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清代科尔沁农耕的发展及其支持条件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
清代是近几个世纪以来科尔沁土地利用/土地覆盖变化的一个转折点。文章通过复原清代科尔沁垦殖的出现及其扩展过程,总结出该时期科尔沁农耕发展的时空特征,并在此基础上进一步分析了农耕发展的自然和人文诸影响因子。研究还表明:通过清代近200年的农耕,科尔沁从纯游牧地区演变成农牧并存区,但清代的垦殖并未造成大规模的土地沙漠化。  相似文献   

清代塞外围场格局与动物资源盛衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清代的塞外围场,建于山深林茂之区,有丰富的动植物资源,地域相连,功能各异,政治军事地位十分重要。清皇室决定着围场资源的利用方式和占有形式,康乾时期不间断的军事演练式的行围对围场动物资源衰减有重要影响,嘉道停围后,骑射演武的军事功能荡然无存,但动物资源衰减依旧势不可遏。塞外围场分布格局、资源存在结构及分配形式改变,围场体系完结。  相似文献   

承德市位于河北省的东北部,南临燕山长城,北倚内蒙古高原,总面积为39548平方公里,人口353万。其中满族人口为118万,占全市总人口的38.2%。在所辖8县3区中,设有丰宁、宽城两个满族自治县,一个围场满蒙自治县。这里山川秀丽、资源丰富、气候宜人。明末清初,蒙古诸部在这块土地上携毡帐、水草游牧和狩猎。康熙、乾隆年间清廷为团结蒙古、藏等民族,为巩固统一的多民族国家,在这里设立了木兰围场、避暑山庄和外八庙。每年或隔年“举秋犭尔大典”,在避暑山庄接见蒙藏等少数民族王公贵族,处理国家军政要务,使承德成为清代前期统治全国的第二个政治…  相似文献   

清代东北围场开放问题,是清代东北史研究中久未问津的一个题目。本文拟就吉林围场、盛京围场开放过程及与此有关问题,作些初步探讨。 一、道咸以来东北地区所面临的危机 一八四○年鸦片战争后,中国逐渐成为列强瓜分的对象。十九世纪末二十世纪初我国内地与边疆普遍出现危机。东北地区界临日俄,一八六一年营口开港,外国势力伸入东北地区。《瑗珲条约》、《北京条约》  相似文献   

清代乡村道德生活是清代公共道德生活的一个重要的方面。虽然由于受地理环境、商品经济发展程度、地域文化、宗教观念等因素的影响,因而不同地区的乡村道德生活有所不同,但是,它们都是围绕着土地、水、安全等生存资源与乡村控制权、宗族名气和地位等社会资源而展开的。由于清代乡村并非是一个真正自治的社会,因此,清代乡村道德生活就受到了内生道德与外生道德、内生权力与外生权力的共同影响,其目的在于维持乡村正义和乡村生活秩序。  相似文献   

“国语骑射”作为清代基本国策,为保留八旗兵具有国语骑射的特技,清廷先后设置京畿永定门外的南苑围场.热河木兰围场、盛京围场、吉林围场、黑龙江围场。五大围场中东北占有其三。笔者疏拢了一些关于东北围场的资料,试就东北围场有关问题加以论述,求教史界。 一 清代东北围场最初设于天命四年,康熙年间分为三大围场。据光绪三十四年版《西安乡土志》载:“国朝天命四年,灭叶赫后设大围场”。《东三省政略》也载:“天命四年九月壬申,克叶赫东城,降西城,设盛京围场协领管守。”①由此可知,天命四年,努尔哈赤于叶赫故地草创东北围场。天聪、崇德年间,清太宗皇太极经常至围场狩猎。天聪六年十月丁亥,皇太极“率诸贝勒出地载门,往猎于叶赫地方”②。翌年十二  相似文献   

对于拥有着古老传统的农耕民族而言,土地神在我国民间是十分为百姓所熟知爱戴的神祇,其在明代传奇戏剧中也得到了充分的描摹刻画.而由于明传奇中的土地神存活于戏剧剧本之中,与现实民间信仰中的土地神存在一定差异.在文本语境的关怀下,神性褪色、人性张扬,也使得土地神在角色形象、地位职司等方面展现出别样鲜明的特点.  相似文献   

论日本早期封建土地所有制的二重性王顺利封建土地所有制问题,历来是史学界争论较大的问题。大化革新中建立的土地制度,也是日本史学家讨论的热门话题。在这种土地制中,国家、贵族、农民对各种土地的占有和使用各具有什么样的权力?这种权力的性质如何并向什么方向发展...  相似文献   

谁来复兴木兰围场?清代最出名的行宫,除了北京的圆明园、颐和园之外,便是河北承德的避署山庄。它是清帝举行“木兰秋狝”时的驻跸之所。届时皇帝会带着蒙古王公在“周一千三百余里,南北相距二百余里,东西相巨三百余里”的木兰围场上驰骋捕猎。  相似文献   

我国鸭绿江右岸从水源域到江口城的绵长广阔地区,历史上多有朝代更迭。清代的封禁、边禁,使这一地区的开垦出现过旗兵屯垦、韩民越垦、流民私垦和展边招垦等形式。旗兵屯垦是按下承种,拨给耕牛,助给农器口粮,另外也有报领荒地等做法。突发的自然灾害和外敌入侵,使韩民越垦在清代呈迅速增长之势,其垦种往往视法令之紧弛,由朝耕暮归而春越秋还,而伐木建屋久住,有许多人后来成了占山户的佃农。清代流民潜入鸭绿江右岸屡屡以有碍围场、危害旗人等为由而遭限制,但终如破堤洪水,莫能禁逐。在大批流民偷垦的驱动下,清统治者出于经济的与政治的考虑,不得不反复派员勘查,开禁展边招垦。清代鸭绿江右岸荒地的开垦是个复杂的历史过程,是众多民族共同参与的重大活动,它开发了我国辽东边疆地区的土地资源,促进了该地区的经济发展,形成了该地区的政治建制,激励了该地区各民族的团结,是历史之一大进步。  相似文献   

A technique for measuring total resource potential is proposed. For a selected set of resources (coal, oil and gas, iron ore, hydro power, timber, arable land, forage land), reserves are divided by the estimated period of use to obtain annual productivity. The resources are then valued in terms of a set of unit prices. The inclusion of agricultural land resources tends to assign a greater role to the Western portions of the USSR than is normally the case in resource estimates. The significance of the mineral-rich Eastern regions is also understated by limiting reserve estimates to those that are likely to be accessible in the foreseeable future (10 to 15 years). Resource density per unit area shows particularly high values for the southern agricultural regions, especially where they are combined with significant mineral and hydro resources. Resource availability per 1000 population shows expectedly high values for the sparsely populated Eastern regions of the USSR.  相似文献   

本文利用珠江三角洲1988、1998、2006年三个时相的建设用地解译数据,定量分析建设用地扩展与工业化之间的耦合关系。从珠江三角洲的经验来看,工业化进程越快,建设用地扩展越剧烈;工业化水平与建设用地空间形态变化之间呈现典型的"U"型曲线关系;建设用地的利用效率与它所承载的产业活动的经济效率存在紧密关系,建设用地效率的提高过程与产业结构高级化的演进过程是高度一致的。由此可见,工业化与土地利用两者之间互为因果,相互推动,共同构成"土地-经济"互动系统。必须将用地结构优化与产业升级以及环境再造相结合,才能真正实现土地资源的优化配置。  相似文献   

Michael Turner's edition of Tate's Domesday draws upon the uneven estimates provided in enclosure acts and awards. For 35 sample acts and awards in Cumberland, Durham, Northumberland and Westmorland estimates of the acreages enclosed are compared with actual acreages of land allotted. Estimates in early acts are less accurate than in later acts, and estimates for parishes where only small areas were enclosed are proportionately less accurate than those for which large areas were enclosed.  相似文献   


The article provides an in-depth analysis of local governance in the North Caucasus, by example of land tenure conflicts in Kabardino-Balkaria. We follow an iterative analytical strategy, systematically combining qualitative case studies to develop grounded hypotheses, with subsequent statistical hypothesis testing. Based on fieldwork conducted in Kabardino-Balkaria, we identify the most relevant patterns and dynamics of natural resource governance. Our research shows that there are three dominant patterns. The first pattern is formed in areas where land is of little value and communities are left to themselves to solve issues. In the second case, larger businesses with state backing manage to monopolize land resources and sideline local communities. In the third case, local communities are strong enough to defend their control over external attempts to take hold of land resources. Finally, we use original survey data to further investigate plausible causes for stronger and weaker local self-governance and its consequences for state-society relations. We show that local self-government (LSG) lacks independence, and its functional quality depends on the degree of state interference via patronage. Despite this challenging environment, we find that higher perceptions of LSG quality predict more trust in the state at central and subnational level.  相似文献   

A prevailing characteristic of complex, stratified societies is unequal access to critical resources, and in most cases land is the most fundamental of those resources. Gaining an understanding how relations to land are transformed is viewed as integral to revealing the origins of social inequality. Recent scholarship has proposed an evolution of property rights in land from open access to private property, the latter condition having been attributed to nation states. However, some scholars have concluded from their examinations of Early Medieval Irish texts that land within Irish chiefdoms was regarded as a commodity. The analysis carried out in this paper reveals that in Early Medieval Ireland some land could be considered to be private property, but the holding and transfer of land was restricted to chieftains and their dependents, the lands of commoners being held communally. The closest counterpart to this mode of land ownership is the form of feudalism proposed for the Classic and Post-Classic Maya.  相似文献   

This article examines Zimbabwean land politics and the study of rural interventions, including agrarian reform, more broadly, using the analytical framework of territorialized ‘modes of belonging’ and their ‘cultural politics of recognition’. Modes of belonging are the routinized discourses, social practices and institutional arrangements through which people make claims for resources and rights, the ways through which they become ‘incorporated’ in particular places. In these spatialized forms of power and authority, particular cultural politics of recognition operate; these are the cultural styles of interaction that become privileged as proper forms of decorum and morality informing dependencies and interdependencies. The author traces a hegemonic mode of belonging identified as ‘domestic government’, put in place on European farms in Zimbabwe's colonial period, and shows how it was shaped by particular political and economic conjunctures in the first twenty years of Independence after 1980. Domestic government provided a conditional belonging for farm workers in terms of claims to limited resources on commercial farms while positioning them in a way that made them marginal citizens in the nation at large. This is the context for the behaviour of land‐giving authorities which have actively discriminated against farm workers during the politicized and violent land redistribution processes that began in 2000. Most former farm workers are now seeking other forms of dependencies, typically more precarious and generating fewer resources and services than they had accessed on commercial farms, with their own particular cultural politics of recognition, often tied to demonstrating support to the ruling political party.  相似文献   

Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire is often considered a well-preserved ancient landscape, subsequently having survived by way of centuries of management as a hunting preserve. Archaeological evidence suggests otherwise, with an enclosed landscape beginning in the pre-Roman Iron Age and continuing through the Roman period. Due to the nature of the region’s soils, however, there is little empirical, palaeoecological evidence on its environmental history prior to the medieval period. This paper presents an insect fauna from a Roman well in a small enclosure in north Nottinghamshire, on the edge of Sherwood Forest, and its interpretation in terms of contemporary land use. Wells and small pools act as large pitfall traps and may effectively sample aspects of the local and regional insect fauna. The Wild Goose Cottage fauna and its environmental implications are also compared with a number of archaeologically and geographically similar contexts.  相似文献   

There were three kinds of financial transactions involving rights of land during the Qing Dynasty: debt financing through rights of land, the direct transferring of the rights of land, and the transaction of shares. This article attempts to clarify the confusion between several types of debt financing through rights of land. Ya 押 was loan through land as guaranty and repaying the interest and capital by the rent of land or harvest. Dian 典 was loan through temporary transferring of usage rights and harvest in a certain period of time. Dang 当 referred to various types of loans which involved the rights of land. Di 抵 meant using a certain portion of land right as repayment of debt. Similar with modern financial methods, these financial transactions in the Qing Dynasty allowed peasants to preserve their possessive rights over the land and also satisfied their financial needs. The direct transactions of rights of land and repayment of debt by harvest included juemai 绝卖 (finalized sale of land), huomai 活卖 (not finalized sale of land), dianquan dingtui 佃权顶退 (sell or purchase tenancy), zhaojia 找价 (price add-on after transaction), and huishu 回赎 (redemption). The main purpose of these transactions was to protect the land proprietors as far as possible. Share transaction and co-tenancy of land also appeared in the Qing Dynasty. Such diverse financial transactions not only were substitutes of modern financing tools which allowed peasants to weather financial hardship, but also promoted the changing ownership of land which further encouraged the combination of different production elements and reallocation of resources in the land market. This paper is the research result of the National Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project “Market of land rights and the evolution of its system, 1650–1950.”  相似文献   


It is an acknowledged fact that historical centers, given its significance from the cultural and architectural viewpoint, bring further challenges in terms of maintenance planning, survey, and safety assessment. The preparation of an adequate investigation plan and the extent of data to be collected is highly reliant on many aspects, such as the category of the architectonic asset, the importance of the heritage site, or the resources available, for example. In what regards the seismic response assessment of urban cultural heritage assets located in historical centers, the amount and detail of data also depend on this article, scale of assessment, and current state of conservation and occupation. Within this framework, this article provides an overview of the state of the art of investigation techniques currently used in survey operations, which are currently available for improving the knowledge level of urban cultural heritage assets within historical centers, as a supporting tool for the seismic response assessment of such singular assets. Finally, acknowledging the lack of accuracy when evaluating the seismic response of an asset enclosed in aggregate as an isolated structure, this article also focuses on the identification of the main particularities inherent to buildings enclosed in aggregate.  相似文献   

Modern perceptions of a past characterised by ignorance and disregard for the environment overlook widely supported attempts by Europeans to protect Australia’s biophysical resources. An environmental and financial crisis in the rangelands of the Western Division of New South Wales was investigated by the Royal Commission into the Condition of the Crown Tenants of 1901. This crisis and royal commission are famous evidence of a profound mismatch between early pastoralism and the land. But, less famously, the royal commission and the subsequent Western Lands Act, 1901, were part of a widely supported and deep commitment to better adapt pastoralism to its environment. The failure of this commitment to achieve lasting change to the way the land was used over succeeding decades illustrates the intransigence of our basic systems of land use.  相似文献   

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