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In Hotelling location models, an implicit assumption has been made that a customer uses the service provided by the firm, independent of other customers. However, for firms that supply meeting rooms, wedding halls, tennis courts, and golf links it is essential to incorporate the fact that the customer only uses the service in conjunction with other customers. The objective of this paper is to formulate the Hotelling location model n consideration of the interdependence among customers in one-dimensional space, and to characterize the state of equilibrium. In our model, each group of members within a given distance enjoys a fixed amount of service of the firms, under the assumption that the travel cost incurred by each group is defined as the travel cost of the farthest customer in the group.  相似文献   

This article attempts to extend the analysis of urban service delivery beyond equality of units of service input to measurement of the equity of both inputs and outputs (impact). The author develops an original technique for measuring and indexing service equity. It is applied to police services in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The findings are generally consistent with other recent research around the nation in that only modest inequities in service inputs and outputs are found and little evidence of systematic discrimination toward the poor and racial minorities is found.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper incorporates an exogenous taxing and service-providing public sector into a dynamic residential land-use model in order to examine how local-government fiscal policies alter the pace and pattern of residential development. The model is used to derive the comparative-dynamic responses to variations in the income, sales, and property taxes and public-service time paths. The results show how tax and expenditure effects systematically depend upon the anticipated relative growth rates in rents to alternative uses and vary across locations within a given urban area as well as across urban areas themselves.  相似文献   

国内外服务业地理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳坤  申玉铭 《人文地理》2013,28(1):48-55
服务业地理学是以服务业活动的地域系统为核心、探索服务业空间活动规律的一门学科,它是经济地理学的重要分支。围绕服务业地理学研究对象对相关文献进行梳理,文章认为:目前服务业地理学尚未形成一套完善的理论体系和研究框架,在理论上需要吸收服务业经济学、地理学及社会学等多学科的理论来丰富和完善;在研究方法上应加强质性研究和定量分析的结合;在研究内容上应深化服务业与区域经济可持续发展、信息技术影响下的服务业区位选择、服务业微区位、服务业贸易对区域产业结构及产业空间组织的影响、服务业地域综合体等议题的研究。  相似文献   

Measurements of the level of rural services must take into account the gravitation of rural communities toward service centers. The problem is complicated by the overlapping of the service areas of different centers. An attempt is made to develop an integral measure of the level of services using a gravity model.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades the metropolitan Vancouver economy has evolved from its traditional role as a provincial higher-order service centre to a place in a network of increasingly interdependent cities of the Pacific Rim. Exports of producer services from the metropolitan region to destinations in the Asia Pacific are supported by a number of government initiatives and are expanding. Results of a survey undertaken by the authors of 251 producer service firms are reported. The findings focus on the extent and destination of producer service exports to the Asia Pacific and the marketing approaches adopted to further these economic ties. Implications of the findings for public-sector policy are considered.
Au cows des deux dernières décennies, L'économie du Vancouver métropolitain a évolué de son rôle traditionnel de centre provincial pour services sophistiqués à une position dans un réseau marqué par une interdépendance croissante des villes du 'Pacific Rim.' Dans la région métropolitaine, les services à la production sont de plus en plus exporté vers I'Asie orientale et les efforts à cet égard sont appuyés par un bon nombre d'initiatives gouvernementales. Les résultats d'un sondage entrepris par ies deux auteurs sur 251 entreprises de services à la production sont rapportés. Les constatations se concentrent sur l'éendue et la destination des exportations des services à la production, et aussi sur les approches de marketing adoptées pour renforcer ces liaisons économiques. Deplus, les implications de ces constafations sur la politique du secteur public sont considérés.  相似文献   

正Whenever anybody feels uncomfortable,a doctor,once called,will immediately come to provide his or her services.As part of the new wave of doctors providing their services to smaller communities,"homebased doctors"are gradually being introduced to common civilian homes.At present,Lhasa City has been positively promoted the home-  相似文献   

在《大亨小传》里,主人公盖茨比的衣橱内码满了各式各样的西服套装。“像方砖一样3套一摞地叠起来……越南针叶麻的。厚蚕丝的、克什米尔细羊绒的……”衣橱中的每套西装都被盖茨比编上了号码。我想,盖茨比一定是位真正的绅士,他深谙不同场合需要搭配不同款型西装的道理。在这个世界上,没有哪一个男人会觉得自己西装太多的,至少我是这样认为。所以,我是怀着一种朝圣的心情,跑去米兰拜访这家PRADA老店的。那里算得上是意大利最有名的成衣店,而我要去亲自发掘这家老店迭经世界大战、经济萧条,以及多变的时尚洗礼,依然能屹立95年不衰的道理。  相似文献   

中国社会性公共服务空间分异研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文构建了社会性公共服务水平测度指标体系,对1990年以来中国社会性公共服务空间分异过程、特征及机制进行了系统分析。结果表明,中国社会性公共服务的空间分异程度总体上偏高,中国社会性公共服务水平东西两极分化明显,呈东高西低的空间格局;1990-2005年,中国社会性公共服务空间分异过程总体上呈V字形,1990-1994年社会性公共服务空间分异程度趋于缩小,之后转为扩大;中国社会性公共服务的空间分异受两种机制支配,即经济空间分异对社会性公共服务空间分异的导向性影响,以及经济空间分异、人口向东部地区迁移、社会性公共服务发展的滞后性等因素的综合作用。  相似文献   

The effect on the distribution of urban services of the “geographical fragmentation” of American metropolitan areas into many local government jurisdictions, each with important service responsibilities, is often overlooked. Comparison with Australia, where services are generally administered and financed at the State level, is instructive. Australian centralism tends to have an equalizing effect, largely due to bureaucratic patterns of service delivery, but has also produced both an insensitivity to specialized local factors and an “organizational fragmentation.” Developments in the 1970s suggest improvements in these areas of deficiency.  相似文献   

This article uses data from 15 U.S. cities to explore the ways in which the use of subjective measures of service satisfaction can redirect distributional research from the question of who gets how much to the more policy-relevant question of who gets how much of what is needed. It suggests a useful approach to the use of subjective indicators to provide more valid and meaningful measures in distributional research.  相似文献   

Novgorod Oblast, in northwestern Russia, has been distinguished by a high rate of rural outmigration and depletion of agricultural labor resources. One key factor in slowing the flight from the land is an improvement in the quality and range of rural services. The impact of adequate services is shown by available data on the distribution of rural population by distance from service centers. The rate of decline of rural population is generally found to be lower in places near service centers than in more remote places. Since most of the rural places are too small to support service establishments, it is recommended that services be expanded in about 200 central places that show promise of future growth.  相似文献   

我国生产性服务业与经济发展关系研究   总被引:46,自引:1,他引:45  
钟韵  阎小培 《人文地理》2003,18(5):46-51
本文首先通过阐述我国经济结构的变化和目前生产性服务业的地位特征,分析我国生产性服务业发展与经济结构变化及经济发展水平的特征及关系,从而预测我国生产性服务业的发展潜力。然后针对我国经济发达地区,探讨生产性服务业对区域发展的作用。再以广州市为例,分析生产性服务业在城市发展中的地位及对区域的影响。试图从全国、区域以及城市三个层次对生产性服务业与经济发展关系进行研究。  相似文献   

The study of cultural enlightenment services, comprising entertainment (movies, theaters), information (museums, libraries) and healthful activities (athletics, rest homes), is found to have been neglected by Soviet geographers. A variety of techniques are proposed to investigate spatial differences in this research area; the methods range from comparing the level of services in a particular place or area with a standard place (say, Moscow) to the use of information theory to measure the amount of information imparted in the provision of cultural services. In addition to the study of cultural services, there is need for a broader geography of culture in general, which would also examine the production and flows of cultural goods and the movements of population associated with the satisfaction of cultural needs.  相似文献   

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