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This study presents lessons learned from the application of mixed methods during three field visits to central Mediterranean islands over an eight-year period to learn about and from visitors who voluntarily paid to experience ecotourism. The study outlines various challenges encountered in research in small island settings. Such challenges include logistical difficulties to reach islands, including those originating from weather conditions, difficulty in practising observation in small communities, sampling dilemmas, different levels of trust and willingness to disclose views among interview participants, lack of standardised data, language barriers that may limit who conducts research on specific islands, and substantial fluctuations in population size throughout the year. Findings show that the choice and application of methods for island research need to be informed by island dynamics; this entails adapting methods and using different data collection techniques to mitigate challenges arising from island settings. The study also outlines the need of more research in the application of mixed methods when studying islands.  相似文献   

把花厅墓地随葬的陶器划分为大汶口式、良渚式、薛家岗式和大汶口-良渚式、大汶口-薛家岗式,把玉器划分为良渚式、花厅式和融合式。根据随葬品的文化属性推测该花厅居民有大汶口人、良渚人和薛家岗人,大汶口人接受了良渚人的玉文化,良渚人和薛家岗人接受了大汶口的重要丧葬习俗。随着良渚人进入花厅,花厅由原来的富人和平民两个阶层分裂为贵族、富人和平民三个阶层,并使花厅由简单社会向复杂社会变化。三个不同考古学文化的先民在花厅共生共存,创造了面貌较为复杂和多样的考古学文化。  相似文献   

蜜瓜 《旅游纵览》2012,(6):34-37
<正>对于美洲大陆古印第安人所曾经拥有的辉煌国度和璀璨文明历史一直非常向往,尤其是神乎其神的玛雅文明以及传说已久的2012年预言。如今有机会在"世界毁灭"之前来到墨西哥旅游,并有机会在墨西哥城的国家人类学博物馆泡上一天,  相似文献   

Loring M. Danforth with photography by Alexander Tsearas. The Death Rituals of Rural Greece. 1982. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 170 pages (text) with 31 photographs. $30.00 cloth, $12.50 paper.  相似文献   

Burghart, Richard, and Audrey Cantlie, eds. Indian Religion. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. xi + 258 pp. including chapter references. $27.50 cloth.

Marglin, Frédérique Apffel. Wives of the God‐King: The Rituals of the Devadasis of Puri. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1985. xv + 388 pp. including plates, bibliography, glossary, and index. $29.95 cloth.  相似文献   

<正>海鹦是鸻形目海雀科的鸟类,亦称海雀,主要生活在挪威北部的沿海地区。海鹦是一种可爱的鸟,身长约30厘米,长得呆头呆脑的,眼睛小小,看上去像是画了夸张的眼线,而最有趣的就是那硕大的鸟喙,还是红黄艳丽色彩,长得就好像戏曲演员似的。海鹦喜欢群居,把巢穴筑在沿海岛屿的悬崖峭壁上的石缝沟中或洞穴里。巢穴主要用作休息、睡觉和储藏食物。平时在大海的上空展翅飞翔。  相似文献   

Island Southeast Asia extends across both the equatorial and the intermediate tropical zones of world climate, and it also spans a region of complex and geologically unstable land and sea relationships. The Sundaland region in the west and the isolated islands of Wallacea in the east both witnessed complex trajectories of human movement and evolution during the Pleistocene. The record of human evolution in Sundaland is still affected by uncertainties over phylogeny, dates, and archaeological correlations. Initial human settlement across Huxley's Line into Wallacea cannot at present be proven to be older than the Late Pleistocene. Stone tool industries dating to within the past 40,000 years are described, including new discoveries which indicate a surprising level of technological virtuosity. Human populations of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene are also considered in terms of skeletal and genetic data, particularly with respect to the rather controversial antecedents of the present, mainly Mongoloid, population. The article terminates its coverage at about 2000 B.C., within the period characterized by the expansion of speakers of Austronesian languages and by the expansion of agriculture into a porous and often-resistant network of hunter-gatherer societies. The archaeological and ethnographic records of the region bear witness to a continuous but dwindling existence of hunting and gathering right through to the present day. While the results of archaeology occupy a central position in the reconstruction of Southeast Asian prehistory, a proper understanding can be achieved only if a multidisciplinary standpoint is adopted.  相似文献   

M. H. Crawford and P. L. Workman, eds. Methods and Theories of Anthropological Genetics. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1973. xv + 509 pp. Figures, tables, references, and index. $20.00.  相似文献   

<正>大约一万年前,地壳运动导致海平面升高,淹没了低洼的土地,才形成了今天独立的袋鼠岛。纯净的袋鼠岛就像大自然的孩子,无忧无虑,随心生长。袋鼠岛是澳大利亚的第三大岛,居民却只有4500人,岛上1/4的面积是国家公园,其余的3/4也被牧场和原生的灌木丛覆盖着,于是,这座名副其实的自然之岛成了动物的乐园,在这里看到的每一种动物都是在自然状态下。我对它们说:很开心,到家里来看望你。  相似文献   

This essay considers the anthropology of childhood's recent growth. It summarizes the sub-field's extensive if often unacknowledged past, reviews its late 20th-century bourgeoning, and then highlights three influential teaching texts, each of which argues for a more considered, culturally informed understanding of children and childhood while performing the vital service of bringing together heretofore scattered ideas and data. To ensure the field's further maturation, scholars must leverage what an integrative, four-fields approach has to offer, attend to the conjoined, coterminous, and coeval facets of adulthood and childhood; leverage what an integrative, four-fields approach has to offer; expand the pediatric lens; and otherwise guard against our own cultural biases.  相似文献   

Biographies of anthropologists are widely recognized as useful for the history of science and the discipline. Introducing this special issue “Biographies of Anthropologists,” I argue that they not only provide information about anthropology, but also data for anthropology because they are studies of human agents enmeshed in social and cultural contexts, comparable to life histories of ethnographic informants. Biographies of anthropologists are of similar importance for empirical and theoretical anthropology as ethnographies, grammars, and monographs in archaeology and biological anthropology. They depict cultural dynamics from a person-centered, intimate, experience-near, and diachronic perspective on anthropology's cluster of sodalities.  相似文献   

Anthropological research in recent decades has become increasingly multi-sited, envisioning the local as an iteration of world-systemic processes, and following the movement of people, things and ideas across the typical boundaries of sites. This review essay examines four edited volumes concerned with such mobility and dislocation. The cultural anthropological volumes engage with the strengths and perceived weaknesses of multi-sited ethnography, the advantages of following people and themes across space, and the definition of sites by topic rather than by place. The archaeological collections move beyond typologies that have constrained archaeological investigations of movement through the study of the material practices that constituted social landscapes of mobile and settled peoples. Although the reviewed volumes offer important methodological distinctions and theoretical engagements, all four provide numerous ethnographic and ethnoarchaeological views of the delocalization of anthropological research, including claims for the utility of collaborative partnerships, the following of paths across space and time, and the reconsideration of the fixity and centrality of contemporary, historic and prehistoric places.  相似文献   

Stockard, Janice E. Daughters of the Canton Delta: Marriage Patterns and Economic Strategies in South China, 1860–1930. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989. xv + 221 pp. including maps, appendices, references, and index. $32.50 cloth.

Watson, Rubie S. and Patricia Buckley Ebrey, eds. Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. xvii + 385 pp. including figures, map, contributors and index. $49.50 cloth, $14.95 paper.  相似文献   

Historical and anthropological archaeology have had a somewhat disjointed relationship. Differences in theoretical perspectives, methodological concerns, and material records have led to a lack of cross talk between these branches of Americanist archaeology. This paper presents recent issues in historical archaeology, points out areas of common concern, and argues that both archaeologies would benefit from informed discussions about the materiality and history of the pre- and post-Columbian world.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on some of the dilemmas within my shifting roles over the last twenty years as helper/friend/member of the Katherine Indigenous community in the Northern Territory of Australia and then, as anthropologist. During this period, indigenous calls for land rights have been increasingly interpreted in the terms of ‘bourgeois law’ (Collier et al. 1995). Indigenous identities have become the focus of intense public scrutiny as they define eligibility for scarce resources. Fighting over the scraps of what was once a wholistic indigenous landscape, some of Australia's indigenous peoples have begun to turn upon each other, in the struggle for recognition. Anthropologists as the scribes of indigenous identities are placed in invidious positions, and are easily accused of participating in (neo)colonial endeavours. This paper takes some small steps towards locating an anthropological praxis in this land rights/native title arena of power.  相似文献   

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