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Doing a Florida thing: the creative class thesis and cultural policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we discuss the screen media businesses and production milieu that has developed in the predominantly rural region of the Northern Rivers, Australia, over the past 20 years. Spread across a number of towns and small cities each at some distance from each other, this screen milieu would seem to go against the prevailing logic for screen media to concentrate in globally connected cities. Taking up Allen J. Scott’s suggestion that the new capitalism of the twenty-first century is producing restructuring effects in many of the interstitial spaces between large cities, this article examines the spatial assemblages of the screen media and related creative industries sectors in one such space. We demonstrate how screen media actors in this rural region are participating in the wider cultural economy and explore its cultural policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the present structuring of postgraduate degrees in Australian geography is a recent phenomenon and could be altered. A case is made for more coursework and alternative forms of submission of research findings. The current dissemination of thesis information is criticised and a call made for better management to benefit readers and geography as a whole. The possibility is canvassed of a wider role for postgraduates in advancing human geography.  相似文献   

Animal fear can be an important driver of ecological community structure: predators affect prey not only through predation, but also by inducing changes in behaviour and distribution—a phenomenon evocatively called the “ecology of fear.” The return of wolves to the western United States is a notable instance of such dynamics, yet plays out in a complex socioecological system where efforts to mitigate impacts on livestock rely on manipulating wolves' fear of people. Examining Washington state's efforts to affect wolf behaviour to reduce livestock predation, we argue that this approach to coexistence with wolves is predicated on relations of fear: people, livestock, and wolves can arguably share landscapes with minimal conflict, as long as wolves are adequately afraid. We introduce the “socioecology of fear” as an interdisciplinary framework for examining the interwoven social and ecological processes of human-wildlife conflict management. Beyond frequently voiced ideas about wolves' “innate” fear, we examine how fear is (re)produced through human-wolf interactions and deeply shaped by human social processes. We contribute to the critical physical geography project by integrating critical social analysis with ecological theory, conducted through collaborative interdisciplinary dialogue. Such integrative practice is essential for understanding the complex challenges of managing wildlife in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

L'aviron et les donnees ethnographiques et iconographiques S. McGRAIL AND A. FARRELL Les auteurs exposent les problèmes que soulève l'interprétation des données iconographiques et font quelques suggestions pour appliquer la terminologie de la nage dans ce domaine. Ils présentent aussi, à l'aide d'exemples ethnographiques, diverses méthodes de nage.  相似文献   

The global city thesis by which Sassen (1991) has linked globalization with increased social polarization has attracted much attention and caused considerable discussion over the past decade. This article illustrates divergent approaches that have been taken to the study of social polarization and provides an overview of the issues that have been discussed in relation to the polarization debate. I argue that the global city thesis has been misleading and that the empirical work underlying it has been too limited. Thereafter I test the empirical basis for Sassen's thesis in an analysis of the distribution of wages in the New York Metropolitan Area during the period 1970 to 1990.  相似文献   

Surface archaeology has matured impressively during the past twenty years, largely as a result of intensive field studies in Mesoamerica, southwest Asia and various industrial countries. This article examines the major features of contemporary surface research, reviews the history of survey and selected examples of recent work in sub-Saharan Africa, and compares the state of surface archaeology in the sub-continent with global developments.
Résumé L'archéologie de surface a fait des progrès impressionnants pendant les vingt dernières années, surtout à cause de recherches intensives sur le terrain en Amérique Centrale, au Sud-Ouest de l'Asie, et dans divers pays industrialisés. Cet article examine les grands traits de la recherche contemporaine en surface, passe en revue l'histoire de la recherche régionale, et quelques exemples sélectionnés de travail récent en Afrique méridionale, et enfin il fait la comparaison entre l'état de l'archéologie de surface dans ce sous-continent et les developpements globaux.

饶志华 《攀登》2009,28(5):78-81
邓小平认为,不论在革命战争年代,还是在社会主义建设时期,政府都要管住金融。因为经济发展、政治稳定、社会和谐均需要政府管住金融。在中国市场化程度日益提高的今天,政府必须比以往任何时候更加重视金融工作,提高金融管理能力,加大金融改革开放力度,促进金融和谐发展。  相似文献   


Tourism research often tends to overlook both the mundane of the exotic and the exotic of the everyday. However, when acknowledging that exoticism is not necessarily linked to geographical distance, it is similarly possible to attribute touristic otherness to and experience unfamiliarity in a geographically proximate environment. This entails a need to rethink the intertwining relationships of meanings of the exotic and the mundane, as well as the ways people make meaning of their everyday environment through processes of territorialization and identification in a tourism context. Following this idea, these articles focus on the intraregional scale level and on the concept of proximity as a way of studying meanings and practices of tourism near home. In an attempt to strengthen the momentum of proximity tourism research, a double session (sponsored by the Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research Group) was organized during the Royal Geographical Society (RGS)-IBG (Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference which took place in September 2015 at the University of Exeter (UK). The sessions form the basis of this collection of articles, in which various aspects of proximity and intraregional tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines processes of state restructuring and technopole formation in Finland and in the Helsinki region and takes a critical stand towards the glocal state thesis. The relationship between the nation state and the capital region cities is analysed by focusing on the implications of recent national technology, regional and economic policy measures on the Helsinki region cities and on their responses to national policies. The characteristics of new urban competitiveness policies of the Helsinki region cities are scrutinized with particular attention to the efforts of constructing technopoles as new technology-based agglomerations of research and business activities. The article concludes that the glocal state thesis is inaccurate to describe the Finnish situation as it provides a picture of the nation state that is monolithic and too rigid. In some respects, the developments in Finland have moved in an almost opposite direction.  相似文献   

对中国出土青铜器修复与保护方法的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代青铜器是中国古代明的重要组成部分,以其丰富的铭、精美的纹饰及造型、高超的冶金和铸造技术及表面处理技术而闻名于世。大多数青铜器在出土时均有不同程度的损坏与腐蚀,因而需要对其进行修复与保护处理,以便于研究与陈列展出。  相似文献   

In 1521, the Spanish conquistadors defeated the Nahuas of Central Mexico. Spain was ruled at the time by the House of Habsburg, and its administrators became familiar with the German concept of Landschaft. By 1570, they used this concept to prepare and launch a survey of the indigenous communities which called themselves—and their lands—altepetl. The purpose of this paper is to show to what extent the terms Landschaft and altepetl are equivalent since modern scholars have described both as organized “communities” subject to a customary “law” and possessing a specific piece of “land”. The main obstacle for this comparison is that in the sixteenth century the Spaniards did not have a word equivalent to landscape, and they used words like pueblo, pago and pintura instead, depending on the context. This paper describes the general characteristics of the altepetl in Central Mexico and focuses on its representation by analysing some maps made after the conquest in the area of Cholula, current State of Puebla. The comparison of Landschaft, pueblo and altepetl in historical context is pertinent for cultural geographers since it was during the sixteenth century that the concept of landscape, as we know it today, was taking shape.  相似文献   

The structures and compositions of modern and fossil charcoal samples were compared in order to evaluate charcoal degradation processes in archaeological sites. Modern charcoal samples produced in campfires contain two major phases: graphite-like microcrystallites and a non-organized phase. These phases create a mosaic-like structure with differing relative proportions depending on the taxonomic source of the wood used. Fossil charcoal samples (Tel Dor, Israel: 3000 years BP and Kebara Cave, Israel: 40,000 years BP) also contained the graphite-like microcrystallites and the non-organized phases, but were clearly altered compared to modern charcoal. The graphite-like phase of the fossil charcoal has much higher electrical resistivity, and its ESR properties show that it has markedly altered surface electronic states. Infrared spectra show the presence of additional carboxylate groups. Oxidation has therefore altered the structure. This appears to be a “self-humification” process that affects the graphitic component, and probably the non-organized phase as well.  相似文献   

对当代中国马克思主义大众化研究的回顾与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡洪彬 《攀登》2009,28(1):12-16
党的十七大提出当代中国马克思主义大众化的科学命题,学术界就此进行了深入地研究与探讨,取得了丰硕的理论成果。回顾党的十七大以来关于当代中国马克思主义大众化的研究,有助于深刻把握当代中国马克思主义大众化的科学内涵及其现实意义,并使我们不断深化在这一研究领域的思考和认识。  相似文献   

1996年夏秋之际,新闻媒体陆续报道了祁县河湾村发现了一些与罗贯中有关的遗迹和遗物,引起了国内外学术界和广大群众的普遍关注。笔者通过多次赴河湾考察,认识不断加深,心中充满着一种强烈的震憾。这无疑是一项重要的发现。做为一个文物工作者,我应该对历史负责,有责任有义务从审视文物的角度出发,忠实地反映文物,忠实地反映历史,详尽调查和科学整理这些遗迹和遗物,编写调查报告,将有关资料公布于社会。 鉴于此,同年10月下旬,笔者再赴河湾,进行了为期7天的专题调查。测绘了罗氏宗祠,清理了相传罗本之墓,观察了《罗氏…  相似文献   

本课题组 《攀登》2005,24(Z1):120-122
近年来,青海省果洛州生态保护和建设在总体上取得了一定的成绩,但是仍突出地暴露出一些不容忽视的问题,成为构建果洛和谐社会的关键制约因素.因此,文章根据本地和谐生态构建的基本要求和可持续发展理论提出了一系列对策.  相似文献   

形式与型式不同,形式是高度概括化了的型式,是型式的升华。虽然仿古建筑形式是以每一个具体的建筑型式为蓝本;虽然仿古建筑形式在建筑型式上与古建筑几乎相同,但它已经完全脱离了具体型式的窠臼,如果仅停留在型式上的理解,那么对传统建筑的因袭照搬就在所难免,也是对仿古建筑形式的偏见。仿古建筑形式从20世纪50年代到上个世纪末,学术界一直处于理论上的探讨,褒贬不一,可以说它经历了一个坎坷不平的产生发展和成熟的过程。  相似文献   

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