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通过编修《山西省志·外事侨务志》以及阅读部分省志的外事志、侨务志,认为把港澳事务纳入外事志或侨务志是不妥的。由于港澳问题涉及国家主权和领土完整,建议放入政府志中。  相似文献   

A Hong Kong—based economic geographer presents an array of statistical data through 2007 that place Hong Kong among the world's leading financial, foreign trade, and air cargo handling centers. The paper's main focus is the economic relationship with Mainland China, which has grown and expanded since the change of the city's sovereignty in 1997. Included in the presentation is a review of economic integration before and after the handover by the UK to China, the pattern of cross-border investments and foreign trade, the growth of the logistics and tourism industries, and the challenges posed by changing economic relations, partly due to the rapid development of Hong Kong's hinterland. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O16, O18, O20, R11. 2 figures, 5 tables, 64 references.  相似文献   

East Asia has led the world in economic growth and export expansion in recent decades. The phenomenal rate of economic growth among the so‐called “four little tigers”—Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan—enabled them to achieve newly industrializing country (NIC) status in the 1980s, followed by Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Earlier studies explained the development from the government‐led development paradigm, or the so‐called the statist approach. Scholars also argue that foreign direct investment (FDI) played an important role in the economic development, thanks to technology transfers. Kojima and Ozawa and later Kohama, however, argue that Japanese FDI help East Asian economies while U.S. FDI do not because Japanese technology transfer practices are appropriate for East Asian countries but not the United States'. Thus, we revisit the issue of East Asian economic development and test the economic effects of FDI from the United States and Japan. Using a Barro‐type growth model, we test the effects of FDI from the United States and Japan on economic growth in East Asian NICs. We find that FDI from both the United States and Japan helped economic growth in the “four little tigers,” but not in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.  相似文献   

1967年香港的反英抗暴斗争,是中英关系史和香港发展史上一次有重大影响的事件。因此次事件,中国内地暂停经香港的转口业务,港英当局对内地采取贸易歧视政策,美国、日本和中国台湾等乘机加紧对港澳市场的争夺。到1968年,中国商品占香港进口市场份额退居第二位,位列日本之后。在此背景下,中国政府采取强有力措施,迅速恢复和扩大对港澳地区的出口供应。透过历史的考察与分析,可以看出中央政府确保对港澳市场的稳定供应具有战略意义,体现出中央保持港澳地区长期繁荣稳定的方针是一贯的。在反英抗暴斗争中,中央政府坚持有理、有利、有节的斗争方针,在外贸总量同期大幅度下降的情况下,中英贸易没有受到太大的影响。  相似文献   

包括港澳台资本及东南亚等地的华人华侨资本在内的海外华资,一直是中国外资引入的主力军,对中国大陆,尤其是广东侨乡的发展起了巨大的推动作用.本文以广东侨乡为例,论述了海外华资对侨乡的投资进程,并从国际直接投资理论出发,试对这一资本流入进程进行理论阐释.而且,通过对广东侨乡的分析,探讨海外华资投资所带来的经济发展效应.  相似文献   

广东省区域空间结构及其调控研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甄峰  顾朝林 《人文地理》2000,15(4):10-15
区域空间结构的发展状况对区域成长起着重要的影响,空间结构的合理与否,直接影响到区域系统社会经济整体发展水平的提高与协调发展。因此,在这样一个信息多变的社会背景下,对区域空间结构进行系统诊断,及时进行调控就成为区域空间结构研究的重要内容。本文首先立足于经济全球化,对广东省区域空间结构进行了系统分析,其次探讨了空间结构成长的动力机制,最后重点对广东省区域空间结构调控从政策上和实践上做了探讨。提出以下调控措施:①建立科学合理的空间结构等级网络体系;②加强重大工业项目和基础设施建设的区域性协调,优化区域产业布局;③建立新型的核心-边缘关系,实现全区的持续协调发展;④抓住粤港高技术合作新机遇,以现有国家级高新技术产业开发区为依托,构建粤港澳区域创新网络;⑤以数字化信息网络建设为机遇,加快区域信息化进程;科学划分用地空间,实现全省空间结构的持续、协调发展。  相似文献   

Overseas Chinese Investments in Transition: The Case of Dongguan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An economic geographer based in Hong Kong presents a study of overseas Chinese investment coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan to Dongguan, a rapidly developing manufacturing metropolis in China's Pearl River Delta, attempting to compare the transformation of these two major sources of investment during the past quarter century. Based on systematic field work and interviews at ca. 60 firms through mid-2006, the paper argues that Hong Kong and Taiwan investments have followed different transformation paths with regard to sectoral composition, investment motivations, market orientation, entry modes, and strategies in response to institutional changes. Most of the substantive differences are related to the distinctive comparative advantages of the two source regions and the specific character of their interactions with the host region. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F21, O16, R11. 4 figures, 4 tables, 60 references.  相似文献   

Like many of its neighbours, Thailand is increasingly interested in upgrading the technological capability of its indigenous firms through the inward investment (foreign direct investment, FDI) of transnational enterprises (TNEs). Its science and technology policies, however, remain fragmented, and they compete with regional distribution priorities. This paper examines the nature of technology transfer between Asian TNEs (Japan and the newly industrializing economies (NIEs), that is, the NIEs of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan) and Thai firms based on the responses of some 145 firms from a 2005 survey. It finds only modest levels of technological transfer in production and process technologies. Asian TNEs evaluate factor cost advantages and government incentives favourably. Logistic regressions, however, indicate that government incentives are negatively related to technology process modification between NIE subsidiaries and Thai customers. But, the technical training of Thai workers significantly increases the likelihood of Asian subsidiaries undertaking process technology transfers. Among NIE firms, the ability to import foreign skilled labour further increases the likelihood of such technological activities. Finally, forward linkages among the NIEs are positively associated with firm location in the urban agglomerations of Bangkok and Chon Buri, and, among smaller firms. Our study suggests that prevailing FDI policies have little influence on technology transfer, while technology policies that favour large TNEs work against smaller NIEs that are engaged in modest technology transfer.  相似文献   

Voluntary environmental programs have emerged as important instruments of environmental policy. Despite considerable scholarly scrutiny, there remain debates about whether they reduce pollution among participants, and their overall impact at the country level. We present a cross‐national analysis of the efficacy of ISO 14001, the most widely adopted voluntary environmental program in the world. While several single country studies have explored the effect of ISO 14001 participation on pollution reduction at the facility level, this is the first article to assess (i) national level pollution reduction effects of ISO 14001 participation levels, (ii) across a large number of countries, and (iii) across two pollutants. We examine whether all else equal, the national level uptakes of ISO 14001 are associated with reductions in air emissions (sulfur dioxide, SO2) and water pollution (biochemical oxygen demand, BOD). Because firms, regulators, and environmental groups tend to focus more on visible types of pollution than less visible ones, we hypothesize that ISO 14001 uptake will be associated with more pronounced reductions in air pollution (visible) in relation to water pollution (less visible). Our analyses of pollution levels for a panel of 138 (72 for BOD) countries for the 1991–2005 period suggest that a 1 percent increase in aggregate levels of ISO 14001 adoption is associated with about a 0.064 percent reduction in SO2 emissions, all else equal. In contrast, we do not find a statistically significant relationship between ISO 14001 adoption levels and changes in water pollution (BOD).  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会之后,在世界形势发生深刻变化、和平与发展成为时代主题的历史条件下,邓小平集中全党和全国人民的智慧,从中国的实际出发,在充分尊重历史和现实的基础上,创造性地提出了"一个国家,两种制度"的科学构想.作为我国解决台湾、香港、澳门问题、实现祖国统一的一项基本国策,"一国两制"构想从提出到实践,都受到了广泛的关注,成为国内外学者研究的热门课题之一.  相似文献   

A team of Hong Kong-based geographers led by a noted specialist provides a comparative overview of Hong Kong and Macao under Chinese sovereignty (respectively, since 1997 and 1999). The authors outline the historical development of both cities, identifying their common legacies as colonial enclaves as well as shared economic experience as autonomous Special Administrative Regions (SARs) under the "one country, two systems" formula devised in Beijing. The paper includes up-to-date statistical information (some through March 2008) on per capita GDP, visitors from Mainland China and from abroad (for both cities), direct investment, employment in financial services, trade and logistics, and tourism (for Hong Kong) as well as revenues from gambling casinos in Macao that are reportedly surpassing those of Las Vegas. Journal of Economic Literature, O16, O18, O20, R11. Classification Numbers: 11 figures, 4 tables, 46 references.  相似文献   

陈芸  田良 《人文地理》2013,28(4):140-143
本文利用2006-2010年海南入境旅游资料,采用旅游月日指数、季节性集中指数,研究海南入境旅游季节性特征,得出以下结论:(1)海南入境旅游旺季为11月到次年4月,淡季为6、9月,国外游客市场、香港、澳门和台湾市场旅游淡旺季不同步;(2)近年海南入境客流季节性强度呈逐年减弱趋势;(3)不同入境旅游市场中,澳门市场旅游季节性强度最强,国外市场、香港、台湾市场依次减弱;国外市场中主要客源国的旅游季节性特征不同;(4)自然因素是海南入境旅游季节性形成的主要影响因素,制度因素在自然因素基础上产生叠加作用;(5)可通过制定季节性价格、完善旅游设施、丰富旅游产品、加强营销手段等策略调控季节性变化,拓展海南省入境旅游,缩小旅游淡旺季差距。  相似文献   

晚清时期中外贸易的个案分析——以香港转口贸易为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
晚清时期中国对外贸易的空间格局发生了很大变化,全国对外贸易枢纽由广州逐渐北移至上海。在中国沿海唯一能与上海争雄的口岸只有香港,这得益于香港优越的地理位置及宽泛的贸易辐射面。本文力图在把握19世纪后期到20世纪初期中外贸易历史大环境的基础上,复原两广地区、西南地区、闽浙台地区、上海及长江流域、环渤海地区与香港之间贸易关系的演进,分析其发展变化的具体表现形式。  相似文献   

This paper challenges current perspectives on Hong Kong heritage that are based predominantly on a dichotomous juxtaposition of traditional Chineseness vis‐à‐vis post‐colonial romanticism, and argues for a deeper appreciation of its industrial history and identity. Textured narratives are proposed that highlight the socio‐economic relationships that were/are essential components of the industrial (hi)story. Specifically, the paper identifies the time/space dimension as unique, and hence it should be valorised using context‐sensitive, carefully thought‐through and executed approaches. The paper presents an ‘other Hong Kong heritage story’ that foregrounds the compressed time–space nature of the city’s industrial history, the spatial organisation of manufacturing, and the dynamic spatial stretch that has been taken by the industrialisation process. Furthermore, a stretching of governance space for the identification, (re)presentation and conservation of heritage using a participatory approach is proposed. In the face of rapid deindustrialisation and pressure for urban renewal, prompt, well‐conceptualised and time/space‐sensitive efforts to valorise, preserve and manage this fast‐disappearing heritage in Hong Kong are vital.  相似文献   

东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞与侨乡建设 --梅州市个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述和评价了东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞在梅州投资办企业、捐资办学的实绩及其对梅州社会经济发展的作用、意义,从一个侧面展示了梅州侨乡社会经济发展的轨迹.  相似文献   

Hong Kong and Macao were once European colonies. A unique, hybrid culture of East and West now flourishes in these two Special Administrative Regions (SARs) of China. Both cities opened new history museums in 1998, but they adopted remarkably different approaches in their representation of their complicated and politically sensitive history. The Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) represents history by closely following the orientation of traditional Chinese nationalism. The postcolonial characteristics adopted by the Macao Museum to reproduce history, in contrast, are likely amongst the richest of all history museums in China. What are the reasons behind the different historical representations by Hong Kong and Macao, which were both promised a ‘One country, Two systems’ policy by the Chinese central authority? This paper argues that both museums reveal two faces of a rising China; the one in Hong Kong emphasises national dignity, and the people’s identification with and loyalty to the nation when it is engaged in state building. The one in Macao emphasises the multiple roles in finding a balanced position to coexist with superpowers, forging friendships with developing countries and building an idealised image of a (re-)rising nation through historical construction. The difference between these two museums indicates the exceptional flexibility of China’s postcommunist regime in engaging in soft power diplomacy.  相似文献   

江苏省入境旅游流的时空演变及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
入境旅游是衡量一个地区旅游经济发展水平的重要指标.本文以2000~2012年江苏入境旅游人数和外汇收入数据为基础,运用定量方法、GIS软件等对江苏入境旅游流的时空演变过程及影响因素进行分析.研究发现:江苏入境旅游流及外汇收入稳步上升,2005年后江苏入境旅游经济逐渐走向成熟;在2000~2005年期间,港澳游客占据江苏的主要入境客流市场,2005年后外国游客成为江苏入境旅游市场的主角;入境旅游流流质不断提高,各市入境旅游流流质空间分布差异逐渐减小;江苏入境旅游流流量受民航客运量及经济社会发展影响较大;而交通线路长度及星级酒店对旅游流质量影响较大.  相似文献   

晚清时期香港与两广的贸易关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
晚清时期香港与两广的贸易关系极为密切.广东大珠江三角洲地区、粤东潮汕地区和粤西南地区,以及广西的北部湾地区、桂西南地区和西江流域依凭13个口岸与香港展开了繁密的贸易往来.不同地区的洋货进口结构略有不同,而土货出口结构则差别极大,反映出区域经济发展的差异.此外,新辟口岸分流效应使原有的贸易路线发生转移,商路的变迁有规律可循.  相似文献   

This paper is a preliminary comparative analysis of three polity‐seeking nationalisms that emerged in the contiguous peripheral areas – the overlapping ‘spheres of influence’ of three contending imperial centres: Taiwan, Okinawa and Hong Kong. Specifically, it examines and compares the pattern of nation‐formation and the form, ideology and politics of nationalism in each case, and in doing so it tries to suggest a possible explanatory framework for the rise of these nationalisms. Its tentative conclusion is that the rise of nationalism in Taiwan, Okinawa and Hong Kong should be understood as a macro‐historical sociological phenomenon caused by both the short‐term penetration from centralizing colonial and geopolitical centre(s) that triggered nationalist mobilization in the periphery and the long‐term process of peripheral nation‐formation that created the social basis for mobilization. The three cases also demonstrate some other traits of anti‐centre peripheral nationalism: they all adopted a similar ideological strategy of indigeneity, and all developed a differentiation between radical and pragmatic lines characteristic of minority or peripheral nationalisms. A final observation is that while the geopolitics of states in the region is powerfully shaping the development of the three nationalisms, interactions on the societal level may over time create a counterforce from below.  相似文献   

This article weighs the demographic evidence for either assimilation or separation among Hong Kong residents who were born in British Colonial Hong Kong or Mainland China. Using successive waves of Hong Kong census data from 1991 to 2011, we show the effects of nativity on four indicators of social distance and differentiation: residential segregation, linguistic assimilation, wage inequality and educational opportunity. On the one hand, there is some evidence of assimilation in terms of residential location and home language. On the other hand, in terms of wage inequality and access to postsecondary education, our findings suggest that Hong Kong's population could become more divided depending upon birthplace.  相似文献   

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