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始于日本中世末期的“兵农分离”是日本历史上重要的阶层演变。然而“兵农分离”并非是靠丰臣秀吉的一纸命令所完成的。在战国初期,“兵”与“农”就由于其政治、经济、社会等原因开始分离。政治上,大名成长及农民斗争的加剧导致了武士与农民的分化;经济上,由于农业新技术使用、生产力提高使得庄园制解体,从而导致在地中小领主丧失独立性,成为大名家臣;军事上,枪的传入改变了日本战争模式,足轻武士被大量使用,步兵集团战、规模战为职业军人的产生提出要求,武士从而脱离生产。因此“兵”与“农”分离持续了战国时代的一个世纪左右,最终丰臣秀吉及德川家康政权分别用命令与法律形式固定下来,近世武士才得以产生。  相似文献   

This article analyses the visual figuration of children during the Chilean Popular Unity government (1970–1973) in a diverse archive of photographs, posters, album covers, magazines, and comics. First, it reads the realist representation of children in photography, which emphasises the dramatics of poverty as a form of establishing a photographic “civil contract” (Azoulay, The Civil Contract of Photography, 2008). Second, it interprets posters and texts concerning the Allende government’s Plan de Leche (Milk Plan) as an affirmative biopolitics. It concludes by showing that the children on illustrated posters are the idealised version of childhood projected by adults as a way of imagining a coming community.  相似文献   

Doña Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer, known as ‘La Quintrala,’ a seventeenth-century aristocratic woman of mixed ancestry accused of torture, witchcraft, and murder, has persisted as a recurring figure in the Chilean imaginary. While literary representations of this figure have been well explored, this article contributes an examination of two visual narratives, paying particular attention to the manner in which genre and context influence the repurposing of this violent woman: the 1986 teleserie La Quintrala, produced by Chile's state-owned television station (TVN), and the Chilean newspaper Las últimas noticias's 2008 comic ‘La Quintrala y el Cristo de Mayo.’ The teleserie, a product of the Pinochet era, positions her as an antithesis to the ideal Chilean woman, simultaneously denying her agency and condemning her. The comic echoes the rhetoric of the Concertación governments as it prominently links La Quintrala's downfall and redemption to the genesis of modern Chile at the cost of her distinctive racial and gendered characteristics. Ultimately, each work employs the structure of confession to recall her crimes while rejecting the female agency and racially mixed heritage La Quintrala represents.  相似文献   


On most late prehistoric and early historic settlement sites all over the world, pottery is the most abundant material recovered by archaeologists. Analysis of pottery provides information about the chronological position and cultural affiliation of a site, as well as about techniques of manufacture, organization of production, trade relations, and patterns in the social structure of the community. Here, a new approach is presented that focuses on pottery as a principal factor in the visual world of the people who made and used it. Pottery from the Early Iron Age settlement of Hascherkeller in southern Germany is examined in the context of the physical and social world of which the community was a part. It is argued that the shapes, textures, and decoration of the pottery refer to other elements of the physical world. This approach offers a new way to understand how prehistoric people responded to economic and political changes through the purposeful fashioning of their material culture.  相似文献   

论文以民国代表性华侨著述的序、跋为切入点,分析阐述了民国南洋华侨文献出版热的背景和民国南洋华侨文献的出版特征,进而对民国公众认知中的"南洋观"进行了辨析。认为经济因素是民国南洋华侨研究热和出版热的内趋动力,经济话语贯穿南洋华侨研究文献始终。在"南洋作为常识"的出版热中,大众"南洋观"逐渐形成并呈现出流变性,即从我族中心主义转为基于经济互惠前提的平等合作、共存共荣的全新视角。目前呈散点分布状态的民国南洋华侨研究专题文献,亟待整合建构,由此发掘在大中国民族主义整一性视域下被遮蔽的辨证的"南洋"认知,有利于从源头破解历史上南洋华人与土著、中国与东南亚在各自的民族主义强势话语影响下形成的刻板成见,深化"一带一路"沿线国家国别史及华侨(华人)史研究。  相似文献   

THIS PAPER EXPLORES how noblemen expressed themselves in late-medieval Scandinavian castles, in the buildings and in the landscape. The focus is on decorated stone tablets with coats of arms and memorial texts found on the castle walls, but the landscape setting of the castles is also discussed. The examples considered here are Glimmingehus in Scania, in present-day southern Sweden, and Olofsborg in eastern Finland — both erected in the late 15th century. The locations of stone tablets in the castles are investigated, as well as who was able to see them and share their messages. It is argued that while the coats of arms and memorial texts were situated to convey ideas to an aristocracy, the landscape context of the castle mediated messages of social status to a wider public.  相似文献   

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