's reign, and it increased even more from the late 17th century. Many northern peasants were mobilized by the state as soldiers or workers; many others fled to Siberia or went roaming. (The translation was prepared by James R. Gibson of York University, Toronto.)  相似文献   

The main stages in the territorial formation of the principalities of Northeastern Rus' in the second half of the 13th century are examined. The influence upon this process of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, and the creation of the conditions for the rise of Moscow, Tver', Kostroma, and Gorodets as possible future centers for the unification of the Russian lands, are demonstrated. (The translation was prepared by James R. Gibson of York University, Toronto.)  相似文献   

J. A. BUCKLEY 《Archaeometry》1985,27(1):102-107
Thirty-one silver coins of the Hellenistic period were examined by the particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method, and the results incorporated into a wider study of the coins. Some tentative conclusions reached in the study are mentioned, together with an outline of the PIXE method. A number of patterns emerged in the results, the most important being an apparent deterioration in silver content among the later Seleucid and Ptolemaic issues; some high concentrations of particular elements were also noted.  相似文献   

The authors critically survey tsarist censuses before the October Revolution and Soviet works on historical demography, and they re-estimate population numbers, natural and mechanical increase, and internal and external migration between 1897 and 1917, as well as changes in ethnic composition. (The translation was prepared by James R. Gibson of York University, Toronto.)  相似文献   

21世纪江苏省城市发展问题初析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姚士谋  宋平 《人文地理》1998,13(4):15-20
江苏省是中国的发达省份之一,其城市发展迅速。本文在分析江苏省情、其城市发展现状与趋势的基础上,总结出城市化水平和重点,并对未来江苏省城市空间分布及城市化道路选择和全省城镇体系结构作了预测。  相似文献   

We have observed by fast neutron activation analysis (FNAA) that the global composition of the official silver coins of the Gallic emperor Postumus is not the same as those from the contemporary unofficial mints. In order to explain this phenomenon, we have carried out a metallographic study of the artefacts. Then, we have re‐created the silvering process of unofficial coins in order to better understand the manufacturing process of silvering. The different steps of the replication process are explained in this paper.  相似文献   

A set of 17 fragments of ceramics have been uncovered on the occasion of excavations of a workshop in Triana near Seville. These ceramics are typical of objects that are not commonly encountered in present collections in spite of intensive production during the 15th–16th centuries. Chemical and mineralogical analyses have been performed using various techniques (X-ray fluorescence and diffraction, SEM, ion beam analyses). The majority of the ceramic sherds represent the diversity of the Seville production; three fragments recovered in the same archaeological context were not locally produced and belong to the production of eastern Spain (Valence area). The ceramic bodies of the Seville sherds are compatible with the use of clays from the Guadalquivir valley. The glaze and the lustre decoration are comparable to those produced in eastern Spain. These conclusions are based on data that represent the production of a single workshop in Seville; the scatter of the data is due to variations in the processing and/or to alterations during the five centuries of burial of the ceramic fragments.  相似文献   

20世纪经济地理学发展及研究特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从研究区域尺度、企业组织和思维方法三方面梳理了本世纪经济地理学的发展特点。在此基础上,指出经济地理学研究的四个特点:区域-企业综合分析、经济活动全球化研究、新产业区研究和多种思维方式的综合考虑;跨世纪经济地理学要关注人地关系、全球与地方关系、区域发展与需求关系和与区域的关系。  相似文献   

肖霄 《旅游纵览》2010,(3):55-59
<正>尼泊尔是这样一个令人欣喜的国家,除了巍峨浩荡的喜马拉雅山脉、温润如玉的费瓦湖、热闹喧嚣的泰米尔、原始生态的奇特旺,最吸引我的还是那千千万万的寺庙、神佛和那纯洁虔诚的信仰。  相似文献   

罗帅 《考古学报》2021,(4):501-520
目 次 一 出土情况 二 年代与性质 三 发行前奏和余波 四 发行历史背景 汉怯二体钱是研究汉朝、贵霜和塔里木盆地关系史的重要材料.一个多世纪以来虽有很多研究,但关于其年代、功能等问题仍难形成统一意见.姚朔民曾对1987年之前的研究情况作了概述[1];近年学者又提出不少有益见解[2].关于汉佉二体钱的发行年代,有如下观点:赫恩雷提出公元70-200年,夏鼐支持并修正为公元73年至三世纪末佉卢文书不复通行以前[3];克力勃提出公元1-132年,汪海岚支持并修正为公元30-150年[4];马雍提出公元152-180年[5];林梅村提出公元175-220年[6].  相似文献   

钱杰 《中国钱币》2004,(1):11-13
192 7年 4月 1 5日 ,蒋介石在南京召开会议 ,决定定都南京 ,中华民国步入南京国民政府时期 ① 。 1 92 8年 4月 2 7日 ,国民政府通过马寅初“统一国币 ,废两用元”提议② 。 6月 2 0日 ,财政部在上海召开全国经济会议 ,会上确定币制方针 :推行纸币集中主义、推行金汇兑本位③ 。会上重新研究了马寅初“统一国币 ,废两用元”案 ,提出实施办法 1 0条 ,包括 :先定筹备时期为一年 ,积极筹备 ,并决定实施日期为民国十八年七月一日 ,以明令公布 ;上海造币厂应于最短时间内成立 ,半年以内必须开工鼓铸新银元 ,定为国币 ;请国府颁布国币新条例 ,规定…  相似文献   

We reappraise the material needed to assess the 20th-century seismicity of Switzerland and of the adjacent areas of the Alps in terms of magnitude. For this we make use of macroseismic reports and literature and by calculating the surface-wave magnitude from the Prague formula of all significant earthquakes in the region. No attempt is made to relocate earthquake positions; instead their reliability is ranked using existing solutions and macroseismic observations We find that for small earthquakes (M s >4.5), which constitute the bulk of the events in the region, the calculation of M s observed at relatively short distances, requires station and distance corrections which can be significant. Also we find that recomputed Ms estimates differ from those reported in other earthquake catalogues. From this reappraisal of M s and from a uniform re-evaluation of the associated macroseismic data, we derive a stable correlations between M s and felt areas that can be used to assess the magnitude of historical, pre-instrumental, events for which only isoseismal radii (r i ) and the associated intensities (I i ) are available. We examined the conversion of surface-wave magnitude into moment magnitude, a conversion that presents some interesting problems for relatively small events for which the M s -log(Mo) scaling changes. We conclude that the rate of moment release derived from events of M s >4.0 is small, and that it should be associated with horizontal and vertical velocity rates of less than 1 mm/yr, too small vo be confirmed by GPS measurements over short periods of time so that can be used to constrain hazard assessment.  相似文献   

五枚北宋时期含镍钱币的测试及探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
纯子 《中国钱币》2007,(3):14-16
我国历史上对自铜的记载,自晋以降,唐、宋、明、清均有文献可查。东晋常璩《华阳国志·南中志》载:“螳螂县因山得名,出银、铅、白铜、杂药”。近代国内外学者和爱好者对这种铜镍合金材质也多有研究报告见诸书刊。但高镍含量的实物标本检测报告则不多见。笔者从上世纪八十年代开始,注意研究这个课题,并有幸采集到五枚宋徽宗时期铸行的含镍金属流通货币。  相似文献   

Selected iron arrowheads and bolts retrieved from the destruction layer of the Crusader castle of Arsur/Arsuf, which was taken down by the Mamluk army (headed by Baybars) in late April 1265, were studied. Being the only site within the boundaries of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem that has thus far yielded more than 1200 iron arrowheads, an archaeometallurgical characterization was performed. The aim of this research was to study the warfare methods and manufacturing technologies used by the Mamluk and Crusader armies. Examination included optical microscopy, SEM and SEM–EDS, XPS and microhardness tests. Analysis was performed on both the metallic iron and iron oxides. Ferrous wooden ‘fossils’, which were found on and within the bolts, were dendroarchaeologically tested. The microstructure analyses show that the weapons were made of wrought iron. These results are correlated with the function of the weapons. The different microstructures of the arrowheads and the bolts indicate dissimilar manufacturing processes. The graphitization of the ropes on the bolts and the oxide phases on their surfaces both provide evidence of high‐temperature fire. The ropes support the archaeological findings that these devices were used by the Mamluks to set the Crusader castle on fire.  相似文献   

浅论西夏铁钱及铁钱专用区的设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西夏有铜钱和铁钱,铜钱中又分汉文钱 和西夏文钱。泉界对出土铜钱的研究,相对 较多、较深,而对铁钱的探讨,虽也有所涉 猎,但还比较薄弱。这里,笔者不揣浅陋, 就西夏铁钱的发现、分布特点、版别,特别 是西夏铁钱专用区的设置等问题,略陈管 见,并求教于同好。 一、西夏铁钱的发现及分布特点 西夏铁钱,早在清代就有发现,并在钱 谱中有所反映。嘉庆十四年(1809),初尚 龄《吉金所见录》,根据凉州(甘肃武威) 出土西夏窖藏钱币,第一次系统地著录了西 夏钱币,其中就有“天盛”、“乾”两种西 夏铁钱,这是文献中有关铁钱最早的记载。 此后…  相似文献   

Studies on Old South Arabian (OSA) coinage are rare and state‐of‐the‐art materials analysis for them lags far behind that of ancient Greece and Rome. Understandably, numismatists responsible for preserving their collections discourage destructive analyses. We have selected coins of the aesthetically and technically developed Himyarite Royal Raydan series (early first to late second century ce ), so‐called Old and New Style Athenian Imitations, among others to provide a wide spectrum of information on OSA coinage. We used non‐destructive neutron diffraction to ascertain the metal compositions and corrosion products. Density determinations using gas‐pycnometry support these experiments. The results provide detailed information with regard to a small, apparently homogeneous, selection of 10 Himyarite period specimens and first insights into the actual and the original metal compositions of about 90 coins of the three main OSA numismatic groups. The analytical results make clear which OSA coins originally were struck and which ones were cast. The analyses provide not only detailed information concerning the manufacture of the selected representative coins, but also suffice to cast a shadow on the reliability of commonplace macro‐optical classification, which proves often to be inaccurate.  相似文献   

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