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孙雪峰  KILV 《世界》2008,(11):62-67
或许是骨子里那种与生俱来的探险精神,我同几个来自美国与意大利的朋友相约来到南非大草原,准备开始实现自己的英雄梦想——成为一名合格的南非探险护林员。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the effect of eliminating apartheid land-use restrictions in South Africa using a simplified version of the standard urban model. When freedom of residential location is granted, black township residents compete for land near the center of the core cities, pushing white residents to less accessible locations. Black consumption rises and white consumption falls in response, but the increase in total land rent is sufficient to compensate for white losses. The resulting aggregate welfare gain is a natural consequence of eliminating the distortion imposed by the apartheid system. These conclusions are robust to a number of modifications of the basic model.  相似文献   

This paper describes the discovery of the first open‐air Upper Palaeolithic site to be found in Scotland, at Howburn, near Biggar in South Lanarkshire. An account is given of the composition and distribution of the lithic assemblage, which is discussed in terms of its British and north‐west European context. Provisional parallels drawn are with the Late Hamburgian (Havelte) sites and assemblages of southern Scandinavia, northern Germany and the Netherlands. There is no absolute dating evidence for the site, but an age in the region of 12,000 14C yr BP, towards the end of the earlier (Bølling) Lateglacial Interstadial stage, is proposed on the basis of the lithic artefacts.  相似文献   

Right from the time of the Painted Grey Ware (PGW) culture, dating to c. 1200–600 bce , more than 210 archaeological sites in India have provided evidence of glass, but there has been no attempt to date the glass‐yielding layers by radiometric techniques. This has hampered the establishment of a chronology for the beginning and evolution of glass‐making in India. The site of Kopia was excavated by the first author for three seasons from 2004 to 2006 to understand the history, development and technology of glass production in India. The excavation produced evidence of a long period of occupation, covering the Fine Grey Ware (FGW), Northern Black Polished Ware (NBP), Sunga–Kushana and Gupta periods. Twenty accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and radiocarbon dates, all derived from charcoal samples and processed independently by three laboratories, are available from the site. The dates range in their calibrated form on average from the ninth to the second century bce in locality I and from the second century bce to the second century ad in locality II.  相似文献   

蒙克  紫云  段庆利 《旅游纵览》2009,(11):13-17
11月的气候就像彼此萌生爱恋的男女,冷暖程度模糊得让人拿捏不准。在这样的季节出游实在有点煞费心机,南方温暖依旧,北方冷冽入冬,到底去哪里游玩不会觉得无聊呢?我们彻底极端一回吧,直击两个在这个季节出位的城市,要么玩出夏天的热烈,要么体会冬天的凛冽。  相似文献   

至今在我国国内,有关评介韩国地理学研究状况的文章甚少。虽然韩国地理学研究历史较短,但有些领域的研究已走到了我们的前面。本文将系统地介绍韩国农业地理学、工业地理学、商业流通地理学、交通地理学的研究状况,并指出目前在经济地理学研究中所存在的一些问题和今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (fdi) research on Canada has historically been centred on incoming rather than outgoing controlling capital. Yet the activities of Canada-based multinational enterprises (mne) have fostered an impressive outflow of direct investment abroad. To appreciate the importance of Canada's mne, one must understand the spatial and functional characteristics of Canadian parent companies and their foreign direct investments. To realize this goal, a sample of more than 17 000 examples of Canadian fdi (at various points in time) has been retrieved and analyzed. Spatially, the favourite target of Canadian outward fdi has been the United States and then the United Kingdom, but significant agglomerations of Canadian controlling capital can be found in many parts of the world (particularly in Western Europe, the Caribbean region, Australia, and Brazil, and in various Asian destinations). The locations of Canadian parent companies have been heavily biased toward the largest metropolitan cities. Additionally, multinational enterprises headquartered in Toronto and Montreal control (by far) the most foreign subsidiaries. In general, manufacturing, financial, and mining activities have constituted the most important endeavours of Canadian multinationals abroad. This pattern of functional emphasis, however, does vary with each specific location. Through a stepwise regression procedure, it was determined that market, trade (with Canada), labour, and crime conditions were critical place-specific criteria that affected the spatial decisions of Canadian direct investors. Par le passé, la recherche sur les investissements directs à I‘étranger (ide) du Canada a été axée sur les entrées de capital de contrôle plutôt que sur les sorties. Pourtant, les activés d'entreprises multinationales basées au Canada ont engendré“un flot impressionnant d'investissements directs à l’étranger. Pour appécier l'importance des entreprises multinationales du Canada, on doit comprendre les caractéristiques géographiques et fonctionnelles des compagnies mères canadiennes, et leurs investissements directs à l'étranger. Pour atteindre cet objectif, un échantillon de plus de 17 000 exemples de ide canadiens (à différents moments) a été choisi et analysé. Géographiquement, la cible favorite des ide canadiens vers l'extérieur a été les États-Unis, puis le Royaume-Uni, mais on retrouve d'importantes concentrations de capital de contrôle canadien en plusieurs autres parties du monde (surtout en Europe occidentale, dans la région des Caraïbes, en Australie, au Brésil etdans diverses destinations asiatiques). Pour le choix de la localisation de leurs sièges sociaux, les compagnies mères canadiennes ont nettement favorisé les plus grandes métropoles. De plus, ce sont les entreprises multinationales dont les sièges sociaux sont à Toronto et à Montréal qui gèrent la plupart (et de loin) des filiates étrangères. En général, les activités manufacturieres, financieres et minieres ont const'itue“la plus importante part des projets des multinationales canadiennes à l‘étranger. Cette tendance varie cependant selon les endroits. Par un modèle de régression, il a étéétabli que les conditions de marché, de commerce (avec le Canada), de travail et de criminalitéétaient des critères décisifs qui affectaient les choix géographiques des investisseurs canadiens. Mots-clés: investissements directs à I'étranger, entreprises multinationales du Canada  相似文献   

The microstructures of two adzes, two hoes and a spear point from Iron Age settlement sites in the Kruger National Park have been examined. Electron microprobe analyses of the slag inclusions were also made. Some of the objects are made of high carbon steel while others have a highly variable carbon content. All appear to have been forged at relatively low temperature and then annealed at a low temperature near 700°C. None have been hardened by quenching and tempering. Some of the objects contain only traces of included slag while others have large slag inclusions. The slag compositions are quite different from those of medieval bloomery slags and are representative of African iron smelting practice in their high content of CaO, K2 O and Na2O. On the basis of the titanium content of the included slag, two of the objects are identified as made of the ore from Rooiwater and one from Phalaborwa ore.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary case study of the role of technology in ancient society is presented here based on a single copper object from the beginning of metallurgy in Israel during the late fifth to fourth millennium BC. This research is based on a combination of typological, chronological and technological analyses. The mace head is made of copper alloyed with arsenic and antitmony, cast in a ‘lost wax’ technique over a stone core. The metallurgical, metallographic and petrographic analyses not only help reconstruct the production technology but also shed light on fundamental questions concerning the origin, ore selection and function of this sophisticated type of metal production in prehistoric society.  相似文献   


In 1999, the human remains, coffin, and associated artifacts of William Ayres Crawford, a Confederate colonel who died in Saline County, Arkansas, in 1874, was examined archaeologically. Comparisons to Crawford's biohistory are made to his contemporaries—African-American freedmen who lived and died in the 1870s and early 1880s and who were interred in Freedman's Cemetery in Dallas, Texas. The Freedman's Cemetery site was intensively studied archaeologically in the early 1990s. In the process, key disparities and similarities between a slave-holding confederate officer and people who experienced the horrors of enslavement are revealed.  相似文献   

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