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The amphitheatre at the Gallo-Roman sanctuary in Grand (France, Département des Vosges) is an outstanding example given its non-Mediterranean location. The clearing of rubble from its remains, between 1963 and 1977, led to the masonry deteriorating rapidly due to weathering. The installation over part of the monument of a protective covering, incorporating tiers of seating, constitutes a technological first, as it is made of glued-laminated softwood constructed to demanding specifications. The covering serves to protect and reconstruct part of the amphitheatre, in which it is now intended to hold cultural events. This type of development requires careful planning regarding practical arrangements, marketing strategy and artistic issues.  相似文献   

辽代的瓷器,是我国古代契丹民族在接受隋唐五代时期汉化影响,并吸收中原地区丰厚的瓷化,创造出的独具民族特色和地域特色的实用工艺品。由于辽国是以契丹人为主要统治阶级的多民族地方政权,手工业工匠又主要是汉人和汉化很深的渤海人,因此,这种社会的经济状况决定了辽朝烧制瓷器的造型既有中原形式,又有契丹形式。中  相似文献   

《Textile history》2013,44(2):200-222

Jane Clarke (c. 1794–1859) of Regent Street, London, was well-known as a lace merchant and milliner at prestigious addresses and as an exhibitor at major exhibitions, but her means of livelihood has became a cultural interest which has survived the woman herself. After summarising what is known about Jane Clarke’s family, this biographical article describes the context and the development of her London business and its expansion into Lancashire. It then focuses on Clarke herself — her awards and honours, her lace and antiques collections and her new suburban home. Comparisons are made between Clarke and other London merchants. Jane Clarke’s achievements are of interest to historians considering the careers of Madame Elise, court dressmaker, and Anthony Blackborne, lace merchant, each of whom took over a part of her business in 1859.  相似文献   

During the last seven centuries of the first millennium BC, the indigenous societies of Mediterranean France underwent a series of gradual social and cultural transformations that are linked in complex ways to their encounter and increasing entanglement with the broader Mediterranean world. This article presents a synthesis of current knowledge of this issue and explores some of the main themes guiding research. New evidence concerning the alien colonial agents (Etruscan, Greek, Punic/Iberian, and Roman), and the contrasting nature of their presence and power in the region, is discussed, as is evidence concerning forms of indigenous engagement with colonial states and paths of social and cultural change. The consumption of alien goods (wine, ceramics) and the adoption of foreign techniques and practices (ceramic production methods, coinage, writing) are examined in terms of the locally situated logic of demand and the ramifications for entanglement and change. Transformations in settlements, ritual spaces, funerary practices, and the agrarian landscape are discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the export of environmental technology by publicly owned companies. The export of such technologies has the potential to contribute to economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability. However, research on this emerging topic has so far largely focused on privately owned SMEs compared to publicly owned companies. Using interviews with 12 Swedish municipally owned companies which develop such systems and a survey with 36 others, we analyse their approaches, drivers for and obstacles to export. These companies use a combination of different approaches such as subsidiaries, independent projects, licensing and private-public partnerships to engage in export. However, in contrast to private companies which are often driven by internal factors such as extra sales, these municipally owned companies are largely motivated by external factors such as customer requests and opportunities to contribute to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, their main export barriers relate to differences between the business culture and political systems in their home and target markets. Their export experiences are influenced by their municipal ownership, the types of technologies they develop and the institutional contexts within which they operate. This study reveals an actor type struggling to find a balance between domestic obligations and commercialization in international markets.  相似文献   

This article reviews Magdalenian depictions of ibex in a cave in central France, and examines both the natural history of this animal and its meanings for the artists.  相似文献   

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