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The efforts of interest groups to pass family and medical leave policies are illustrative of a dilemma confronting advocates of policy innovation. Faced with strong opposition from business lobbies and in many cases reluctant legislatures and veto-wielding executives, proponents of family and medical leave had to balance their desire to pass the policy they wanted against their desire to pass a policy. This study examines the family and medical leave policy process at the federal level and in three illustrative states. The study finds that coalitions of "insiders" are more likely to get family and medical leave policies enacted both because they have more political clout and because they are more likely to propose moderate bills and to be willing to compromise. However, the policies enacted by the insider coalitions generally cover barely half the population and are unpaid. This lends credibility to the arguments of members of "outsider" groups that there is a value in proposing more wide-ranging policies.  相似文献   

Mitchinson, Wendy The Nature of Their Bodies: Women and Their Doctors in Victorian Canada Vertinsky, Patricia A. The Eternally Wounded Woman: Women, Exercise, and Doctors in the Late Nineteenth Century Borst, Charlotte, G. Catching Babies: The Professionalization of Childbirth, 1870–1920 Apple, Rima, D. (ed.) Women, Health and Medicine in America: A Historical Handbook Rothman, Sheila Living in the Shadow of Death: Tuberculosis and the Social Experience of Illness in American History  相似文献   

In 1966,Ngawang Dorje served successively as a military lieutenant,party secretary of the district,subprefect and vice director of the People's Congress of the county.He is adept in agricultural production.Having formally retired,he was again reemployed by the county government to work in the agricultural development office of the county until finally retiring today.At present,he is living in his house located at Gyantse County in a comfortable and relaxed old age.  相似文献   

The first Iranian to study medicine abroad was sent to Britain by the Iranian government in 1811, during the early decades of the Qajar period (1796–1925). The second student was sent to France in 1815, along with four other students. Another group of five students, including the third student of medicine, was sent to France in 1845. Forty-two others, including five medical students, were dispatched to France in 1858. Most members of the latter group were among the first graduates of Tehran Dar al-Fonun (House of Techniques) School. Then, in 1928, during Reza Shah Pahlavi's reign (1925–41), a special act was passed by the Iranian parliament (Majlis) according to which the Ministry of Education would send 100 students abroad annually for higher education at the government's expense. The practice was suspended in 1935 with the advent of the Second World War. Between 1928 and 1935, a total of 640 students, including 125 medical students, were sent abroad. The majority of the medical students (84 percent) were sent to France. Most of these medical graduates returned to Iran and in subsequent years played a significant role in further propagation of modern medical knowledge in the country. The paper presents a brief historical account of the conditions of public health and medical education between 1811 and 1935 as well as biographical sketches of some of the best-known or most influential medical figures among these graduates.  相似文献   

Retrospective ‘diagnosis’ of clinical disorders of famous historical figures has been of medical interest. In the absense of a patient’s ‘body’, the validity of ‘physical symptoms’ and their interpretation by contemporary diagnostic criteria are questionable. When the symptoms have been gleaned from the patients’s effigy which, as in the case of Alexander the Great, is submerged in legend, the enterprise becomes inherently hazardous. In the present paper, some of the conceptual problems underlying retrospective diagnoses will be identified. Then the use of iconographic records, such as numismatics and sculpture, to provide evidence of clinical symptoms will be shown to be highly misleading.  相似文献   


The Medical Research Council (MRC) Programme on AIDS in Uganda is based at the Uganda Virus Research Institute of the Ugandan Ministry of Health in Entebbe on the shores of Lake Victoria. The programme was established following a request in 1988 from the Ugandan Government to the UK Government for assistance with AIDS, which had recently been discovered to be a large and growing health problem in the country. At that time Uganda had the worst published rates of HIV infection in the world. Over the past 10 years, Uganda has to some extent controlled its AIDS problem while other countries have been overtaken by even worse epidemics. From the outset of the epidemic Ugandan political leaders have discussed the dangers that HIV infection presented to the country and looked for support from community and opinion leaders, including religious groups. They have used available human resources in a relevant manner to trigger important social changes. Sex education is becoming integrated into the school curriculum, programmes have been established to improve the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases throughout the country, and the use of condoms has been actively and widely promoted through free distribution and social marketing. In Uganda today, experts estimate that 10–25% of the urban population and 4–10% of the rural population are infected with HIV.  相似文献   

葡萄是酸的,还是甜的?吃到的人说是甜的。想吃并认为自己也能吃到的人说是甜的(或者即使吃不到葡萄,但可以吃到其他美味的水果)——这是羡慕。想吃却担心吃不到的人说是酸的——这是嫉妒。想吃却根本吃不到的人会说是苦的,  相似文献   

This article examines the Royal Army Medical Corps’ (RAMC) recruitment problems throughout the Cold War (1945–1980s). It explores why the RAMC experienced difficulties in attracting new personnel, how the army tried to alleviate these shortages, and the impact of chronic understaffing on the quality of military health care for generations of soldiers and their families. It concludes by reflecting on the enduring dilemmas of recruiting professionals in peacetime.  相似文献   

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2000年5月1日 ,某旅行社组团广州、深圳.澳门环岛双飞五日豪华游,收费5760元 ,双方于4月22日签订了旅游协议书。协议约定房、餐、车及服务标准见团队行程。行程安排从北京乘CDA501航班赴佛山。游妈祖庙.旅行社发给游客的出团通知上也有“赴佛山游妈祖庙”字样。 但游客返京后投诉旅行社:“根据行程内容和出团通知都安排游妈祖庙。而实际游的是祖庙, 根本没有妈祖庙, 这是一种欺骗误导游客的骗钱行为.如果不去妈祖庙。我们根本不会报名.因此我们要求赔偿团款的 1/2和精神损失费 1000元.” 旅行社辩称:…  相似文献   

The reaction of British business to the decolonisation of the Empire has been the focus of much recent research, but few studies have shed light on the continued presence of commercial activities after independence. Barclays Bank DCO in Nigeria began indigenising its staff during decolonisation, but this process was far from complete at independence. African managers at Barclays were supposed to continue British banking traditions, while the post-colonial state hoped to gain more influence on foreign investment through the Nigerianisation of management. By the time the Nigerian civil war effectively ended in 1969 Barclays was only just beginning to come to terms with the ability and ‘character’ of its Nigerian managers, while the Nigerian state was moving towards more radical policies to control foreign business. This article aims to highlight the importance of Africanisation programmes for the structure and control of a major British bank trying to adapt first to the end of Empire and then to the post-colonial world.  相似文献   

偶尔从一本杂志上读到一篇《青蛙实验》的短文,使我联想到一些人的遭遇和命运,于是引发出这篇文字来。我想到读初中时教我们音乐课的一位教师──叶森老师。那是五十四年前,即一九四五年秋季,抗日战争胜利前后,叶老师从四川受聘来正安中学任教,当时我读二下。他毕业于四川音乐学院,音乐课自然是他的专长,但他不仅教音乐课,初中的任何课程他都能教;缺少教什么课程的老师,他都能顶上去,而且都教得好。他教了我们不少抗日进步歌曲,又组织全校的文娱演出活动,经常举办晚会和班级之间的歌咏比赛,一时间使学校充满生气,整个县城也…  相似文献   

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