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伯2193号《目连缘起》乃《敦煌变文集》中所收三个不同版本的"目连变文"之一。经过王庆菽、潘重规、黄征、张涌泉等诸位先生的一再校正,该篇变文的字词文义已清晰可辨,但仔细品读,笔者仍觉个别文字尚有补充的余地,本文便就"见说慈母,日不曾修善""摄步登时白仏言""遍体尽皆疮癣甚""投仏号咷哭一场"等9处文字进行了讨论。  相似文献   

斯2614号《大目乾连冥间救母变文》是《敦煌变文集》所收三种“目连变文”中篇幅最长、内容最详的一个版本。经过一代又一代学者的校勘审订和注释疏通,该篇变文中的疑误之处已渐趋消除殆尽。然而,仔细研读,其中个别文字仍有进一步勘正的余地,本文便就“尔时佛自便逡巡”“四花标样叶清天”及“诸人息意慢承忘”等20处文字的形义问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

《敦煌变文集》卷四所载《破魔变文》,由王重民先生据敦煌卷子伯二一八七号(甲卷)及斯三四九一号(乙卷)校录。其后徐震堮先生《敦煌变文集?遣拐芳啊对俨埂?蒋礼鸿先生《敦煌变文字义通释》及附录《<敦煌变文集>校记录略》,又续加补校。笔者再摭拾若干条,以为续貂。《变文集》校记所引乙卷异文有须改正者,一并附焉。引文出自《敦煌变文集》者,但标页码,不赘书名。降魔变神押座文。(344页)  相似文献   

敦煌变文中有关目连救母内容的有十余卷,均据相传为西晋月氏三藏法师竺法护译的《佛说盂兰盆经》(以下简称《盂兰盆经》)演绎而成。在此,笔者试将《目连救母变文》与《盂兰盆经》略作比较,旁涉它篇,以探求该变文的演绎情况和它的民族化、世俗化等问题。一《目连救母变文》是一篇讲唱佛经故事的变文,它虽然是按《盂兰盆经》演绎而成,但并没有拘守于《盂兰盆经》所表述的内容范围和结构层次,作者根据变文本身的需要,对经文内容作了大胆的删节、改编和调整。  相似文献   

敦煌本王昭君故事,是敦煌民间文学中的一颗明珠,它在王昭君故事演变过程中有着重要的转变作用,具有很高的研究价值,也是我国民间文学史上一份宝贵的文献。有关王昭君的敦煌遗书共有四件:1.伯二五五三《王昭君变文》;12.伯二五五五、伯二六七三、伯四九四四等三个写本同是《王昭君(安雅词)》;3.伯二七四八《王昭君怨诸词人连句》;4.斯○五五五《昭君怨》。这些遗书披露以后,已见有十三篇论文探讨王昭君故事。总观这些论文,尚无一篇就所有敦煌本王昭君诗歌与变文作总体研究者,这不能说不是一个缺陷。为弥补此缺陷,本文即将沿敦煌文献角度进行探讨。  相似文献   

目连变文宝卷与目连戏傩戏黎蔷中国地方戏曲剧种目连戏专事扮演“目连救母”戏文,其故事情节源于印度佛教经典。自西晋三藏竺法护与支谦等翻译借西域之道输入中原地区后,至唐、五代时期,演变出名目繁多的有关目连的变文与戏文。目连戏文在民间有着强大的艺术生命力,并...  相似文献   

榆林窟第19窟目连变相与《目连变文》   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
榆林窟第19窟前室甬道北壁描绘了一铺目连变相,它虽然根据《目连变》创作而成,但是从画面的表现形式以及所在壁面位置来看,它不适合直接配合变讲唱。该铺目连变相的描绘,一方面与同一甬道南壁的六道轮回变相构成呼应关系,另一方面通过对《目连变》中目连守孝情节等的刻画,表现了目连救母故事中所蕴含的深刻孝道思想,在一定程度上了体现了儒、佛思想合流的总体趋势。  相似文献   

目连故事是中国叙事文学的重要题材,目连形象传入中土经历了一个本土化的过程。在原始佛教经典中,目连故事侧重表现目连的神足特点。以《佛说孟兰盆经》出现为标志,目连故事开始表现中国传统孝道意识,这一意识在唐代的目连变文中表现得更加明显。目连故事的这一流变态势,反映出中国特定背景下佛教与中国本土文化相互调和的特点。  相似文献   

《敦煌变文选注》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近十年来,中外学者对敦煌变文从各个角度进行了研究,取得了许多重要的成果.例如王重民等六位先生编校的《敦煌变文集》,潘重规先生编校的《敦煌变文集新书》将禄鸿先生著《敦煌变文字义通释》以及其他许多专著和论文.巴蜀书社去年出版的项楚著《敦煌变文选注》,则是敦煌变文研究的一项最新成果  相似文献   

公元1920年4月,著名学者王国维在《东方杂志》上发表了《敦煌发见唐朝之通俗诗及通俗小说》一文,在王氏所称之“通俗诗、”“通俗小说”中,有所谓“季布歌”、“孝子董永传”、“目连救母”、”李陵降虏”及”唐太宗入冥小说”、“伍员入吴小说”等多种.人们后来才知道,这些所谓“通俗诗、”通俗小说”,多数乃是我国失传已久的“变文”.王氏的科学论文,也就正式揭开了敦煌变文研究的序幕.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1972,16(4):386-415
Book reviewed in this article:
Beaches and Coasts (2nd ed), by C uchlaine A. M. K ing , M acmillan
Introduction to Geomorphology, by A listair F. P itty , Methuen and Co., London
Political Geography, by J. R. V. P rescott , M ethuen & Co Ltd, Toronto
Politics and Geographic Relationships (2nd ed.), edited by W. A. D ouglas J ackson and M arwyn S. S amuels
Migration and Regional Development in the United States, 1950–1960, by P aul J. S chwind
China, by Y i -F u T uan
The Changing Face of the Great Hungarian Plain, edited by B éla S árfalvi
Vénézuéla. Travailleurs et villes du pétrole, par Bernard Marchand, Travaux et Mémoires de l'lnstitut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique Latine
L'Amérique Latine, économies et sociétés, par D.-C. Lambert et J.-M. M artin , A rmand C olin
The Soviet Far East, by E. S tuart K irby , M acmillan
Design for Development in Ontario: The Initiation of a Regional Planning Program, by R ichard S. T homan
Combinatorial Programming, Spatial Analysis and Planning, by A llen J. S cott , M ethuen and C o. , Toronto
Experiments in Recreation Research, by T homas L. B urton , with a part by A. J. V eal , M ethuen
AMBIO, A Journal of the Human Environment – Research and Management, edited by ERIC Dyring  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1966,10(3):191-196
Book reviewed in this article:
A Symposium on Continental Drift , organized by P. M. S. B lackett , S ir E dward B ullard , and S. K. R uncorn , Royal Society, London, 1965
Geografiya Naseleniya v S.S.S.R., Osnovnyye problemy [The Geography of Population in the U.S.S.R.: Principal Problems], edited by E. N. P avlovskiy and O. A. K onstantinov , Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.—Geographical Society of the U.S.S.R., Moskva-Leningrad, 1964
Market Potential and Economic Shadow , by D. M. R ay , University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper no. 101, University of Chicago
The Geography of Frontiers and Boundaries by J. R. V. P rescott , Hutchinson University Library of Geography, London, (Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago), 1965
The Field Notes of Captain William Clark, 1803–1805 , edited by E. S. O sgood , Yale Western Americana Series, no. 5, New Haven (in Canada, McGill University).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Helleristninger i Danmark (Rock carvings in Denmark): Jutland Arch. Soc. Publication VII. P. V. G lob
Halloristningar Svenneby socken (Rock carvings from Svenneby parish, County of Bohuslän): Gothenburg and Bohuslän Antiquarian Society. Studies in North European Archaeology 7. J. N ordbladh & J. R osvall , Eds. Å. F redsjö
Die Felsbilder Nubiens. Monographien und Documentationen: Die Afrikanischer Felsbilder W alther F. E. R esch
The Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia. Vol. 1. The rock drawings, including results of Gordon Memorial College Expedition to Akba P ontus H ellsiröm & H ans L angballe
Les Épaves antiques du Sud de la Corse: [The ancient wrecks of South Corsica] W. B ebko
Recherches sur les amphores romaines: [Research on Roman amphoras] A. J. P arker
Late Roman pottery: A catalogue of Roman fine wares J. W. H ayes
Treasures of the Armada R obert S ténuit
Wasa 1628: Ritning: Drawing: Plan: Leichnung P. L undström & L. A. K varning
Schepen van de Nederlanden (Ships of the Netherlands); van de late Middeleeuwen tot het einde van de 17e eeuw (from the late Middle Ages to the end of the 17th century) J. VAN BEYLEN
The quest for America G. A she
Shipwrecks of the western hemisphere 1492–1825 R obert F. M arx
Cities in the sea. An exploration of ancient cities beneath the Mediterranean N icholas C. F lemming
A history of seafaring based on underwater archaeology G eorge B ass
Diving for sunken treasure J acques -Y ves C ousteau aand P hilippe D iolé  相似文献   


Spatial Organization

R. Abler, J.S. Adams & P. Gould (1971) Prentice‐Hall, (0–13–824086–8), 587pp

Human Geography: theories and their applications

M.G. Bradford & A. Kent (1977) Oxford University Press, (0–19–913227–5), 180pp

Human Geography: evolution or revolution

M. Chlsholm (1975) Penguin, (0–1402–1883–1), 207pp

Situations in Human Geography

J.P. Cole (1975) Basil Blackwell, (0–631–16860–5), 238pp

Man, Location and Behaviour: an introduction to human geography K. Cox (1972) Wiley, (0–471–18150–1), 399pp

Geography as a Social Science

Programmed Case Studies in Geography

G. Fielding (1974) Harper & Row, (06–042051–0 & 06–042052–9), 336pp & 300pp

Geography: a modern synthesis

P. Haggett (1975) Second Edition, Harper & Row, (06–042576–8) 620pp

Human Spatial Behaviour: a special geography

J. Jakle, S. Brunn & C. Roseman (1976) Duxbury Press, (0–87872–098–7), 315pp

The Spatial Organization of Society

R. Morrill (1974) Second Edition, Wadsworth, (0–87822–057‐X), 267pp

Human Geography: a welfare approach

D. Smith (1977) Edward Arnold, (0–7131–5924–3), 402pp

Patterns and Processes in Human Geography

V. Tidswell (1976) University Tutorial Press, (0–7231–0719‐X) 314pp  相似文献   


Between 1938 and 1955, the Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems (C.I.S.P.), headed by the world-renowned statistician and demographer Corrado Gini, organized a number of field expeditions in order to empirically verify the influence of the environment on the bodily changes of immigrants (Albanian and Ligurian ‘colonies’ in Italy, and Italians in the U.S.). Based on original archival sources, this article analyses, first, how the C.I.S.P. organized the demographic, anthropological and medical investigations on the physical assimilation of immigrants, by adopting a specific research model inaugurated in 1911 by American anthropologist Franz Boas; secondly, it shows how C.I.S.P. research was conceived, from the very beginning, as a fundamental contribution to the elaboration of an alternative, ‘Latin’ eugenic agenda as well as a form of critical distancing from the launch of the ‘Race Manifesto’, in July 1938.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1968,12(4):266-277
Book reviewed in this article:
The Journals of Captain James Cook: Volume 111 the Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 1776–1780, Parts one and two, edited by J. C. B eaglehole
Models in Geography, edited by R ichard J. C horley and P eter H aggett
Introduction to Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F red E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
Physical Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F red E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
Cultural Geography: Selected Readings, edited by F. E. D ohrs and L awrence M. S ummers
River Plains and Sea Coasts, by R. J. R ussell
Japan Advances—a Geographical Study, by P rue D empster
Urban Development in Canada, by L eroy O. S tone
An Advanced Geography of Northern and Western Europe, by R. J. H arrison C hurch , P eter H all , G. R. P. L awrence , W. R. M ead , and A lice M utton
Human Dimensions of Weather Modification, edited by W. R. D errick S ewell  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1971,15(4):324-338
Book reviewed in this article:
The Soviet Wood-Processing Industry: A Linear Programming Analysis of the Role of Transportation Costs in Location and Flow Patterns, by BRENTON M. BARR
Cities of the Soviet Union, Studies in Their Functions, Size, Density, and Growth, by CHAUNCY D. HARRI
Economic Geography of the USSR, by A. LAVRISHCHEV (translated by DAVID MYSHNE)
Geography of the U.S.S.R. (2nd ed.), by PAUL E. LYDOLPH
Yakutia before Its Incorporation into the Russian State, by A. P. OKLADNIKOV (translated by Dr and Mrs STEPHEN P. DUNN and edited by HENRY N. MICHAEL)
Basic Industrial Resources of the U.S.S.R., by THEODORE SHABA.
Victorian Toronto, 1850 to 1900: Pattern and Process of Growth, by P eter G. G oheen
« l'électricité au Québec >>, par A lain M etton
Urban Water Supply Alternatives: Perception and Choice in the Grand Basin, Ontario, by I an MACI ver
Pioneer Settlement in Northeast Argentina, by R obert C. E idt
Spatial Organization, by R onald A bler , J ohn A dams , and P eter G ould
Geoforum, Journal of Physical, Human and Regional Geosciences (Executive Editor: W olf T ietze )  相似文献   

G erman I dealism : T he S truggle A gainst S ubjectivism , 1781–1801.
G erman P hilosophy , 1760–1860: THE LEGACY OF IDEALISM. By Terry Pinkard.  相似文献   

Sulphur isotope measurements of bone collagen from archaeological sites are beginning to be applied more often, yet there are no clear criteria to assess the quality of the collagen and therefore the validity of the sulphur isotope values. We provide elemental data from different methods (DNA sequences, amino acid sequences and mass spectrometric measurements) which are used to establish a reliable system of quality criteria for sulphur isotope analyses of bone collagen. The difference in the amount of sulphur from fish and mammalian collagen type I led to the suggestion to use different criteria to assess the in vivo character of the collagen between these two categories. For establishing quality ranges, the bone collagen of 140 modern animals were analysed. The amount of sulphur in fish and mammalian bone collagen is 0.63 ± 0.08% and 0.28 ± 0.07%, respectively. Based on these results we define for mammalian bone collagen an atomic C:S ratio of 600 ± 300 and an atomic N:S ratio of 200 ± 100, and for fish bone an atomic C:S ratio of 175 ± 50 and an atomic N:S ratio of 60 ± 20. These quality criteria were then applied to 305 specimens from different archaeological contexts.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1975,19(3):251-264
Book reviewed in this article:
Principes de Géographie sociale , by P aul C laval , Editions M.Th. Génin
Urban Canada , by J ames and R obert S immons , 2nd edition
Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form , edited by L arry S. B ourne , R oss D. M ac K innon , J ay S iegel , and J ames W. S immons
Conservation by the People: The History of the Conservation Movement in Ontario to 1970 , by A.H. RICHARDSON
Physical Geography: The Canadian Context , by A llan F alconer , B arry D. F ahey , and R ussell D. T hompson
Modifying the Weather , by W. R. D. S ewell , et al.
Climate Canada , by F. K enneth H are and M orley K. T homas
The Geography of Puerto Rico by rafael P ico  相似文献   

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