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Irish historians do not generally identify religious liberalism as a feature of the 1820s. Instead, they have mapped religious conflict onto increasingly binary conflicts in the socio‐economic, cultural, and political spheres. The “Second Reformation” missionary movement put evangelicals and Catholics on a direct collision course and, consequently, historians have argued that it was a key factor in the emergence both of Irish Catholic nationalism and Protestant defensive co‐operation. However, the Crusade also produced a strong Protestant backlash alongside the growing sectarian conflict. In County Limerick, for example, two versions of Church of Ireland opposition emerged during 1820, among high church clergy including Bishop Jebb and among liberal Protestant gentlemen. Instead of closing down debate into rigid binary opposition along sectarian lines, the Limerick evidence shows that the Crusade produced a much more complex religious, social, and political debate than historians have recognised which, in turn, made possible a wider range of responses to key Irish problems.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes different perspectives on the issue of jihad; based on this analysis, it sheds light on the contemporary application and understanding of the word in the Muslim world.  相似文献   

This article evaluates how far chivalric notions of honour and shame had become associated with crusading by the early thirteenth century. It stems from a wider investigation into how crusading helped to forge standards for knightly behaviour and influenced the development of chivalric ideals. The Fourth Crusade serves as a focused case study, and this article examines the significance of its controversial course and conclusion as well as how two lay authors, Geoffrey of Villehardouin and Robert of Clari, used ideas about honour and shame in their narratives. It takes a close look at terminology, exploring a variety of expressions for concepts of honour and shame, and highlights the contexts in which they were used: whether to describe military encounters, the pressure on social bonds, or leadership roles. It argues that by the turn of the thirteenth century, crusading played a significant rather than extraneous role in developing ideas about chivalric conduct and proper social behaviour.  相似文献   


This article investigates the family backgrounds of aristocratic participants in the First Crusade. Through an examination of these it explores the ways in which their decision to join the crusade was influenced by the examples of the previous generation of conquerors, the participants in the invasion of Sicily in 1061, the expeditions to England in 1066 and the conflicts on the Iberian peninsula. In this way it opens a discussion about the motives and expectation of the First Crusaders. It argues that dreams of conquest and the desire to match an older generation’s martial and political achievements may have been as important a factor in motivating crusaders as religious ideals.  相似文献   


This article is an exploration of preaching on the cross very broadly from the time of Ambrose of Milan and Augustine of Hippo onwards. After a brief examination of some early medieval examples, the discussion focuses on Rabanus Maurus and a sermon attributed to Odilo of Cluny. The discussion then centres on the High Middle Ages: sermons by Bernard of Clairvaux, Alan of Lille, an anonymous Cistercian abbot, the vita of Marie d'Oignies, Alexander of Ashby, and model sermons by Humbert of Romans. Before concluding, it explores opposition to the cross, as expressed in inquisitorial documents. The essay also includes crusade preaching, as well as liturgical preaching on the cross or involving the cross, and sermons on the cross that could serve for more than one purpose.  相似文献   

中国考古学经过了近一百年的建设与发展历程,其理论与实践均取得了长足进步。著名考古学家李伯谦先生认为,考古学要与文献史学、社会学组成三个认知系统,考古学文化研究要将区域研究与长时段研究结合起来,要重视考古遗存所蕴含的精神内涵,更全面地研究、复原古代社会;考古学研究要掌握地层学、类型学和文化因素分析方法,其中地层学在使用中应该与埋藏学相结合,而文化因素分析则是从考古学研究过渡到历史学研究的桥梁;江苏的商周考古研究应该把握江北徐淮夷文化和江南吴文化两条主线;要正确处理考古与文化遗产保护的关系,充分发挥考古学的作用,使考古真正成为人民的事业。  相似文献   

皖南事变的发生、善后及结果   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
蒋介石国民党并未有过一个明确的旨在处心积虑消灭皖南新四军军部的蓄谋。皖南事变的发生存在着某种必然性,这是因为,它与国民党坚持限制中共军队发展,要求其限期离开长江两岸北移冀察的强硬态度有关,且与中共中央必欲独立自主,坚持大力发展经营华中地区的政策有关。但它同时也具有相当的偶然性,因为它也与中共方面出于对国民党的高度戒备心理,拖延北移时间且必欲选择一条出乎国民党人意料的北移路线,和国民党恰好在皖南新四军逾期南下之日,完成了围堵部署,封住了新四军南进东去之路的巧合有关。同样,事变发生后,蒋介石也不曾有过要在更大范围内对中共动武的计划。换言之,并不存在着美苏及国际舆论的反对和日本人的突然进攻,打乱了国民党人发动更大规模的剿共战争的阴谋的情况。而就中共中央来说,受到莫斯科态度的影响,它在这段时间里对国民党的政策估计和对事变的应对态度,也曾有过一个颇为复杂的变化过程。  相似文献   

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