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唐代隐逸兴盛成因的社会学阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李红霞 《史学月刊》2005,(2):105-110
唐代隐逸兴盛的成因对把握唐代隐逸的特质、风貌及其与唐诗的关系意义重大。这一风尚的盛行与唐代的社会政治、经济状况和思想文化密切相关。政治上 ,唐代帝王对隐士优渥褒扬是刺激唐代隐逸发展的强大动力。科举制度方面 ,士子科举落第、仕途的挫折、中晚唐科场的流弊以及高隐制举的设立都使唐人的隐逸行为较前代变得更为频繁。从思想文化方面看 ,带有传统隐士色彩的隐居习道风气的盛行使唐代道教徒式的隐士大大增加 ;佛家遁迹山林的修行方式、清静超脱的人生境界也吸引着唐代文人奔趋山林。从经济基础看 ,唐代日益普及的私家园林 ,成为唐人实践仕隐两兼、满足其恬淡的隐逸情怀的理想境地 ,并构成唐人践履隐逸、满足其优游于出处进退的三径之资  相似文献   

民国初年风俗演变的社会学阐释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“皇帝倒了,辫子割了”。这八个字是目睹了辛亥革命的瞿秋白对当时社会变化的体验之词,它形象地说明了辛亥革命的两大历史功绩:一是革了皇帝的命,一是革了辫子的命。1911年,黄花岗之役、保路运  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss what is at stake in appropriating the thought of reactionary figures, such as Heidegger and Schmitt, for critical geography. We will argue that Heidegger and Schmitt were beholden to an arcane geopolitics shaped by supposed gnostic insights into the deeper currents of world history. This (geo-) political theology of Heidegger and Schmitt has not yet been given sufficient attention by geographers engaging their work. However, it is only in approaching their work in a theological key that the gnostic political theology that undergirds their arcane geopolitics can be fully understood. At the core of this arcane geopolitics is the conviction that modernity and all those identified as its agents is a force for ill, setting the world towards catastrophe. In this paper, we excavate this gnostic disposition in the thought of Heidegger and Schmitt in order to raise questions about how their work ought to be mobilized in and for critical, emancipatory, progressive thought so that this appropriation does not bring unwanted residues along with it.  相似文献   

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory - This paper provides a method- and theory-focused assessment of religious behavior based on cross-cultural research that provides an empirically derived...  相似文献   

云南西畴县上果村壮族"祭太阳"仪式在"反结构"阈限期内具有"不完整倒置性"现象。在上果村的传统文化和村民生活结构中,"祭太阳"仪式的"反结构"具有生活的逻辑性和合理性。"祭太阳"仪式中男性与女性"不完整倒置"的反结构现象蕴涵了上果村传统地方知识、壮族两性文化和仪式结构功能共同支配下的稳定性与流动性。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the uses of the past for liberal Christians who borrow from Asian healing‐related practices such as yoga, Buddhist meditation and Reiki. It focuses on questions of historicity, both in the ways liberal Christians validate their syncretism by drawing connections to the Christian past, and in the way that longer histories of orientalism and colonialism shape current Christian interactions with Asian religions. Centred on the narratives of three North American Anglicans, and informed by attendance at their various healing services, meditation groups, yoga classes and Reiki sessions, this article is evidence of a wider liberal Christian embrace of difference via ritual. The article argues that these liberal Christians use “ritual proximity” to bring together symbols, acts and memories from various times and cultures, thus constructing new lineages of religious inheritance within webs of Christian ritual.  相似文献   

Acceptance of ritual as a valid interpretation of Mesolithic behaviour has slowly emerged over the past decade; the ‘silly season’ heralded by Mellars (Antiquity 83:502–517, 2009) has not materialised, though in Ireland and Britain difficulties persist in defining what might constitute ‘ritual’ away from the graveside. New discoveries from both the development-led and academic sectors enable Mesolithic archaeologists to better establish which elements of the archaeological record can be interpreted as ritual. This paper seeks to identify further strands of ritual behaviour, incorporating evidence from sites without organic remains. We consider the evidence for ritual at the site and feature scales, and in the special treatment of objects—an often overlooked body of data in understanding ritual. Thus the material signature of ritual will be questioned, and ways in which Mesolithic ritual can be rehabilitated and expanded will be explored.  相似文献   

本文是第一篇全面介绍黄绍伦教授在华人研究方面成果的文章。在探究了黄绍伦学术志趣的形成和学术经历之后,文章主要介绍和评价了他在华人企业家族主义、文化传统与东亚现代化、移民潮与香港的稳定与繁荣三个领域的主要理论和观点,最后扼要介绍了他领导开展的其他学术活动。作者认为,作为一个社会学家,黄绍伦所强调的理论取向和广博视野,对于提升华人研究的理论层次,更好地与社会科学的理论脉络和发展趋势相衔接,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Landscapes of the Ghost Dance: A Cartography of Numic Ritual   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent historical and ethnographic research indicates that the study of ritual behavior could be greatly enhanced by combining parameters of place and landscape use with interpretation of material culture. This strategy is especially useful for identifying the archaeological record of ritual among societies that incorporated topographic features and natural resources into their liturgical order. In this article we apply a behavioral framework to the study of Numic ritual technologies. By intergrating ethnographic and historic data on the geography, practice, and material culture of the nineteenth-century Nevada Ghost Dance, we demonstrate how this framework helps to determine the configuration of a ritual place and its position relative to other ritual and nonritual places.  相似文献   


Industrial archaeologists frequently demand the preservation of monuments. Such preservation can be justified on the grounds that a monument has an educational function, or sometimes that it has potential for excavation. It is the purpose of this article to suggest that a surviving monument continually poses questions about its own past, and about wider historical issues, and to show how the understanding of one particular monument, the Coalport Bridge, has increased over the last twelve years, not just because new documentary sources have come to light, but because it has been possible to use the evidence of the structure itself to test the authenticity of other sources.  相似文献   

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