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陕西丹凤县巩家湾遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Gongjiawan site.about 1200m^2, locates at Chafang township of Danfeng county. According to the stratigraphical deposits and the characteristics of the cuhural relics,Gongjiawan site can be mainly divided into three phases. The first phase is Yangshao Culture. The second is early period of Longshan Culture,which is discovered in the uper reaches of Danjing River for the first time,the discovery fills an important gap in developing alignment of archaeological cultures in this region. The third belongs to the middle--late era of the Western Zhou,which is different from that of the corresponding period of Guanzhong district, while is closed to that of Chu culture of the corresponding period of Hubei Province. The discovery is important for us to explore the distribution of Chu culture and cultural relation between Western Zhou and Chu ,at that lime.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of animal bone from the ash--pits of Yangshao and Longshan cultures at Gongjiawan site, Shaanxi province respectively. There are 18 species of animal altogether,including 2 invertebrate (namely Cipangaludina cathayensis and unio douglasiae) ,fish ,reptile ,bird (each has 1 species) and 13 mammalia. The pig,dog and ox were domestic and the rest were wild. Through analyzing of these animal sorts and animal differences between Yangshao culture(14species)and Longshan cultures (-8 species),the author gains the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment which is close to that of the middle--lower reaches of Changjiang river today and its change tendency in the region. The climate was becoming drier and cooler ,water area was becoming smaller from Yangshao to Longshan culture.  相似文献   

Tibetan opera is an ethnic and unique theatrical genre in the system of Chinese operas. All the ethnic operas in China are directly or indirectly akin to Han operas, so is Tibetan opera. As a member of the big family, Tibetan opera necessarily absorbs some artistic nutrition from other Chinese operas. As a result, it acquires the common style and some common formal characteristics of Chinese national operas as a whole. The generality just lies on the level of cultural genre and overall flavor, however. As for the entity of the theatrical art itself, Tibetan opera is basically and independently derived from Tibetan culture and art except for some indirect influences from Han operas. During Emperor Qiaulong's reign, some leaders of the Qing troops stationed in Tibet used to organize soldiers from Shaanxi and Gansu to perform Shaanxi opera in the army In the period of the Republic of China, the office of Commission on Mongolian and Tibetan affairs in Lhasa promoted opera performance to celebrate victory in the Anti-Japanese War, New Year's celebrations,  相似文献   

The discovery of the Niuheliang site aroused a lively discussion on the origin of Chinese civilization. The “Temple of Goodess“ and stone barrows with jades on the site involve two periods, i.e.the Neolithic Hongshan Culture and the Lower Xiajiadian Culture of the Bronze Age. This is especially evident judging from the bronzes and smelting vestiges revealed there. Therefore, this is especially evident judging from the bronzes and smelting vestiges revealed there. Therefore, the hypothesis of “dawn of civilization“ or “primitive civiliation“ and the like should not be used to summarize the social nature of the Hongshan Culture.  相似文献   

The Qing court first stationed troops in Tibet in the Yongzheng period (1723-1735). The purpose was to guarantee the safety of the Resident Minister of Tibet.According to Yue Zhongqi‘s memorial to the court in the fifth year of the Yongzheng reign period (1727): “If no garrison troops were sent to Tibet, we had to maintain armed forces in Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces in constant readiness for an emergency At the same timewe have to send officials to Tibet to protect the Dalai Lama. The court is now discussing sending a military officer to follow the imperial envoy to Tibet,  相似文献   

咸阳西魏谢婆仁墓清理简报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The tomb of Xie Poren is licated in the yard of the Post and Telegram School of Shaanxi Province in Xianyang City. This is an earthy catacomb tomb with single-chamber and a long sloping passage. The chamber door is sealed up with mud bricks. There is only one human skeleton in the middle of the chamber. Although being stolen seriously, the brick epitaph and “Wu Zhu“ Coin of Datong period are well-preserved. The excavation supplies new and important information to the reasearch of the Western Wei tombs.  相似文献   

1.Expenditure on troops stationedin Tibet(1) Source of military expenditureThe Qing court first stationed troops in Tibet inthe Yongzheng period (1723-1735).The purpose was toguarantee the safety of the Resident Minister of Tibet.According to Yue Zhongqi's memorial to the court inthe fifth year of the Yongzheng reign period (1727):“Ifno garrison troops were sent to Tibet,we had to main-tain armed forces in Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces inconstant readiness for an emergency.At the same time  相似文献   

This work is the result of a journey in North West Yunnan. The European architects try to identify and explain which the main characters of local authentic architecture are, and to define a basic grammar. Observing the ongoing trends of change, they make comments and give some basic personal suggestions about architectural conservation. Authenticity is not an absolute idea and it should be clear that the following observations come from a European conservationist point of view. The document is written in the perspective of promoting a conservation oriented to tourism development in the area.  相似文献   

As far as China-US relations are concerned,the Tibet issue is one of those that appeared only in the past 100 years.It has never been an essential one in China-US relations.However,from the day that the People's Republic of China (PRC) was established,the Tibet issue turned out to be a long-term factor which has exerted an influence on the relations between the two countries over an extended period of time.  相似文献   

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