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本文结合《茶经》等文献记述,对河北宣化辽墓壁画中所见之茶具作了考辨,并对其时北地饮茶之俗的流播、自身的地域特色及古人的"一器多用"现象作了探讨。  相似文献   

内战后至 1 9世纪末 ,美国开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡。在这个被称为“镀金时代”的过渡时期 ,伴随着第二次工业革命的兴起 ,美国加大了对西部开发的力度。内战前尚被称为“美国荒漠”的大平原地区 ,在较短的时间内被开拓为辽阔的“牧畜王国”。美国东部和欧洲资本的流入 ,对促成美国西部牧牛业的繁荣起了重要作用。美国西部牧区在引资中也有一些负面教训。探究美国西部牧区资本流入的得失 ,会使我们得到一些有益的启示  相似文献   

周钢 《世界历史》2004,9(4):46-56
内战后至19世纪末,美国开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡。在这个被称为“镀金时代”的过渡时期,伴随着第二次工业革命的兴起,美国加大了对西部开发的力度。内战前尚被称为“美国荒漠”的大平原地区,在较短的时间内被开拓为辽阔的“牧畜王国”。美国东部和欧洲资本的流入,对促成美国西部牧牛业的繁荣起了重要作用。美国西部牧区在引资中也有一些负面教训。探究美国西部牧区资本流入的得失,会使我们得到一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

This article presents statistics and literature on poverty and inequality in and between the South and North. The main discussion is focused on identifying which years poverty and inequality increased in the UK and US, and to give some tentative reasons for this. The objectives are to show the difference in the use of the term 'poverty', the magnitude of 'poverties' in various parts of the world, and the consequences of government policies in the North. The experiences of particularly the UK and US contain lessons that may be useful for policy formation to alleviate poverty and inequality in the South.  相似文献   

赵银河 《丝绸之路》2011,(2):107-108
当前,大学生就业难问题已引起社会的广泛关注,来自农村的女大学生越来越成为就业边缘化的特殊群体。因此,了解农村女大学生就业现状,深入分析这一社会问题的成因,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

The Dutch planning system rejoices a very positive reputation in the international academic planning literature. Yet both the conceptual orientation and the institutional practices of Dutch planning are eroded. New institutional practices have emerged that effectively form a 'shadow structure' to the official planning system, eroding both its effectiveness and legitimacy. The article suggests that this instititutional development is to be understood against the background of larger processes of social change to which the system has so far not responded: the coming 'network society'. In light of this analysis it is suggested that Dutch planning could enhance both its effectiveness and legitimacy by reconsidering some of the basic features of the planning system.  相似文献   

文章利用历史文献和考古成果,结合野外调研,研究历史时期以来塔里木河下游的行政变化和交通变迁,在此基础上分析了下游生态环境的演变规律。研究认为,从细石器时期到汉晋时期,塔里木河下游气候湿润,生态环境比较稳定,人类活动从原始经济向汉晋城邦文明稳步演进,对外交通便利,形成塔里木盆地东部重要的鄯善(楼兰)独立王国:东晋以后,气候逐渐变干,下游对外联系的主要交通枢纽和交通线路被废弃,鄯善国消亡,塔里木河下游绿洲成为封闭的游牧区:18世纪中期以后,下游绿洲归属吐鲁番政区管辖,对外联系再次畅通,是因为这一时期气候湿润:19世纪末期,气候变化剧烈,再次变干,塔里木河下游与吐鲁番之间的政治、交通联系中断,开始属于塔里木河流域的上一级行政区管辖。  相似文献   

本主要依据量化统计,指出日军占据江南农村后,肆意屠杀江南农村平民有案可稽之数即达40万人,被烧毁的房屋达300万间以上。由于日军大肆烧杀、强征夫役、大量捕杀耕畜、破坏农具,造成农业生产耕作失时,整个江南农村失耕土地达百万余亩,失耕总人口近百万人,许多县份主要农产品产量不及战前半数。由于日军的掠夺,向来被誉为鱼米之乡的江南农村,在日据期间长期处于米荒中,甚至出现易子而食的惨况。整个江南农村的副业经济,包括蚕业、林业、棉业、渔业和手工业等均惨遭破坏,受灾破产的农村人口之多,为历史上所未有。尤为令人痛心的是,这场侵略战争打断了江南农村的现代化进程,阻断了江南农村的改良建设和社会发展。加上日军破坏了江南农村的社会保障体系,受灾与破产的农民无法得到及时有效的救助,愈加增进了江南农村的贫困化程度。  相似文献   

略谈宋元时期山东地区瓷器手工业的磁州窑因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈杰 《华夏考古》2006,(4):87-92
磁州窑系是宋元时期北方地区最大的民窑体系。本文从山东地区发现的磁州窑系瓷器入手,分析了山东地区磁州窑输入瓷器的分期特点,以及磁州窑对于山东地区制瓷工业的影响,并探讨了发生这种影响的原因。  相似文献   

苏联作为朝鲜战争的非交战方,在朝鲜战俘遣返谈判过程中发挥了什么样的作用,是本文关注的焦点.文章通过对近年来俄罗斯解密的相关档案和相关研究成果分析认为,苏联在遣返朝鲜战俘问题上,不仅对中朝方面决策的制定具有指导作用,而且对中朝之间的分歧具有调解作用.遣返战俘问题被提交到联合国讨论时,苏联是中朝在联合国舞台上有力的支持者.斯大林去世以后,苏联对朝鲜战争政策的调整,很大程度上促成了遣返战俘问题的解决.由此可见,在遣返战俘问题的谈判中,苏联作为一种外部因素确实发挥了重要作用,并对朝鲜停战的实现产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

沂南画像石墓所见汉故事考证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沂南汉画像石墓发现于上世纪50年代,其中若干作品的解读,今日看来似可再作讨论,比如前室中被命作“祭祀图”的一幅,其实与祭祀无关。本文即旨在利用考古发掘的出土文献和实物以及近年考古学成果的积累,对它重新解读。  相似文献   

清代新疆汉族移民民间信仰研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘向权 《丝绸之路》2010,(10):49-51
清朝统一新疆以后,内地大量汉族移民进入新疆地区,有的是为了生计的自发性移民,有的是为了稳定边疆政府的倡导性移民,类型多样。随着大量汉族移民的流入,他们自身的多元信仰也随之来到新疆,开辟了新疆多元信仰的新局面,对新疆的发展和汉族移民产生了重要作用。  相似文献   

文章从3个方面谈了武警贵州省总队一支队借助史志资源培育忠诚卫士的情况:一、修志建馆,服务中心工作;二、读志用馆,传承先进文化;三、资政育人,培养忠诚卫士。主要体现在3个方面:在支队决策建设中发挥作用、在部队管理教育中发挥作用、在励志育人上发挥作用。  相似文献   

This essay provides a general introductory survey of Iranian and Iran-related studies in the United Kingdom in the twentieth century (including languages, literature, and the arts), with a very brief preliminary foray into earlier Iran-related scholarship and wide-ranging imaginations of Iran in Britain and Ireland, as well as some concluding remarks on contemporary knowledge production about Britain in Iran. Among other themes covered in the essay are the varied contributions of non-Britons and non-Irish to Iran-related scholarship and imaginations in the United Kingdom, underscoring the overall transnational production, dissemination, reception, and utilization of knowledge (history, geography, archaeology, cultures, ethnography and anthropology, art and architecture, Iran-related Persian-language literatures and poetry, etc.). In particular, the essay highlights the contributions made by individuals from, and institutions in, the Indian subcontinent to “British” scholarship and knowledge about Iran.  相似文献   

Italy offers a particularly important vantage point for understanding the force of philhellenism in nineteenth-century Europe. Tracing the contribution of Italians to the struggles for Greek independence from the war of 1820?-?21 to the war between Greece and Turkey in 1897, this article shows how Italian support for the philhellenist cause illustrates the internationalist context of Risorgimento nationalism. After Unification the philhellenist cause offered the opportunity to continue the tradition of volunteers enlisting to fight against tyranny and oppression abroad. This culminated in the volunteer expedition to fight with the Greeks against the Turks in 1897 led by Ricciotti Garibaldi - son of the hero of Italian Unification. But that expedition also marked the end of the nineteenth-century international volunteer movement. In Italy many socialists and nationalists were opposed to it, in part because it was seen as a diversion from political struggles that needed to be fought at home and in part because the project of the nation in arms was less and less realistic in the context of late nineteenth-century geopolitics. But at its height, the international volunteer movement - to which Italy made a major contribution - was an act of political idealism that drew on appeals to the unity of Greco-Latin civilization.  相似文献   


Alexander Kazhdan has recently brought to light a fascinating passage in the Commentary on Gregory of Nazianzos' Poems by Cosmas of Jerusalam, an obscure and little read text. While my interpretation of the passage differs from the one proposed by Prof. Kazhdan, the credit for its discovery belongs entirely to him.  相似文献   

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