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近代以来,随着新型政党的出现和学生运动的发展,政党介入学生运动成为一种常态。学生运动不但成为政党表达政治诉求、进行政治斗争的一种方式,还在很大程度上决定着政治斗争的胜负。因此对于一个政党来说,学运策略的优越与否,将在很大程度上决定其命运,而构成学运策略最核心的三个要素是"组织""宣传"与"行动"。"五二〇"运动是抗战胜利后国统区爆发的最具代表性的学生运动,通过对这次运动中国共两党学运策略的比较分析,可以发现国共两党在学运策略的运用水平上存在着巨大的差异,而这种差异不但决定了"五二〇"运动的结果,更深远地影响了战后中国的历史进程。  相似文献   

王容  陈震 《巴蜀史志》2014,(6):43-46
20世纪20年代,学生运动风起云涌,地处偏僻地区的南充,却能紧跟时事,不仅在当地开展声势浩大的学生运动。还能响应其他地方的民众运动,发声声援,可圈可点之余,也让我们不得不重新审视民国名人张澜与近代南充地区学运的关系。  相似文献   

李克农1889年9月15日出生在安徽巢县。自幼受进步思想影响,后参加学生运动,被誉为“学运先锋”。1926年冬加入中国共产党。  相似文献   

一九一九年六月十六日至十八日,各省学生代表齐集上海,召开了全国学生联合会的成立大会。自此全国中等以上学校的学生有了自已的统一组织,加强了对全国学生运动的领导,实为五四运动中学运方面的重大事件。  相似文献   

五四前夕学生集体身份的建构遵循着一个自上而下和自下而上的双向互动过程,有着强烈国民身份意识的新学生因此而大量出现。在五四运动的高潮阶段,国民身份意识是主导五四学生的最高身份意识。中国政府和社会精英对五四学生国民身份意识的培养与灌输,在很大程度上具有“刻意而为之”的倾向。五四学生的国民身份意识是促使学生运动政治转向的内在诱因,学生运动的政治激进化超越了北京政府的可控范围。结果,当局者往往无法控制那些具有强烈国民身份意识的学生群体。在五四运动后期,学生界面临国民身份意识与学生身份意识的认同困惑,社会舆论对学生的身份资格也发生各种争论,客观上促进了学生界的思想分化。在此背景下,1920年春北京政府对干政学生的身份界定,不仅暂时有效地取缔了学生运动,也是对其在此之前刻意提倡学生国民身份意识行为的一次否定。  相似文献   

早期共青团福建地方组织和中共福建地方组织在领导福建工农革命运动的过程中,正确认识无产阶级政党的阶级基础和中国民主革命的依靠力量,将学生运动与工农运动相结合,使福建革命斗争的面貌焕然一新;面对大革命失败后的白色恐怖,迅速将力量转入农村,为福建土地革命战争和苏维埃运动的发轫准备了条件,展示了其作为中国共产党领导下的无产阶级政党组织在政治上、思想上、斗争实践上高度成熟的特点。  相似文献   

解放前,以学生群众为先锋的爱国民主运动同国民党反动政府之间的斗争,是配合人民解放战争的第二条战线。在中共武汉地下市委领导下,党的秘密外围组织“学工组”(全国学联武汉工作组的简称),在汉口市一男中(现名武汉市第一中学)从组建到发展,通过“宣传、组织、团结、斗争”,逐步成为全市中学学运的一支骨干力量,并与武汉大学为中心的其他大中院校革命抗争合流,积极开展爱国民主运动,在武汉学运史上谱写了战斗篇章,发挥了应有作用。  相似文献   

“沈崇事件”在40年代后期曾轰动一时,并由此引发了北平学运风潮。而国民党当局慑于美国的压力,竟听任美国政府让肇事者消遥法外,而对学生运动、社会舆论大加压制。《美兵强暴沈崇事件始末》一文对事情的经过作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

6月19日.法国前总理多米尼克·德维尔潘在巴黎宣布成立名为“团结共和”运动的新政党,目标直指2012年总统选举。德维尔潘在新政党成立大会上发表演讲称。新政党是一个“独立、超越党派”的运动,将为法国人民提供另外一种选择。  相似文献   

万慧芬 《百年潮》2014,(2):61-64
正说到焦菊隐,人们首先想到的是他是艺术家、北京人民艺术剧院的副院长、总导演及他对我国话剧事业的巨大贡献。但对焦菊隐教授在1946-1952年间担任北京师范大学文学院院长兼外语系系主任的经历却没有多少人知道;对他还是一位坚持民主、支持学运的进步教授更是鲜为人知。我作为焦菊隐教授的学生和知情  相似文献   

Student mental health services were created at many American universities during the interwar years in association with the mental hygiene movement of that era. In Canada, psychologists and psychiatrists became focused on the well-being of schoolchildren during this period, but services for university students were minimal or non-existent at most institutions until well after the Second World War. Influenced by American trends and in tune with rising public concern over the problems students were experiencing on Canada's burgeoning campuses, student organizations, in co-operation with the Canadian Mental Health Association, began a concerted campaign for improved services in the early 1960s. Through conferences, seminars, and surveys, they revealed the extent of student distress, and by 1965 their efforts were attracting increasing media attention and having a direct impact on university student health policies. Their campaign then entered a new phase, transformed by the same radicalization that infused the wider student movement in the wake of the Berkeley free speech protests. Dissatisfied with the institutional response and distrustful of the motives behind the services now provided, activists questioned the very meaning of 'mental health' in the context of their deeper critique of the university and society. By the end of the decade, the student mental health movement had run its course, but it left a lasting legacy in the ongoing reform of university health services and in attitudes towards student mental health.  相似文献   

九一八事变引发的学生请愿示威运动启动迅猛,经历两个发展阶段后很快结束。学潮规模巨大,行动激烈,对当局的冲击程度超过以往的学生运动。但此次学潮未形成全国统一的组织和一致的奋斗目标,也未与工农商各界相结合而形成持久运动。运动受到的影响因素十分复杂,在国民党当局的化解政策和众多因素影响下归于平息。  相似文献   


Figures showing the participation pattern in geography tutorials (at one institution) are presented and the problem of poor student participation is identified. Four devices for increasing student participation are then outlined, followed by a brief discussion of the rationale underlying such devices.  相似文献   

Over the past several years there have been widespread student protests across universities in India. These protests have received considerable mainstream media coverage. This article focuses on media reportage of student protests in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, looking specifically at charges of sedition brought against a few students. The article considers the ways in which the media created narratives of the ‘anti-national’ student (and teacher) that helped to consolidate a particular sense of Indian identity. These narratives are linked to the corporatisation of Indian higher education, whereby the spaces for public debate are reduced and the idea of the university as a public good is threatened.  相似文献   


This paper is an initial exploration of the significance of students’ accommodation as spaces for learning. In interviews, students of Geography and Planning discuss the spatiality of studying, and how their student housing features in this. The diversity of student living and studying emerges clearly. Yet there are some commonalities, notably the significance of the materiality of accommodation as a factor that shapes and is in turn shaped by students’ agency. Their accounts underline the ways they seek to shape key aspects of their lives, and the reflective, learning, approach many take to this task. The paper concludes by drawing out implications for university tutors and lecturers. It also suggests avenues for further research.  相似文献   

张倩红 《世界历史》2012,(1):4-14,158
欧洲启蒙运动发生之后,德国犹太思想家马斯基尔以自由理性为旗帜,批评传统犹太教、发展世俗教育、提倡现代生活方式,引领犹太人走出隔都,对犹太社会产生了极为深刻的影响,也留下了惨痛的教训,越来越多的犹太人背离了民族传统。从此以后,传统与现代性的关系成为犹太史上的核心命题。本文以启蒙视阈下的德国尤其是柏林为个案,探讨社会转型时期犹太思想家对传统社会的重创,分析犹太文化与现代主义、德国主流文化多重汇集之后,犹太知识阶层无所适从的精神困境,从而为研究现代化背景下少数族群的身份认同以及亚文化的存续与发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Studies of the ‘geographies of students’ have become increasingly prevalent across the social sciences and are particularly concerned with the predilection for young UK University undergraduates to be mobile in their institutional choice. A more recent focus within this work has been upon student identities, with attention given to how the spaces to which students move and in which they settle can have both positive and negative consequences for the evolution of the student identity, and how such identities are often framed within the context of social activities; learning environments; friendship networks; or other sociocultural factors. This paper contributes to these discussions by considering the role of student accommodation – a site which often remains on the periphery of discussions of student identities – in offering students opportunities to construct, adapt and manage their student identities. This adds to the important contemporary geographies of student accommodation, which are currently debating, among others, purpose-built student accommodation and the broad housing ‘careers’ and strategies of students. In contrast, this paper explores the micro-geographies of student accommodation (and more specifically, the bedroom) to highlight its value in providing young, mobile students with an anchor within which they can draw together their learner, social and domestic dispositions into one geographical location.  相似文献   

Does the current upsurge in student protests indicate the advent of a new phase in the history of the student movement in independent India? While a definitive answer to this question can only be given in time, the context from which this current wave springs has certain distinctive elements that are essential for understanding what is unfolding and its potential impact. On the one hand, the last two decades in India have seen a veritable explosion in the numbers of students studying in institutions of higher education and a great widening of the social base from which the student population in higher education is drawn. On the other, there has been near stagnation of the ratio of public expenditure on higher education to GDP. This and the trajectory of the economy have meant the combination of an increasing financial burden on students and their families and a growing lack in actual opportunities to satisfy the varied aspirations driving the willingness to bear this burden. This article will try to draw out the implications of these contradictory phenomena and the changing official discourse on education for understanding the possible transition being experienced by the student movement in the era of neo-liberalism, situating this period in the longer history of the student movement since independence.  相似文献   

Amy Freeman 《对极》2000,32(3):245-259
This paper offers a critical analysis of how pressures to "corporatize" universities are affecting graduate student employees and public higher education in the United States. The argument is that the corporatization of universities is a not a new phenomenon, but is occurring in a very different political, economic, and technological context than in previousdecades. After addressing the definition of corporatization with regard to universities in general and those in the state of Washington in particular, the paper discusses the author's perceptions of the activities and spaces of universities and how the university and the people who work there are connected to larger economic processes and power relations. The paper provides the author's perspective on the current situation of graduate student employees in relation to processes of corporatization, and focuses on the ambiguities of the double identity of graduate student employees and how this relates to current struggles to form graduate student employee unions. The paper considers ways that graduate student employee unions reflect a desire to change the ways that "business" is conducted on university campuses, and could work to build coalitions across employee divides. The paper concludes by outlining some thoughts on the role of academics in addressing pressures to corporatize higher education and suggesting possible ideas for action in the struggle to keep public universities open and democratic.  相似文献   

This paper explores the student experience of multidisciplinarity within the undergraduate Geography curriculum. It considers the drivers that have underpinned this development before considering the findings of research into student experiences in two universities in the south of England. The results suggest that most students view this development positively and recognize a number of advantages that it brings, citing expanded opportunities for learning, working with people from other disciplines, expansion of perspectives and perceived benefits to employability. However, for a minority this development is more problematic. The research points here to issues with specialist knowledge and disciplinary pedagogies, social issues within the classroom and class organization and some reservations regarding groupwork. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations.  相似文献   

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