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试论城市管治的模式及其在中国的应用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
在城市管治研究领域,Jon pierre(1999)关于城市管治模式的总结极具代表性:管理模式(managerial)、社团模式(corporatist)、支持增长模式(progrowth)、福利模式(welfare)。这一总结成为了城市管治的理论基础,对城市管治研究产生了深远的影响。转型时期中国城市经济的迅速发展使得原有管理体制的不适应性逐渐暴露出来,对城市规划与管理提出新的挑战,同时也对我国刚刚开展的城市管治研究提出现实而又迫切的课题。本文正是从现实出发,在深入研究西方城市管治模式的基础上指出:目前中国城市管治主要以福利模式和支持增长模式为主,相应机制尚未完善且相互之间缺乏有机协调的结合;中国城市管治应进一步完善与运作管理模式和社团模式,同时加强多种管治模式的交互与整合。  相似文献   

顾朝林  王颖 《人文地理》2013,28(2):61-66
在经济快速发展和城市化快速推进时期,城市群成为经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的核心地区。但是,我国城市群发展面临着由于市场经济改革不到位引起的市场和政府的制度性缺陷,以及市场和政府本身的功能性缺陷,导致城市群内条块经济突出、区域发展失衡、地方矛盾加剧等问题。管治作为一种在政府和市场之间进行权利平衡再分配的制度性理念,成为解决城市群发展过程中市场失灵以及政府失灵的必然选择。本文首先总结了城市群管治的理论与模式,在进行国内外区域管治模式借鉴的基础上,以绍兴城市群为例,构建适宜我国发展现状的城市群管治框架。  相似文献   

社会资本对区域经济增长的影响是通过对区内企业、产业集群及区域整体等三个不同主体的影响发挥作用的。在企业由传统成长模式向网络化成长模式转变,产业集群由聚集经济向创新网络转变,区域由空闻结构向网络社会转变的过程中,社会网络及内含资源起着决定性作用。社会资本对三者的作用体现空间上的层次递进特征,即依循企业、集群、区域三个不同主体网络化递进发展的“织网模型”,依次由“发散状企业网络”向“经纬状集群网络”再向“多构面区域网络”发展的织网过程。社会资本及社会网络对企业的作用是摄取关键资源、信息等;对产业集群的影响是建立学习与创新机制、成本节约机制、形成合作竞争氛围;而对区域的积极意义是保持区域良好的信任文化。  相似文献   

基础设施供给包括规划决策、生产建设、运营管理一系列过程。计划经济时期的基础设施供给程式具有历时分离决策的特点,并且政府包揽了供给的全部过程。由于我国行政管理体制滞后于经济体制改革,致使基础设施供给程式无法适应由于分权化和市场化改革所引起的基础设施供给约束条件与作用机制的变化,导致基础设施供给中暴露出诸多严重问题。论文从政治经济学的角度分析了产生这些问题的机理,并设计了一个可以解释这个机理的政府竞争基础设施供给的结构模型。最后论文勾画了一个由规划决策层管治和建设、运营、管理层管治构成的适应市场经济的基础设施供给管治结构,并就两个层次的八种管治模式进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文首先明晰演化经济学核心概念在文化研究中的内涵,进而构建了一个基于演化视角的区域文化观念嬗变创新的理论分析框架,并运用这一框架,分析了江苏区域文化观念的演化过程。研究表明:区域文化发展变迁是一个演化过程,在这一过程中,遗传、变异、竞争、选择、路径依赖等是关键词和主旋律;源于文化的强大遗传作用,文化发展深深的植根于历史传统;文化变异产生的新奇、创新形成文化发展变迁的根本动力;文化发展以竞争为重要的外部选择机制;文化发展易于产生"路径锁定"。  相似文献   

联合跨界合作演进特征及驱动机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱惠斌 《人文地理》2014,29(2):90-95
区域经济一体化发展背景下,为改善地区间贸易开放程度,提升整体竞争力和促进跨行政边界生产要素流动,欧洲、北美和东亚地区已形成多个联合跨界合作区域。传统区位理论认为边界地区不利于形成产业集聚,但联合跨界合作区域受行政边界渗透和隔绝效应的共同影响,面临"市场潜力"和"市场竞争"间博弈,因地制宜形成独特发展模式。从联合跨界合作的动因出发,对影响要素进行研究,总结了典型模式及其驱动机制。研究表明联合跨界合作需因地制宜,全面分析地区投入产出关系,根据实际情况选择适宜的空间管治模式。  相似文献   

胡燕  孙羿  陈振光 《人文地理》2013,28(2):74-78
在理解转型中国的城市与区域发展时,管治的理念提供了一个较为完备的理论框架。管治的研究与其他关于政府的研究不同,它强调政府与市民社会以及市场的互动关系,探讨政府角色的定位和市民社会的责任,构建和谐社会。本文综述十余年来内地以及港澳人文地理学者的主要研究成果,适当结合国内其他社会学科的有关研究,回顾管治研究的发展,追踪其前沿,以期对我国管治研究做一个较为全面的梳理。首先回顾自上个世纪九十年代末管治研究被引入我国人文地理学界以来,其兴起和进展两个阶段的主要研究成果与贡献以及存在问题。文章接着围绕尺度的概念,对当下各相关学科在管治领域的研究做了横向比较,指出人文地理学在管治研究中从尺度切入的优势。进一步地,文章介绍了管治研究的一个新探索——协作管治。文章指出,无论是城市还是区域尺度,地理学界对于"管治"的研究可以继续有所贡献。  相似文献   

全球化和区域竞争引发了广泛的城市合作实践。城市合作是特定地域空间中城市共生演化的动态过程,城市合作的形成与发展,是多种行为主体在多种环境因素和历史因素作用下互动博弈的结果。以新近兴起的演化经济学和演化经济地理学为基础,建构了一个城市合作研究的演化分析框架,探讨了城市合作的本质和内容,分析了我国城市合作模式的类别、演化过程和不同模式的有效性。城市合作的本质在于追求包括分享、匹配和学习三大效应的更高层级的集聚经济,演化理论可以为研究城市群的演化过程,探索适合我国国情和区域发展实际的城市合作模式。  相似文献   

转型中国的地方管治:海外学者的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国的城市与区域在分权化、全球化和市场化的宏观背景下,经历了剧烈的政治、经济和社会转型,地方管治成为城市地理学研究的热点问题。本文对海外研究中国地方管治的有关文献进行综述,总结了目前主流理论对中国地方管治变革的两种观点-强势的地方政府与低效的地方政府,并做出评述。研究同时也指出深化中国地方管治研究和地方政府间关系研究的新方向。  相似文献   

自1980年代初以来,管治(Governance)思潮已经在西方社会汹涌澎湃,社会、经济、政治、文化等领域受到其巨大冲击。在城市规划的具体实践中,如何在众多利益共同发挥作用的领域中取得一致的认同,这有赖于对管治的认识与理解。作为管治重要理论之一的元管治(meta-governance)理论在西方社会有着深刻而广泛的影响。本文通过对规范化的自组织协调机制--元管治的探究,试图以元管治为理论基础建立我国城市规划的公众参与组织形式和保障机制,从而在规划决策中发挥持久作用。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the spatial development problem of university-led innovation in peripheral urban areas. Highlighting issues of proximity, uneven geographic development, and multi-scalar urban governance as weaknesses of the regional innovation systems literature, we provide a novel synthesis of regional economics, innovation policy, and critical urban studies to assess the development roles of universities in concrete contexts. A comparative investigation of Naples and Newark, NJ captures the functional operation of regional innovation and urban development as a contested product of discourses, technologies (material and governance), and territorial arrangements. Our analysis demonstrates the significance of multi-scalar relationships in structuring innovation policy and practice in peripheral urban areas. The architecture of innovation is not simply rolled out into pre-determined spatial containers in places lacking established ‘institutional thickness’ or urban centrality. The spatial development of university-led innovation is a social product: material and governance infrastructures are essential components of the urban fabric and are essential to its co-constitution. Universities are shown to contribute differing resources dependent on their institutional strategic goals and the capacities and spatial imaginaries afforded to them by their situation in broader territorial governance regimes. We conclude by drawing comparative lessons and identifying directions for future research.  相似文献   

近年来,国家提出治理模式和治理体系现代化要求,其中,都市区治理作为重要组成部分,对其合理模式的研究成为城市管理领域的焦点。本文基于都市区治理理论,分析了中国都市区治理模式由强制性区划调整向城市协商合作的演变过程,认为同城化将成为未来区域治理的主要模式,是现代化治理模式的体现。进而提出以建立共识、渠道和激励为基础的同城化治理框架。在此基础上,以广佛同城化为例,采用实地调查和访谈等研究方法,通过对广佛行政管理体制差异的分析,认为管理层级架构的差异是影响广佛多层级治理效果的关键,发现建立"共识"是城市之间协调的核心,"渠道构建"和"激励机制"是同城化规划开展与实施的保障,以期为今后同城化规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper examines the involvement of new modes of governance (NMoG)/new actors, in establishing new regional regulatory frameworks in Southeast Asia. The basis for this discussion is a framework suggested by Kanishka Jayasuriya who argues that the activities of NMoG can facilitate the establishment of such regional regulatory frameworks. Concentrating on maritime services provided by one new actor, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs), this paper suggests that the current activities and working practices of PMSCs in Southeast Asia are more likely to undermine regional security cooperation and regional governance, thus challenging some of the tenets of Jayasuriya's framework.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to place policy research undertaken in the Yorkshire and East London regions of the UK within the broader context of regional innovation system building. In particular, it attempts to draw out the releasing factors and conditions that shaped stakeholder relationships in these two EU Objective Two regions during the 1990s. This is undertaken with a view to drawing out conclusions about the extent of autonomy, institutional lock-in and compatibility within regional governance. The extent to which such EU stimulated influences are relevant to the practice of regional technological development is explored in areas which have experienced industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

创新网络研究进展述评与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创新网络解读主要从网络尺度、网络演化及网络机理等方面展开研究,本文对创新网络已有研究成果及新转向进行评述及展望:①网络尺度视角,已有研究多对不同尺度进行区分研究,缺乏对不同尺度的整合;多强调发达国家网络发展模式,忽略对发展中国家特有结构及路径的理论总结;因此多尺度耦合网络研究成为未来的方向。②网络演化视角,经历了从网络节点结构到网络联系演化的转向,将多层联系结合进行整体网络演化的研究需更关注包括各类组织、个人、技术及空间等网络情境在内的整体分析。③网络机理研究关注多维邻近、网络管制及外部创新情境作用,而多维临近综合作用分析及我国特定情境嵌入全球网络等问题都值得进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   

Using the concepts of national and regional innovation systems as an analytical framework for analysing the cross-border networking activities between Baden and Alsace, the empirical analysis presented in this paper reveals that despite the political promotion of cross-border relations the reality in innovation networking looks different. In the industry sample used for empirical analysis, no firm in Baden had research contacts with an Alsatian research institute, while at least 7% of the Alsatian firms cooperated with research and transfer institutes in Baden. Although spatial distance does not matter, cultural and institutional distance does. The neighbouring region is not looked at as a significant knowledge source for firms in both regions. Despite technological and economic internationalization, for many firms innovation-relevant learning still takes place mainly within their own national and regional system of innovation. For the two regions under review, the Rhine is still a cultural and institutional barrier which needs more networking bridges to be crossed.  相似文献   

New industrial innovation policies like smart specialization aim at boosting economic growth by diversification towards more complex and higher value economic activities. This paper proposes a conceptual and analytical framework to support the design and implementation of such policies considering place-specific preconditions, particularly the differentiation of the regional system of innovation and entrepreneurship and the degree of current industrial diversification. The paper expands on the links between these preconditions and the barriers and opportunities for industrial diversification. Consequently, it proposes an archetypical place-based policy framework covering overall policy objectives as well as measures at the level of actors, networks, and the institutional and organizational support structures.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the resurgence of the regions as protagonists of the process of the state rescaling in many European countries. In the EU countries this process can be seen as a result of a mix of economic and institutional factors, which have been producing an increasing competition between the central governments and the regional authorities. The rise of the multi-level governance and of the so-called Euroregionalism has reinforced the role of the regional scale in the territorial development: on one hand, with new actors like agencies and organizations engaged in the economic development (FDI attraction, place marketing, innovation and learning), on the other hand by the resurgence of “old” actors, such as the regions, in many cases empowered by processes of institutional devolution. The literature has investigated this re-composition of the political space with regard to the “hollowing out” and the “rescaling” of the state. On the base of these theoretical underpinnings, we discuss some empirical evidence from the Italian experience, in order to show whether and how the regional structures are not only “spaces for policies”, but also “spaces for politics”. Over the last decade, the changes in legal framework, the external inputs from supranational levels of government—the European Commission—and the re-territorialization processes have introduced many elements of innovation in the role of the regions. By illustrating the case of the Piedmont Region, we try to demonstrate that the transition towards the region as an active space of politics can be mediated by the sphere of the policies, especially the spatial ones.  相似文献   

This article aims at assessing the diversity of regional innovation systems and their economic performance in Europe. We propose to adapt the social systems of innovation and production (SSIP) framework at the regional level by identifying the specific arrangements of each part of the innovation and production system. Three key features of European regions are investigated using this framework: the diversity of regional SSIP, the interplay of regional and national determinants of such systems, and the impact of SSIP on regional performance. We identify a typology of regional configurations resulting from the combination of scientific, technological, educational and industrial indicators, using multivariate data analysis. A variance analysis approach is then developed in order to test the existence of specific regional growth regimes. The results highlight a persistently high level of diversity of regional configurations, notably among knowledge intensive regions, but also show that national institutional settings remain of fundamental importance in shaping a number of regional configurations. A final conclusion relates to the weak correlation observed between the structural characteristics of regions and their performance over the 2003–2007 period: regional performance remains primarily shaped by national trends. Overall, the paper questions the regional dimension of these “systems”.  相似文献   

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