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Some have recognized an affinity between Pragmatist thought and that of Foucault, though this affinity is typically cashed out in terms of William James and John Dewey and not Charles Sanders Peirce. This article argues that bringing Foucault and Peirce into collaboration not only shows the relevance of Peirce for Foucault, and vice versa, but also enriches the thought of both thinkers—indeed, it also reveals important implications for the theory of history more generally. Specifically, the article crosses the Peircean concept of habit and the Foucauldian concept of practice (as it operates in the arenas of discourse, power, and self), ultimately decoding them in terms of an account of time that derives from Peirce and that gives a fundamental role to discontinuity. In this way the article shows how Peirce can provide Foucault with an account of time that buttresses and grounds his genealogical approach to history, while at the same time revealing how Foucault can provide Peirce with an account of history. The synergy between the two thinkers offers a way to think about the nature of history that goes beyond what each thinker individually provided.  相似文献   

Emerging from the work of Foucault and Bourdieu in particular, a powerful theoretical critique of prevailing notions of censorship and its opposite, free speech, emerged in the waning decades of the last century. The principal theoretical contribution, I will argue, of this “New Censorship Theory” has been not to overthrow the dominant liberal conception of censorship, but rather to bracket this conception as a separate and ultimately subordinate species of censorship. In this article I reexamine the development of New Censorship Theory, especially its antecedents in the Marxist critique of bourgeois civil society. In place of an exclusive focus upon state actions, newer conceptions of censorship have enshrined self‐censorship as the paradigm and have seen traditional forms of censorship as secondary to impersonal, structural forms like the market. I argue that historians' qualms about New Censorship Theory stem from concerns over this erasure of the specificity of state repressive force. Rather than simply accepting the division of censorship into a dichotomy of repressive/authoritative and productive/structural, this article argues that no strict distinction ought to be drawn. Instead, investigations of censorship in the traditional sense must incorporate the insights of newer theories to understand state censors as actors internal to communication networks, and not as external, accidental features. By investigating the intellectual trajectory of New Censorship Theory, I posit a way forward for historians to incorporate its insights while addressing their concerns.  相似文献   

对汶川地震移民来说,社区人文社会环境直接影响他们的社会适应状况。本文基于调研数据,构建模型来探究社区人文社会环境对移民社会适应的影响。研究表明:社区人文社会环境下的16个单一指标,仅"社区治安"和"干群关系评价"对移民的社会适应状况有显著影响;但16个单一指标集成的4个综合指标-"配套设施"、"邻里关系"、"干群关系"和"观念习俗",却均对地震移民的社会适应状况影响显著,并且除"观念习俗"与移民的社会适应程度呈弱显著的负相关关系外,其他3个综合指标与移民的社会适应程度都呈强显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

我国城市社会空间结构特征及其演变趋势   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
艾大宾  王力 《人文地理》2001,16(2):7-11
城市社会空间结构是城市社会分化在地域空间上的表现.本文在介绍西方城市社会空间一般规律的基础上,分析研究了我国城市社会空间独有的结构特征及其形成机制,并结合我国城市社会经济状况的变化,对我国城市社会空间结构的演变趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

本研究选取广州客村代表典型的城市混居地段,创新性地从空间维度测度本地人与外来人群体的社会隔离程度,包括其社交对象的地域分布差异及空间活动轨迹的差异。基于社会学二模网络理论,建立空间共场性的概念,测度两类人群的社会隔离程度。研究发现:客村外来人群体的社交对象具有鲜明的迁出地指向特征;本地人与外来人两类群体的空间活动轨迹呈现显著分异,体现为使用公共服务设施与公共开敞空间的区隔;通过两类群体之间及各自内部的共场度测度,发现外来人群体过于离散的空间活动轨迹不利于其获取社会网络的支持。  相似文献   

Insights from social system–environmental system coevolutionary thought experiments are abstract, mind opening, and can only be conveyed by leading readers through the experiment themselves. Undertaking applied coevolutionary analyses requires one to bound processes and fix some of the categories, contrary to the nature of the broad, opening nature of coevolution itself. Being conscious of these contradictions makes it difficult to engage in a sustained research programme or form a community of coevolutionary scholars. In this article we engage with the epistemological tensions of conducting coevolutionary research and put forward tentative strategies for managing them.  相似文献   

经济社会学对于经济活动所根植的社会关系网络的揭示,引发了网络思想的普遍关注。本文从经济社会学与文化经济地理学相结合的跨学科视角,探讨如何使用社会网络分析技术,将文化经济活动的地域关系网络可视化,提出"社会地理网络"的概念。论文以深圳传媒产业"大事记"作为数据来源,详细叙述了如何将影响深圳传媒产业发展历程的社会地理关系网络可视化的方法,揭示了传媒产业"社会地理网络"的存在;初步说明了社会地理网络研究的方法论意义和政策含义。  相似文献   

刘庆  冯兰 《人文地理》2014,29(5):25-30
运用武汉市流动儿童的问卷调查数据,采用探索性因子分析方法,对流动儿童身份认同的结构与现状进行了探讨。分析结果发现,流动儿童的身份认同主要包含地域认同、文化认同和群体认同三个因子。从身份认同程度来考察,流动儿童的身份认同已经达到"半"认同水平,但身份认同内部差异较大。从具体影响因子来看,地域认同、文化认同和群体认同程度依次降低。相对较高的地域认同程度反映的是迁入地"城市魅力"的效应,而相对较低的群体认同程度,反映流动儿童具有较强的"外地人"意识倾向的特点。流动儿童的身份认同是社会建构与自我建构共同作用的产物。  相似文献   

Recognizing that the vogue of postmodernism has passed, Simon Susen seeks to assess whatever enduring impact it may have had on the social sciences, including historiography. Indeed, the postmodern turn, as he sees it, seems to have had particular implications for our understanding of the human relationship with history. After five exegetical chapters, in which he seems mostly sympathetic to postmodernism, Susen turns to often biting criticism in a subsequent chapter. He charges, most basically, that postmodernists miss the self‐critical side of modernity and tend to overreact against aspects of modernism. That overreaction is evident especially in the postmodern preoccupation with textuality and discourse, which transforms sociology into cultural studies and historiography into a form of literature. But as Susen sees it, a comparable overreaction has been at work in the postmodern emphasis on new, “little” politics, concerned with identity and difference, at the expense of more traditional large‐scale politics and attendant forms of radicalism. His assessment reflects the “emancipatory” political agenda he assigns to the social sciences. Partly because that agenda inevitably affects what he finds to embrace and what to criticize, aspects of his discussion prove one‐sided. And he does not follow through on his suggestions that postmodernist insights entail a sort of inflation of history or historicity. Partly as a result, his treatment of “reason,” universal rights, and reality (including historiographical realism) betrays an inadequate grasp of the postmodern challenge—and opportunity. In the last analysis, Susen's understanding of the historical sources of postmodernism is simply too limited, but he usefully makes it clear that we have not put the postmodernist challenge behind us.  相似文献   

大规模人口流动背景下的社会极化和社会排斥是全球城市普遍面临的挑战,移民的跨群体社会融合已成为中国城市研究关注的新议题。城市规划和地理学者长期重视公共空间的社会融合效应,强调通过公共空间的营造改善群体间的包容态度、促进群体间融合。然而,持续增强的移动性使得本就存在争议的公共空间跨群体融合效应更加复杂。本文从时空间行为的视角出发,从时间、空间、行为三个维度,构建围绕公共空间的移民—本地居民跨群体融合效应综合分析框架。此框架整合空间、行为和时间三个维度,考虑个体活动与移动的连续性,构建多重空间情境下的活动—移动链,揭示公共空间在不同时间尺度上的跨群体融合效应。在移动性增强的背景下,时空间行为视角的研究框架有助于理解人—地交互的社会融合效应,为包容性城市建设提供参考。  相似文献   

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