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This article deals with two innovative public policy instruments instituted in North Rhine‐Westphalia (Germany) over the last two decades: the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Emscher Park and the regionalization of structural policies. Both instruments are characterized by the introduction of a greater flexibility, decentralization and new forms of organization as well as the integration of sectoral policies within the public sector. Paradoxically, these regionalized public policies have not been bottom‐up but rather top‐down. Their institution reflects the state's determination to show its ability to effect change despite the fact that overall structural changes in the economic and the political subsystems have severely curtailed public sector powers. The state demonstrates that aptitude by initiating diverse and case‐specific forms of restructuring the political apparatus. The article looks into the specific features of both policy instruments and tries to position the empirical evidence within the current debate on the shift in importance between various planning levels in Europe.  相似文献   

The paper compares two recent approaches of North Rhine‐Westphalia to promote the restructuring of old industrialized areas: the concept of IBA Emscher Park, a combination of expert networks and a regional development agency, and the concept of ‘Regional Conferences’, a regional round table device with the aim of defining regional development paths. The comparison focuses on the impact of the two approaches on regional policy‐making structures. Although both concepts adopt a network approach, regional conferences are comparatively weak devices focusing on common development schemes instead of projects, lacking strong power promoters, having weaker innovation incentives, being subject to counterproductive regimes and suffering from a discrepancy between conflicts to be resolved and conflict resolution capacity.  相似文献   

ICZM in Scotland has followed a voluntary approach to date through local coastal fora. The socio‐economic costs and benefits of these fora are assessed based on a two‐track approach. Much of the information is based on analysis of questionnaire returns from the individual fora, while the ecosystem services approach was adopted to model economic impacts of the fora activities at two scenario levels: low and high level ICZM. Key features of the fora are presented, as is their perceived impact on the economy. The value of Scotland's coastal zone is presented in the form of the annual value of ecosystem services.  相似文献   


Reindeer herding in Scandinavia has in recent years been studied as a common‐pool resource problem. In such studies the size of the herds are often analysed in relation to issues like economics, demography, and technology. In this article the author discusses the size of reindeer herds in relation to social and organisational issues in the light of experiences from an environmental assessment.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to present a conception of eco‐development as a model for the shaping of a broadly understood lifeworld. It seems to be especially promising in the new social reality of the post‐Communist states, where the lifeworlds have deteriorated badly, both at each spatial level as well as in its biophysical, psycho‐social and technical‐production aspects. First, an interaction model of a lifeworld is presented, followed by a conception of eco‐development with its basic, i.e. social, economic and technological, determinants. The article closes with a list of arguments for eco‐development as both an effective and humanist conception of socio‐economic development in its spatial dimension.  相似文献   

Changes in the spatial extent and duration of winter snow‐cover, both in Scotland and in a wider global context, have a number of socio‐economic and environmental implications. Evidence from Scottish climatological stations appears to suggest that the most marked decease in the number of days with snow lying has occurred since the late 1970s. Information on the effects of these changes was gathered using a questionnaire which was sent to key stakeholders. Responses suggest deleterious effects on winter recreation and sports, upland habitats and flood regimes in Scottish rivers. An extended snow‐free season has affected access to, and management of, Scottish land.  相似文献   

Romanucci‐Ross, Lola. Mead's Other Manus: Phenomenology of the Encounter. Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey, 1985. xxii + 230 pp. including maps, pictures, appendices, references and selected bibliography, and index. $24.95 cloth.  相似文献   

This paper traces the evolution of the environmental implications. Future prospects for tourism in Malta since 1955. Data derived from a questionnaire survey of tourists are used to demonstrate the problems of the industry: discussion focuses on its uneven impact on the Maltese islands, the over‐dependence on British visitors, the seasonality problem, the inadequacies of the infrastructure and the industry are briefly assessed along with marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Three different Scottish peat bogs were sampled, dated and analysed for carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations. The mean long‐term apparent rate of C accumulation (LARCA) for the three bogs is 213 g C m~2 yr‐1’ over the past eight to nine thousand years, comparable to estimates from other parts of the world with similar climate conditions. Within the catotelm portion of peat sequences, the LARCA is variable, ranging from 4.1 to 72.5 g C m~2 yr~1. Rates were highest in the early Holocene, in peat rich in woody fragments, and lowest in the mid‐Holocene during drier periods, followed by increased rates during the late Holocene. Analysis of C/N ratios shows a significant positive correlation with peat humification. This may be because past changes in bog wetness affected the C/N ratios of newly forming peat by altering rates of N mineralisation and loss before incorporation of peat into the catotelm.  相似文献   

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