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苏丹马赫迪运动成败原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏丹马赫迪运动成败原因分析包茂宏1820年,埃及穆罕默德·阿里政权开始征服苏丹。1881年,苏丹的穆罕默德·艾哈迈德自立为"马赫迪",发动起义。1882年,英国占领埃及,侵略矛头随之指向苏丹。1885年,马赫迪起义军建立了马赫迪国家。英国不甘心失败,...  相似文献   

十九世纪八十年代,非洲的苏丹爆发了一次举世闻名的马赫迪大起义,解放了全苏丹。斗争中打死了在中国镇压太平天国而起家的帝国主义分子英国人戈登,大长了殖民地、被压迫国家人民的志气。因而有的史家认为马赫迪起义“纯粹是反英的”。 本文作者认为马赫迪起义的起因是埃及统治者对苏丹人民的长期掠夺和剥削。起义的初期,斗争目标是反对埃及的殖民统治。在1882年英国侵略埃及、埃及统治者成了英国的傀儡后,英国直接插手镇压马赫迪起义时,斗争的矛头才指向英国侵略者。斗争的矛头所向前后是不同的,要实事求是地区别开来。  相似文献   

南京政府时期四川防区制下的县级行政,被以刘湘为代表的新军阀当局改造为军事贡役体制下的战争勤务工具,正常的民事行政职能因军事当局对团防工作和战争勤务的重点强化而萎缩。虽然四川新军阀当局县政设计的本意背离地方自治精神,但在敷衍南京中央政府地方自治建议的同时,新军阀当局通过积极推行户口清查和基层政权的组建,充分实现了对社会资源的最大限度控制和对基层团防的改造与利用。  相似文献   

正20世纪以来,"大战略"(grand strategy)概念渐受重视。一般而言,"战略"在传统上即指"军事战略",适用范围是战争,所用的是军事手段,所追求的是胜利。与战略的观念和解释限制在战争领域不同,大战略认为,对国家安全的威胁不仅在战时,也在平时;威胁来源不仅是其他国家的武装力量,一国所制定和采取的经济、外交、科技等政策措施,均可能影响到其他国家的安全;捍卫国家安全和实现国家目标,不仅是军队和政府的事情、需要采用军事手段,而且要综合运用多种国家资源。美国战略  相似文献   

利用中国外交部解密档案和印度外交部编撰的《白皮书》《外事档案》等文献,论文探讨了边境战争后印度围捕和拘禁华侨的真实意图,梳理了中国政府救助被拘难侨的具体过程。1962年中印边境战争中,印军共有三千多名官兵被俘,却"没有任何中国俘虏"。在国际援助和国内压力的双重作用下,为了维护国家的"体面、尊严和自尊",获得战俘问题上的所谓"对等",在中国主动停火撤军后相当长的一段时间内,印度当局围捕和拘禁了数千名无辜的华侨华人作为人质,藉此彰显其强硬姿态,安抚国内上下的不满情绪。中国政府对印度当局围捕和拘禁华侨的行为高度重视,外交部及驻印使馆、华侨事务委员会、交通部等部门为营救受难侨胞付出了不懈的努力,经过与印方的艰难交涉,最终接回了部分难侨。但由于印度当局蛮横坚持按照其确定的数量、指定的地点和选定的人员"遣返"被拘难侨,导致中国政府的救助行动困难重重,最终未竟全功。  相似文献   

徐洋 《沧桑》2011,(6):43-45
盖约·马略作为古罗马政治家、军事统帅,参加了古罗马著名的战役,如朱古达战争、意大利北方战争等,军功卓著。战争中,马略发现罗马军队在战斗上的各种弊端,针对其兵源不足和战斗力低下等问题,充分发挥自己军事方面的天赋,对罗马的军事制度进行了全面的整顿和改革,从根本上解决了罗马军队所面临的危机。罗马的军事实力得到提高,取得了战争的胜利,成功维护了罗马的国家利益,一定程度上推动了罗马国家的发展。本文旨在讨论盖约·马略在其不同时间阶段和不同的政治实践中的表现,试着分析其所表现出来的政治形象,以期更好地认识古罗马这位著名的政治人物。  相似文献   

抗日战争爆发后,自1937年10月起,日本当局为开辟广东战场,进行了长达一年的筹划。有鉴于广东战场特殊且敏感的地理位置,以及侵华战争局势的不断变化,在日本当局各有关部门之间,以及日本当局与台湾的军、政当局之间,展开了复杂的博弈。在此过程中,广东战场在侵华战争全局中的意义不断加重。然而,日军于1938年10月12日实施广东作战后,战果却谈不上"圆满"。战后引发的行政权力之争,则导致形成了广州在沦陷区中的特殊占领体制。  相似文献   

两汉军费问题研究胡宏起一在货币经济尚不发达的两汉时期,军费的存在形态,既有货币的形态,又有实物的形态。故本文所说的“军费”,是指货币形态与实物形态兼而有之意义上的军费。军费是军队建设、进行战争和准备战争的经济基础。一个国家为了使军队正常运转,成为有效...  相似文献   

正翻阅史书,常常可以看到少则几十万多则几百万的大型战争,而且距离现代越远,这种数据越夸张。例如白起坑杀赵国40万将士,赤壁之战中曹操80万军南下攻吴,淝水之战谢安大破80万前秦军,隋军率百万大军攻打高句丽等等。但是再往后阅读史书,则会发现战争军队记载的数字"缩水"了。其实不是"缩水",而是古人在军队人数记载上有夸张。举几个著名战争的例子,不难看出中国古代史书上记载的军队人数有多么的不靠谱。  相似文献   

尔豪 《文史月刊》2010,(4):50-50
<正>"经济战"自古就是敌对国家利用经济手段"和平"削弱、甚至搞垮他国经济实力的一种不流血的战争方式,经济战的"和平"手段已成为军事战争的补充手段。  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles
Ibn'At'Allh (m. 709/1309) et la naissance de la confrérie šdilite. The Hikam of Ibn'At'Allh; Arabic edition, and translation into French by Paul Nwyia
Punishment of Apostasy in Islam.
Pentalogie Islamo-Chrétienne.
Le Livre de Bilawhar et Bsf selon la version arabe ismaélienne.
Kitb Bilawhar wa Bsf.
Commentaires sur Aristote perdus en grec et autre épîtres.
Edited and annotated by Abdurrahmn Badaw
The Mourides of Senegal: The Political and Economic Organization of an Islamic Brotherhood.
Revolutions and Military Rule in the Middle East, Vol. II: The Arab States.
The Mahdist State in the Sudan, 1881-1898.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):77-92

'Responses in the North of England to the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715'. The Jacobite Rebellion of 1715 resulted in significant activity among State, Church and society throughout the North of England, especially because the Jacobite army marched through most of the northern counties, Yorkshire and Durham excepted. Yet, though the responses made in opposition to the rebellion and to its adherents were far from uniform, often slow and piecemeal, they did indicate that Jacobitism had limited appeal as loyalist action outweighed that of the Jacobites.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of British-imperial symbolism in public life throughout the period of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. The visit of George V to Port Sudan in 1912 proved the catalyst for large-scale imperial display, which was subsequently reworked into the unique annual commemoration of King's Day. Through such overt imperial pageantry, the British-dominated Sudanese government actively promoted its own position within Sudan at the expense of its Egyptian co-rulers, a strategy which illustrates the political tensions along the Nile Valley. Demonstrating the government's dominance over the landscape and people of Sudan to both the metropolitan and Sudanese audiences, these imperial events aimed at consolidating Britain's hold over the country throughout the Condominium. Sudanese political elites soon became active participants in imperial displays, seeing an opportunity to secure their position through demonstrations of loyalty, and using the propagated values of imperialism and monarchy in imaginative and selective ways. Although it was a valuable tool in creating a focal point of Sudanese unity in an otherwise culturally diverse territory, British imperialism was at the same time always a limited instrument, constrained as it was by Egypt's legal claims to the territory.  相似文献   

吴宏亮  陈杰 《安徽史学》2015,(6):157-162
鄂豫皖根据地创立于土地革命战争时期,为全国第二大革命根据地。由该根据地诞生的红军部队,历经浴火斗争,在抗日战争爆发后分别改编为八路军和新四军主力部队,成为中共领导的重要抗日武装力量。根据地重视干部培养和人才集聚,为抗日斗争和日后中共建政,培养了大批干部人才。鄂豫皖根据地虽然长期孤悬敌后,但是在中共组织的坚强领导下,抗日武装队伍不断壮大,游击战争始终得以坚持,有力打击和牵制了敌伪顽力量,根据地成为中共抗日武装东进南下的桥头堡,为抗日战争的最终胜利以及中共"绾毂中原"在全国取得胜利,发挥了重要的战略作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the programme of land surveying and registration that was undertaken by the British-led administration of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in the period 1898–1914. The Legal Secretary, Edgar Bonham Carter, stated that programme was the most important project of his division in this period. Scholars have shown that the programme, known as land ‘settlement’, was used to build alliances with elites and to clarify title for European investors in the new irrigation scheme at Gezira. This article argues that, as such, the ambitions of land settlement were relatively limited. In many other colonies, and in Britain itself, politicians and administrators across the political spectrum saw the reform of private property in land as the key for addressing structural problems in agricultural labour. One might have thought that, the Sudan, land settlement might have provided a means of addressing the dependence on slave labour in agriculture. The article demonstrates that, except for a small number of administrators (including Bonham Carter), this was not the case. The general indifference to slavery itself carried through to an indifference to the transformative potential of land law. The article examines the proposals of this minority of administrators, and contrasts their views with the majority’s focus on land settlement as demonstration and opportunity to enhance state power.  相似文献   

晋侯稣钟铭所记战争是《国语.周语上》所说宣王丧南师并“料民于太原”之后进行的,晋侯稣钟铭所记城之战交战地点并非齐鲁的郓城一带,而在今河南中南部的“南国”钧台一带。本文并对夙夷及其有关地名进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近代日本政府一直奉行"富国强兵"政策,把扩军备战置于优先考虑的地位,使日本军事实力在20世纪初达到西方强国的水平,并能直接挑战西方国家的霸权.但日本的军备扩充受国内外因素的制约,并不是简单地沿着直线上升.20世纪20年代日本出现了颇具规模的裁军运动,这是第一次世界大战以后日本国内和平反战力量的兴起、日本经济对美国的高度依赖和美、英等国在远东寻求新的力量均衡等多种因素促成的.  相似文献   

“局”与晚清的近代化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯峰 《安徽史学》2007,(2):49-53
"局"为应对19世纪中叶以来的新兴政务而设,因此从局的发展和变迁,可以看出晚清近代化的步伐.局大体经历了三个发展阶段:第一阶段为局的初步兴起.为了应付1853-1874年间的王朝叛乱,筹款和军需之局在战事中大量兴办.第二阶段为民政事务的局大量兴起.战后,为了恢复地方秩序,局由战事转为民事,其维护了地方社会的发展,造成了上海、汉口等初兴城市的地方自治.第三阶段,局成为国家官僚体系的组成部分.戊戌维新后,局在兴办农工商事务中的作用日益显著;清末新政改革,正式以局为国家官制改革的核心.局的兴办模式也随着发生了变化,由最初的军幕制度到委绅设局,再到科层管理,局的成熟终于成为现代文官制度确立的标志.  相似文献   

After the Japanese occupation of North China at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist government adopted the strategy of using the regular army to develop the battlefield to the rear of the enemy in order to sustain a protracted war. As a result, the Northwestern Army, which was organizing anti-Japanese forces in North China, became the Nationalist government's main military force in the occupied area. However, caught between Japanese and Communist troops, the Northwestern Army surrendered to the Japanese for the purpose of self-preservation and thus became a puppet army. From a nationalist point of view, the collaborationists who covered up their self-serving motives and later defended their actions as a crooked path to national salvation had a negative image. In response to Communist expansion, the Nationalist government acquiesced in the measure of collaborating with the puppet troops to annihilate the Communists. To reinforce the battles at the front, the Nationalist government also attempted to plot anti-Japanese mutinies among the puppet troops, but its plan was never implemented. The Northwestern Army forces planned to build an alliance in order to survive as a third force both in the confrontation between the Chinese government and the Japanese army and in the confrontation between the Nationalists and the Communists. Yet, due to the tight control exercised by the Japanese in North China, it was difficult for the Northwestern Army to gain momentum as a third force. After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Northwestern Army had to take sides in the Civil War, and this dilemma caused its final collapse.  相似文献   

“有事法制”议案赋予了日本自卫队以“国家军队”的职能,赋予了日本政府使用武力乃至“先发制人”解决可能发生的争端的权力,开辟了日本在海外行使武力的道路;《2003年防卫白皮书》则重新阐述了日本关于战争的认识,重新确立了日本的军事防卫重点,重新确认了日本自卫队的主要任务。这表明日本的“专守防卫”政策发生了重大变化。军国主义思想始终没有彻底清算,社会政治生态右倾化进一步加深,冷战后政治大国欲望的加速膨胀,以及迫于“美日同盟”的压力等,是日本防卫政策变化的主要原因。日本社会政治发展趋势和国家发展方向都将受到防卫政策变化的巨大影响。  相似文献   

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